Anyone that has got the ANH novellisation

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Anyone that has got the ANH novellisation

Post by His Divine Shadow »

Can anyone get me the extract that occurs roughly in this segment in the movie?
LEIA: No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't

TARKIN: You would prefer another target? A military target? Then name
the system!
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Post by Lord of the Farce »

Scans from page 103 and 104 of the 1999 reprint of Orbit's Star Wars Omnibus.
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Post by Montcalm »

(Thread highjack)
I remember the first time i read the french vresion of SW ANH,the way the idiot wrote Jedi was awful (Djedai) thats how they wrote it,even names were change,here`s a few name massacre. :roll:

Darth Vader: Dark Vador
Han Solo: Yan Solo
Chewbacca: Chictabba
C3P0: Z6P0
R2D2: D2R2
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Post by Mitth`raw`nuruodo »

Montcalm wrote:(Thread highjack)
I remember the first time i read the french vresion of SW ANH,the way the idiot wrote Jedi was awful (Djedai) thats how they wrote it,even names were change,here`s a few name massacre. :roll:

Darth Vader: Dark Vador
Han Solo: Yan Solo
Chewbacca: Chictabba
C3P0: Z6P0
R2D2: D2R2

I have the SW Trilogy, condensed versions of all three books bound together... they didn't change any names AFAIK, but they changed about as much dialog as they could without messing up the story too bad..
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Post by SPOOFE »

R2D2: D2R2
That explains a lot.... the French are all just dyslexic!
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Post by Equinox2003 »

I rather liked the ANH novel. It gave good detail on the SW universe,
and Wedge was a bigger part of the story, I thought that was good.
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Post by vakundok »

Wedge? You mean Biggs, don't you? Otherwise I agree.
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Post by Equinox2003 »

Coming to think of it, it may have been Biggs. I was thinking of the guy
who was telling Luke that, the rebeillion was more than what the official
information channels were saying. He was going to join the Imperial
fleet for the purpose of jumping ship and joining the rebellion.
Wedge? Biggs? Been to long since I read the novel for me to recall....
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Post by PainRack »

Equinox2003 wrote:Coming to think of it, it may have been Biggs. I was thinking of the guy
who was telling Luke that, the rebeillion was more than what the official
information channels were saying. He was going to join the Imperial
fleet for the purpose of jumping ship and joining the rebellion.
Wedge? Biggs? Been to long since I read the novel for me to recall....
Biggs Darklighter.

My favourite part of ANH was how Red One knew Luke daddy.
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Post by vakundok »

Equinox2003 wrote:Coming to think of it, it may have been Biggs. I was thinking of the guy
who was telling Luke that, the rebeillion was more than what the official
information channels were saying. He was going to join the Imperial
fleet for the purpose of jumping ship and joining the rebellion.
Wedge? Biggs? Been to long since I read the novel for me to recall....
:D Biggs. He was the first officer of a freighter, the Rand Ecliptic. Most likely a civil freighter, because he was to avoid to serve the Imperium.
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