I agree, if the Zents disperse their fleet, or the Imps group themselves together into a large force, then it's going to be a turkey shoot for the Imps. But if the Imp force is small enough, then even their huge firepower/shield advantage is going to be overwhelmed by the numerous Zent ships around them.
Mid Level ISD MK II Figures lets say to be fair they are all shooting 50 Mega-ton weaponry(though they are not though but hey lets get an avarge)
27 Peta tons translated into tons
27,596,250,000 Megatons/50 Mega-tons= 55,192,500 missles.. Himm 55 Million+ missles to take down one of any of the four sections of an ISD's shields(Which can be distrubited any which way so its 4-0-0-0 or 3-1-0-0 or 1-1-1-1
Anyway so 55 million missles alright
Lets assume each ISD gets 100k ships to themselves right? 100,000 Ships... lets say 20 per second sounds like a fair firing rate eh? or 2,000,000 Missles a second
55,192,500/2,000,000 a second=27.596 Seconds
Ok! so each ISD can last nearly half a mintue aginst 100k Ships!
Considering there will never be 100k Ships in one place at any one time that says somthing
Lets say all 4 million ships take on a planet with Platary shielding
200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Mega-tons/50= 40,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 missles! wow
Many millions of trillions of missles to take down a Plantary shield, ouchy