Funny AIM convo... The return of the Stupid
Moderator: Alyrium Denryle
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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Funny AIM convo... The return of the Stupid
mdluver90: hey god is real!!!!!
AIIFHarbinger: no, god is not real
AIIFHarbinger: god is like Santa... doesnt exist
mdluver90: prove it!!!!!!!!
mdluver90: welll.....prove it
AIIFHarbinger: Burden of proof fallacy, the burden of prrof falls on the believer to prove an entity exists
AIIFHarbinger: You must provide proof of your god
mdluver90: wait in english plz
AIIFHarbinger: You cennot prove something doesnt exist... loically it doesnt work... so you have to prove it does... Trying to make me prove god doesn exist, is like assuming that, because there is no evidence to the contrary, purple flying unicorns exist
mdluver90: no you need to tell me things because i want to prove to you he is real but i don't have anything off the top of my hed
mdluver90: *head
AIIFHarbinger: Well you cant just say god exists and not be prepared to defend it
mdluver90: i am prepared
mdluver90: jus saying to "prove" he doesn't
AIIFHarbinger: then defend it. what eviddence do you have that god exsts
AIIFHarbinger: and that is logially impossible
AIIFHarbinger: burden of proof is on you
mdluver90: logic is an illisuion of the mind
AIIFHarbinger: Now you are just being stupid
mdluver90: no i am not
AIIFHarbinger: logic is what we use to analyze our surroundings and come to conclusions based on evidence... something you lack
mdluver90: it is an illusion of the mind
AIIFHarbinger: without the use of logic, humans would not exist, as we woud ave died off LONG ago
mdluver90: i do not lack logic you do
AIIFHarbinger: it isnt an illusion if it works
AIIFHarbinger: Your arguments are like a ride in a centrefuge
mdluver90: brb
mdluver90: 2 secs
mdluver90: 1Miracles that Christ performed (john 10:35,38 full fillment of profecy (gen. 3:15)2. his virgin birth (isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23)3. Miracles that Christ performed (john 10:35,38
mdluver90: *1.full fillment of profecy (gen. 3:15)2. his virgin birth (isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23)3. Miracles that Christ performed (john 10:35,38
AIIFHarbinger: unsubstantiated outside the bible... using the bible to prove itself does not work... Circular logic fallacy
mdluver90: hold on i will back that up to
AIIFHarbinger: you will have to back it up using REAL history texts
mdluver90: hold on i need to find my notes from lake ann camp i went to 2 weeks ago it has proof that the bible is reaql
AIIFHarbinger: lol
AIIFHarbinger: using the bible I am sure...
mdluver90: no science
AIIFHarbinger: HA
mdluver90: gtg b back in an hour
AIIFHarbinger: then t is fallicious
AIIFHarbinger: *it
mdluver90: gotta eat and find it
AIIFHarbinger: k
mdluver90: and knock it off with the big words you sound retarted
AIIFHarbinger: I use them beccause they apply to the situation...
Auto response from mdluver90: sry you missed me if you love me enough you will wait for need a b/f really bad i am soo all who are intrested leave a message for later
God is so awesome I Love you God you are the best God ever
mdluver90: well it's kinda hard to understand
AIIFHarbinger: that isnt my problem... You are the one that doesnt understand simple english... would you prefer it if I wpoke in German?
Auto response from mdluver90: sry you missed me if you love me enough you will wait for need a b/f really bad i am soo all who are intrested leave a message for later
God is so awesome I Love you God you are the best God ever
AIIFHarbinger: *spoke
mdluver90: still haven't found i when i do i will let u know
AIIFHarbinger: k
mdluver90: 1. bible has been revorded accurately the people were actual witnesses THEY WERE there3. GoD'S WORD HAS BEEN REINFORCED EXTERNALLY o well that's all my friend has cuz i am not home so i am using her notes when i get my notes i will give them to you
mdluver90: 2. accurately relayed (matthew 22:35, 1 peter 1:24,25
mdluver90: that's the second one my notes will be better though
mdluver90: ^^ which means they have translated them carefully from the actuall writngs
