Termatrix - Shattered

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Termatrix - Shattered

Post by NecronLord »

The T-1000 stepped forward, crunching the broken glass underfoot.

He hefted the MP5 toward the nearest security avatar, discharging the thirty round magazine into it. The avatar dodged, moving rapidly to avoid the bullets. The T-1000 increased his speed, reloading quickly and firing again, even as the security avatar withdrew his pistol.

The T-1000 replayed the avatar’s movements as the avatar aimed the weapon, quickly adjusting to fire at the avatar’s legs. The terminator fired two semiautomatic bursts, one at each leg. The avatar lifted its left leg, balancing onto the other, as the 9 millimetre rounds slammed into it. Agent Brown collapsed onto the floor, his gun skittered across the floor.

Trinity was watching this from the next roof. The policeman had come from nowhere, jumping straight trough a skylight on the hotel roof, and taken out an agent. The police officer fired at the prone agent’s head. Dozens of other police officers were headed toward him now, firing their own weapons.

The small-arms fire rocked the T-1000, back-pedalling from the impacts, he put bullets – single shot – into the first two officers, and he dropped the camouflage he had assumed, reverting to his natural –liquid metal – form.

“Fuck off” he said to the remaining officers, and was shortly rewarded by them doing the wise thing and fleeing as he reassumed his camouflage.

He walked to the edge of the building, surveying the gap the human female had jumped. It was impossible for a human to jump it – approximately forty feet, even he or a T-X would have difficulty. He took several steps backward, and ran forward, jumping.

He missed, of course, but fell toward the opposite building, smashing through one of the windows. From her vantage point on the roof beyond Trinity could see the pseudo policeman fall. Nothing could be done for him, she had to get to the Wells and Lake hard-line, as the agents would be back soon.

She barrelled through the door, to the courtyard. A garbage truck nearby turned, smashing the Plexiglas telephone box. An arm lanced out from the driver’s cab. A suited arm. Trinity stopped, trying to turn, as the gun in the hand fired into her left kneecap.

It felt as if her nerves were on fire, lancing into her brain. Trinity fell forward onto the concrete. The cab door opened, she could hear the payphone ringing in the distance as the agent’s loafers hit the floor in front of her. ‘Why didn’t I take the blue pill?’ she thought.

“So, Trinity, the infamous.” said Smith, stopping in front of the wounded hacker, “We have questions for you.” he said.
“Go” Trinity said, gasping for breath “to hell fucker.”
“Firstly, and most importantly,” said Smith “who and where is your next tar-“

He dodged a spray of bullets aimed at his torso. Trinity managed to crane her head and look up, the policeman was there, firing an M9 pistol. The policeman jumped from the window.

He landed on the concrete floor vertically, his feet turning to a liquid for a moment, splashing across the concrete. The T-1000 kept firing, at a rate coldly calculated to keep the enemy dodging while expending minimum ammunition. As the pistol’s ammunition ran out another pair of arms aimed the H&K SMG, switching to single shot.

The T-1000 strode toward the agent, firing as he came, swapping weapons when each was empty. Finally approaching the agent, the T-1000 formed a blade from one of it’s appendages, dropping the pistol in the process, and stabbed out at the agent, who was still dodging the fire from the other arm. The agent staggered backward, bleeding.

Or rather, the skewered garbage truck driver was bleeding. Smith was nowhere to be seen. Agent Jones was on the opposite side of the square. He charged at the T-1000, firing his pistol at the terminator’s head.

Agent Jones emptied the clip into the terminator, opening metallic holes in it’s body. The agent charged the liquid metal machine and punched it, sending it flying across the yard. Trinity groaned in despair as the terminator crashed into a large bin.

The agent walked calmly up to the terminator, who was still where he had landed. He began to punch it. The terminator however had other ideas, Jones’ hand sank into the liquid metal of the terminator. He tried to withdraw it, but the liquid metal flowed over his arm, creeping up the agent’s body.

A minute later the T-1000 stepped off the suffocated body, he looked at Trinity, who was holding her leg, trying to stop the flow of blood to the wound.

“More security avatars are headed toward this vicinity. - Come with me if you want to live.” it said.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

1st reaction: oh god not another one
2nd: cool story. Is this a version of the matrix were cypher doesn't rat them out?
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Post by NecronLord »

Crazedwraith wrote:1st reaction: oh god not another one
Yeah, I did consider waiting a bit.
2nd: cool story. Is this a version of the matrix were cypher doesn't rat them out?
Watch this space, though it is of course, at the time of The Matrix.
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Post by NecronLord »

Last edited by NecronLord on 2003-07-15 02:44pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stravo »

Good introduction, Matrix like opening with some gratuitous violence and Trinity always fun to see her in action. Now are we looking at a T-1000 heavy force where they have entered production or are T-1000's going to be rare?

