fields can cause a sensation identical to that of feeling the presence of god
or of ghosts, as well as hallucination if temporal lobe activity was great
enough (as in the case of people with temporal lobe epilepsy). Computer
aided tomographic scans using radioactive tracers showed increased
temporal lobe activity during deep Buddhist meditation and during deep
Catholic monastic-style prayers. It was also found that a sense of one-ness
with God was caused by the deactivation of the parietal lobes, which give a
sense of time and self-ness.
It's also funny to note that the location of the temporal lobes is right where
our "temples" are.

I'm tempted to return to school with a device that puts out the same
magnetic frequencies, and walk around making people think I'm God.
Atleast I would genuinely be God, atleast if you define God as the being
which causes temporal lobe activity.

It's also interesting to note, real quick, that when the same fields were
applied to a staunch atheist, he felt at ease, tingly, and twitched a bit, but
not one feeling of God. So it looks like you have to be religious before you
can feel God.
Experiences of spiritual visitation and impregnation: potential induction by
frequency-modulated transients from an adjacent clock
God on the Brain - questions and answers
Dr.Michael Persinger [experimented with articially induced spiritual experiences]
Tracing the Synapses of Our Spirituality