May I be a Devil's Advocate for a second?The Duchess of Zeon wrote: Anyone who supports the Assault Weapons Ban is a tyrant. That includes Bush, of course, but at least he's from the party which is going to kill it in Congress--and I do have some concept of party-line loyalty which makes me think he's a better choice than a creature associated with the democrats.
There is an obvious question that needs to be asked. What do you need an assualt weapon for? You wouldn't want to hunt with one, since you have hunting rifles for that. Handguns will kill someone effectively in any practical situation where you'd have to defend yourself or home, plus it's not like you can carry an assault weapon around in your purse. If a perp doesn't go down in the first shot, it's not like you can't squeeze the trigger a few more times to make sure he falls over. Plus, it's not like you need to own one for work, since jobs that require use of an assault weapon tend to provide them. And if I recall correctly, you live in New York, which is about as far away from any warzones as you can get, except for possibly some island in the middle of the Pacific, and it's powerfully unlikely that it ever will be for the foreseeable future.
Unless I'm missing something really obvious, I don't see any practical reason why you need one in the first place.