those JW's

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Post by Cpt_Frank »

When I open the door and they see my good old HUGE dog, they are usually gone very fast. He wouldn't harm anyone (he's almost got no teeth anymore), but they dont know that... :D
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Post by Publius »

From personal experience, it has been sufficient to inform the Jehovah's Witnesses of being a practising Roman Catholic. For some reason, those who have been informed of this fact have suddenly lost interest in attempting conversion and politely excused themselves.
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Post by Ivan »

Just tell them "yes I believe that Jesus died for my sin's, I should now sin as much as possible so that his death was not in vain"
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Shut the door HARD. Tell them you'll sue their asses. Pretend to have a gun. Have a unloaded gun. Shout out "I AM THE ANGEL OF DEATH, THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS! BOW DOWN AND DIE MORTALS!!!!"
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Pretend to have a gun? :twisted:
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Post by IDMR »

Cpt_Frank wrote:Pretend to have a gun? :twisted:
CS lives in Canada.
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Cpt_Frank wrote:Pretend to have a gun? :twisted:

"You know, I was God once."
"Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died."
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Post by Lagmonster »

Actually, if I may happily add a post to this, the JW's are a consistant annoyance where I am in Canada (small wonder; they have a temple not far from my home).

My wife and I, however, have sufficient interest in always having the latest technology stuck in/on our house (we're gadget freaks) that we have one of those one-way-camera/two-way-speaker arrangements in our home (ostensibly for answering the door from our bedroom on the 3rd floor). The beauty of this system is that I can listen to, and watch, people at the door, and unless they're clued-in to what the brown box above my door is, they are unaware.

JW's are recognizable enough that I can simply turn on the speaker, tell them to visit hell and tell me if it's really that bad, and then switch off the ringer and ignore them.
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Post by Zoink »

Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:
Cpt_Frank wrote:Pretend to have a gun? :twisted:

Depending on where you live you may not see many guns, but guns are still available. I have none myself, but my father has a small arsenal of legally owned hunting rifles.
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Post by Zoink »

I actually haven't been bothered for a really long time, like maybe ten years. Last time I answered the door, they started blabbing, I said "I don't have any time, but you can give me pamphlets", they did and replied "the pamphlets are free, but we accept donations..", to which I replied "No." I never saw them since.

So perhaps this is a strategy? Ask for lots of pamphlets, free bibles and stuff, and never give them anything in return. The bibles should at least make good fire starter.
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Re: those JW's

Post by Dalton »

Shrykull wrote:the man put his foot in the door, how would you get rid of them?
Take out my penis and ask if they wanted a fun time.
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Post by BenRG »

Mr Bean wrote:10 Gauge Double Barrel shotgun into the persons nose
Does not have to be loaded(And for gosh sake keep your finger off the trigger)
JW are trained to not go away no matter what but when you kindly inform them that you'll be sending them strait to God if they don't get the hell of your lawn most of them crack

Even better in Texas if they don't go away you CAN shoot them in Self Defense
Speaking as a Jehovah's Witness, I find that a small-minded attitude.

Ask us to go away in clear enough terms, then we will go away. It is those transparent 'I'm not interested' and 'I'm busy' lies that we like to burst. Especially the former: How can you not be interested in something you probably know next-to-nothing about?

Use or the threat of use of weapons/violence against confirmed pacifists is a sign of fear. :roll:

We never 'recruit' anyone (that is the job of the person we are talking to). However, we are interested in helping people understand the Bible. :)

It saddens me that such attitudes towards a peaceful religious group exists. Our only sin (if a sin it be) is to follow the ancient Christian practice of door-to-door preaching (dating back to the origin of Christianty in 1st Century Judea). If you don't want us to call say so! Don't give us palm-off excuses! It only encourages us that you want to hear what we have to say, but are too afraid of your standing in the community to do so!

Oh, I've had lots of good conversations with Catholics, Protestents, Buddhists and (most surprisingly) with Muslims. The Muslims tend to be the most reasonable for reasons that I can't quite fathom given the passion involved in their faith.

