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Post by David »

Once again you have sidestepped what we havwe been tring to say.

Second see things for what they are. What you call speculation and conjecture is called investigation. When something is hidden, of course nothing is known, and all that is left is exactly that, speculation and conjecture.
Every investigation is started because there is some initial proof that something is going on. You don't even have that. You have presented everything you have said as fact, but you don't have a shred of proof for any of it.
Is it the unwillingness to concider something that may hold a shread of truth.
I have considered it and rejected it. You have nothing to back it up.
Don't be a naive as you make yourself to be. The most important facts which I have presented have been acurate.
You have presented no facts.
They were all done by former government execuatives, accomplished journalists, and respected PhDs(Noam Chomsky). Again I say Read before you Comment.
I have read it and I don't care who wrote it. They present no real proof what they are saying is true.
What may look like conspiracy is actually the other side of the governments story, refer to the links in the previous post for more insight.
Again, those links were no proof at all.

You completely ignored the vast majority of my last post, instead you reiterate the same baseless bullshit.
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More Respones aka Proof

Post by Resident Commie »

People who don't like to read
Why should I spoon feed every pices of evidence here, i presented to sources, if you don't believe me read them, and note that they are not written by crackpots but, by well respected and intellegent people

For People Who Don't Believe in the Power of the Gov.
Here's the biggest unconstitutional stab in the back by our government. Echelon
For thoese who don't know what Echelon is, in doubt you do concidering how much you know about the contra affair. Echelon is a program run by the NSA (National Security Agency). It's purpose is domestic espionage, designed to monitor, every current form of communication in the US, like in the movie "Enemy of the State", it looks for code words, an all private and public communications, breaking a constitutional rights and privacy laws we have. http://www.echelonwatch.org/ and FAQ at http://www.aclu.org/echelonwatch/faq.html

Reminder the existance of this system is illegal. Furthermore, it adds to the begging question how much did the government know before 9/11.
Still not convinced I say again read. Read what the mainstream media is not reporting and what the government is really doing.

For People Who Think Wars Are Not For Oil
Again I say read up become informed.
After the fall of the Taliban the US government immediatly brought back plans to construct a massive oil pipeline that would strech through the crucial area of Afganistan to reach from the oil in the caspian sea all the way to the arabian sea. This is why, America had planned on an invasion of Afganistan prior to 9/11 and which again raises the question would we have still gone to war in Afganistan if not for 9/11
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Post by Resident Commie »

note* to david i posted the preceding responce before you posted yours,

definition of Proof:
The cogency of evidence that compels acceptance byt the mind of a truth or a fact.

It's so pathetic to what your arguments amount for.

In nearly every one of my supported claims, the only thing you have done is deny, deny, deny. Lest you even think that what I have presented is proof, u deny it because you simply don't want to believe what they are saying. "The cogency of evidence" is all right here. If you want to see the hard truth look, at the actual reports, laws, and actions they are reporting on (i guess you havn't heard of a little thing called NARA http://www.archives.gov/) . What you are eluding to is a complete denial of all document reports, by anyone. If we were to apply your reasoning to general media, nothing could be accepted as fact because they really had no proof either. Oh they say there's an AIDS epedemic in Africa, but hell no, it can't be true there's real proof they are suppling us is there!

So now I pose this question to the Strawman of the Month, what say you is real proof.
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Post by David »

I was going to respond to everything you have said, but I see now that that would be pointless. You refuse to address nything I have brought up. Allow me to sum up this whole conversation.

You make unsupported claims.

We demand proof and evidence what you are saying is true.

You provide links to web sites that are nothing but pure conjecture. All of these sites base their beliefs on theory, or in the case of some like echelonwatch, state that their opinions are based on reliable but unnamed sources. Just because some writes about something does not make it true.

Yes I have denied eveything you have said, because I have demanded proof and you have not provided any.

I could say that aliens were invading America at this very moment, and provide links to thousands of sites that say that same thing. Those sites also provide no proof, and also get their information from reliable but unnamed sources.
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Ceases to amaze me

Post by Resident Commie »

You make unsupported claims.

