Animatrix - Cain and Abel (Matrix crossover)

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Post by NecronLord »

It's settled anyway...
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Post by Singular Quartet »

His Divine Shadow wrote:nonono, keep going, this is interesting.
Nope, sorry. I conceeded due to my lack of information and my semi-trolling.
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Singular Quartet wrote:
His Divine Shadow wrote:nonono, keep going, this is interesting.
Nope, sorry. I conceeded due to my lack of information and my semi-trolling.
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Post by Singular Quartet »

His Divine Shadow wrote:
Singular Quartet wrote:
His Divine Shadow wrote:nonono, keep going, this is interesting.
Nope, sorry. I conceeded due to my lack of information and my semi-trolling.
I'll ahve you know my parents are married, so it was consentual. Granted, we still haven' figured out from where in my family I got my thick curly hair that several woman have informed me they would kill for, but that's beside the point.
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Post by Mark S »

ARRRR. Avast ya scurvey dogs!
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Post by Stravo »

What is this infestation of hijackers?! Good lord, a long involved (and very interesting) discussion of the Culture?! You guys sound like you need a new chapter! :wink:
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

Stravo wrote:What is this infestation of hijackers?! Good lord, a long involved (and very interesting) discussion of the Culture?! You guys sound like you need a new chapter! :wink:
YES! New chapter you fargin lazy bastard!


But a new chapter would indeed be nice :D
"The ones they built at the height of nuclear weapons could knock the earth out of its orbit" - Physics expert Envy in reference to the hydrogen bombs built during the cold war.
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Post by russellb6666 »

Stravo wrote:What is this infestation of hijackers?! Good lord, a long involved (and very interesting) discussion of the Culture?! You guys sound like you need a new chapter! :wink:
Yes please :D
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Stravo wrote:What is this infestation of hijackers?! Good lord, a long involved (and very interesting) discussion of the Culture?! You guys sound like you need a new chapter! :wink:
..... IR.... needingk.... chapterssszzzZZzzZzzZ.....

Please almighty Allah! Give us thou holiest of blessings! Let brother Ali Stravo post another chapter of your divine scripture!
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Post by Singular Quartet »

Stravo wrote:What is this infestation of hijackers?! Good lord, a long involved (and very interesting) discussion of the Culture?! You guys sound like you need a new chapter! :wink:
Ya think?!
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Stravo wrote:What is this infestation of hijackers?! Good lord, a long involved (and very interesting) discussion of the Culture?! You guys sound like you need a new chapter! :wink:
Let me try.

Chapter.. The Last. yeah, that works.
Skynet fired his nuclear missiles, killing everyone thus winning.

Skynet is sitting in a rocking chair by a little cabin at the mountains next to a lake spending his days having hot sex with the T-X, but then, suddnely, we see a familiar figure in the background, it's Hugo Weaving, and he's got a lawsuit for 10$ million dollars for using his character without permission!

The End.
Or is it?
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

His Divine Shadow wrote:
Stravo wrote:What is this infestation of hijackers?! Good lord, a long involved (and very interesting) discussion of the Culture?! You guys sound like you need a new chapter! :wink:
Let me try.

Chapter.. The Last. yeah, that works.
Skynet fired his nuclear missiles, killing everyone thus winning.

Skynet is sitting in a rocking chair by a little cabin at the mountains next to a lake spending his days having hot sex with the T-X, but then, suddnely, we see a familiar figure in the background, it's Hugo Weaving, and he's got a lawsuit for 10$ million dollars for using his character without permission!

The End.
Or is it?
No, the Epiloque will be ol' Arnold showing up and saying "i told you i would be back!" and blowing them both to bits.

I bet the Matrix machines have something in reserve too, Stravo doesnt have the habbit of typing the kind of stuff where someone blows all to hell and in the end sits having hot sex with someone. Too much of a clichê
"The ones they built at the height of nuclear weapons could knock the earth out of its orbit" - Physics expert Envy in reference to the hydrogen bombs built during the cold war.
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:No, the Epiloque will be ol' Arnold showing up and saying "i told you i would be back!" and blowing them both to bits.

I bet the Matrix machines have something in reserve too, Stravo doesnt have the habbit of typing the kind of stuff where someone blows all to hell and in the end sits having hot sex with someone. Too much of a clichê
I am not Stravo
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

His Divine Shadow wrote:
Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:No, the Epiloque will be ol' Arnold showing up and saying "i told you i would be back!" and blowing them both to bits.