We are not demons. I admit that we wash our brains at our meetings, but given the filth of so-called 'modern society' and the evils that it has inflicted on humanity, who can blame us? I like being clean. :D
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

BenRG wrote:Ask us to go away in clear enough terms, then we will go away. It is those transparent 'I'm not interested' and 'I'm busy' lies that we like to burst. Especially the former: How can you not be interested in something you probably know next-to-nothing about?
That's completely illogical. I may not know a single damn thing about the new "Super-Suck" vacuum, but I certainly know that I don't want to hear about it at 7 A.M. on a Sunday.
We never 'recruit' anyone (that is the job of the person we are talking to). However, we are interested in helping people understand the Bible. :)
Yeah, sure. Is that why, when someone on my street died in a car wreck, the local JW were all over his widow and children in three days? They hit people when they are vulnerable, and the people who aren't, they harass.
It saddens me that such attitudes towards a peaceful religious group exists. Our only sin (if a sin it be) is to follow the ancient Christian practice of door-to-door preaching (dating back to the origin of Christianty in 1st Century Judea).
Simon Peter was invited to speak to people about Christianity, or he preached in public places. He never went door to door, giving out literature and telling people that their faiths were wrong. Real Christianity spoke for itself.
If you don't want us to call say so! Don't give us palm-off excuses! It only encourages us that you want to hear what we have to say, but are too afraid of your standing in the community to do so!
Okay, let me get this straight--
I say, "Go away, I don't want to hear your crap."

BenRG thinks, "Obviously you want to hear my crap."
He says, "I want to raise your consciousness about spiritual issues."

I say, "I like it where it is on that subject. Go away."

BenRG thinks, "BOY! He's really crying out for an education."

Brilliant. The less a person says he wants to know about your garbage, the more he really wants to know. Oh, and black is white, up is down.
Oh, I've had lots of good conversations with Catholics, Protestents, Buddhists and (most surprisingly) with Muslims. The Muslims tend to be the most reasonable for reasons that I can't quite fathom given the passion involved in their faith.
You think all Muslims are fanatics, apparently. Congratulations, you're none too bright.
We are not demons. I admit that we wash our brains at our meetings, but given the filth of so-called 'modern society' and the evils that it has inflicted on humanity, who can blame us? I like being clean. :D
You do know that brainwashing is designed to limit your mental capacity, right?

A gramme is better than a damn, I guess.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Hmm so we acutal have a JW here

And Plablo responded to what you said freeing me of it

I'm suprized how small minded a JW is untill I talk to one
The line about Muslims..

The Muslims whos Koran forbids them to attack "People of the Book" and attacking another Muslim nation is on the list of stuff that gets you sent strait to hell No takebacks
They are allowed to Defend themselves but never attack

Oh and one of the first parts of Brain-washing is to convince the person he/ or she is not being Brained Washed
It makes subsquent Brainwashings Easier and just makes good sense

;) I've had your people show up but as I've tried with a few Hypnotists if you wanted to Brain wash me good luck, I can't even be put under Hyponoses when I'm TRYING to let the guy do it(Friend of mine who can wonk some of my friends out at will but never got past you are getting sleepy with me)

And using Violence aginst a peaceful person WOULD be showing Fear However...
Would not Violence be me shooting you?
And if I was intending Violence then would I not have the Gun loaded and my Finger on the Trigger?

No its a mear Psychological Tact and friend it works a whole lot better then go away

Remeber the question was how to Send JWs away as fast a possible

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Post by Darth Wong »

The JW's aren't the only ones. The Mormons also engage in this intrusive behaviour. Of course, they don't believe it's intrusive. They're just "reaching out" by bothering you in your own home, right?

Of course, if I disrupted a JW service by knocking loudly on the door and then marching in to hand out "Church of Satan" pamphlets, they would be furious.

