I donno how many of you have seen it, but for those of you who like;
B- movies
Action movies
horror movies
or interesting plots that you think should have been done but somehow hasn't been done ( damn you FCCA you mother fuckers ^_^ )
Then i think you should look for " Battle Royale "
Sick? yes .... Twisted? Yes......
I donno how to explain it, but get this fucking movie, its like Lord of the Flies on crack. I found it on Kazaa one day somehow, and after reading up on it more, i found that they've tried to ban it in america MANY times... especially after the whole columbine thing.
The rules of this game are simple:
• It lasts three days
• Each player starts out with food, water and a "weapon"
• If more than one player survives, everyone dies
• There is no escape
Battle Royale
You can find a trailer and nifty screens there ...
random clip from the movie ?
... oh yeah, be sure to get the subtitled version unless you're damn good at understanding japaneese ^_^ ...
although you might have better luck finding the book which the movie came from ...