Yer Doomed wrote:
Why thank God? Why not thank all the people involved? It is all a divine plan? Is that why God chose one child to live and one child to die? If it is a divine plan, why pray? Who are you to ask God to change his divine plan? Does this mean there is no such thing as free will, because God is involved so personally in our lives? Does God exist? Is this an absurd question?
That's easy, those people are retarded ungrateful fundie pieces of shit who live life in a delusional state.
If I had to thank anybody over a a mental anguish like that being solved it would be the people, the technical people involved in it, not some nonexistant entity that some people think serve their needs as they require it, even if proof shows otherwise.
Also, I think something like 'Thank God.' has become some kind of slang expression that is used in situations where you're relieved that 'shit has passed'. I no longer use it because it's stupid. People who aren't religious but yet use that moronic expression simply haven't made the effort to cull their language of garbage.
No, I wouldn't. It makes just as much sense to thank god for saving your kid then it does to blame him for the kidnapping.
Well, actualy seeing how vindictive and cruel the biblical god is it would make more sense to blame him for the kidnapping. There are even precidents in the bible for god punishing the children of people who have pissed him off (and it's easy to piss him off) maybe you did something to upset god and he decided to take it out on your kid. Makes just as much sense as "my kid was saved because I please god".
Admiral Johnason wrote:Do you think a casino owner would be alowed to loose in his own casino, especially if he is a mob boss?
God is the Frank Sanitra of deities, he can do whatever he wants.
I find your analogy quite humerous and fitting.
Except that Sinatra was kinda cool. You can't say that of YWH.
Hokey masers and giant robots are no match for a good kaiju at your side, kid
Post #666: 5-24-03, 8:26 am (Hey, why not?)
Do you not believe in Thor, the Viking Thunder God? If not, then do you consider your state of disbelief in Thor to be a religion? Are you an AThorist?-Darth Wong on Atheism as a religion