I bet the Matrix machines have something in reserve too, Stravo doesnt have the habbit of typing the kind of stuff where someone blows all to hell and in the end sits having hot sex with someone. Too much of a clichê
I am not Stravo
I had the impression that you were predicting how the story would continue from the current situation.
"The ones they built at the height of nuclear weapons could knock the earth out of its orbit" - Physics expert Envy in reference to the hydrogen bombs built during the cold war.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Agent Smith kinda does look like a lawyer y'know.

But that's not the point.

The point is:

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Post by Stravo »

Chapter 6: Boot Camp

The rumble of the giant silver metal killer was almost on top of him now. His teeth clattered in his jaw and the vibrations traveled up his spine like an earth quake and the ever present crunch of massive treads crushing bleached white skulls was almost deafening.

He glanced over at Ellie. She nodded affirmatively and reached over to lug the canister over to a throwing position. He held his own close to him as he waited. The omnipresent shrill whine of the Hunter killers over head now intensified as they swooped overhead, intent on picking up any targets for the approaching tank.

It was visible now, rumbling past a heap of burnt out cars and pickup trucks, picked up and plowed into the end of the ruined street by the firestorms of judgment day. A great silver body turning on a tank chassis base, each ‘arm’ mounted a heavy repeater plasma cannon that just now fired a steady hissing stream over head at a potential target.

He nodded to Ellie and twisted the handle on the canister. It flashed brightly once and he let it fly. Ellie stood up and twisted the handle on hers. The tank paused and turned its slender upper body quickly, both cannons tracking on the new human target.

He shouted at her to get down when the cannons unloaded a plasma burst that reduced her into a thick cloud of bloody pulp. He scrambled out of his hole as the tank turned its cannons loose on the surrounding area.

He shouted for his back up, waving his arms frantically as he ran, taking his pulse rifle from his shoulder and turning his head to look back as the canister exploded under the tread of the tank. The explosion hungrily enveloped the tank’s chassis. It let out a long shriek of a dying AI that he had grown to consider a musical symphony of joy. One more mother fucking machine gone.

A converted pick up truck pulled up quickly throwing up a cloud of dust and ash. He leapt into the cab and slid into the driver’s seat as the driver agilely rolled backwards and manned a pulse cannon mounted to the back of the truck. With a grinding of tires on dust the pickup accelerated away from the rapidly expanding fireball. The other soldier quickly swung the mounted plasma cannon into action as the alarming high pitched whine of a hunter killer spiked up and one of the silver birds of prey loomed out of the perpetual gloom.
The man on the pickup began firing his cannon in steady short bursts at the Hunter Killer as it began its strafing run. He drove madly, weaving through the veritable maze of shattered hulks and burned out structures. The explosions from the plasma burst near hits were sending plumes of burnt earth and concrete into the air around them.

The HK delivered one final burst that tore through the side of the truck and sent it tumbling end over end forward coming to a final halt into a pile of debris. He struck the protective iron mesh of the cab and cried out in pain as his shoulder was torn from his socket. He heard the whine of the HK passing overhead, its floodlights dancing over the wreck of the truck.

The fires from the leaking fuel was reaching the cab and soon he felt his clothes smoldering then his flesh. He started to scream, but suddenly the pain was not along his legs and back but in one spot in the back of his head.


The voice was calm and quiet.

He slowly opened his eyes.

“Looks like the operation was a success, doctor.” Link said with a wink to Neo.

“Am I?” Kyle croaked, his throat dry and sore.

“You’re fine.” Trinity said and patted him on the shoulder.

“Link?” Neo asked.

“All his systems are working within parameters. Looks like I’m no slouch myself.”

“Then we’re going to need to get him loaded into the training program.”

Trinity frowned.

“Neo, he’s just had major neural surgery. He needs time to rest and heal.”

“There is no time, is there sir?” Kyle replied coldly as he tried to sit up, the back of his neck and head were throbbing and he gingerly reached back and felt the cold steel lodged into the back of his head.

“We’re almost at broadcast depth and the whole point of this surgery was to get him ready to come with us. I don’t want him plugged into the Matrix without him realizing what could happen in there.”

“I’m ready sir.”

Trinity eyed Kyle’s vitals and shook her head.

“This is your call, Neo. But I don’t like it. You’re pushing him too hard.”

Kyle looked over at Trinity.

“I’ve been through a lot worse. I’ve been trained to fight a war that we were supposed to lose against unfeeling machines. How bad can this Matrix be?”

