In the interest of integrity I'll post my second to last and final synopses, but truth be told I'm getting damn tired of this.
Last Night's Ep:
-"We are really afraid of Muslims and will justify that fear by blowing news stories out of proportion and finding the nuttiest fundies to interview." Basically the 700's stance on that. For example, to give their viewers an example of scary fundies, they showed them a small group of Muslims who want to create a world Islamic government.
-Gordon is afraid of radical fundamentalists, oh the irony.
-CBN is in Indonesia saving babies, for God!
-Dumb fundies playing on rocks. Wife says husband had climbed up a large rock on a climbing trip, then against all reason and protest from his family, jumped to a smaller rock that would be safer to climb down. In the process breaking his ankle, falling the rest of the way and crushing a vertabrae. Wife drives to the nearest ranger station after leaving her sons to stay with their father, calls for help, and before going back, STOPS TO PRAY!!! Fundies like this ought to get an HM from Darwin just because the irony would be so delicious.
-Billy Graham's daughter has an unsatiable hunger for Jesus. Shoot me!
She gets flak from sexist pastors for being a female pastor. She says all women really want is jesus, or a husband like jesus. But they're probably against the idea of marrying jews.
-Gordon was BORN IN NYC!!!!!

He's a closet yankees fan. This proves it, there is most certainly NO GOD. How the hell did he get that dumb accent?
Bring it on:
-Gordon makes idiotic claims about the truth behind jesus sightings
-God doesn't destroy the devil, why? Yada yada, apocalypse, yada.
-Diseases classified as "thorns" are demons that buffet the devil.(No, I don't know what it means.)

WE, however, do meddle in the affairs of others.
What part of [


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) ] don't you understand?
Skeptical Armada Cynic: ROU Aggressive Logic
SDN Ranger: Skeptical Ambassador
Mr Golgotha, Ms Scheck, we're running low on skin. I suggest you harvest another lesbian!