My joints with problems would be both knees, both wrists, one elbow, back, and neck which has bad aches alot of the time (of course sitting here in front of the computer isn't helping matters any).verilon wrote:kness, ankles, wrists, shoulders, scoliosis in lower back, upper back and neck problems.
Looking at bright objects like light bulbs typicially isn't a good idea anyhow. I don't know about sun poisoning on my part, but me and sunlight certainly don't get along.photosensitivity causes me to not be able to look at fluorescent anything without an instant migraine, and I am extrasensitive to sun poisoning (nausea and a headache after being in the sun too long)
Astigmatism??? *nods* yeah, I got that too, and farsightedness. Thus the need for my glasses.Astgmatic
My right ear is the worst for me. I have Central Auditory Processing Difficulty/Disorder. Basicially means I can't filter out background noises. It all comes in as one jumbled mess of sound. As such lots of people talking or loud places in general give me bad headaches and can make me disoriented.Partially deaf in my left ear (can't hear stereo 75% of the time) and reverberation sets off migraines
So you've said. Not familiar with cluster headaches are though.Chronic migraines and cluster headaches
Childhood I can remember pieces of (not that I want to, being the little idiot that I was). Half the time I can't remember what I've talked with people about. I will forget people. Nothing too major fortunately. I also have no sence of time.Can't remember most of my childhood, and I have no sense of time whatsoever
Again as you've already said.The 8 I have listed
I'd have to look at my medical files to see which type of Manic-Depresson I have (at present I just pop my pills and call it good). I'm mildly obsessive-compulsive I suppose, though only on a few things. I've got a good level of Paranoia if that classifies, I'm avoidant. And I suspect Borderline Personality disorder, as well as Schizoid and/or Schizotypal personality disorders. Of course I'm not a doctor so what would I know?Bipolar (Hypomanic, Rapid Cycling), Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Clinical Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder, and two more that I cannot think of.
I'm not eager to go back in and have any more shrinks examine me either.
I cannot say that I'm familiar with Alier's (something) Syndrome.I may also possibly have something called Ailer's Something Syndrome, but I do not think so (hereditary ailment). Also have a slight tendency toward sodium deficiency as well as hypoglycemia.
As I have high blood pressure, I've got plenty of sodium in my system. I do have to take horse sized pills for potassium deficiency though.
As for breaking, I do believe I'd welcome it. Mentally at least.