AIIFHarbinger: But that doesnt make the events portrayed true
mdluver90: yes it does because the people were actuall witnesses to the event
mdluver90: *events
AIIFHarbinger: he translators?
AIIFHarbinger: *the
AIIFHarbinger: No.
mdluver90: no the people who wrote it The diciples are such an example
AIIFHarbinger: The historians of the time never mentioned any of the horrible wars that were portrayed n the bible... historians never even mention Jesus, and he is the cornerstone f your religion
AIIFHarbinger: And their existence is only known from the very book that they supposedly wrote
AIIFHarbinger: One tht contradicts itself hundreds of times
mdluver90: uhh yeah time is masrked by him (bcbefore christ)
AIIFHarbinger: it has no internal consistency, and cannot be relied upon
mdluver90: yeah it can
AIIFHarbinger: Not anymore
mdluver90: yes it i'
mdluver90: *is
AIIFHarbinger: Now all put christians Use CE and BCE
AIIFHarbinger: *but
AIIFHarbinger: And that calendar was created by Pope greggory n the 16th century. Of course he would Use the deity he believed in to measure time
mdluver90: god has chaned my life when i recommited my life to hom i flt this relief comeoover me and i saw an angel when i opened my eyes and he said everythings going to be ok
mdluver90: because i went through alot of hard times so far in my life]
mdluver90: so there!!!
AIIFHarbinger: Tell me, did you reievve social acceptance when you accepted Jesus?
AIIFHarbinger: *recieve
AIIFHarbinger: There is a little thing called psychology to explain such things.. it is a reaction of your parasympathetic nervous system to a pleasurable stimuli... I get that same feeling when I listen to good music, or see a specific person
mdluver90: and he has told me to be a missionary when i pray and i have been convicted so many times like just recently i relized that certian thingsd are blocking me from growing in christ
AIIFHarbinger: like books... *rolleyes*
AIIFHarbinger: if he is telling you things... you have a disrder called scizophrenia
mdluver90: yes i had social acceptance as a matter of fact i told my friends at school and brought them to christ
mdluver90: what are you talking about i do not
AIIFHarbinger: That is why
AIIFHarbinger: Social acceptance is a stress reliever
AIIFHarbinger: when you have it, ou feel as if a burden has been lifted from your shoulders
mdluver90: whaty are you talking about you are talking to a 13 year old who has no clue what you are saying...duhhh in english plzzz
AIIFHarbinger: I am speaking in english... and trust me, I have dumbed it down as much as is possible.
mdluver90: no you haven't i don't knowe what scizophrenia is
AIIFHarbinger: It is a disorder where you see and hear things that are not real
mdluver90: well this is so real
AIIFHarbinger: They all say that
AIIFHarbinger: Tell me, when you heard him speaking to you, did you go into a trance?
mdluver90: no
AIIFHarbinger: good
mdluver90: i am tired of fighting with you you are an idiot to change to atheist you can go to hell fine with mE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AIIFHarbinger: Concession accepted
AIIFHarbinger: There is no use arguming with a 16 year old atheist, skilled at debate with an IQ of 180
mdluver90: what are you talking about u are confusing me
AIIFHarbinger: I am a skilled debator with an IQ of 180... I will win
mdluver90: ok w/e
AIIFHarbinger: *smile*
mdluver90: you are dumb you don't know howw to rela and have fun so SHUT UP!!!!!
mdluver90: *relax
AIIFHarbinger: I am considerabley smarter than yu.
AIIFHarbinger: *you
mdluver90: And i got you there
AIIFHarbinger: ??
mdluver90: you are dumb
AIIFHarbinger: Prove it?
Auto response from mdluver90: SHUT UP ALREADY!! AIIFFHARBRINGER YOU FAG!!
mdluver90: you r a FAGGAT
AIIFHarbinger: yes... and you are stupid
Auto response from mdluver90: SHUT UP ALREADY!! AIIFFHARBRINGER YOU FAG!!
Ths stupid Child of a 1 legged prostitute then raised my warning level tp 23%
AIIFHarbinger: no, god is not real
AIIFHarbinger: god is like Santa... doesnt exist
mdluver90: prove it!!!!!!!!
mdluver90: welll.....prove it
AIIFHarbinger: Burden of proof fallacy, the burden of prrof falls on the believer to prove an entity exists