We demand proof and evidence what you are saying is true.

You provide links to web sites that are nothing but pure conjecture. All of these sites base their beliefs on theory, or in the case of some like echelonwatch, state that their opinions are based on reliable but unnamed sources. Just because some writes about something does not make it true

I guess u didn't bother to look at any of the sources I gave in my last post. If you did, you would of realised that the so-called conjecture source u claim is the United States National Archive and Records Administration. Actually look at what you are talking about because it doesn't seem to be you are.

Also the Echlonwatch, does specificly provide their sources, since you didn't bother to look here they are: http://www.aclu.org/echelonwatch/resour ... #documents
such sources include:
The National Security Archive
The Federation of American Scientists (which Darth Wong himself gives acclaim to having accurate and correct information)
And perhaps most importantly the offical NSA website.

I have not given unsupported proof, but i guess thats what you want to believe. It's all here but I guess you just won't look.

BTW, the news websites that i gave in my last post are exactly that. News Websites. www.fair.org if you bothered to look is not some half-baked conspiracy site. It is an offical news organization who's members hold partnership with many other mainstream news agencies, such as NBC and BBC.

Also to comment on your unwillingness to accept what is said on a web site is biased. It is just the same as cnn.com or newsweek.com, would you deny what was said on these web sites, simply because they were websites and not the actual newspapers or magazines. They use the same exact practices for gathering information and facts in writing their stories as everyone else. Simply disliking an organization isn't reason enough to call it baseless and conjecture.
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Post by LordChaos »

Sorry, but I have more then enough of beating my head into the brick wall known as "idiotcy" at work to continue trying to correct this verbal diarrea being spewed by RC under the incorrectly used term "facts" to continue with it.

RC - your an idiot. Deal with it.
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Post by David »

Short and to the point. I like it.
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Strawmen do Collapse

Post by Resident Commie »

As in the case with yours, it's evident you no longer have any lies to hide behind, you can't try to stuff anymore cotton in your ears.

When faced with overwhelming concrete evidence, do you always bang your head on the wall, in shame of your own stupidity. :roll:

Because the only verbal diarrhea here is yours. Is refuting proof and facts always your way because, thats a pretty sad way to look at things. Not being able to realize that the answer is smacking you in the face. Read the previous posts, look at the sources, and learn to read, because you obviously don't know how. Next time you formulate an argument that has relvence and don't base it on pointless objections that don't challenge the facts themselves. 8)

Cause, you'll be doing all of us a favor. :wink:

Concession Accepted :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Strawmen do Collapse

Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Resident Commie wrote:As in the case with yours, it's evident you no longer have any lies to hide behind, you can't try to stuff anymore cotton in your ears.

When faced with overwhelming concrete evidence, do you always bang your head on the wall, in shame of your own stupidity. :roll:
It amuses me that you consider oatmeal to be concrete.
Because the only verbal diarrhea here is yours. Is refuting proof and facts always your way because, thats a pretty sad way to look at things. Not being able to realize that the answer is smacking you in the face. Read the previous posts, look at the sources, and learn to read, because you obviously don't know how. Next time you formulate an argument that has relvence and don't base it on pointless objections that don't challenge the facts themselves. 8)
Facts? I haven't seen any facts, just because you call them facts doesn't me they really are. All you've posted is a bunch of conspiracy sites, why should we believe a bunch of paranoid people?
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Post by Resident Commie »

Kamakazie Sith,
you really don't even deserve a responce. But since i've always been known as the nice quy, i'll give you one.

