Admiral Valdemar wrote:I'm a little more pissed off at the thugs defacing and breaking tombstones and memorials in France of British veterans from WWI and II. One instance they even took the door off a memorial tomb and set alight the book of condolences that had been signed by loved ones.
I'd have to say this offends me more...
Burning origami from a peace memorial, well, that can be replaced, eventually. But a book of condelences?
And the burning origami could, somewhat in a loose way, be a political message if they so chose, but vandalizing a memorial to foreign soldiers who helped
liberate your country?! No matter what the
current politics may be between the two, there's
no way the dead soldiers can be held
remotely accountable, or be considered a viable target for a political'd be like defacing the Vietnam Memorial because you were opposed to the Vietnam War.