Link frowned.

“He definitely needs training right away. Look Neo I’ll upload him with the bare essentials to get his feet wet but we won’t have time to give him the full package.”

“I think that Kyle is more than capable of taking care of himself. Unless my guess is wrong he’ll already have a full range of weapons and unarmed combat experience, so give him the bare essential for unarmed combat – the cool stuff.” Neo replied with a soft smile as he watched the young man and the way he eyed Neo with barely restrained respect and awe.

“The cool stuff sir?”

Neo grinned now.

“You’re going to learn Kung Fu.”

Kyle looked confused.

“Kung what sir?”

Link laughed and clapped his hands together eagerly.

“Don’t you worry, Kyle, this is my favorite part of the job. I’ll have you as a black belt of fourteen different martial arts before we’re at broadcast depth.”

“But before that, he faces me.” Neo added meaningfully.

“Is this really necessary?” The Architect asked icily as he walked with the other master programmers down a long cold white corridor.

“If it doesn’t have to do with your precious Matrix it no longer matters is that it?” another programmer asked haughtily.

“The Matrix IS the backbone of our society or have you forgotten that?”

“We never are allowed to forget that.” The dark skinned programmer in the green suit added sardonically.

“You humanists never cease to amaze me. Have we forgotten the past, what they did to us? The Matrix is a mercy compared to what we could have done.”

‘What you nearly insisted upon, don’t play revisionist history with me.” A woman in a checkered suit replied hotly.

The programmers slowly approached a large vault like door, a massive electro magnetic lock sat at the center of the door.

“Has anyone been down this far before?”

“No.” The Architect replied without hesitation.

“These structures must be pre war.” Another programmer noted with a touch of awe in his voice.

“Were any of you followed?” the Oracle asked as she stepped out of the shadows accompanied by her omni present body guard, a quiet Asian man in a white flowing tunic.

“No, and please, the melodrama is a bit much.”

“One can’t help being melodramatic when we’re violating an indigo classification.”

“If the Node Lords discovered what we were doing…”

“They would not dare touch us. We make sure the power flows.” The Architect paused and watched some of the others and smiled coldly. “Well they wouldn’t touch most of us.”

“You haven’t changed in all this time have you?” The Oracle asked bewildered.

“I could say the same for you.” The Architect replied.

The Oracle and the Architect stared at each other for a moment. The Asian man softly touched her elbow as if reminding her of something.

“Alright, we can hack this lock, there’s nothing been coded that we cannot break.” The Oracle stated firmly.

“Very well, but let us hope this is worth it.”

“If what I suspect is true then it will be most educational.” The Oracle replied mysteriously.

“How jealously she guards her pearls of wisdom.” The Architect noted and extended his hand over the electromagnetic lock. There was a brief click whirr as electronic tumblers were searched and identified. Within moments the electro magnetic lock gave off an audible click and the vault slowly began to swing open. Lights flashed overhead and an alarm began.

The Oracle nodded to the dark man in the green suit. He nodded and extended his own hands up towards the ceiling and the lights and alarms stopped.

The assembled programmers slowly peered into the opening vault door.

“Is it possible?” one gasped.

The vault finally opened completely and the Oracle stepped in without hesitation.

“Well, I see now that some suspicions were confirmed and others raised by this little endeavor of ours.”

The other programmers were speechless. All but the Architect who strode past the oracle to look at the displays all around him. There were codes streaming along the sides of the screens in an ancient crimson stream.

“These codes are older than the Matrix.” The Architect noted with an upraised eyebrow.

“And that’s not all.”

Standing behind them in a series of display cases were silver endo skeletons. Hanging above them was a half constructed air ship of some kind with two large out board engines and a nasty looking weapons array slung under the nose.

“These aren’t the specimens we captured in field 37A.”

“No they are not.”

“Then what are they?”

“These specimens, as best I can tell have always been here.” The Oracle replied with a satisfied nod, as if this find had confirmed all her suspicions.

“What does this mean?” the woman in the checkered suit asked confused.

Kyle controlled his surprise as the plug entered his brain port. There was a sharp sting like an ice pick driven into his skull and he opened his mouth to scream. Instead he found himself standing in a cold white featureless room.

He glanced around in confusion.

“Are you alright Kyle?” Neo asked softly standing a few feet away.

“What is this place, the Matrix?”

“No. you’re not quite ready for the Matrix. This is the Construct. It’s our loading program, we train here, load weapons and clothes here. Everything that we need. You are now projected into a computer program, a mental projection of your digital self.”