Have you just totally ignored what the previous posts actully pointed to or do you consider everyone who doesn't agree with you a conspracy therorist.
this cartoon sums up your argument best

Again to point out the obvious for the blind, here is a list of sites which I posted. Something you failed to even look at, before calling them nonsense.
the news websites that i gave in my last post are exactly that. News Websites . www.fair.org

NARA http://www.archives.gov/ (National Archive and Records Administration)

http://www.echelonwatch.org/ and FAQ at http://www.aclu.org/echelonwatch/faq.html
(I bet u think the ACLU is a bunch of conspiracy nuts too. :roll: )

Also the Echlonwatch, does specificly provide their sources, since you didn't bother to look here they are: http://www.aclu.org/echelonwatch/resour ... #documents
such sources include:
The National Security Archive
The Federation of American Scientists (which Darth Wong himself gives acclaim to having accurate and correct information)
And perhaps most importantly the offical NSA website.

BTW, these are all US institutions which, have a true sense for what it means to be Constitutionally Democratic.


These are the sources of fact I refer to.

If you want to tell me that the:
National Cancer Insitiute
Anmnesty International
United Nations Commission on Human Rights
American Civil Liberities Union
Federation of American Scientists
The Center for Public Integrity
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
The National Security Agency
and the US National Archive and Records Administration

note* two of these sources are actual United States Government Agencies and Departments

are all iligitmate sources consisting of real organizations, I strees that they are real legitimate and credible organizations because,
1st your arguments are completely false in they are not just websites
and 2nd for some Mysterious reason no one will acknowledge the existance let alone the actual validity of what they are saying

If you have mearly overlooked this blaring truth, i forgive you, and hope that you will be more informed before you raise hasty generalizations, about things you can't explain. :roll: :wink:
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Post by David »

It sems that you believe that if you have the last word, you have won. No so, I'm simply getting tired of repeating myself. You have given us the homepages of very large sites and said they support you. I frankly don't have the time or the inclination to search through them tring to find the facts you are talking about. I suggest you post what you think is relevent, and the exact url of the site you are refering to.

You compared this to a court trial a few posts back, but the way you are going about it would never fly in the court system of any nation.

Judge: "Please present your evidence and witnesses."

RC: " Um, well, there is evidence, but I'm not going to say what it is. It's at the scene of the crime, so if you want it go get it. Just take my word the defendent did the crime."

Your case would be immediately thrown out. The burden of proof is upon you RC, and you have failed miserably to post it in any way, shape, or form.
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Resident Commie wrote:Kamakazie Sith,
you really don't even deserve a responce. But since i've always been known as the nice quy, i'll give you one.
Have you just totally ignored what the previous posts actully pointed to or do you consider everyone who doesn't agree with you a conspracy therorist.
this cartoon sums up your argument best
<removed cartoon in respect of bandwidth>
All you've done is posted links to the main pages of these sites, please post direct links to that which supports your side.
Again to point out the obvious for the blind, here is a list of sites which I posted. Something you failed to even look at, before calling them nonsense.
I don't have time to look through large pages for evidence that you should have directly linked yourself.
the news websites that i gave in my last post are exactly that. News Websites . www.fair.org

NARA http://www.archives.gov/ (National Archive and Records Administration)

http://www.echelonwatch.org/ and FAQ at http://www.aclu.org/echelonwatch/faq.html
(I bet u think the ACLU is a bunch of conspiracy nuts too. :roll: )
Actually I believe that the ACLU is a bunch of liberal pussies.
Also the Echlonwatch, does specificly provide their sources, since you didn't bother to look here they are: http://www.aclu.org/echelonwatch/resour ... #documents
such sources include:
The National Security Archive
The Federation of American Scientists (which Darth Wong himself gives acclaim to having accurate and correct information)
And perhaps most importantly the offical NSA website.
Though I respect Mike Wong, just because he gives something his approval doesn't mean I'm going to just agree with him.
BTW, these are all US institutions which, have a true sense for what it means to be Constitutionally Democratic.

These are the sources of fact I refer to.