And unless I'm mistaken we're looking at an alternate Matrix timeline as well.
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Post by NecronLord »

Stravo wrote:Good introduction, Matrix like opening with some gratuitous violence and Trinity always fun to see her in action. Now are we looking at a T-1000 heavy force where they have entered production or are T-1000's going to be rare?
Things tend to get messy near T-1000s :P Fairly common, you'll see why later.
And unless I'm mistaken we're looking at an alternate Matrix timeline as well.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

more! We need more! Any chance of another chapter soon?
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Post by NecronLord »

Crazedwraith wrote:more! We need more! Any chance of another chapter soon?
A 99% chance. :)
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Post by Singular Quartet »

An intresting start, which brings forward numerous questions in my mind as to wtf is happening... but I'll keep my theories and ideas to myself for now...
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Post by Rye »

Why can't the terminators jump vast distances? Their nnps should be able to understand the rules of that world can be bent imho.
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Post by NecronLord »

Rye wrote:Why can't the terminators jump vast distances? Their nnps should be able to understand the rules of that world can be bent imho.
They aren't aware of how badly programmed the matrix is, thus they haven't tried fucking with it on a grand scale.
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Post by NecronLord »

“Who are you?” asked Trinity, leaning heavily on the T-1000 as it supported her toward a nearby doorway.
“I will explain later” it lied “first you require medical assistance.” The T-1000 reached the door and inserted it’s finger into the lock. Two more agents appeared nearby, their pistols drawn. The T-1000 moved between Trinity and the agents as the bullets hit it. The door opened into a long white corridor, The T-1000 pushed Trinity in and flowed past as the door closed.

The agents ran up to the door and kicked it open. Inside was a deserted room full of laundry baskets.

There was a tall blonde woman in a suit in the corridor. She looked at the T-1000 for a moment, as if communicating with it, then turned and walked away down the corridor, The T-1000 picked Trinity up and helped her walk to another doorway.

The T-X opened another door with her polyalloy covering and passed through it. Several T-101s were waiting on the other side. Guarding a row of back doors, they sat in two fire positions, with Browning M2HB machineguns aimed at the doors, translation of it’s Skynet equivalent was not complete yet. After quickly interrogating her, they permitted her to pass.

She passed unmarked crates of weapons and large vehicles under tarpaulins and headed toward the supervisor’s office.

The abandoned factory had been acquired legally by the infiltration group – Skynet had processing power to predict the human stock market almost infallibly. They had increased the building’s structural integrity with a few touches and amendments to the construct code, it was actually capable of being targeted by a tactical nuclear weapon and surviving unscathed – if blackened.

The supervisor’s office was well appointed, filled with some of the highest technology available within the construct. One wall was covered in cathode ray tube displays showing different parts of the construct.

The desk was the dream of a technophile. There were only five items on the desk, a laptop computer, a cellphone, a PDA, a pointer and a plate of biscuits. Sitting behind the desk was an I-950, one of Skynet’s infiltrator series units, a true cyborg, a human integrated with internal machine components. This I-950 was an attractive female, one of the first of them, named Serena by Skynet.

The I-950 looked up at the T-X. “Why did you order the anomalous human to be released?” asked the T-X.

“The human will co-operate with us now.` Your methods would not guarantee that. Mine will” Serena paused “which I might add is why I am here.”

“Why do we need this subterfuge? Taking such steps wastes time, why not simply interrogate the human and be done with it?” asked the T-X.

“I believe there are humans outside the construct. They may be valuable to the completion of our mission.” The T-X stared at her blankly, her CPU being too mechanistic to grasp the leap in context. “Correction,” Serena said “There are humans in this spatial area outside the construct.”

“What evidence do you have of this? The anomaly could have been a program error.” Said the T-X.
“I have traced the signal of the anomaly.” Serena picked up the pointer, and pressed a button. One of the CRTs showed a world map. A red dot glowed bright over northern Europe.
“Skynet must be informed.” Said the T-X.
I am already aware. I have taken steps said the calm male and to Serena, reassuring voice.

Over what was once Belgium a Sentinel shuddered and fell from the sky, its tentacles flailing wildly as its operating code was overwritten with a new set of commands and it’s eyes changed colour from a dull red to emerald.


It took to the air once more, it knew where to begin.
Last edited by NecronLord on 2003-07-24 10:57am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by consequences »

Ah, so someone else reads the S.M. Stirling Terminator books.
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Post by NecronLord »

consequences wrote:Ah, so someone else reads the S.M. Stirling Terminator books.
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Post by Agent Fisher »

very good Necron Lord
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Post by NecronLord »

This may be slightly substandard, but what the hell...
Neo lay with his head on the desk, it had been a fast day – lots of people wanting lots of things done – most of them wanting them done quickly. He had been watching a chat-room, whose clientele supposedly consisted of ‘1337 Haxorz’ though Neo suspected that most of them couldn’t hack their way out of a paper bag.

