Of course there are Republicans for Dean. That site exists solely to generate interest in him to bring about his nomination as the Democratic candidate so that he will defeated running against Bush by a margin greater than that which Mondale was defeated by running against Ronaldus Magnus.
After 12 years of allegedly conservative governance (Republican Arne Carlson, followed by Independent Jesse Ventura, returning to Republican Tim Pawlenty), Minnesota has been forced to cut services to such a degree that a "free" public defender is no longer free, even though they're legally required to be, in order to "balance" the budget ("balance" in quotes because the budget is probably only "balanced" in the sense that Enron's was balanced).
Good. Though you should have made more cuts on something else instead of making public defenders cost money, which was stupid, and is indicative of the typical indiotic budget cuts which Democrats take when forced to cut their socialist programmes. Maybe eliminating state welfare entirely would have eliminated the need for an illegal fee on public defenders.
The simple fact is that Dean wants to raise taxes on the rich, and cut them for the poor, which will cause the economy to stagnate.
Registered Republican James Cook, who retired to Fort Walton Beach, Fla., after 24 years in the Air Force, said he is abandoning a party that he said abandoned him. "Bush is a liar," he said. "The Republicans in Congress, with very few exceptions, are gutless party lapdogs who listen to what puts money in their own pockets or what will get them re-elected." (and keep in mind that this is from the Pioneer Press - the Twin Cities' conservative newspaper)
The Twin Cities are so liberal that a conservative newspaper there--like there's such a thing as a conservative
newspaper, all newspapers are liberally owned--would be a liberal rag in a conservative area. Moscow on the Mississippi!
The opinions of veterans are respected, but vastly more veterans support Bush than oppose him, by numbers which can be easily viewed when frequenting any veterans' area. Get out off your college campus and talk to real people for a change--hell, go to a newsgroup or message board frequented by veterans. Hardly less reliable than singular interviews in newspapers.
So we're left with a Democratic candidate who's not really all THAT liberal (social policies yes, but his fiscal policies are quite conservative, a welcome change from George Dubya "We won't pass our costs on to later Congresses/On second thought we will" Bush), versus a Republican President who, quite simply, is a liar and a cheat who ran on a platform of "honor and integrity".
The simple fact is that we are fighting a war, and we must do the things necessary to win that war, and we must pay for that war. The tax cuts, moreover, are those that shall pay for that war with the reaped dividends of economic prosperity, just like Reagan's funded a great boom, and a great increase in federal revenue. Altogether, the only thing we can do is stay the course, and elect President George W. Bush for a second term.