If you want to tell me that the:
National Cancer Insitiute
Anmnesty International
United Nations Commission on Human Rights
American Civil Liberities Union
Federation of American Scientists
The Center for Public Integrity
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
The National Security Agency
and the US National Archive and Records Administration

note* two of these sources are actual United States Government Agencies and Departments

are all iligitmate sources consisting of real organizations, I strees that they are real legitimate and credible organizations because,
1st your arguments are completely false in they are not just websites
and 2nd for some Mysterious reason no one will acknowledge the existance let alone the actual validity of what they are saying

If you have mearly overlooked this blaring truth, i forgive you, and hope that you will be more informed before you raise hasty generalizations, about things you can't explain. :roll: :wink:


I have an idea why don't you post direct links to the documents that support your side.
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Post by David »


Because there are none.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

RC should go to France. There was actually a guy there that wrote a book saying the US planned the 9-11 attacks. :roll:

And it's still going to be translated into many languages, including English, and will be available at all Barnes & Noble bookstores... In the humor section!

RC either was put in suspended animation in the 60's and then unfrozen recently, or he went to U.C. Berkley, the only Communist stronghold in the United States.

Oh, yes, and that cartoon is a bunch of BS written by some college professer or some Anti-American Eurowimp.

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Post by Mr Bean »

Which is more likley
Are far fund out conspirsy in a town where the president and his advisors can't take a leak without at least 50 people know it oooooooooooor

A bunch of nit witts that have no idea what they are doing and have bumbled along for the past 50 years...

Realy find one thing today that could not be expaled by idicoy and not Evil(The Idiotics to Evil people Raitio is rather lopsided)

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Re: note* posted on both threads

Post by phongn »

Resident Commie wrote:Globalization and Free Markets world wide. Are not supplying people with better life, they are in fact degrading life.
Ever heard of a little place called Vietnam, perhaps? It had a command economy for decades and only began recovery once they implemented free-market reforms. You think Nike pays a pittance for its Vietnamese factories? Look at the Cost of Living in Vietnam first.
i. The powers of democratic checks and balances have been disregarded by the Executive Branch. This is evedient in the continued active nature of Executive Orders, which since 1933 under 1917 the War Powers Act allow the President to indefinatly suspend constitutional rights.
Here are examples of the most incrminating ones:
Funny, I've seen this list nearly verbatim before. Lets take a look at it.
10995: Right to seize all communications media in the United States.
EO10995. I don't see anything about seizure of communiations in the US. It has not been in effect since 4 September 1970.
10997: Right to seize all electric power, fuels and minerals, both public and private.
EO10997. Nothing here about seizure. Revoked 28 October 1969.
10999: Right to seize all means of transportation, including personal vehicles of any kind and total control of highways, seaports and waterways.
EO10999. Nothing here about seizure. Revoked 28 October 1969.
11000: Right to seize any and all American people and divide up families in order to create workforces to be transferred to any place the gov. sees fit.
EO11000. Nothing about splitting families here, revoked 28 October 1969.
11001: Right to seize all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private.
EO11001. No seizure here, revoked 28 October 1969.
11002: Right to force registration of all men, women and children in the United States.
EO11002. No forcing persons to do anything here, revoked 28 October 1969.
11003: Right to seize all air space, airports and aircraft.
EO11003. No seizure here, revoked 28 October 1969.
11004: Right to seize all housing and finance authorities in order to establish "Relocation Designated Areas" and to force abandonment of areas classified as "unsafe".
EO11004. No seizure here, revoked 28 October 1969. The quotes you mentioned are not even in the text of the document.
11005: Right to seize all railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities, both public and private.
EO11005. No seizure here, revoked 28 October 1969.
While this may seem ironicly like communism it isn't, because if you have discovered the government is wholly dominated by the elite.
ii. This is even more evident today, with the passing of the Patriot Act and others which, illegally restrict our constituational rights under the Bill of Rights. These actions include limitation of free speech, an end to search and seisure rights, and even thought of eliminating the 5th Amendment.
Which sections are you refering to? HR3162 is a rather long document.
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Post by Resident Commie »

note* my previous resoponce to your post was loss due to a computer crash, a a result i am a little Pissed :evil: and will respond with a gist of what I orginally had

Noticing the increasingly immature, baseless, and ignorant, posts that have been here since the beginning. I can only conclude that the majority of those posting are either adolecent "know-it alls" who can't deal with anthing which questions the status quo. Or you are all mutated Spacebattle babies of reality and politics, who refute my claims with weak arguments, that either consist of personal bias, blind ignorance, or unwillingness to actually address, debate, or even comprehend the very issue I am trying to bring up. :roll: :x :?

