Slash Dot Science has a link to a story about the existance of dark energy being confirmed. The article is at ... 30805.html. I've only read the Slash Dot summary, but it does look interesting.
Now if we could only use it....
EDIT: Link fixed. Why can't all forums use the same standard tag structure...
Last edited by Arrow on 2003-08-07 10:06pm, edited 2 times in total.
so, the universe is accelerating. that meanings its being pushed apart. that means theres an accelerativne force. negative gravity. lets hope new theories allow us to find ways of creating negative gravity, or whatever.
Last edited by kojikun on 2003-08-07 09:26pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sì! Abbiamo un' anima! Ma è fatta di tanti piccoli robot.