What is WITH the lisp?
I met like two gay people, period, and don't really "know" any of them.
But nobody I know knows any "lispy" people.
When I hear it on TV it's so freaking annoying.
I think 50% of my personal homophobia stems from that. 30% is from the horrendous fruity clothing (similar on the revulsion scale to fat chicks in tight cloths... ugh), and the remaining 20% is that totally retarded hand wave. You know what I'm talking about.
The thing is, these are all sterotypes. I'm sure (at least I hope) not all gay people run around lisping like a moron, wearing clothes meant for pre-teen girls, and waving their hands around.
How did these start, I wonder.
The Yosemite Bear wrote:They have a big fucking chip on their sholder, you ever ask the kid in Jr. High who was torchered and tormented because half the school thought he was gay, be cause he was wasp thin, and seemed to have a lack of testosterone?
Hell, one of my friends killed himself because the taunting and homophobia got too much for him. It's like the level of homophobia you will find in child abuse cases. It's a very reactionary thing, or for that matter the androphobia in women who have abusive dads.
we humans are a cruel sort.
In school I was messed with once; never again.
I found out that kids have an aversion to being on fire, imagine that?
I don't think they thought I was gay; just an easy target.
Oh well... not that I cared, but that group was a lot more careful messing with any other people for the rest of that year.