Funny thing is both durran and howedar seem to assume that i mean that the US is special for not valuing those things nearly as much as it would claim it does. What i meant was that my experience is limited to the US being the only nation I have lived in or spent more than 2 weeks in at any one time, and thus it is the only culture that i have first hand empirical data about, and i know quite plainly that we do just that, descriminate, restrict, and then claim we arent.
All cultures descriminate, restrict, oppress and then claim to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. The trick is to judge the amount of freedom and the level of living of the people in the culture. Weather or not the ability to advance in any means or the opertunity to advance exsists. There will always be a degree of oppression and descrimination in all cultures because all cultures are based off of humans and those atrabutes are in our nature.
Yes howe there are people campaigning for Roe, but since when does that change the fact that a good portion of our culture doesnt value womens rights? which is the entire point of this.
The fact that there is a debate, one that has been raging for decades, is a tribute to democracy and freedom. The latest polls say that the country is still split on the abortion issue. Now you sing womens rights and the other side can sing childrens rights but that down plays the complicated issue and turns it into slogans.
Yes howe there are people campaigning for Roe, but since when does that change the fact that a good portion of our culture doesnt value womens rights? which is the entire point of this.
Again, the simple fact that the gap is closing demostrates the the opertunity and ability of women to work for the same pay is advancing rather than stagnate. Also, other benifits need to be worked into the equation. As a man, try getting time off from work because the kid is callicy.
So what is your point that we descriminate against everyone rather than only some, yes that is a good point.
Again, all humans judge and descriminate. The indicator should be on how we advance from that and work towards a better future.
Yes we should have racial profiling because "Driving while black" is a crime
See above, plus racial profiling is a PC term for some common god damn sense. When preventing a crime or solving a crime in a country of 300 million, it is common sense to narrow down the list of suspects. Now if race is the only factor, it is wrong. But you don't throw the whole system out because of it.
Howe, yes i could list quite a few laws that desciminate agaisnt homosexuals or at least allow homosexuals to be descriminated against, but i chose rather than taking up pages of text to do this to sum it up, if you would like an example i give the Defence of Marriage act as a basic example.
I agree and disagree. The legal benifits given to a couple through the contract of marrage should be afforded to all with in reason. However, in a country of free speach, if a fucktard that is part of a fucktard church wants to spew his shit about how only a man and a woman can be 'married' then thats their right to be a bigot.
The rest was really backpeddleing and the such. Your original positon was one of America being as bad as some of the worse examples in the thread yet when you were called on it, you now want to down play it as you were saying that the US has work to do and got called on it.
Truelly the fact that you were not drug out of your house and inprisoned should prove that our culture is better than Sudia Arabia or North Korea and the ilk.