AIIFHarbinger: You must provide proof of your god
mdluver90: wait in english plz
AIIFHarbinger: You cennot prove something doesnt exist... loically it doesnt work... so you have to prove it does... Trying to make me prove god doesn exist, is like assuming that, because there is no evidence to the contrary, purple flying unicorns exist
mdluver90: no you need to tell me things because i want to prove to you he is real but i don't have anything off the top of my hed
mdluver90: *head
AIIFHarbinger: Well you cant just say god exists and not be prepared to defend it
mdluver90: i am prepared
mdluver90: jus saying to "prove" he doesn't
AIIFHarbinger: then defend it. what eviddence do you have that god exsts
AIIFHarbinger: and that is logially impossible
AIIFHarbinger: burden of proof is on you
mdluver90: logic is an illisuion of the mind
AIIFHarbinger: Now you are just being stupid
mdluver90: no i am not
AIIFHarbinger: logic is what we use to analyze our surroundings and come to conclusions based on evidence... something you lack
mdluver90: it is an illusion of the mind
AIIFHarbinger: without the use of logic, humans would not exist, as we woud ave died off LONG ago
mdluver90: i do not lack logic you do
AIIFHarbinger: it isnt an illusion if it works
AIIFHarbinger: Your arguments are like a ride in a centrefuge
mdluver90: brb
mdluver90: 2 secs
mdluver90: 1Miracles that Christ performed (john 10:35,38 full fillment of profecy (gen. 3:15)2. his virgin birth (isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23)3. Miracles that Christ performed (john 10:35,38
mdluver90: *1.full fillment of profecy (gen. 3:15)2. his virgin birth (isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23)3. Miracles that Christ performed (john 10:35,38
AIIFHarbinger: unsubstantiated outside the bible... using the bible to prove itself does not work... Circular logic fallacy
mdluver90: hold on i will back that up to
AIIFHarbinger: you will have to back it up using REAL history texts
mdluver90: hold on i need to find my notes from lake ann camp i went to 2 weeks ago it has proof that the bible is reaql
AIIFHarbinger: lol
AIIFHarbinger: using the bible I am sure...
mdluver90: no science
AIIFHarbinger: HA
mdluver90: gtg b back in an hour
AIIFHarbinger: then t is fallicious
AIIFHarbinger: *it
mdluver90: gotta eat and find it
AIIFHarbinger: k
mdluver90: and knock it off with the big words you sound retarted
AIIFHarbinger: I use them beccause they apply to the situation...
Auto response from mdluver90: sry you missed me if you love me enough you will wait for need a b/f really bad i am soo all who are intrested leave a message for later
God is so awesome I Love you God you are the best God ever
mdluver90: well it's kinda hard to understand
AIIFHarbinger: that isnt my problem... You are the one that doesnt understand simple english... would you prefer it if I wpoke in German?
Auto response from mdluver90: sry you missed me if you love me enough you will wait for need a b/f really bad i am soo all who are intrested leave a message for later
God is so awesome I Love you God you are the best God ever
AIIFHarbinger: *spoke
mdluver90: still haven't found i when i do i will let u know
AIIFHarbinger: k
mdluver90: 1. bible has been revorded accurately the people were actual witnesses THEY WERE there3. GoD'S WORD HAS BEEN REINFORCED EXTERNALLY o well that's all my friend has cuz i am not home so i am using her notes when i get my notes i will give them to you
mdluver90: 2. accurately relayed (matthew 22:35, 1 peter 1:24,25
mdluver90: that's the second one my notes will be better though
mdluver90: ^^ which means they have translated them carefully from the actuall writngs
AIIFHarbinger: But that doesnt make the events portrayed true
mdluver90: yes it does because the people were actuall witnesses to the event
mdluver90: *events
AIIFHarbinger: he translators?
AIIFHarbinger: *the
AIIFHarbinger: No.
mdluver90: no the people who wrote it The diciples are such an example
AIIFHarbinger: The historians of the time never mentioned any of the horrible wars that were portrayed n the bible... historians never even mention Jesus, and he is the cornerstone f your religion