I can understand why Mike gets so agitated with ignorant and stupid people.

Next time just insert your name in one of these arguments http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/index.html, it would be a lot eaiser.

As for sites and there relevancy the majority of sites I posted are either news organizations or watchdog groups, whose very existance is to report on things NOT covered by the general media

relitive specifics for these site are here:

NARA http://www.archives.gov/
lastly here are sites with specific information concerning the Crimes of US Nuclear Testing are found here:
http://www.parascope.com/gallery/galler ... /index.htm

Remember just because you don't like something doesn't make it wrong. :wink:
Last edited by Resident Commie on 2002-07-12 11:46pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by phongn »

Resident Commie wrote:Kamakazie Sith,
you really don't even deserve a responce. But since i've always been known as the nice quy, i'll give you one.

Have you just totally ignored what the previous posts actully pointed to or do you consider everyone who doesn't agree with you a conspracy therorist.
this cartoon sums up your argument best
Cell One: the author claims that "thousands of civilians" died in the Afghanistan campaign. I have found sources pretty much putting paid to that claim, but I don't recall their URLs. I am searching for them, however.

Cell Two: Bush may be continuing sanctions, but Hussain is refusing the UN inspectors in. He cooperates and progress will be made in lifting them. Pity that he isn't - causing the hardship of the Iraqi peoplel.

Cell Three: He isn't threatening nuclear war, unless you're foolish enough to believe ABM = threatening war. Wage perpetual war? The very nature of the conflict means continually rooting out Al Quaida, et. al wherever they may be. Energy policies? That was an overexagerration.
the news websites that i gave in my last post are exactly that. News Websites . www.fair.org

NARA http://www.archives.gov/ (National Archive and Records Administration)

http://www.echelonwatch.org/ and FAQ at http://www.aclu.org/echelonwatch/faq.html
(I bet u think the ACLU is a bunch of conspiracy nuts too. :roll: )
I don't particularly like the ALCU. Furthermore, we request that you post the page in question, not just the root URL.
The Federation of American Scientists (which Darth Wong himself gives acclaim to having accurate and correct information)
Regardless of the appeal to authority, I found that FAS is quite inaccurate. Take anything from them with a grain of salt.
are all iligitmate sources consisting of real organizations, I strees that they are real legitimate and credible organizations because,
1st your arguments are completely false in they are not just websites
and 2nd for some Mysterious reason no one will acknowledge the existance let alone the actual validity of what they are saying
No, I demand that you post the actual URLs, not the organisation names. Or even better, get text sources and reference them.
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Post by phongn »

Resident Commie wrote: Remember just because you don't like something doesn't make it wrong. :wink:
Look, RC. You give a bunch of top-level URLs. If you want to get anywhere, you need to give the relevant page.
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Post by LordChaos »

(I know, I said I was out of this.. but watching RC go down is like a car crash... I can't help but look.)
Resident Commie wrote:note* my previous resoponce to your post was loss due to a computer crash, a a result i am a little Pissed :evil: and will respond with a gist of what I orginally had

Noticing the increasingly immature, baseless, and ignorant, posts that have been here since the beginning. I can only conclude that the majority of those posting are either adolecent "know-it alls" who can't deal with anthing which questions the status quo. Or you are all mutated Spacebabies of reality, who refute my claims with weak arguments, that either consist of personal bias, blind ignorance, or unwillingness to actually address, debate, or even comprehend the very issue I am trying to bring up. :roll: :x :?
You forgot "just ignoring your blatent missrepresentation of personal opinion as fact". :roll:
I can understand why Mike gets so agitated with ignorant and stupid people.