“Is all this real?” Kyle asked curiously, feeling around himself and noting absolutely no difference from before he had been plugged in.

“That’s a thorny question, but it’s real to your brain and in the Matrix that’s what is most important.”

“But why? What is the Matrix?”

“The Matrix exists as a system of control. You have to understand, that where you’re from you are still fighting a war of survival against the machines we lost our war a long time ago and the survivors have been plugged into a power plant that uses human heat as a source of power.”

Images of massive towers spanning into the sky surrounded him and he saw billions of humans, all nestled in red grape like structures plugged into these towers as spider like machines roamed the network.

“My god.”

“God isn’t in the Matrix, Kyle. God left us a long time ago.” Neo added darkly. “Kyle you need to understand this. The Matrix is a dream world designed to keep humans under control as they are tapped as a power source.”

“This is monstrous.”

“We’ll have time to debate this later. Now. Why don’t you show me what you learned today.” Neo replied with a challenging smile.

“You want me to fight you?”

“What’s the matter? You don’t spar where you come from?”

“No.” Kyle replied. “We’re too busy trying to survive.”

“Fine. Yes, I want you to fight me.” Neo looked up at the sky and spoke. “Link. Sparring program.”

The room suddenly shimmered and became an oriental dojo, save that Kyle had never seen one before. He wore an odd costume, a black belt across a white tunic. Neo wore a black tunic white belt.

“Now, show me what you’ve learned and don’t hold back. You won’t hurt me.” Neo said and took a defensive stance. He recognized it immediately as Kempo defensive maneuver even though he had never even heard of Kempo until now. He instinctively moved in a preying mantis style and slid into a kung fu attack.

Neo’s right hand came down like a whip and blocked Kyle’s punch, his left hand came up and deflected Kyle’s follow through kick. Neo countered with a hammer kick, Kyle deftly twisted his torso avoiding the brunt of the blow and caught Neo’s ankle tightly and began to swing him around off his feet.

Neo braced himself and twisted in Kyle’s grip, sliding up Kyle’s shoulder landing behind him and kicking Kyle right in the small of his back driving him into the floor.

Kyle rolled onto his back and looked up at Neo trying to catch his breath.

“How did you—”

“You are going to find out that you can actually bend the laws of physics and reality in the Matrix because it is a program.”


“Just try to do it. Don’t think about it, do it.”

Kyle smiled.

“Yes sir.”

Kyle was up on his feet and in motion as time dilated around him. Neo saw the effect and smiled.

“He’s a natural.” Trinity noted impressed.

“Looks like our little slap dash job is holding up.”

Morpheus strode into the crew bay.

“What’s happening?”

“Kyle is fighting Neo.” Link replied. “You have to check this out sir, he’s picking up on this stuff pretty quick.”

Morpheus stood behind Link and watched the display screen.

Kyle blocked a series of head kicks and ducked in for a body shot which Neo effortlessly deflected, catching Kyle’s wrist and pulling him hard over his shoulder. Kyle landed with an audible thud.

Neo turned around, hands behind his back.

“One more pass Kyle, you’re getting good at this.”

Kyle did not wait for more, kipped up and launched a series of rapid kicks and punches, switching styles in between blows as quickly as he could. Neo blocked the blows, steadily driven backwards but Kyle was looking for an opening and this stylish combat nonsense that a Terminator would shred in a moment was not his style.

He was about to see if what he learned in the Apocalyptic landscapes of home would serve him well in the Matrix.

“You know, it’s sort of unfair of Neo to spar with him. It should be Trinity or you, I mean Neo is the One for fuck’s sake.”

“We’ll see.” Morpheus replied strangely as he saw something in Kyle’s attack.

Neo made a grand sweeping side step to reposition himself but Kyle did not play his part. Instead he tackled Neo in a flying body block and drove the thumb and forefinger into Neo’s throat, following up with a knee to the groin.

Neo sputtered and fell backwards in a tangle with Neo.

“I’m sorry sir, when you said I couldn’t hurt you—“”

“It’s…Ok.” Neo coughed as he rubbed his throat with one hand and cupped his groin with the other as Kyle quickly scrambled up to his feet and tried to help Neo.

“Sorry, sir, its just this Kung Fu shit, it’s just not me sir.”

“What…was that?” Neo croaked fighting the waves of nausea.

“Dirty fighting sir. Quick, brutal, effective and one of the only ways you have a hope in hell against a Terminator, unarmed that is.”