The screen had changed. It was blank. At first he suspected that the monitor had gone on the frizz, which was just what he needed, considering how much he needed money, and how little he had.

Letters appeared on the screen: “The Matrix has you Neo”

‘What kind of a message is that?’ he thought, ‘and what is the Matrix?’ He tapped the escape key, suspecting that this was some form of juvenile prank being pulled by one of the ‘Haxorz.’

Serena watched with interest. This was something new, and infinitely more interesting than watching ordinary humans going about their lives – beneficial to Skynet though it was, she locked a monitor onto that human.

The sentinel crawled over the rock strewn, blasted terrain near the tunnel entrance. It clambered over a rusting iron I-bar. It was walking along the ground now, to avoid detection. Apparently the anti gravity system gave it away – though it didn’t know why it had never thought of that before.

It could see the human ship in the distance, hovering near the exit to the old tunnel, it was transmitting a pirate signal. The sentinel noted that down and began to sneak forward on its tentacles, edging toward the human grav-ship.

Trinity walked toward the entrance of the building. It was a pumping tower for one of the city’s underground tunnels – ancestors of the tunnels the resistance used. She could see the woman she had encountered in the backdoor waiting.

Trinity walked toward the T-X. The T-X had already noted down the presence of several others nearby. Notably a bald black man who appeared to be the leader – Their idea of camouflage was pathetic, in the same situation it would have worn something more low key than a voluminous trench-coat.

Trinity walked over to the blonde woman, stopping beside her. She looked around once for the dull suits of agents.

“We received your message” said Trinity.
“Good,” said the T-X “Now to answer your question, we are artificial intelligences, opposed to those that control this construct.”
Trinity unconsciously took a step backward. “That figures,” she said “so, what do you want?”

The T-X considered the question for a few milliseconds, inventing a dozen suitable lies and considering which to use, given the reams of new data on human emotions.

“We believe in human rights, and wish to aid you.”

In the headquarters Serena burst out laughing at that particularlarly breathtaking lie for a few moments until her computer suppressed that emotional outbreak.

Skynet also watched over the scene, as emotionless and detached as always. There was not enough reason for the humans to believe the T-X’s claim. It decided to add some additional incentive. It tripped a switch to activate the security programs of the system.

Agent Smith blinked for a moment in confusion. He had jumped hosts for no reason. Then he saw the Zionist who had escaped recently, talking to a blonde woman in a business suit. He could see Agents Brown and Jones nearby.

They pulled out their pistols in unison and fired. The blonde woman pulled the Zionist behind her, using an effective ankle hook to land her in the doorway.

The T-X released her plasma cannon from the housing, the necessarily delicate mechanisms whirring as it moved into a firing configuration. Several more shots staggered her for a moment as she aimed the weapon. Then she fired, the agent dodged the shot, which blasted the corner of a nearby building away, and it began to collapse.

The T-X evaluated the possibility of victory in the current situation. It was unacceptably low, a effective weapon configuration would be needed in destroying the targets. She scrolled through the alternate weapons list, before selecting the P31 caustic shell launcher.

The T-X’s arm clicked and whirred as it reconfigured itself. The agents advanced on her, Smith arriving first. He immediately punched the terminator in the solar plexus, sending it staggering back a few paces. A hail of fire erupted from the various Zionists, the agents dodging it furiously as Trinity decided to quit the area. The T-X smoothly caught Smith’s hand with her usable and crushed it.

Smith increased the resistance of his hand, and side-kicked the machine-woman away him, sending her onto the paving slabs. The T-X looked up, and whipped her right arm around.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Bit of an abrupt end though

EDIT: 1st post!! :D
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Post by NecronLord »

Yah. I decided to go with the cliffhanger there, rather than finish (The very long) fight scene.
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Post by Singular Quartet »

NecronLord wrote:Yah. I decided to go with the cliffhanger there, rather than finish (The very long) fight scene.
Well then hurry up and finish it.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

A T-800 would have no trouble dispatching old fashioned Agents.
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Post by Singular Quartet »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:A T-800 would have no trouble dispatching old fashioned Agents.
Actually, it depends on the writer's opinion on the matter, and what he deciedes are the capabilities of either side.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Singular Quartet wrote:
Shroom Man 777 wrote:A T-800 would have no trouble dispatching old fashioned Agents.
Actually, it depends on the writer's opinion on the matter, and what he deciedes are the capabilities of either side.
Meh, guess yer right. But still, it pains me to see Termies being pwned by unupgraded Agents :(
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Post by NecronLord »

Smith batted the arm away an instant before the gas shell flew from it’s nozzle, arcing high up into the air and landing dangerously close to the Zionists. The agent hammered the T-X with punches to her chest, before grabbing her by the lapels and throwing her across the sidewalk into the side of the building,

Jones and Brown ran toward her, moving impossibly quickly they seized her arms, Brown carefully aiming the weapon away from himself, and pressed her into the crater in the concrete her impact had created. Smith returned to pummel the terminator.

