What is Your Religion?

SLAM: debunk creationism, pseudoscience, and superstitions. Discuss logic and morality.

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What is your religion?

Christian (any demonination)
No votes
It's kind of hard to explain...
You skipped mine! (I.e., a major sect that my sleepy mind forgot about)
I'm still trying to figure that out, woman! (Agnostic)
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Post by lux »

It's kinda hard to explain ... :P

I guess you would simply call me a Christian for going to church and growing up in a Christian family, but I don't believe in a lot of things that other people do. I dislike the church, and don't trust some of the bible, problem is I don't know which part. :?
The Bible has been around for a long time, therefor it's obvious changes have been made, by this I mean the church altering it. So how do we know what God really meant for us? If something threatens the church, they change it.
I also don't exactly believe that Jesus was Literally THE Son of God. I believe he was just a man, but the ultimate prophet.
I also believe in relating science to religion. It's pretty neat how much the two make sense togethor if you really look and think about it.
But anyways, I could go on forever about this. So I'll just leave it at that for now. :P
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Post by CrimsonRaine »

Sir Sirius wrote:Do we absolutely have to have this every other month?

I wouldn't have asked if I knew it was done before, smartass. I've only been here about 3 weeks.

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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Probably have to say practicing Asatruar, but more out of a sense of acquiescing to a psychological need than a spiritual one.
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Post by Durandal »

CrimsonRaine wrote:
Sir Sirius wrote:Do we absolutely have to have this every other month?

I wouldn't have asked if I knew it was done before, smartass. I've only been here about 3 weeks.
Actually, there's this thing called a "search function." Guess what that's for.
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Post by Rye »

Durandal wrote:
CrimsonRaine wrote:
Sir Sirius wrote:Do we absolutely have to have this every other month?

I wouldn't have asked if I knew it was done before, smartass. I've only been here about 3 weeks.
Actually, there's this thing called a "search function." Guess what that's for.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

The atheist are winning, I'm shocked!

I wonder what the same poll over at SB.com would result in.
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Post by Sriad »

This one is pretty close to the beliefs I entertain.
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Post by Rye »


exactly what it says on the tin.
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Post by Tosho »

Sir Sirius wrote:Do we absolutely have to have this every other month?
Since the board changes over time this is a useful way of keeping track belief prefrences.
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Post by johnmarkley »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:Probably have to say practicing Asatruar, but more out of a sense of acquiescing to a psychological need than a spiritual one.
I assumed I was the only one. Cool.
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Post by Xenophobe3691 »

Jewish, but I don't believe in God.

And no, that's not hard to explain at all, PM me if you wanna talk about it.
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Post by Raptor 597 »

A lack there of rather than any at all. Atheist.
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Post by Slayen »

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Post by Lord of the Farce »

Used to be agnostic, now atheist.
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Re: What is Your Religion?

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

CrimsonRaine wrote:Another one of my intriguing polls.

Let me know opinions, why's and how's! :D

Crimson Raine
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Heck, bought enough t-shirts for the entire immediate family.

I still find the concept of religion and gods to be just as much nonsense as it was the first time someone posted one of these. :)
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Post by Kurgan »

Zensunni Catholic.
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Post by Sobbastchianno »

Recovering Jew (no step program).

I don't believe in organized religion, and haven't since I was 11 years old. My mother made me go through Bar Mitzvah anyway (my Hebrew sounded perverse), and after that I told her since I had now been considered a man in the temple, as a man, I was not setting foot in one again. And, 25 years later, I still have not.

I have taken too many World History courses that focused on the origin of the Bible, and its evolution, to believe that it is any more holy, IMHO, than the Communist Manifesto. Sorry if that offends any Christians.

I would like to ask you Christians something. How many of you know Hebrew, Greek, and Latin? If you knew these languages, you would better understand the Bible, hence if you still had faith in it, you would know what you had faith in. I do understand Hebrew and Latin (though not real good with Greek yet, but I am trying). What you see in English versions doesn't even come close to resembling many of the meaning found in the original Hebrew writings.

