Anyone else here laugh a lot?

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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

I laugh at things on this message board all the time that no one else seems to find funny. In this very thread I've cracked up numerous times. :P
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Post by HemlockGrey »

I tend to silent-laugh, as in I laugh, but make no sound. About once a month I get hit by something so hilarious that I literally cannot breath, and my attempts to suck in air result in a weird resonanting-belching sound.
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Post by The Dark »

I laugh a lot. I just tend to catch subtle accidental double entendres that most people don't notice. A bunch of my friends actually thanked me for sitting next to them at a Jim Breuer stand-up show, because they said I made them laugh harder :? .
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

The Dark wrote:I laugh a lot. I just tend to catch subtle accidental double entendres that most people don't notice. A bunch of my friends actually thanked me for sitting next to them at a Jim Breuer stand-up show, because they said I made them laugh harder :? .
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Post by SHODAN »

I have my very own plentifully practiced maniacs laughter. I try and succesfully avoid it in public, though.
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Post by Edi »

I tend to chuckle most of the time, but I do laugh loudly every now and then. I also do seem to have a sense of humor similar to some of the people here who get those weird looks from other people who just don't get things...

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Post by Robert Treder »

I laugh all the time, and a lot of the times it's at my own thoughts, rather than what's going on. I'll just be standing around, and I'll realize something that's weird, or I'll remember something that happened a long time ago, and I'll start snickering.

I've gotten in trouble on a few occasions for laughing at things that nobody else found funny. For example, in fourth grade, my teacher got a phone call that her dad died, and she started crying, told us that her dad was dead, and ran out of the room. I burst into laughter, and everybody else got really upset with me.
During a lot of the Sept. 11 bruhaha, I found myself laughing at people's reactions to things. That got me a few yells too.
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Post by InnerBrat »

I screech loudly, especially in cinemas, because when I'm into the movie I forget eveyrone else is there.
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Post by Southpaw »

HemlockGrey wrote:I tend to silent-laugh, as in I laugh, but make no sound. About once a month I get hit by something so hilarious that I literally cannot breath, and my attempts to suck in air result in a weird resonanting-belching sound.
That's about how I laugh most of the time, too. Well, except for the resonating-belching sound. Thank god. :P :wink:
Robert Treder wrote:I've gotten in trouble on a few occasions for laughing at things that nobody else found funny. For example, in fourth grade, my teacher got a phone call that her dad died, and she started crying, told us that her dad was dead, and ran out of the room. I burst into laughter, and everybody else got really upset with me.
During a lot of the Sept. 11 bruhaha, I found myself laughing at people's reactions to things. That got me a few yells too.
If you don't mind my asking -- what is it, do you think, that makes you react to other people's distress in that way? Is it something like, you end up feeling uncomfortable because of it, and default to laughter as a way to deal with it? People often turn to humor as a way of relieving stress, but I've never heard of a reaction like yours before. (Not that I actually know a whole lot about the psychology involved, but I'm curious, which causes me to speculate wildly.)
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Re: Anyone else here laugh a lot?

Post by Hethrir »

Durandal wrote:Is it just weird that I find humor in things the majority of people don't? Do I catch subtle humor, or do I just see humor where it was not intended? Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
I laugh at nearly everything. With so many bad things in the world, like 3rd world children starving to death, our petty day to day troubles are just that - petty. Dry witty humour and play on words splits me up - especially if it is unintentional. I often laugh at people making puns they don't mean to, and nobody notices. How embarrasment!
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Post by Zac Naloen »

Im known for always having a smile on my face, and i laugh at the most stupid things, im not even sure if what im laughing at is actually funny sometimes, its just dry humour that gets me more than anything, and its the hardest thing to pick up lol
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Post by BoredShirtless »

Durandal wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:I tend to laugh at inappropriate times. And loudly...
Repressed laughter is the best. Like when you're kneeling at a casket ... :)
For sure! Last month I was negotiating a contract extension with my Managing Director. All of a sudden he said something that was intended to be serious, but was just so ridicules that it cracked me up. Then, realising how inappropriate it'd be to laugh, it made it even funnier. It got so bad that I had to break eye contact and look at the wall behind him and think how miserable life would be if my cock dropped off. Biggest cack.
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Post by greenmm »

jegs2 wrote:My wife often accuses me of laughing too much

"Why is everything so funny to you?!"

I told her I'm just always happy...
Sounds like my wife's long-lost twin. Actually, she gets really mad when I laugh in the movie theater, or when we're watching TV/video/DVD with family/friends and I laugh "too loud"...
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Post by Slowhand »

Laugh long! Laugh loud! Laugh hard!

First, it's one character trait that separates us from the animals.
Second, it promotes good health by relieving stress.

I am a loud laugher, and proud of it!
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

The most frequently used laugh of mine is a deep chuckle which comes more from my throat then my mouth, that gets used when I'm mildly amused.

The mega-death one tends to arrive when we discover something which shouldnt be as funny as it apparently is, it tends to result in either a complete breakdown with tears and hurting sides or a desperate attempt to contain that laugh resulting in it getting even funnier and building to the previous conclusion.

In recent memory, the mega death laugh has appeared on three main occasions.

1) In Crete, when we discovered a pastry device called a Cok. What followed was a two hour long session of innuendo, double entendre and downright smut - along with several photos of people getting to grips with said cok or sharing it with passing strangers in public toilets.

2) Last night, when watching Hot Shots Part Deux, the line: "Mr President!" "No you arent, he's a tall fellow, about my height, I've seen him on TV..." line cracked me up completely.

3) After a all-nighter and a crap train ride home, a very tired me was sitting in a very very dull lecture (which consisted of the lecturer reading the powerpoint slide to us, and having already given us said slide printout the week before), and suddenly realising that the Breakfast sandwich shop 'Diggles' on Campus, could be substituted thus:

"DIGGLES! Put her in the Comfy Chair!"

This then resulted in the closest I have ever come to breaking down in tears of laughter in a public place, and I had to duck down behind my chair to avoid being seen by the lecturer in a very empty room.

So in otherwords, yep, I laugh a lot, but not particularly obtrusively.
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Re: Anyone else here laugh a lot?

Post by His Divine Shadow »

Durandal wrote:Is it just weird that I find humor in things the majority of people don't? Do I catch subtle humor, or do I just see humor where it was not intended? Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
I do most of the time, but as of late I've been laughing alot less than usual.
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Post by IndustrialNoise »

I laugh at a lot of things, often when its not a good time. But if i need to keep a straight face, i can, and that makes me a great liar :D
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