this is just hilarious

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this is just hilarious

Post by Solid Snake »

http: //objective. /creationsciencefair. html

Using science to prove that they are in fact, morons.

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Re: this is just hilarious

Post by Montcalm »

SolidSnake wrote:Using science to prove that they are in fact, morons.
Maybe they want to prove that God is a scientist. :wink:
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Re: this is just hilarious

Post by Solid Snake »

Montcalm wrote:
SolidSnake wrote:Using science to prove that they are in fact, morons.
Maybe they want to prove that God is a scientist. :wink:
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

2nd Place: "Women Were Designed For Homemaking"

Jonathan Goode (grade 7) applied findings from many fields of science to support his conclusion that God designed women for homemaking: physics shows that women have a lower center of gravity than men, making them more suited to carrying groceries and laundry baskets; biology shows that women were designed to carry un-born babies in their wombs and to feed born babies milk, making them the natural choice for child rearing; social sciences show that the wages for women workers are lower than for normal workers, meaning that they are unable to work as well and thus earn equal pay; and exegetics shows that God created Eve as a companion for Adam, not as a co-worker.
There you have it, ladies, conclusive proof. Now fetch me a coke and a microwave burrito. :D
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Post by Durandal »

And now for some misogynistic humor.

Why do women have smaller feet than men do?
So they can stand closer to the sink!

Ba-dum-pum <insert onomatopoeia for cymbal drum here>

Why couldn't Helen Keller drive?
Because she was a woman!

Okay seriously I'm done.
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Post by Sir Sirius »


They are trying to shut down Landover Babtist Church.
Stupid Fundie wrote:Landover Baptist claims to be a church. Moreover, they claim to be the only church in America that understands the Bible! In fact, neither is true. Landover Baptist is a fraud. A joke. Their true purpose is not to spread the Gospel of our Lord, but to trick people - especially those who have not received the Word and Salvation or have been programmed by secular culture to distrust Christianity - into believing that Christianity is evil and rejecting it.
Funny, I thought that they just try to make you laugh your ass of, but then again I do have a sense of humour, surely that must come from Lucifer himself.
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Post by Slartibartfast »

Well, it makes sense. I mean, Dudley Moore proved in Crazy People that the Japanese were designed to work on electronic microcomponents, because of their short stature.
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Post by darthdavid »

Again and as always with links as such from now on,

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Post by Cyborg Stan »


I believe the same site has already been discussed some time back.

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Post by HemlockGrey »

Landover Baptist claims to be a church. Moreover, they claim to be the only church in America that understands the Bible! In fact, neither is true. Landover Baptist is a fraud. A joke. Their true purpose is not to spread the Gospel of our Lord, but to trick people - especially those who have not received the Word and Salvation or have been programmed by secular culture to distrust Christianity - into believing that Christianity is evil and rejecting it.
I wonder if they had to get a normal person to explain it to them.
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Post by Darth Wong »

HemlockGrey wrote:
Moronic Fundie Site wrote:Landover Baptist claims to be a church. Moreover, they claim to be the only church in America that understands the Bible! In fact, neither is true. Landover Baptist is a fraud. A joke. Their true purpose is not to spread the Gospel of our Lord, but to trick people - especially those who have not received the Word and Salvation or have been programmed by secular culture to distrust Christianity - into believing that Christianity is evil and rejecting it.
I wonder if they had to get a normal person to explain it to them.
That's the funniest part; they seem to think that it's a clever fraud which needs to be exposed, rather than an obvious parody.
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Post by Cyborg Stan »

The site itself is a parody site, as I detailed some of it in the thread I linked to. Amoung the things I discussed :

"The Al Anti-Lies Bear" - was originally going to be purple to represent the royal color of Jesus, but after learning that the gay community uses that color to represent themselves, changes Al to a rainbow representing the promise made between God and Noah.

Their 'irreducabily complex mousepad' says that like how the mousepad was designed for a smooth mousepad to roll on, your hand was amazingly designed by God himself to operate a mouse.

One of claimed experts apparently battled Satan himself "up close and personal" on many occasions.

et cetera
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Post by Darth Wong »

That stuff is unusually goofy for a fundie website?
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

1st Place: "Using Prayer To Microevolve Latent Antibiotic Resistance In Bacteria"
Eileen Hyde and Lynda Morgan (grades 10 & 11) did a project showing how the power of prayer can unlock the latent genes in bacteria, allowing them to microevolve antibiotic resistance. Escherichia coli bacteria cultured in agar filled petri dishes were subjected to the antibiotics tetracycline and chlorotetracycline. The bacteria cultures were divided into two groups, one group (A) received prayer while the other (B) didn't. The prayer was as follows: "Dear Lord, please allow the bacteria in Group A to unlock the antibiotic-resistant genes that You saw fit to give them at the time of Creation. Amen." The process was repeated for five generations, with the prayer being given at the start of each generation. In the end, Group A was significantly more resistant than Group B to both antibiotics.

And personally I think they look like monkeys to me.

Oh god no...
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They mention Douglas Adams as a 'blackguard of atheism.'
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Post by Frank Hipper »

darthdavid wrote:ROFLMAO
Sorry, but OMFG just doesn't cut it in this case.
They even warn the kiddies to report atheists!!!!

where's that damned vomit smiley?
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Post by darthdavid »

Now this is why when i move out of my mom's house and get my own place in a few years it's gonna be well outta the way of these idiots. And i'll have a bean bag shot gun just incase some jehovas witnesses come my way.
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Post by Darth Gojira »

darthdavid wrote:ROFLMAO
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Post by Kitsune »

Sir Sirius wrote:http://
They are trying to shut down Landover Babtist Church.
You know, I aways have to laugh at attempts to ban others from speaking out. They cannot figure out that someone might decide that their branch of Christianity is evil and get banned itself.
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Post by Companion Cube »

Wow, outrageous stupidity can be funny too! :P
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

From the Fundie Website wrote:If you find an atheist in your neighborhood,

You may be moved to try and witness to these poor lost souls yourself, however
Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.

Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.
Um, "very advanced witnessing techniques"? Anyone find this a bit ominous? I'm starting to think that this website is a joke.
Same place wrote:Wrong, little buddy - Dinosaurs still walk on the land and swim in the seas! And the Earth is only 10,000 years old! Incredible but TRUE!
Hee hee... dinosaurs aren't extinct, they are just hiding behind furniture! A cookie to who gets the reference.
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

Kitsune wrote:You know, I aways have to laugh at attempts to ban others from speaking out. They cannot figure out that someone might decide that their branch of Christianity is evil and get banned itself.
Hah hah hah... silly woman. What do you know? God designed you to fetch me a burrito, not to think. That kids science fair project proved it. Back to the kitchen with you! :D
"Show me an angel and I will paint you one." - Gustav Courbet

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Post by Enforcer Talen »

Gil Hamilton wrote:
From the Fundie Website wrote:If you find an atheist in your neighborhood,

You may be moved to try and witness to these poor lost souls yourself, however
Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.

Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.
Um, "very advanced witnessing techniques"? Anyone find this a bit ominous? I'm starting to think that this website is a joke.
Same place wrote:Wrong, little buddy - Dinosaurs still walk on the land and swim in the seas! And the Earth is only 10,000 years old! Incredible but TRUE!
Hee hee... dinosaurs aren't extinct, they are just hiding behind furniture! A cookie to who gets the reference.
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

*hands Talen a cookie*
"Show me an angel and I will paint you one." - Gustav Courbet

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Post by darthdavid »

Damn, beat me to it.
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