Brazil also. Sorry, I forgot to put it in the list.
Heh, Good. What would be the world without brazil ? No brazilians!
In Japan only happened due to their defeat in the second world war. War, btw, that they ALSO started. Not only the Europeans are warmongers, you know. In China they simply abolished church and have yet to know democracy.
This does not change they did not needed the western influence to make it happen and Japan for example, when the Restauration happened the religion had just simbolic participation in the leadership.
Of course. By assimilation I meant the actual domination [as in cities and farms] of all the territory, and the movement of huge amounts of people to colonize it. I think that didn't happen like in the U.S. But, of course, you should know better than me.
Brazil large territory is due the portuguese colonization, since they did not repescted the Tortesilias Deal (sp ?) and occupied the spanish portion exactly to claim it later. Also Brazil had in the 16th and 17th century to defend the territory in the north against Holand and in the southest against France, for example. When the USA expasion happened due the USA's action not England's for example.
Hei! I resent that! It was in great part due to Brazil that the absolute power of monarchy ended in Portugal! You guys had a true parliement at the same time we did.
You should not resent, You are not Portugal or Europe. You are a portuguese. Governament do those things, not the individual. Even under "democracy".
I mean that Portugal introduced the the concept of centralized govern since they brought here the monarchy. But for example, brazil first parlament was closed by the King, D.Pedro I (D.Pedro VI there I think) and he was the abossolute monarch. Then there is a regency period until his son,D.Pedro II got the crowd, he was actually a good governant but still abssolute. The republic was called in 1888 and a parlament called, by militar take over and only years later "democracy returned". Brazil was liberal but not good.
And, once again, regardless of morals, if the territory wasn't made a colony Brazil the country simply wouldn't exist. It's ludicrous saying that it would evolve to a modern society. If left alone, the continent would still be entirely populated by natives living their ancestral lifestyle. Like the several tribes that still exist in Brazil and Africa.
its very relative this. No one can say this is a better society than what would turn to be and for example, China did not allowed the western to control them and have developed enough by themselves.
Of course there would not be Brazil without portugal, but there would be something, which could be better or worse.
I'm not congratulating Europe. But several countries [like Japan before ww2 and Russia ] would have the power to completely overrun western societies if it weren't for the U.S. And the reserve in the U.S allowed germany and the others to be defeated. Sorry, but it's a question of survival.
but you gave credits for europe to end World Wars, which are only the result of imperialism of Europe,USA and Japan. All the credits are lost for their starts.
Plus, Japan would never do a World War, but only a pacific one and was very minor in the World War starter, which is linked toGermany-Italy-England-France struggle to control and the non-decisive end of the first WW.
Russia is part of europe and I do not see the difference, Russia or England overun ? That would make what, we speak Russian more than English, but have yet be a colony.
There is no credit there to any of them and their overruns for control
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