Stravo wrote:When AOTC first came out it was so obvious that here were the stormtroopers in their infancy but then we had a contingent of people who were EU fanatics that cried about how that was not possible, it invalidated much of the EU, etc. The debates with them on the issue have left a very bad taste in my mouth when it comes to EU fanboyz pissing on the artists' vision because it doesn't fit their EU world vision.
I analyze the movies as a writer and the kid that first saw those movies. It's not logoical many times you're absolutely right and I have never insisted otherwise when confronted with a logical point. We have the Palpatine's saber issue. So Far in the movies Palpatine is never shown with a lightsaber. (Barring Ep. III) Looking at the movies as GL's utlimate vision I just assume, what makes a more powerful villain, one who transcends the use of the lightsaber? Yeah, he bitchslapepd Luke and kept Vader on a leash for twenty years. That's power. Now if the EU did not mention a lightsaber would someone saying Palpatine must have a saber not draw the ire of those that can point to the films and say he never had one in the movies and doesn't need one? I am more interested in the DRAMA of the story and not the logic. Not popular with the others here but heck, it's me.Illuminatus Primus wrote:Its left a bad taste in my mouth how you analyze movies and stories by your personal taste in writing and then act as if it is even in the same league as logical analysis. I can cite numerous examples: how Palpatine CAN'T be allowed to come back, even though ROTJ was originally meant to deal with Vader but Palpatine was going to live on and be confronted by Luke and sis later, exactly like DE, for example this clone thing, and for example your "Palpatine must not need a lightsabre" and you invented Force lightning that doesn't exist to fit your opinion. I dislike how you force artifical constraints on the SW Saga based on your own personal feelings of the story in SW and your leaps in logic from the theme and such.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Attack of the Clones itself never proved anything about Stormtroopers. In itself, AOTC showed that a secret alien contractor could produce 1.2 million clones in 10 years all identical and based on a single man.
None of those criteria were consistent with the canon reality of the Original Trilogy. Even now, the Stormtroopers are mostly clones, but certainly not the Clonetroopers, and AOTC is not the birth of the Stormtroopers. Both forces have different purposes and radically different scales..
We don't really know that yet. Ep III is the missing ingredient. If Palpatine declares that the Clonetroopers will now be Stromtroopers and be his personal elite guard, what does that do to the assertion that they cannot be the same. I AGREE with you about the numbers. Stormtroopers numbering in the millions is LUDICROUS (yes it breaks my drama deal because it is so over the top) It was far better in my opinion when numbers were never mentioned in OT. Did we know what a Legion of troops numbered in ROTJ ?(sans EU) No GL let us fill in the gaps in our minds.
I far more enjoy analysing the intent of an author and looking for foreshadowing than crunching numbers and looking at the logic of a certain situation. I am more than willing to accept certain things from GL (yes even Greedo shooting first) than the oppressive regime of those that discount the artist's original vision in exchange for having things jibe with stories not written by the author by others who did not know what was going on in the author's mind or what he intended in the future.Illuminatus Primus wrote:Naturally you ignored all this because the "literary foreshadowing" and "artist's intent" was transcendent to the stark reality of what was in the films to you.
Also one question WHY bother foreshadowing and creating damatic tension if you're GL if EU folks will shoot it down as unworkable?