Counterfeiting and mockery of the Scriptures.
Where in the hell in Star Wars did they mack or conterfeit "Scripture?" They didn't even have a Bible or an equivilent to God.
Repeated use of the "force" as equatable to the Will of God and ignoring His supreme Authority.
It's all in good fun, my friends. Oh, and Force users, a good deal of the time, are
guided by the Force.
Gaining power, strength, and protection from the "force."
I thought this happened once or twice in the Bible, especially in theBook of Exodus. Remember the "miracles" Moses did to get them out of Egypt?
Manipulating objects and minds by the power of the "force."
Cool, ain't it?
Portrayal that Anakin was a virgin birth.
What?Are you going to tell me that Jesus was the only one or the first one to have a "virgin birth?"
Portrayal that Anakin was "the one" to bring community between good and evil.
And why the hell not? A lot of stories revolve around bringing balance to something.
Presentation of ethereal beings in after-death presence to the corporeal world, and submitting to and seeking counsel/guidance/rescue from them.
Don't bring up that bullshit. You people think Angels visit you.
unholy powers to control, manipulate, and kill and mystic sensing.
What makes the "light" side of the Force "unholy?" Aren't the Jedi protectors of the peace and the people?
disappearing bodies.
Right. . .
Yeah, not the best post. If someone could help me ellaborate on these points it would be appreciated.[/list]