If you support homosexual marriage, you must also support

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Post by Solauren »

I'd say who ever is saying 'supporting gay marriage = supporting incest and polygamhy' is a bible thumber fundie psycho.

I also think this
Homosexual/Gay/Same Sex Marriage, Religious; That's up the the religion, not the state. If the chalotic church doesn't want to support gay religious marriages, that's there choice. The obvious solution is for the gay couple to tell the church to stop fucking little boys and fuck themselves for a change, then change churches.

Homosexual/Gay/Same Sex Marriage, Civil; All for it. Quite frankly, it's the only way to preserve a couples rights. For example, one of my better friends and his fiancie have been waiting for legal backing for gay marriages so they can marry. That way, is something happens to the one, the other is covered for things like paid-berivement, life insurance, etc etc. They knew a gay couple, living together for 20 years, one of them died, the survivor was up a creek without a paddle, and the dead-man's kids basically looted the estate, claimed most of the stuff was there fathers and not the lovers, and left the lover out in the cold. Heartless.
A Civil union marriage would protect someone from that. A Civil union marriage is not religious, so the church and bible thumbers can go fuck themselves as far as I am concerned.

Polygamhy; Hey, if it's out in the open (i.e all the spouses know about it), and everyone involved is fine with it, that's not a problem to me.
i.e if my girlfriend and I got married and she said "sweat heart, I want to marry new-guy and bring him into our marriage", and I said yes, that's no one's business but our's. Same token, if I found another girl I wanted to bring in, and my girlfriend was fine with it, it's no one's business but ours.

Incest: As long as it's not parental rape, hey, conscenting adults. Just be warned, in the words of 'Red' on 'That 70's show' : 'I don't want no damned flippered grandchildren.'

I am backing Gay Marraige as a legal insitution, same with Polygahmy. Incest is not a legal issue, it's a moral issue.
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Post by InnerBrat »

kojikun wrote:in triangles they are all involed with one another but not simultaneously. in triads its simultaneously.
Well, it didn't describe the sex, but yeah, triads.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Doesn't polygamy dramatically increase the risk of STDs?

(I'd imagine that it would be at about the same level as having multiple sex partners before marriage, but whatever...)
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Post by NapoleonGH »

Why would polygam dramatically increase the risk of STDs? 2 men and 3 women get married, they all have been tested and shown to be free of STDs how should this have a higher risk of std than otherwise?

The risks of getting stds go up if you have multiple partners who you dont know whether or not they have STDs, if they have been tested and shown not to have them, no reason for your risk to increase
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Post by Crayz9000 »

NapoleonGH wrote:Why would polygam dramatically increase the risk of STDs? 2 men and 3 women get married, they all have been tested and shown to be free of STDs how should this have a higher risk of std than otherwise?

The risks of getting stds go up if you have multiple partners who you dont know whether or not they have STDs, if they have been tested and shown not to have them, no reason for your risk to increase
Wel, let's look at it this way. Some guy marries 4 different women. Everyone passes the pre-marriage STD check just fine. Then one woman decides to screw around with some biker at a local bar while her husband's away (just an example). She picks up a nice STD such as herpes, and doesn't tell her husband about it.

Now normally, in a monogamous situation, only the husband would be infected. But in a polygamous situation, if the husband remains clueless and doesn't get tested (thinking he's safe because they're married and were already tested... you know, complacency), he can then spread the STD to all of his other wives.
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Post by kojikun »

crazy is correct. there is the risk. but people do that with dating anyway, so the risk to the individuals is larger but the risk as a WHOLE is smaller because there is less of a chance that any given person in the polygamous relationship is sleeping around to get an STD.
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Post by Slartibartfast »

Johonebesus wrote:Is it reasonable to say, "sure, marry as many women as you want, but we will punish you if your family grows too large for you to support"?
You're completely wrong. The idea of polygamy is that all the women will work to support ME, not the other way around.
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Post by Solauren »

Evil idea, that woman supporting the husband. :twisted:


Polymagmy only increases STD's if one of them is still an extra-martial cheater.

Otherwise, they are keeping it 'within the marriage' and not adding in STD's via extra-martial unprotected sex.

Now, the risk of STD is still at the same level from other sources of infection (tainted needles, etc)
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Re: If you support homosexual marriage, you must also suppor

Post by Enforcer Talen »

Lord MJ wrote:Polygamy and Incest, if you don't you are a hypocrite.

At least this is what some of my opponents are saying.

I will state on the record that I oppose homosexual marriage, but I fully support the RIGHT of homosexuals to marry regardless of my opinions of homosexuality itself.

But some people who wish to determine what people can and can not do, are so ignorant that they without fail ask the question "Why should'nt we legalize polygamy and incest then?"

