Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:Darth Wong wrote:More of that narrow-minded dogmatic mentality I mentioned earlier. You assume that the majority religion is "good" because you were raised to think of it that way, even though Christianity is synonymous with cruelty, evil, and ruthless massacres in many parts of the world, and its so-called "Holy Book" contains some of the most horrifying cruelty (committed by its "god", no less!) in all of literature.
Actually, Darth Wong, I'm not even Christian.
Actually, Mr. Smart-ass, I didn't say you were. I said you were raised to think of Christianity as good. That association is drilled into the mind of every person living in this continent, regardless of whether they actually subscribe to the belief system.
I just don't like to see assertions like these go unchallenged. Yes, Christianity, like its sister religion Islam, has been twisted by fundamentalists throughout the centuries into a truly vile, destructive plague.
No, fundamentalists are accurate to the source material, ie- their respective "holy scriptures". They're not "twisting" anything; that is precisely their problem.
But we're not talking about students crucifying anyone, or burning anyone at the stake, or goose-stepping through the quad reciting Mein Kampf. We're talking, presumably, about students praying, exercising a personal choice.
Worshipping and praising a known fascist, torturer, and mass-murderer (the Biblical God; read your Bible). How is this different from a bunch of students gathering on the school lawn to worship Adolf Hitler?
And so the question "Were they doing it for show or for themselves?" does have validity. Was it an exercise of personal faith, not intended to be seen by anyone? Or was it a "Hey! Look at us, we're being Christians!" type display?
Then why the hell are you objecting to our criticism? If it was not intended to be seen by anyone, they wouldn't be doing it on the fucking front lawn of the school while all the other kids are entering the building, with full local TV news coverage!