My wife once dealt with a pair of Mormons by letting them speak, bringing them drinks, and then attacking their religious beliefs. She challenged them to explain why every single prophet on the Mormon council is white and male. She also had a printout of one of the pages from my "Creationism vs Science" website, which she gave them in exchange for their stupid pamphlets. She asked them to deal with its points and then come back to her when they can adequately defend their claims of moral superiority. Of course, they never returned.
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Post by Eleas »

"My wife once dealt with a pair of Mormons by letting them speak, bringing them drinks, and then attacking their religious beliefs. She challenged them to explain why every single prophet on the Mormon council is white and male."

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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Darth Wong wrote:My wife once dealt with a pair of Mormons by letting them speak, bringing them drinks, and then attacking their religious beliefs.
Oh, she's a keeper. :D
She challenged them to explain why every single prophet on the Mormon council is white and male.
I don't so have much of a problem with the Mormons, because they're much more mainstream than JWs. JWs have their own sort of society, where only JWs are allowed, and people can be completely removed and shunned by their own families. The Mormon beliefs also apparently have a lot to do with continuing the family unit into the afterlife, which I can sympathize with.

Two things I don't agree with is the bigotry and male chauvinism. The Mormons only stopped their bigamy and allowed blacks into the church when the Gov't threatened to remove their tax-exempt status (I don't know if that's constitutional, though).
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Post by Doomriser »

Come naked to the door. When you see them, look surprised and say

"Oh, you're just in time! We've slaughtered the goat but we haven't started the ritual yet!"
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Post by RedImperator »

Actually, my best friend DID answer the door naked once when the JW's came knocking. And if you saw what my best friend looks like, you'd become a JW just to become a door-to-door missionary and take a crack at "trying to convert" her again.
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Post by David »

Send me the address. I'll convert her, missionary style.
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Post by BenRG »

I found the personal attacks on me quite uplifting, as it indicated that those doing the attacks are bigots.

Anyway, anyone with an ounce of sense would have noticed that I was being ironic when I turned the word 'brainwashing' around. However, I am clearly not communicating with such people. I was joking guys.

Our meetings are open (please come, you might be surprised) and you could only describe them as 'brainwashing' if you would consider any Bible study group, formal or informal, as brainwashing. Frankly, we don't have skilled enough speakers to be effective brainwashers. We are too busy learning from the Bible and generally getting on fairly well with each other. If you don't like out teachings? We do not browbeat. You are free to go your own way and we hope that you do so in peace.

I suspect that the real problem is that most people here neither understand nor feel particularly safe around people with real faith.

Oh, it was Paul of Tarsus who mentioned going from house to house. Simon Peter probably did so too. Certainly it is what Jesus instructed his apostles to do: To go to homes and seek out the worthy. If we are not welcome, in Jesus words, we take our peace with us when we leave.

We think that there is a hope for dead loved ones. Does that make us wicked when we share that with the bereaved. Would a doctor be wicked for telling someone who is sick that there is a cure?

Still, like the man says, the thread is about how to stop us from knocking on the door.

The way is this: The next time one of my spiritual brothers or sisters calls, tell them that you do not wish to have any further visits from Jehovah's Witnesses and that they should ensure that our territory records record that. You will still be visited about every year to make sure that the instructions are still current.

If you don't want to hear about the end to war, crime, violence, injustice sickness, hunger and death, then by all means ask us to go away. There are people who need the Bible's message, and we have to find them.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Ahh more fuel for the Fire Fool
I found the personal attacks on me quite uplifting, as it indicated that those doing the attacks are bigots
Personal Attacks? If by taking apart your religion and countering every aurgment of yours and otherwise proving you don't know what the hell your talking about.. Well Bigot I am
That crap don't fly here friend. Either back up what you say or don't say it

Anyway, anyone with an ounce of sense would have noticed that I was being ironic when I turned the word 'brainwashing' around. However, I am clearly not communicating with such people. I was joking guys.
Or So you think the problem is thats what JW CALL brain washing. Not Converting mild mannor clear thinking indiuvlals into religion spewing paplet holding zombies which no one in there right mind would enjoy thier company

Our meetings are open (please come, you might be surprised) and you could only describe them as 'brainwashing' if you would consider any Bible study group, formal or informal, as brainwashing. Frankly, we don't have skilled enough speakers to be effective brainwashers. We are too busy learning from the Bible and generally getting on fairly well with each other. If you don't like out teachings? We do not browbeat. You are free to go your own way and we hope that you do so in peace.
I've gone to a JW meeting friend and the high pressure tatics you use can be desrbied as nothing else but Browbeating and Peer Pressure. The first part of Brainwashing is convicing the subject he or she is not brain washed. The true brainwashed will deny he or she is brain washed no matter what. The none Brain-Washed will say prehaps I am and look for ways to prove or disprove it.

