Darth Wong wrote:
Bullshit. Your presumptions are not my problem. Did I ever say it was OK to shove a shotgun in someone's face for coming to your door? Answer yes or no, please.
No, you excluded that behavior explicitly in an earlier part of the discussion, and your claiming that I claimed your support went that far is distortion and grandstanding.
I pooh poohed that because shooting someone with water from your garden hose does not necessarily mean that you put a special focusing attachment on it and aim right for his eye. People shoot at each other with garden hoses all the time in my fucking backyard and no one's trying to injure anyone. "Bait and switch" is a common sales tactic but a piss-poor debate tactic, Aron.
All I said is spraying someone with water from a hose when they aren't ready or willing is physical abuse. Now, what you have to decide is whether a) it is abuse and b) whether is it physical. Then you can decide if it is warranted by Witness activities. I don't think it is, you I guess do.
If the person doesn't know you well enough to even know whether you just moved in or not, then it doesn't matter whether he's from out of town. He doesn't actually know you at all, nor does he really live in your "neighbourhood", unless you have defined a rather large neighbourhood.
That is how *you* feel. It might be how everyone you know feels. That does not make it not an objective fact, and in my experience in this, which you have to admit outweighs yours, the opposite is the more common feeling. What *I* have to admit is that there are regional differences that might come to play in this as well.
Bullshit. Find me one person in North America who's never heard of the JWs.
Now how the hell am I going to do that? Either accept my statement of fact, go out and canvas your own area for 20 years and get back with me on your results, or just call me a liar and be done with it. I keep asking you why the hell I would lie or makeup any of this.
So? A vanishingly small percentage know what secular humanists really believe, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be rude for me to go around door to door handing out pamphlets telling everyone that they're "wicked" if they don't agree with us.
Goddammit, I'm not arguing with you, ok? You say "Its rude to go to people and tell them about your beliefs" and I say "how else are they going to reach people?" then you say "If people want to hear about witnesses, they can go to them" and I say "But many people don't know about witnesses" then you say "Its rude to go to people and tell them." or "there are other forms of witnesses that would be less rude" to which I say "Yet that is historically the most effective method, which belies the claim of universal rudeness." And around we go.
So I guess basically, canvassing an area with literature would not be rude, but knocking on the door crosses that boundary, even though you say the literature is more offensive than the visit itself? Why not just admit that there is no level of witness activity that you would be comfortable with? That's something we can both live with.
That leads to the obvious question: what is the success rate of door-to-door sales, as opposed to other forms of marketing?
I don't know. I do know that Witnesses are recognizing the diminishing effectiveness of door to door work, and are trying to move away from that to more informal witnessing, which I would presume you'd be more supportive of. But there is quite a bit of organizational inertia.
I said they act like assholes and its counter productive.
Yet you conceded later on that they may have been insulted by the literature being handed out. So you feel someone is an "asshole" if he insults someone back after being insulted himself?[/quote]
Yes, I do, in this instance, as I've repeatedly explained.
"If you don't want to hear it, fine, say so, but acting like a fool to them just reinforces their worldview and gives them something funny to relate to each other back in the car group. That in turn makes MY life harder when I try to explain you don't have to have a fundamentalist outlook on life and still be a nice person."
That's all I'm trying, or ever tried, to say. The closest thing you've come to really countering that was when you said:
"Witnesses that don't have the insight to see that they are intruding into my private space and insulting me on my doorstep don't deserve any respect."
That's a paraphrasing of what you said, because I'm getting tired of working this clunky interface. But I think its true to the spirit. Anyway, what this completely ignores is that what you criticise is a direct result of their worldview, which is what you are reinforcing when you react rudely to them. It is a big cycle. And its one I've felt like I've been trapped in so long its driving me fucking crazy.
With all due respect, you are missing the whole point I'm making. Would it be good to try and disabuse them of their notions? Yes. Does this mean that someone is an "asshole" if he does not do so? No. No one is morally obligated to turn the other cheek.