AIIFHarbinger: And their existence is only known from the very book that they supposedly wrote
AIIFHarbinger: One tht contradicts itself hundreds of times
mdluver90: uhh yeah time is masrked by him (bcbefore christ)
AIIFHarbinger: it has no internal consistency, and cannot be relied upon
mdluver90: yeah it can
AIIFHarbinger: Not anymore
mdluver90: yes it i'
mdluver90: *is
AIIFHarbinger: Now all put christians Use CE and BCE
AIIFHarbinger: *but
AIIFHarbinger: And that calendar was created by Pope greggory n the 16th century. Of course he would Use the deity he believed in to measure time
mdluver90: god has chaned my life when i recommited my life to hom i flt this relief comeoover me and i saw an angel when i opened my eyes and he said everythings going to be ok
mdluver90: because i went through alot of hard times so far in my life]
mdluver90: so there!!!
AIIFHarbinger: Tell me, did you reievve social acceptance when you accepted Jesus?
AIIFHarbinger: *recieve
AIIFHarbinger: There is a little thing called psychology to explain such things.. it is a reaction of your parasympathetic nervous system to a pleasurable stimuli... I get that same feeling when I listen to good music, or see a specific person
mdluver90: and he has told me to be a missionary when i pray and i have been convicted so many times like just recently i relized that certian thingsd are blocking me from growing in christ
AIIFHarbinger: like books... *rolleyes*
AIIFHarbinger: if he is telling you things... you have a disrder called scizophrenia
mdluver90: yes i had social acceptance as a matter of fact i told my friends at school and brought them to christ
mdluver90: what are you talking about i do not
AIIFHarbinger: That is why
AIIFHarbinger: Social acceptance is a stress reliever
AIIFHarbinger: when you have it, ou feel as if a burden has been lifted from your shoulders
mdluver90: whaty are you talking about you are talking to a 13 year old who has no clue what you are saying...duhhh in english plzzz
AIIFHarbinger: I am speaking in english... and trust me, I have dumbed it down as much as is possible.
mdluver90: no you haven't i don't knowe what scizophrenia is
AIIFHarbinger: It is a disorder where you see and hear things that are not real
mdluver90: well this is so real
AIIFHarbinger: They all say that
AIIFHarbinger: Tell me, when you heard him speaking to you, did you go into a trance?
mdluver90: no
AIIFHarbinger: good
mdluver90: i am tired of fighting with you you are an idiot to change to atheist you can go to hell fine with mE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AIIFHarbinger: Concession accepted
AIIFHarbinger: There is no use arguming with a 16 year old atheist, skilled at debate with an IQ of 180
mdluver90: what are you talking about u are confusing me
AIIFHarbinger: I am a skilled debator with an IQ of 180... I will win
mdluver90: ok w/e
AIIFHarbinger: *smile*
mdluver90: you are dumb you don't know howw to rela and have fun so SHUT UP!!!!!
mdluver90: *relax
AIIFHarbinger: I am considerabley smarter than yu.
AIIFHarbinger: *you
mdluver90: And i got you there
AIIFHarbinger: ??
mdluver90: you are dumb
AIIFHarbinger: Prove it?
Auto response from mdluver90: SHUT UP ALREADY!! AIIFFHARBRINGER YOU FAG!!
mdluver90: you r a FAGGAT
AIIFHarbinger: yes... and you are stupid
Auto response from mdluver90: SHUT UP ALREADY!! AIIFFHARBRINGER YOU FAG!!
Ths stupid Child of a 1 legged prostitute then raised my warning level tp 23%
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
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- Captain Cyran
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mdluver90: you r a FAGGAT
AIIFHarbinger: yes... and you are stupid
Am I the only one that finds this to be the funniest part?
AIIFHarbinger: yes... and you are stupid
Am I the only one that finds this to be the funniest part?
Justice League, Super-Villain Carnage "Carnage Rules!" Cult of the Kitten Mew... The Black Mage with The Knife SD.Net Chronicler of the Past Bun Bun is my hero. The Official Verilonitis Vaccinator
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hey, since most of us got banned from kg, you want to go hunting again?
hey, since most of us got banned from kg, you want to go hunting again?