Oh, it was Paul of Tarsus who mentioned going from house to house. Simon Peter probably did so too. Certainly it is what Jesus instructed his apostles to do: To go to homes and seek out the worthy. If we are not welcome, in Jesus words, we take our peace with us when we leave.
Fine words but like most orginzied religions they don't mean jack shit. That would be all nice and dandy if it where true if it where not for last year I had a chariming pair of JWs camped outside my door for over an hour and three weeks ago my Uncle had three outside his door for nearly four

We think that there is a hope for dead loved ones. Does that make us wicked when we share that with the bereaved. Would a doctor be wicked for telling someone who is sick that there is a cure?
No because unlike a JW the Doctur can acutal Deliver what he says on. Prays don't save people from Gunshot wounds. But getting somone when they are vuruable or getting somone into a vuruable spot is the classic first act of Complete Brain-Washing. Agian it be nice if you acutal where sharing and caring but your not. I have never met anyone who lost a loved one and had a JW show up and try and convert them but I do know eight people who did

The way is this: The next time one of my spiritual brothers or sisters calls, tell them that you do not wish to have any further visits from Jehovah's Witnesses and that they should ensure that our territory records record that. You will still be visited about every year to make sure that the instructions are still current
All well thank you. If go the hell anway and don't come back does not work what do you want us to say?
In otherwords no matter what we say your going to come back every year

If you don't want to hear about the end to war, crime, violence, injustice sickness, hunger and death, then by all means ask us to go away. There are people who need the Bible's message, and we have to find them
Yes thats all fine and dandy, I'd sure like to hear about it. But Id much rather to hear about a PLAN or a acutal fesable SOLUTION and not the religos tripe you toss on my door step
Last edited by Mr Bean on 2002-07-12 02:21pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by David »

The way is this: The next time one of my spiritual brothers or sisters calls, tell them that you do not wish to have any further visits from Jehovah's Witnesses and that they should ensure that our territory records record that. You will still be visited about every year to make sure that the instructions are still current


All well thank you. If go the hell anway and don't come back does not work what do you want us to say?
In otherwords no matter what we say your going to come back every year

They say to do that with telemarketing companies to, but I still keep on getting calls from them.
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Post by Lagmonster »

I, personally, don't like religion, because I think it does more harm than good. Historically speaking. If you've found the path of true enlightenment, fine, but share it with enough people and one of them is going to get real protective of their beliefs and start a war with someone who disagrees with them.

The problem with JW's, Mr. JW-on-this-board, is that there are more people who are of the type I meet (who have said to me the unforgivable phrase, "You really *need* us to help you") and the type I meet on less occasions, who when shooed away stay shooed. You'd think from the majority of them that you have some sort of 'saved quota' you have to meet (which brings up the thought; if you do a god's work, do you get a god's pay? And can you spend that pay on hookers and beer?).

The point is not whether you're doing the right thing or not. The point is that your first question should be: "Do you want to learn about us?" and when told no shrug your shoulders and mentally confine us to whatever oblivon or hell you might assume we're destined for, and leave us well enough alone.
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Post by VF5SS »

Ah good ol' religion. I swear I wish i could smack these people and make them listen to themselves. Really people! Think about it! "There's a big man in the sky and he loves us all and kills the sinners and tells us what to do and ummm I gotta drink my milk now" An eight year-old could've started the whole damn thing. I swear to you that I have a friend who believe that everything in the Lord of the rings series is true. His reason ," Well its so well written that how could Tolkien have gotten all the detail down if it didn't really exist!" If that isn't proof that religion is bullcrap then what it...
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