Next time just insert your name in one of these arguments http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/index.html, it would be a lot eaiser.
If you debated Mike with the tactics you've shown here you would be on the flame page yourself. You continualy post OPINION and call it "fact". When asked to provide sources, you link to the root page instead of the exact one in question (likly because they don't say what your deluded mind thinks they do). You actualy lie (or perpetuate lies) about Exicutive Orders, showing you are ether extreamly lazy, inept, or idiotic. You already know where my vote goes.
As for sites and there relevancy the majority of sites I posted are either news organizations or watchdog groups, whose very existance is to report on things NOT covered by the general media
This should be good.....
relitive specifics for these site are here:
and this has what to do with the crap you've been sprouting about 9-11? Oh, that's right, jack shit. They go so far as to state that they don't know what Echelon has intercepted, nor do they even give details on what types of comunications it CAN intercept. Echelon is'nt a secret.
Again, more information about Echelon, but jack shit to back up your conspericy theory.

Again, nada to even sugest your conspericy theroy holds any weight. here's a clue... we already know that the mainstream media doesn't even do a half assed job covering the news. That's because the majority of it is controlled by far left liberals.

Interesting how you don't bother to actualy seek out a repudibel (yes, it's spelled wrong.. so what? I already know I can't spell worth crap) source, or even anything beyond something that comes out and tells you on their page that they are against the SoA. How about a few "real" sources of info on the SoA?

http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Nov2000 ... 84-00.html
http://www.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/useftp.cgi?I ... s/data/gao

Next time, try to at least pick something that doesn't outright state their bias against what they are writing about.

(oh, and again, this is another site that doesn't have jack to do with any of your conspericy theories).

again, nothing but the root url. You want people to think of you as anything other then someone with terminal brain damage, START POSTING LINKS TO SPECIFIC PAGES THAT ARE ON TOPIC.
Remember just because you don't like something doesn't make it wrong. :wink:

While that's correct, and something I've known for many years, you are still demonstrating that you realy don't know what the hell you are talking about. You have yet to provide any EVIDENCE. At this stage of the thread, it's rather bad that there's still ZERO evidence you can point to....
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Quick Hit

Post by Resident Commie »

seeing that this may be the last post i will give tonight I will attempt to answer all the posts up to phongn's second post after mine (10:43 pm)

note* i would greatly appreciate it if all posts made concerning both threads, to be placed on this one, in the intrests of simplicity and being the one most current

First off the problem seems to be that, all of you, including me have :oops: have somewhat forgotten what the issue of debate, here in this thread is. And as a result everything since has turned into endless nit picks, ignoring the orginal premise of discussion.

That issue or premise is is that:
The US is a power hunger imperialistic state that will do anything to gain more power.
Bush[/color] The Elite are bilthering idiots who cares only for money and power.
In a few years globalization and free market industry will cause a greater divide between the elite and the rest of the world.
The problems of today will escalate, wars will start, people will die, poverty, disease, and hunger will run rampant, and every last freedom that was granted to us will be gone, so it had never existed. (well that last one was a rant) :lol: :(
Therefore Grassroots Democracy with a Socialist Economy is what will best help the world. Not the curent state in which only the elite and wealthy are granted sustained prosperty and humane life.

Now too get to some lingering questions that still have relevence with the orginal issue.

note* I will answer the remarks of the other thread in this one for reason explained above.

First to the other thread and the remaks about the envornment,
While the USSR didn't have an outstanding env. record if you bother to look at the other side of the picture you'll discover Bush's envornmental record.

Which is no-where near as bad as the USSR's.
Again I am reiterating the fact that I have never defended what the former USSR did in any of its policies. However what I am saying about the US is relevent in that, the government is not doing anything even close to actually saving the environment.

But the main challenge as you brought up was the Nuclear Affect that testing had.