This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
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"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
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Jesus, you guys got banned from the equilevent of a wholesome, non-sexual wankfest? I've maintained an account at Rapture Ready for over two months without being reprimanded. That's like surving in, yeah. It's really hard.
The End of Suburbia
"If more cars are inevitable, must there not be roads for them to run on?"
-Robert Moses
"The Wire" is the best show in the history of television. Watch it today.
"If more cars are inevitable, must there not be roads for them to run on?"
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what, no debate till saturday? Ill go insane.Exonerate wrote:I didn't.
The ban is until Saturday. Stop being so aggressive.
and hemlock, I wasnt even allowed to join rr


This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
I was thinking that...professor frink's iq is 180 isn't it?Durran Korr wrote:Aly, your IQ isn't really 180, is it? Because that's fucking rare as hell.
EBC|Fucking Metal|Artist|Androgynous Sexfiend|Gozer Kvltist|
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Listen to my music!
"America is, now, the most powerful and economically prosperous nation in the country." - Master of Ossus
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This one rocksExcerpt of Chat wrote:mdluver90: and knock it off with the big words you sound retarted

I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
- CrimsonRaine
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Re: Funny AIM convo... The return of the Stupid
I will state this quickly, and piss off most of my other fellow God-believers.
First, I am a pantheist. I do not believe god lives in a Heaven, far from us, but rather, he is in everything. There isn't a god, or many gods; there is just God.
But that's a belief. Religion is one of those things that can't be proven. Religion is good for two things, IMHO: answering the questions that can't be answered, and, when applied negatively, control. Never had any person proven religion with logic. Oh, they all have their circle logic, or, because it's based on book A, outcome B must be true. But truly, it's just a pile of really raunchy horseshit.
A belief is a belief. It's not meant to be proven nor denied. If you don't think God exists, fine. If you believe in Yahweh or Jehovah, kudos. It truly doesn't matter. All it truly does is shake up the people who are either brain-washed or have an unending need for their faith, if you seem to disagree.
Or maybe I'm just not faithful enough, so I actually see both sides. See, you could sit there and prove, with logic, with me for hours, and yet, I may understand it, my beliefs do not change. Why? Because there is something in my heart, a trusted feeling. You can say I'm completely full of shit, or try to make me think otherwise, but all you're truly going to do is aggravate yourself and waste keystrokes. Or at best, start a flamewar. That means my brother and the other three get to hang you by a noose and bat you around like a kitten and a catnip toy.
So what's all this gibberish? Don't bother trying to prove religion. It just aggravates people. You can't prove something that truly cannot be proven. Do what your heart tells you, and if you so desire to "preach" and "spread the word," well, shut the fuck up. No one truly listens.
Or so I think.
Crimson Raine
I will state this quickly, and piss off most of my other fellow God-believers.
First, I am a pantheist. I do not believe god lives in a Heaven, far from us, but rather, he is in everything. There isn't a god, or many gods; there is just God.
But that's a belief. Religion is one of those things that can't be proven. Religion is good for two things, IMHO: answering the questions that can't be answered, and, when applied negatively, control. Never had any person proven religion with logic. Oh, they all have their circle logic, or, because it's based on book A, outcome B must be true. But truly, it's just a pile of really raunchy horseshit.
A belief is a belief. It's not meant to be proven nor denied. If you don't think God exists, fine. If you believe in Yahweh or Jehovah, kudos. It truly doesn't matter. All it truly does is shake up the people who are either brain-washed or have an unending need for their faith, if you seem to disagree.
Or maybe I'm just not faithful enough, so I actually see both sides. See, you could sit there and prove, with logic, with me for hours, and yet, I may understand it, my beliefs do not change. Why? Because there is something in my heart, a trusted feeling. You can say I'm completely full of shit, or try to make me think otherwise, but all you're truly going to do is aggravate yourself and waste keystrokes. Or at best, start a flamewar. That means my brother and the other three get to hang you by a noose and bat you around like a kitten and a catnip toy.
So what's all this gibberish? Don't bother trying to prove religion. It just aggravates people. You can't prove something that truly cannot be proven. Do what your heart tells you, and if you so desire to "preach" and "spread the word," well, shut the fuck up. No one truly listens.
Or so I think.
Crimson Raine