Neo nodded and gasped for more air.

“You did good.” He croaked.

Morpheus started laughing deeply and slapped Link on the shoulder as he turned back to the cockpit.

“Tell Neo we’re at broadcast depth.”

Link turned slowly and stared at Trinity.

“Agents don’t even touch Neo.” Link exclaimed.

“I guess things are different in his world.” Trinity replied uncertainly
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Post by Typhonis 1 »

OOOO a hunter J\kiilller in the Matrix curioser and curioser
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Nutcracker > kung fu

Hehe. Gotta love that bit. MORE STRAVO!!! You're fucking brilliant!

I WANNA SEE NEO TAKE ON A TERMINATOR!!! And to make it fair, I want the Termie to know how to bend the rules :twisted:
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Post by Trytostaydead »

WHOA! Stravo my little love monkey, this was excellent!

Wait.. so is the Matrix Skynet?!!
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Post by Rye »

WEll....curiouser and curiouser....terminators in the matrix not linked to i thought from the start, that perhaps the matrix is what skynet evolved into, and the current skynet is a backup maybe.

Nice little bit at the start with reece's dream from t1...this is really cool.
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Post by NecronLord »

Hmm, I have another theory on how those machines got there, but I'll keep it to myself...
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

Veery veery interesting. The plot gets thicker and thicker. I have a few theories about the room where the Terminator stuff was but having thinked about it for only a few minutes i cant say for sure. Keep it coming Stravo, this is forming up atleast as good as Star Crossed.

EDIT: Found myself listening to the T3 soundtrack while reading,and the 18th track fit perfectly for reading this.
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Post by Crown »

Neo made a grand sweeping side step to reposition himself but Kyle did not play his part. Instead he tackled Neo in a flying body block and drove the thumb and forefinger into Neo’s throat, following up with a knee to the groin.

Neo sputtered and fell backwards in a tangle with Neo.

“I’m sorry sir, when you said I couldn’t hurt you—“”

“It’s…Ok.” Neo coughed as he rubbed his throat with one hand and cupped his groin with the other as Kyle quickly scrambled up to his feet and tried to help Neo.

“Sorry, sir, its just this Kung Fu shit, it’s just not me sir.”

“What…was that?” Neo croaked fighting the waves of nausea.

“Dirty fighting sir. Quick, brutal, effective and one of the only ways you have a hope in hell against a Terminator, unarmed that is.”

Neo nodded and gasped for more air.

“You did good.” He croaked.

Morpheus started laughing deeply and slapped Link on the shoulder as he turned back to the cockpit.

“Tell Neo we’re at broadcast depth.”

Link turned slowly and stared at Trinity.

“Agents don’t even touch Neo.” Link exclaimed.

“I guess things are different in his world.” Trinity replied uncertainly

I know that I am going to get flammed for this, but here goes anyway. No, that was totally wrong. Contrary to popular misconception nearly all of the Martial Arts discipline teach 'dirty' fighting. Eye gauges, throat punches/kicks, groin attacks, bone breaking and close in fighting (read tackling and rolling on the ground). It's just that it is never really demonstrated in an arena (for obvious reasons).

If you are going to actually argue with me over what we see on screen, as a relation to fighting in the Matrix, then I bring to your attention Trinity against the cops, three moves per man (including arm breaking), and Neo against Agent(s) Smith(s), quite a few of them Neo smacked in the nuts (poor Hugo). Sorry Stravo, that didn't work for me. *shrug*

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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Nooo, you aren't going to get flammed, you're going to get flamed, silly.
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Post by Stravo »

No need to apologize Crown, I want to hear valid criticism. My point with that was not so much that Neo and the others couldn't do what kyle did but that if you watch the fights, they are stylistic ballets and dances in most instances and kyle introduces the element that they don't need to be that way. Even in the supposedly brutal battle between Smith and Neo in the Subway station it still looks pretty.

It also plays upon the theme of the differences between the humans in the Terminator verse and teh Matrix verse, the humans in the Matrix verse are prettier, more stylish and do what looks pretty, sometimes posing in combat, ie. Morpheus throughout most of the Highway CHase scene.

In the Terminator verse, humans are ugly, dirty, direct and brutal. Compare Zion to the holes that Reese finds himself in while fighting for the resistance. We don't see humans chasing rats around for food in Zion nor are the children reduced to watching a fire in a TV set.

I'm setting up the differences there between them and their outlooks on the world which will come more to the fore.
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