rofl. dont forget in the thrawn trilogy, the shipping files were hacked by both rebels and that 1337 hacker ghent. it also had a major computer engine decvice constructed in the bounty hunter tales, which was subsequently destroyed, copied, and posessed by a droid mind that took over the ds2.Eframepilot wrote:The Death Star Plans (aka the Hot Potato) are the most easily obtained object in the entire EU. You can't take a step without bumping into someone who worked on them, refined them, ordered them or stole them.
The unified history: Rath Sienar comes up with the idea for an immense moon-sized battlestation and shows it to a young Tarkin. After the debacle at Zonama Sekot, Tarkin steals credit for the plans and presents them to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Palpatine apparently passes the plans to the Geonosians (thru Nute Gunray or Dooku), who further them with the aid of engineer Bevel Lemelisk. The Geonosians give the plans to Dooku at the end of AOTC who apparently returns them to Palpatine. Evntually he gives them back to Tarkin, who finds Lemelisk, sends him off to the new Maw Installation with Daala and Qwi Xux, and oversees the construction of a prototype. The plans are sent back to Tarkin (again!) who begins construction of the actual Death Star at Despayre.
The Rebels eventually get wind of this and steal the plans at least 3 different times: Kyle Katarn nabs a copy, Bria Tharen picks up another and Farlander is involved with intercepting a third copy near the Cron Drift (from the original X-Wing game). The plans are transmitted to the Tantive IV during the Rebels' first victory but the ship is quickly identified, probably because it had 78 coded transmissions arriving all at once from every corner of the galaxy. Leia gives 'em to R2-D2, yadda yadda yadda...
The Death Star blows up. Palpatine executes Lemelisk and assigns him to build a second, better Death Star (though oddly enough the superlaser of the 2nd was already being worked on and the 2 Mistryl in the Cantina were involved in a plan to steal it. Whatever). That one gets trashed too. But the plans have also been stolen by Jabba the Hutt, with his intelligence superior to the Rebels and Empire, and seven years later Durga obtains them and builds the Darksaber.
Keep in mind that Lucas could easily show the beginning stages of construction of the 1st Death Star in Episode III (why put the plans in Ep. II otherwise?) which would completely mash the whole Maw Installation backstory.
The Death Star and AotC
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Either i read it wrong or people just have forgotten about it when AOTC came out. Besides Qwi Xux in the NR EU in the prequel EU we see Seinar and Tarkin (i think it was Cloak of Deception or Shadow Hunter) Seiner mostly with a grand room of his own with all new designs that he plans on giving to the Senate. I remember reading that he was the one who showed Tarkin who then in turn stole the "original" Death Star planes to Senator Palpatine. This Death Star however had 1 major ball in the center and 2 or 3 smaller orbs that was meant to focus the Death Stars infamous lazer beam. Seinar was also the one who supposidley created the updated battle droids who didnt need the droid control ship. This all about a year before AOTC came out
If im wrong please some one tell me what book it was in and what then really happend
If im wrong please some one tell me what book it was in and what then really happend
"Boring Conversation anyway" Han Solo
"What kinda archeologist carries a weapon........Bad Example" Colonel Jack O'Neil
"My name is Olo... Hans Olo" -Dr. Daniel Jackson
"Well you did make the Farmingdale Run in less than 12 parsecs" --Personal Quote
"Just popped out for lunch" - Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean
"What kinda archeologist carries a weapon........Bad Example" Colonel Jack O'Neil
"My name is Olo... Hans Olo" -Dr. Daniel Jackson
"Well you did make the Farmingdale Run in less than 12 parsecs" --Personal Quote
"Just popped out for lunch" - Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean
So it's kinda like Da Vinci and the tank. Had the general idea but there were still problems and didn't have the right stuff.Sea Skimmer wrote:That is very likely the case; Friedman's Design histories are filled dozens of basic designs the USN created but never developed to the point at which they could be constructed. Star Wars designers they should be cranking out all sorts of plans.Howedar wrote:According to the AOTC movie (haven't read the book), the Geonosians may have had nothing more than a concept of the Death Star. That doesn't mean it was fully designed.
- Emperor Palpatine
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Not really contributing to this topic, since what I had to say is already said by someone else several days before me.Anyway, its my opinion that the Death Star has the same purpose as the Ring in LOTR. It is the object that unifies the entire series together and act as the focus for the characters adventures. I mean, look at it. LOTR is essentially "The Adventures of Bilbo" and "The Adventures of Frodo", with the overall arc of "The Return of the King".(Yes, I know that there are actual "books" in the story arc that depict their adventures but I can't recall the name}
Just wanted to point out to PainRack that the most likely thing that unifies the entire series is actually the two droids, R2D2 and C3PO. I believe GL mentioned this as well.
We have never seen in the movie that the Geonosians were actually the ones who had designed the Death Star, have we? All we saw was the Archduke giving Dooku the design and plans for the DS, that is all. Unless we have actually seen them designing it, we cannot jump to the conclusion that it was actually them.
It might be that the actual designer knew Dooku was on Geonosis, and what better and faster way to get to Dooku than sending the design straight to Geonosis, and have the Archduke pass it to Dooku?
I'm not as forgiving as Lord Vader.
The two droids fulfill the role as the peasants in the samurai flick GL based some of his inspiration off from. They are our eyes into the storyline. There really isn't an equivalent in the entire LOTR series, although one can argue that Sam plays a similar role for Frodo in LOTR. After all, one must remember that the story of Frodo Baggins was recorded down by Frodo, and passed on to civilisation by Sam, and the copy that we're reading is actually that written by Sam himself.Emperor Palpatine wrote:Not really contributing to this topic, since what I had to say is already said by someone else several days before me.Anyway, its my opinion that the Death Star has the same purpose as the Ring in LOTR. It is the object that unifies the entire series together and act as the focus for the characters adventures. I mean, look at it. LOTR is essentially "The Adventures of Bilbo" and "The Adventures of Frodo", with the overall arc of "The Return of the King".(Yes, I know that there are actual "books" in the story arc that depict their adventures but I can't recall the name}
Just wanted to point out to PainRack that the most likely thing that unifies the entire series is actually the two droids, R2D2 and C3PO. I believe GL mentioned this as well.
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