Concerning to Bikini Atoll:
"On March 5, 2001, the Nuclear Claims Tribunal handed down a decision on a seven year lawsuit the Bikinians had brought against the United States for damages done to their islands and their people during the nuclear testing on Bikini. The Tribunal gave them a total award of $563,315,500.00 [loss of value $278,000,000.00, restoration costs $251,500,000.00, suffering and hardship $33,814,500.00], which is the final amount after deducting the past compensation awarded by the U.S. government [see above three trust funds]. The problem is that the Nuclear Claims Tribunal, which was created by the Compact of Free Association of 1986, was underfunded and does not have the money to pay for this claim. It is now up to the people of Bikini to petition the U.S. Congress for the money to fulfill this award. This is expected to take many years and it is uncertain if the United States will honor their claim."
taken from http://www.bikiniatoll.com//history.html

Concerning other testing:
http://www.parascope.com/gallery/galler ... /index.htm

Concerning testing in US:
BTW this link is a full National Cancer Institute report on nuclear fallout from US testing, so read it, if you wish.

Now to the arguments this thread:

Your first post was basicly a nit pick not worth while,
Ever heard of a little place called Vietnam, perhaps? It had a command economy for decades and only began recovery once they implemented free-market reforms. You think Nike pays a pittance for its Vietnamese factories? Look at the Cost of Living in Vietnam first.
Now, whose not name source, at least i directed you to the general vacinity of proof, while what you leave me is unsubstantiated claims of your take of the situation.

the second part of your post referes to the Execuative Orders,

First off the puropse, exposing EOs was for the purpose of awareness about what kind of power the Execuative Branch has. And even though some of them have been revoked, they have and can be numerously reinstated, refined, revoked, and reinstated again.
Why does this matter?
Where in the constitution does it allow for this type of power? Isn't division of power the constitution's goal?

As for arguments over the authority of EOs, concerning the word seizure.
Seizure: the act of seizing, to seize
definition of seize:
to put in possesion of

EO 10995
"WHEREAS there is an immediate and urgent need for integrated short and long-range planning with respect to national and international telecommunications programs, for continuing supervision over the use of the radio frequency spectrum by the executive branch of the Government and for the development of national policies in the field of telecommunications;"

EO 11000
" (e) Requirements. Develop, in coordination with manpower-usage agencies, plans, procedures and standards for presenting claims for civilian manpower, periodically obtain and analyze or make estimates of requirements for manpower, in total and by specific skill categories and occupations currently and for any emergency, taking into account the estimates of needs for military and civilian purposes; and advise other agencies on the manpower implications of alternative program decisions. Such evaluation shall take into consideration the geographical distribution of requirements under emergency conditions.

(f) Claimancy. Prepare plans to claim materials, equipment, supplies and services needed in support of assigned responsibilities and other essential functions of the Department from appropriate agencies and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure the availability of such resources in an emergency."

EO 11004
"(f) Claimancy. Prepare plans to claim materials, manpower, equipment, supplies, and services needed in support of assigned responsibilities and other essential functions of the agency from appropriate agencies, and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources in an emergency.
(g) Distribution. Develop allocation and distribution control systems consistent with the priorities and allocations procedures prescribed by the Department of Commerce for materials and equipment needed for housing, and develop programs for the domestic distribution and use of mobile lodging facilities in an emergency."

With all such vauge language used by the government it is difficult to understand what exactly they are saying. It is really up to the interpretation of each Order. But with words such a Claimancy, Designation, National guidance Civilian manpower mobilization, it is most certain that the will use this powers to their fullest extent.

Now if you wish to debate the orignal topic, feel free to in the future.
Last edited by Resident Commie on 2002-07-13 02:08am, edited 1 time in total.
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Answers to Chaos

Post by Resident Commie »

Ahh. time for one last post.

First if you read my preceding post, you will see that i have basicly merged the two threads together. and readdressed the primary issue of this debate.

Now for the fun part. :)

Let's look at the responses you have given to my sources.