I have always believed that faith untested is faith blind. If there is a God, and if s/he/it did create us, then he created our brain. It makes no sense that he would want to be worshipped unquestioningly. THAT is a human emotion and desire.
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Post by UltraViolence83 »

OK, here goes my take. It's hard to explain so I'll try to make it as coherent as possible, though it probably won't.

Well, for those who just want to see a simple definition: Agnostic. Though I voted "Hard to explain." Anyone who says I'm an intellectual coward because I don't choose the black and white mentality of "either believe in it 100% or don't!" will get my size 16 steel toe-protected foot up their ass.

Long definition: Agnostic towards the concept of a conscious "God," hereby defined as the Creator of the Universe, or an unconscious energy "All' which everything spouts from. It honestly makes no difference in my life whether or not there is a Creator or All so that's why I chose agnosticism. Although I do like the idea of a supreme architect of the universe, just because that sounds so fucking cool.

I don't buy into the New Age or mainstream religious view of God either. I do NOT repeat do NOT think that God/All is "love." Makes no sense from my point of view. I'm into the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang, of BALANCE. If God can love unconditionally, then as a Perfect Being God must hate unconditionally, as well.

Spirituality: I am however on par with most occultic philosophies. I believe in reincarnation, though not everyone chooses to be reborn. I'm more on the "Left-Hand Path" of spirituality (like Satanism); I want to focus my consciousness to become seperate from "God," not merge. I feel that there are different planes of existence, and while most spiritual people'll place this one on the very bottom I place it on the top! I also tend to wear mostly black, but that's just a coincidence. :D

I'm usually tolerant of most people's beliefs, but I cannot stand Scientologists (who can?), teenybopper Wiccans who don't even know what they're doing, Raelians, and those fluffy-bunny New Agers. BTW, believing in magick and ghosts and using strange things like Tarot Cards does NOT make me "New Age!" :banghead: One thing that seperates me from "normal" occultic thought is that I don't believe life/rebirth has a purpose, or that hurting someone is "bad Karma" either for this life or the next. To believe that life/consicousness itself has a purpose, and that good/bad deeds get punished betrays belief in a higher entity that likes to toy with our shit. I just don't dig that. Too much evil goes unpunished while good decent folk get killed for being nice.

So a little more in summary I guess I'm a Satanic dabbler with Panthiestic leanings.
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Post by UltraViolence83 »

Not to offend anyone, but to me Christianity seems like the Poor Man's spirituality. Especially Evangelical. I mean, there's no orgin of God or anything like that. Most Xtains read the Bible and take the stories within for granted, instead of thinking about their metaphorical meanings. Many don't think about Jesus Christ and what he thought and his actions as a mystic and just want to be "saved." Hell even my fundie uncle thinks that Satan as the snake in Eden was a metaphor! I personally think that you could get alot from the Torah or Bible in a certain light, but taken from a literal standpoint it all really is just bullshit.

Same goes for Islam as well.
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Post by InnerBrat »

Oh for crying out loud, if you believ that Atheism is not a religion, and you're not an Atheist.

Atheism is not "the lack of belief in God" as people keep defining it - that's agnosticism.

Atheism is the belief that there are no gods. It's a postive belief in a negative statement. And whether the anit-religion crowd like it or not, it's a belief.
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

who cares. I laugh at all of you, religious and non alike.

Especially Durandal :D
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Post by haas mark »

kojikun wrote:
verilon wrote:Watch me be (again) the only one to be the second option... just watch...

Auu anakhsu biauu nate Petah!!

WHatever the hell you just said, realize I do NOT speak that language...

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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

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Post by PrinceofLowLight »

Switching back and forth from atheist to "maybe there's a possibility that there might be something" as I find the lack of an afterlife terrifying.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Christian, nondenominational
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