Why can't these morons understand that homosexual marriage is an INDEPENDENT ISSUE, and that it is a logical fallacy to bring Polygamy or Incest into the equation?
are they legal and consenting? yes? ok then.
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Re: If you support homosexual marriage, you must also suppor

Post by Peregrin Toker »

Lord MJ wrote: Why can't these morons understand that homosexual marriage is an INDEPENDENT ISSUE, and that it is a logical fallacy to bring Polygamy or Incest into the equation?
Well, how do these people back up their claim that "legalized homosexual marriage leads to legalized polygamy and legalized incenst"??

To me, only a fool would use such an obvious Slippery Slope Fallacy.
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Post by Edi »

It's both slippery slope and red herring, because it doesn't lead to them, and there isn't even any logical connection between the topics of homosexual marriage and incest or homosexual marriage and polygamy, anymore than there is a connection between heterosexual marriage and the two. I sense some massive IWOIs in the opposition (having just come from one of these exact same debates elsewhere, I can tell you they're fucking common... *shudder*)

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Post by Tosho »

Personly I find Incest disgusting, although I wouldn't get in the way of anyone wishing to practice it. I don't have a problem with polygamy either, but at the same time i'm reminded of the old japanese saying "To have many ladies is to have many troubles."
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Post by kojikun »

Tosho, thank you again for showing why its good to be gay. :) too many girls is a lot of trouble, too many guys is bukkake! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Tosho »

kojikun wrote:Tosho, thank you again for showing why its good to be gay. :) too many girls is a lot of trouble, too many guys is bukkake! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Again? Excuse me but I don't follow :? Anyway the point of the old saying was about jealousy, guys can be jealous too.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

kojikun wrote:too many girls is a lot of trouble, too many guys is bukkake! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
::goes to rotten.com to get rid of bad mental images::
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Post by NapoleonGH »

Tosho wrote:
kojikun wrote:Tosho, thank you again for showing why its good to be gay. :) too many girls is a lot of trouble, too many guys is bukkake! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Again? Excuse me but I don't follow :? Anyway the point of the old saying was about jealousy, guys can be jealous too.
what dont you follow? Bukkake is when a person is covered, generally head to toe in Semen by a whole bunch of guys ejaculating onto them
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Incest and polygamy are private affairs. My view is that as long as no one gets hurt, everybody consents, and no one is jailbait, go right ahead. Just make sure that you can deal with the consequences, like with everthing else in life.
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Post by NapoleonGH »

yep about incest and polygamy so long as it is between consenting adults, its none of my buisiness.
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Post by Lord MJ »

One justification for the connection by a non fundie is that since we're changing the law to suit the interests of homosexuals, we would have to consider changing the laws to support other groups such as polygamists and incestists.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Lord MJ wrote:One justification for the connection by a non fundie is that since we're changing the law to suit the interests of homosexuals, we would have to consider changing the laws to support other groups such as polygamists and incestists.
I don't think polygamy is healthy, but if consenting adults genuinely want to do it, who are we to throw them in prison for it?
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Post by Stormbringer »

Polygamy is not something that causes harm to others. It might result in more disfunctional relationships but that's between the people involved.

Now incest on the other had does cause problems. Inbreeding is causing harm to any children born from it. It might not be significant in single generation in most cases, but the harm is there. It rightly should be banned.

Polygamy can legitimately be connected to homsexual marriage. After all, if marriage should be allowed between any one not causing harm then the arguement should also cover polygamy. Incest is harmful so the case is different.
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Post by Darth Wong »

This battle was actually fought the day marriage was recognized as a legal, government-sanctioned status. Ever since then, it has been unlawful discrimination to restrict it by gender, but people just didn't want to admit it. They still don't.

It doesn't necessarily translate to polygamy, however. A union between two people in which they must have opposite genders is sexual discrimination (to put it simply, it would be legal if one partner is a woman, so it should be legal if that partner is a man). However, it is not sexual discrimination to mandate that a marriage not involve more than two people. Therefore, the argument which legalizes homosexual marriage would not necessarily legalize polygamy, despite the slippery slope fallacy being used by the homophobes.

This is an important distinction, lost in the noise of people arguing about the merits of polygamy and incest.
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Post by kojikun »

Stormbringer wrote:Now incest on the other had does cause problems. Inbreeding is causing harm to any children born from it. It might not be significant in single generation in most cases, but the harm is there. It rightly should be banned.
That's what condoms or gay incest are for. :)
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Post by Bob McDob »

I can't help but get a nihilistic laugh out of the arguments against gay marriage. Just as "left-wingers" have switched their ideology to enviromentalism, globalization and feminism, so the "right" have turned to attacking gays as part of their crusade to "uphold American values".
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Post by Stormbringer »

kojikun wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:Now incest on the other had does cause problems. Inbreeding is causing harm to any children born from it. It might not be significant in single generation in most cases, but the harm is there. It rightly should be banned.
That's what condoms or gay incest are for. :)
Condoms break and birth control doesn't always work. There's no hundred percent effective contraceptive. So unless they are sterilized theres no gaurentees. And the government could not force sterlize people, that's already been established by lots of legal precendents.

True, but the legal double standard would abosuletly ruin any attempt at legalizing that.
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