"And on that day, on the horizon, I shall be. And I shall point at them and say unto them HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!" -- Ravenwing
RedImperator: "Yeah, and there were little Jesus-bits everywhere."
Crimsonraine: "Jesus-bits?!"
666th Post: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:59 am
- Captain Cyran
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Actually, that's kinda the way my faith works. You can't prove God exists, you simply have to have faith. You don't have faith *shrug* That's your own thing I don't care.
I agree with you Raine.
I agree with you Raine.
Justice League, Super-Villain Carnage "Carnage Rules!" Cult of the Kitten Mew... The Black Mage with The Knife SD.Net Chronicler of the Past Bun Bun is my hero. The Official Verilonitis Vaccinator
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religion is fine, science is fine, but dont try to use one to prove the other
religion is fine, science is fine, but dont try to use one to prove the other


This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
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Re: Funny AIM convo... The return of the Stupid
A master perhaps?Alyrium Denryle wrote:AIIFHarbinger: I am a skilled debator with an IQ of 180... I will win

Bah religion can go clean my dirty socks.
WE, however, do meddle in the affairs of others.
What part of [



Skeptical Armada Cynic: ROU Aggressive Logic
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Mr Golgotha, Ms Scheck, we're running low on skin. I suggest you harvest another lesbian!
- Alyrium Denryle
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That is what was leaked to me after I took a test when I was 9.....Rye wrote:I was thinking that...professor frink's iq is 180 isn't it?Durran Korr wrote:Aly, your IQ isn't really 180, is it? Because that's fucking rare as hell.

Cooberated by my ability to soak up knowledge like a freaky sponge of death, and that I am far more intelligent, and mature than the horribly vast majority of people my age....
Though I suppose it could be lower... And I unfortunatly dont have the raw knowledge I require, and desperatly want... And I suck at math(or at least freeze up on math tests)
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
And far more modest, as well.That is what was leaked to me after I took a test when I was 9.....
Cooberated by my ability to soak up knowledge like a freaky sponge of death, and that I am far more intelligent, and mature than the horribly vast majority of people my age....

With all due respect, it probably is. You're a smart guy, but you're not THAT smart.Though I suppose it could be lower....

BoTM / JL / MM / HAB / VRWC / Horseman
I'm studying for the CPA exam. Have a nice summer, and if you're down just sit back and realize that Joe is off somewhere, doing much worse than you are.
I don't suppose it was an internet test?Alyrium Denryle wrote:That is what was leaked to me after I took a test when I was 9.....Rye wrote:I was thinking that...professor frink's iq is 180 isn't it?Durran Korr wrote:Aly, your IQ isn't really 180, is it? Because that's fucking rare as hell.![]()
Cooberated by my ability to soak up knowledge like a freaky sponge of death, and that I am far more intelligent, and mature than the horribly vast majority of people my age....
Though I suppose it could be lower... And I unfortunatly dont have the raw knowledge I require, and desperatly want... And I suck at math(or at least freeze up on math tests)

Well, IQ isn't everything... Just a measure of how fast you learn. I personally am not taking the highest levels of math available, but I'm among the best at it at my level...
If I didn't move to some backwards elementry school, I'd be taking Alebgra in 6th, Geometry in 7th (If they allowed it that is), then probably Calc by now.
180 is really very rare. I believe the current record holder is at like 220?
I've actually had a friend score a perfect on a standardized IQ test in the 7th grade. It was estimated he was high genius level (Whatever that was).
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- Alyrium Denryle
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I was seeing a shrink at the timeExonerate wrote:I don't suppose it was an internet test?Alyrium Denryle wrote:That is what was leaked to me after I took a test when I was 9.....Rye wrote: I was thinking that...professor frink's iq is 180 isn't it?![]()
Cooberated by my ability to soak up knowledge like a freaky sponge of death, and that I am far more intelligent, and mature than the horribly vast majority of people my age....
Though I suppose it could be lower... And I unfortunatly dont have the raw knowledge I require, and desperatly want... And I suck at math(or at least freeze up on math tests)
Well, IQ isn't everything... Just a measure of how fast you learn. I personally am not taking the highest levels of math available, but I'm among the best at it at my level...
If I didn't move to some backwards elementry school, I'd be taking Alebgra in 6th, Geometry in 7th (If they allowed it that is), then probably Calc by now.
180 is really very rare. I believe the current record holder is at like 220?
I've actually had a friend score a perfect on a standardized IQ test in the 7th grade. It was estimated he was high genius level (Whatever that was).

IQ is determined by how much more mentally mature you are as compared to others of your age. I was significantly more mentally mature than most 9 year olds apparantly... but I dont remember the details....
And again... I am going on what I was told about the results...
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
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see, I only got a 150 on that test.



This day is Fantastic!
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- Alyrium Denryle
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IQ tests aren't supposed to be taken once in a lifetime. The results should change with age. And most kids are stupid, doesn't mean they don't have the potential to learn, it's just that they care about stupid shit like which one of the Carebears will fall into the blender and die a most painful death in the next episode.
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