There aren't a bazillion different theories because the ones that are there are quite sufficient. And even if most of them don't get the origins of the Big Bang correct, it doesn't alter the fact that the Big Bang happened! You should also take a little closer look at the theories in question before you blithely dismiss them, because right now you're just making yourself look completely ridiculous.
But that’s just it. Religious justifications point out the fact that no theory has yet been proven in relation to the question, “Why?” “A little closer to the theories in question?” Do you have some kind of pet belief on which you think I am unfairly tramping? Which theory behind the origin of the Big Bang do you believe is one hundred percent proven fact?
Are you familiar with the fact that there is a marked difference between the concepts of ignorance and willful ignorance? A person who is a creationist because they have never been told the facts can be very intelligent and is merely ignorant. Someone who has been given access to the facts and who has looked at them and still remains a creationist is being willfully ignorant, which is synonymous with being utterly stupid. Most creationists, when confronted with the facts, will simply stick their fingers in their ears and yell "Lalalalalalaaaa, can't hear you!", hence they are stupid. Bush, with the education he's had, has no fucking excuse being one.
You’re overstepping the boundaries of acceptable speculation once more. Do not assume that George W. Bush ever accepted the justifications of secular education as completely correct. As I’ve pointed out above, certain loopholes exist with which religious fundamentalists declare the argument more stalemate than loss. The President has not held forth on his personal justifications for Creationism at this time; it’s too much to claim that he lacks any whatsoever. It’s also too much to claim that a subjective issue of religion marks him as “being utterly stupid.”
I'm not saying he is mentally deficient. I don't think holding a stupid belief like creationism means that the person couldn't be very competent in some other area (e.g. be an excellent car mechanic or computer programmer or something), but at least where the subject of willful ignorance is concerned, it is being stupid.
I agree that I find a belief in Creationism stupid. I do not however believe George W. Bush is a complete idiot on that account.
I haven't been saying that he is mentally deficient. I'm just saying the he is being willfully stupid where the subject of religion is concerned.
Then the argument is over and my point proven: one cannot accurately gauge the complete intelligence of George W. Bush on the basis of his belief in Creationism. While his faith may be subject to criticism, it is overstepped the boundaries of acceptable speculation to declare him completely idiotic.
Yes, because preemptive war on anybody who might threaten us in the future (as long as they have oil) is SO much smarter than dealing with other nations and building coalitions of international interests.
The Bush Doctrine is one of PREEMPTIVE WARFARE, you idiot! That runs counter to 225 years of American foreign policy, which states that America ONLY ATTACKS IF ATTACKED FIRST. That's why foreign countries USED TO trust us to negotiate treaties and to be fair in their application.
I find the justifications for war on Iraq to be correct. You’re forgetting that some people do in fact believe that we had
causus belli. Preemption isn’t quite as arbitrary as you’d have us believe.
Again, it's also too much to declare George W. Bush a moron on that basis alone - especially if he had a hand in the practical development or political initiation of that theory, which marks him as able.