Chick tract morality

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Post by RogueIce »

Everyone else has gotten the ethics side down I guess, so I'll just ask this:

Has he stopped trying or what? The drawings in there are nowhere near the level I've seen in other tracts he's made. They look like a bad kid's story book. Though, when I think about it, that's kinda what it is I guess...

Chick Tracts, Jr?
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

RogueIce wrote:Has he stopped trying or what? The drawings in there are nowhere near the level I've seen in other tracts he's made. They look like a bad kid's story book. Though, when I think about it, that's kinda what it is I guess...
I suppose the tract is made specifically for children.

BTW, it's well known by Jack Chick fans that not all of the tracts have artwork by Jack Chick.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Simon H.Johansen wrote: BTW, it's well known by Jack Chick fans that not all of the tracts have artwork by Jack Chick.
Even Chick can't put up with that much bullshit. :P
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Post by Darth Gojira »

If that *thing* it the tract found salvation, then Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, the Enola Gay crew, Josef Stalin, the Crusaders, the Assyrians, and the ancient Hebrews were saints, considering their kill count.
Hokey masers and giant robots are no match for a good kaiju at your side, kid
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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Darth Gojira wrote:If that *thing* it the tract found salvation, then Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, the Enola Gay crew, Josef Stalin, the Crusaders, the Assyrians, and the ancient Hebrews were saints, considering their kill count.
The ancient Hebrews obviously are in heaven--at least those who obeyed the laws. As for the rest? A fair number of quite brutal men took confession and were baptised immediately before death and are lauded as repentent and in heaven, or at least covered for. Or like Constantine, for example. That is certainly the problem with Christianity--baptism before death (Chick's "Born Again" idiocy is meaningless--there's no demonstrated proof to the body of believers) wipes away your sins. But of course the Early Fathers understood this and worked hard on people, explaining the risk of waiting until you were near death to be baptised--you might wait too long.

P.S. What do you have against the crew of the Enola Gay?
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Post by Darth Gojira »

The Duchess of Zeon wrote: P.S. What do you have against the crew of the Enola Gay?
One word

Hokey masers and giant robots are no match for a good kaiju at your side, kid
Post #666: 5-24-03, 8:26 am (Hey, why not?)
Do you not believe in Thor, the Viking Thunder God? If not, then do you consider your state of disbelief in Thor to be a religion? Are you an AThorist?-Darth Wong on Atheism as a religion
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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Darth Gojira wrote: One word

They saved a lot of people by extinguishing that industrial centre.
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Post by weemadando »

The Duchess of Zeon wrote:
Darth Gojira wrote: One word

They saved a lot of people by extinguishing that industrial centre.
Yeah, but until you stand at ground zero, or spend time sitting under a tree looking at the remains of the "bomb dome" your really can't appreciate just how fucked up it is.
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