As for sites and there relevancy the majority of sites I posted are either news organizations or watchdog groups, whose very existance is to report on things NOT covered by the general media


This should be good.....
By that I assume you haven't viewed these sites considering your sarcastic remark. So i'll let you get back to me on that.

relitive specifics for these site are here:


and this has what to do with the crap you've been sprouting about 9-11? Oh, that's right, jack shit. They go so far as to state that they don't know what Echelon has intercepted, nor do they even give details on what types of comunications it CAN intercept. Echelon is'nt a secret.



Again, more information about Echelon, but jack shit to back up your conspericy theory.
Wow, was a really a need for that type of responce.
If you bothered to look at the sources you would of found the answer to your question. Also isn't it already common knowledge that the CIA and other government organizations had prior knowledge of the attacks. :?:
It's not really theory anymore :) .

For your prejudice aginst links to their sources, I will link you directly to sources for the capabilities of Echelon:
http://duncan.gn.apc.org/stoa.htm ... PN/5937422
http://www.fas.org/irp/program/process/echelon.jpg (Map of Echelon System)
http://www.gwu.edu/%7Ensarchiv/NSAEBB/N ... /20-01.htm
http://www.gwu.edu/%7Ensarchiv/NSAEBB/N ... /16-01.htm

im sure thats enough of an outline about their capabilities and what laws needed to be encacted to check its power

That's because the majority of it is controlled by far left liberals.
Really... that a fact or just your opinion, because with that kind of conclusion is often the latter.

Interesting how you don't bother to actualy seek out a repudibel (yes, it's spelled wrong.. so what? I already know I can't spell worth crap) source, or even anything beyond something that comes out and tells you on their page that they are against the SoA. How about a few "real" sources of info on the SoA?
Really a repudibel source. What make anything you posted more reputable then mine. What you, sir, have given me are government and military links which I doubt look at the School unbiasedly whatsoever. Second what proof do these sources claim.
Nothing except hypothetical laws and new rules.
What does my site provide?
It supplies what is the reality of the SoA in the form of news and reports both old and current.
At least one of your sites address the crimes:

Here's something easy for you to understand:
It takes exactly what your sources said the new school was about, and asks real relavent questions about it?

Next time instead of being biased, read what it has to say first.

Again NARA was but there for, an easy way for you to acess any laws, or acts that my sources refered to.

"Remember just because you don't like something doesn't make it wrong."
While that's correct, and something I've known for many years, you are still demonstrating that you realy don't know what the hell you are talking about.
If that is correct why, do you immediately discredit my sources because of your anti-liberal bias, and instead of debating directly what those sources provide. You provide your own biased sources which, again have no real bearing, unless they directly challenge what my evidence supports.

What exactly have you known for many years?
Is it the fact that for you, Ignorance is Bliss. Because that is all your rebuttal amounts to.
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Post by David »

I looked at the web sites you posted, at least those that put
the actual urls of the relevent material. The one that you
keep harping about, Echelonwatch, was the on I looked into
most thourghly. Before nearly ever single statement they make
I find these little phrases popping up:

It is believed that

According to reports

In fact, it has been suggested

However, the exact capabilities and goals of ECHELON remain unclear

ECHELON apparently

Reports suggest

According to various sources

The organization allegedly has

Furthermore, it is believed that ECHELON has

Apparently, the nations that are involved with ECHELON

These people are building a conspiracy theory on a
foundation of sand. They almost never revial these hidden
sources, and when they do, it tends to be books about Big
Brother, written by people who don't have evidence themselves,
or books written by so-called ex-CIA agents. Whenever I see a book
supposidly written by a ex-CIA agent, I don't even bother
with it. All CIA agents, when they retire, are sworn never to revial
what they have done or seen while apart of that group.
This is done in the intrest of national security. The penalty for
violating the oath they take is a life sentence in prison, and we
have several men today in penatentaries for that reason.
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Post by Kamakazie Sith »

RC, so far nothing you have posted has anything to do with how the US was involved in 9/11.

It's all a bunch of conspiracy theorists bullshit. <snip bait at advice of others>
Last edited by Kamakazie Sith on 2002-07-13 03:00am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by David »

Don't get him started.
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