Perhaps your definition of asshole is different from mine. That is a distinct possibility, which I'll get to in my conclusion. The essence is that acting like a jerk in response to someone elses acting like a jerk is still... acting like a jerk. You might have an excuse to do so, but that doesn't change the objective fact.
Funny- you just said that I defended Kangaroo boy's claimed behaviour, now you admit that I haven't.
I can't believe you are the one claiming I'm doing all the misrepresenting. It is clear that you defended and agree with his behavior *until* he pulled the gun, and that is exactly what I said. What is so funny about that?
Also, you think that by saying it's OK to squirt a water gun at a repeat visitor who's ignored requests to stay away, I am now advocating the use of a special focusing attachment on the end of a garden hose and a high-pressure blast to the face. If you honestly don't see how you've exaggerated my position, you're self-delusional.
Now I can't believe you are the one calling me a sensitive prick. You are putting words and premises in my mouth that I have never stated. You have taken a series of statements I put forth as the suggestion that spraying a person with water is abusive (which it is) and one off hand comment about it being *potentially* harmful (which it is), and then absurdifying it. If you think that's what I meant, fine, I apologize, and take it all back.
I think the bigger straw man exaggeration to take a throw off comment about the dangers of spraying somebody who is off gaurd and build it into someone claiming that you "advocate" the removal of eyes with jets of water. That was never my intention. I should have just stuck with saying that spraying somebody with a hose is abusive.
It would have gone down better if you did not engage in blatant strawman distortions in order to save your point.
Good grief. Had to go for the throat.
You have CONCEDED that it is rude to bother people at home. You have CONCEDED that the pamphlets you hand out may contain DIRECT INSULTS at the people you visit. The only thing left for you to concede is that someone who responds to an insult with "name-calling" is NOT necessarily an asshole.
I am not willing to conceed that. They might not *be* an asshole, but they are acting like one, provoked or not. It is more eggregious in my mind because they are in a position to be charitable since they are presumably more enlightened and informed than the person provoking, especially considering what is at stake.
You've known a lot of retarded people like this? Or is this an extreme example brought up just to invalidate my argument?
Your argument is axiomatic, and this person is real. The point is that you think people are
morally obligated to turn the other cheek, otherwise they're being "assholes". That's a ridiculous viewpoint; while it may be
noble to try and be productive, it does not make someone an "asshole" not to do so.[/quote]
First off, I don't understand your turn of phrase about my argument being axiomatic, yet your person real.
What is the essence of assholishness if not the failure to act with grace and nobility? I think you are taking it personally because you may or may not have yelled at a witness before and you think I think you're an asshole. That isn't true. I like you a lot, and admire you, obviously, but I'd still think you acted like a jerk *in that one instance*. Rest assured, there are many times I act like a jerk in many one-off hot-button issues, but I don't consider myself an asshole. Perhaps this tread is one such instance.
Look, I'm agreeing with basically everything you say. However, the atmosphere on this board encourages the glorification of behavior that indirectly makes my life harder. I just want to counter balance that in particular. Is that so hard to understand? I really don't care to "win" any of the other tangental arguments related to that one. I think I'm giving the impression that I care about witness beliefs, when what I really care about is witness *people*.
And what I'm saying is simply that people have a reasonable right to insult someone back after being insulted themselves, or to respond to persistent harassment with a squirt froma water hose if they won't stop. You hand out literature which accuses people like me of being evil, and then complain that we're being "assholes" if we react angrily to the insult.
The asshole scale is a sliding one. Heh. Anyway. At zero, we have what you call nobility. At 1 or 2, you have verbal abuse. At five, you have spraying someone with water, and at 7 you have pulling an unloaded gun on them. 8 and 9 would be various forms of physical retaliation, and 10 would be killing them. I know you have a more nuanced view than "asshole" or "not an asshole.