Nathan F wrote:
I remember hearing about these kids riding around one city a while back that had a high powered (as in one of the professional ones that can knock a man down) paintball gun. They had loaded it with blood-red paintballs, and were driving around shooting pedestrians (young, old, in between), homeless people, and anything that looked like a target, such as other cars. Numerous people went to the hospital because they had thought they had actually been shot. These kids had been filming it all, too, and they were laughing and joking like it was the best thing in the world.
I was sitting here watching the film thinking, 'You sick little bastards, I hope that you sit in jail for about 50 years for this...damn morons.'
They did not have a paintgun that can knock a man down, no paintgun can do that, professional or not. I saw the video, and the punks where jack ass' no doubt about it. At the end of the film you even see the cop car pull up behind them. Im sure some of the people they shot, who where not familar with paintguns where scared shitless, but red paint doesnt even come close to looking like blood. You have to be pretty panicked to think so.
I dont remember what they got as punishment, but their lawyer filmed them being shot at close range so they could "understand" what they had done. Because kids like this do damage to the sport of paintball, Id be happy with a very severe punishment. Especially in light of the video. This was not a couple of kids shooting a stop sign.