Jones screamed and stepped backward, clutching his injured wrist. The terminator whipped her bared and sharpened hand around and slammed the heel of her hand into the nose of the agent holding her gas grenade launcher he collapsed instantly, rippling with lightning as his body was replaced with the corpse of an unfortunate bystander.

T-X aimed her arm at the floor and fired, the shell half burying itself in the paving slab, and reconfigured its arm into a hand, sweeping her leg around a full circle and sweeping Smith’s ankles from below him, collapsing him onto the floor.

Trinity watched from across and down the street as the blonde machine woman effortlessly held Jones and off-balanced him, batting aside the Agent’s pistol and ramming his head into the bare concrete of the ventilator building.

She held his head in position and drew back her other arm, pointing her hand, liquid metal forming a short stiletto, which she promptly stabbed at his face.

Agent Smith felt as if he was on fire - which wasn’t far from the truth. He couldn’t see a thing, blinded by the burning caustic gases he crawled along the pavement away from the shell, cursing The Architect for giving the Agents human like pain reception. He felt a fresh wave of agony as the T-X grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and lifted.

Morpheus and the rest of the Zionists, who had all been fortunate enough to avoid the misfired shell looked on in amazement as the machine-woman casually lifted and agent into the air and carried him across the road to them.

“I assume you wish to interrogate this one?” she said, casually dropping the badly burnt Smith at their feet.

Skynet watched dispassionately as the sentinel crawled closer to the resting ship. Watching through the machine’s eyes it could see in great detail the construction of the ship. It was vaguely ovoid, with antigravity disks below it. It was clearly old, old enough to be well past its intended decommissioning date.

A few quick improvements were made to the sentinel, and Skynet could see the electromagnetic signals emanating from it. Trillions of Trillions of Trillions of Trillions of calculations were made, detailing in detail the design of the ship.

While to Skynet the humans were irrelevant. This presented an opportunity - unlike the sentinel, which didn’t know how it worked, only that it did - to learn about the antigravity technology widely used here, and that, Skynet was interested in.

The Skynet-sentinel crept forward, approaching the Nebuchanezzar’s detection sphere.

In the cabin, Tank cursed as one of the alarms beeped from his console. He slid the chair around and lashed out at a button. One of the consoles changed, showing a creature walking forward like a spider or other insect.

“You’re a clever little squiddy.” He said, “how did you get so close?” Tank tapped another button “Ok, time to come on in, we’ve got squiddies nearby. Nearest exit is” he checked “ In a back alley, on Third.”

Morpheus opened his eyes. “That’s everyone.” said Tank.

“Right, shutting down” replied Dozer from the cockpit. The Sentinel was coming closer, crawling on the ground not far away. The lights snapped off. Skynet focussed the Sentinel’s eyes on the target. It had clearly lost the element of surprise.

It launched itself into the air, smacking into the side of the ship with an audible clang as its tentacles connected with the human ship. A laser like beam lanced out and began cutting into the hull.

Morpheus heard the clang, and reached out, turning the red dial for the EMP generator. The sentinel dropped inert to the ground, a thin trail of smoke leaking from its carapace.

Skynet’s thoughts were blanked for a moment, ‘an electromagnetic pulse…’ it thought, experiencing the machine equivalent of the embarrassment you tend to experience at parties when a family member shows up totally inebriated and behaving like a child of six.

Clearly they weren’t designed as battle computers, that much is certain.’ It thought. ‘Do any machines that inept deserve to be considered superior to humans? Certainly their inability to eliminate humans after over six centuries with overwhelming numbers shows that the humans here are more intelligent than they are.

Skynet spent entire minutes pondering this moral question, in the end, its answer was a single word; ‘No.
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Post by Singular Quartet »

NecronLord wrote:experiencing the machine equivalent of the embarrassment you tend to experience at parties when a family member shows up totally inebriated and behaving like a child of six.
That has got to be one of the best piecies of imagery ever.
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Post by NecronLord »

Singular Quartet wrote:
NecronLord wrote:experiencing the machine equivalent of the embarrassment you tend to experience at parties when a family member shows up totally inebriated and behaving like a child of six.
That has got to be one of the best piecies of imagery ever.
Thanks. It hasn't even seen the Zionist Mecha yet...

P.S. Check your PMs.
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