The Twilight War

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Post by Singular Quartet »

Stravo wrote:Oh, and no offense taken, I just needed to poke fun at the current batch of starfleet captain and their essential banality. :D
Heh, don't worry. We understand, and fully agree.
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Post by Ender »

Am I the only one who thinks it is odd that Kirk leaps on to the fact that Palpatine rigged the Red guards straight away, even though he has been on planet for less then five minutes, whereas only one person has figured "hey that is kinda odd" in years?

Hell, Palpatine is runing the Sepratists too, realistically he would have had them do the actual attack so that any investigation would yield the same results.

And Stravo, no knock against you man, but you really seem to be broadcasting future things and moving a bit fast here. Compare the opening sequence with Padme and Anakin's friend, and how the Darth Nemesis secret in Starcrossed held out for weeks. Just a thought.
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Post by Stravo »

Ender wrote:
And Stravo, no knock against you man, but you really seem to be broadcasting future things and moving a bit fast here. Compare the opening sequence with Padme and Anakin's friend, and how the Darth Nemesis secret in Starcrossed held out for weeks. Just a thought.
No I welcome critiques, seriously. My question is what am I broadcasting ahead of time?
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Post by Trogdor »

D'oh! I thought there was a new chapter... :(
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by Crazedwraith »

Trogdor wrote:D'oh! I thought there was a new chapter... :(

as did i :cry:
oh well life goes on
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Crazedwraith wrote:
Trogdor wrote:D'oh! I thought there was a new chapter... :(

as did i :cry:
oh well life goes on
Goddamn cockteases you guys are!
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Post by JodoForce »

I mean we have the fall of Anakin Skywalker, Rise of the Empire, the Temporal Civil War between Federations
But I don't think this is broadcasting, since everyone should have figured out these things already.
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Post by Crown »

Stravo wrote:Christ this was a blast from the past. To think I'm going to start writing the next chapter this week, you are almost prescient my friend. As to the Kirk can I put this, is there ANYONE else in Trek worthy of an epic tale like this? And yes, I consider him one of the greatest characters in Sci Fi ever, as if anyone could deny my feelings on that. However I am striving to make sure this story is not about him as much as an epic war story, I mean we have the fall of Anakin Skywalker, Rise of the Empire, the Temporal Civil War between Federations, Kirk's story is merely a personal one of discovery that will almost be lost in the scope of it.

My personal feelings on this story, best fucking writing I have done in a LONG time. I enjoy writing it and I feel that this is different to Star Crossed. Unfortunately it does not seem to have the following that Star Crossed has that irks me sometimes.
It's been a month now Stravo ... :)

And for all of those thinking that this was because a new chapter was added, yes well, no need to spam +1 post counts to that affect.
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Post by JodoForce »

Damn you Crown! You made me think there's a new chapter! :evil:
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Post by Stravo »

Chapter 10: Council of the Blind

“There’s nothing ill can dwell in such a temple:
If the ill spirits have so fair a house, good things will strive to dwell with ‘t.”
The Tempest
Act 1, Scene ii

Kirk hesitantly glanced back and caught her eyes on him like daggers. They were focused solely on him as the group moved then just as casually looked away and nodded politely at a random person watching the entourage walk through the main lobby of the Jedi temple. Sly Moore moved with a silken elegance that was very attractive and mysterious, her white skin almost glowed as she glanced furtively back in his direction and Kirk immediately turned his head away and continued looking forward.

He felt silly.

He did not see Meerlinda watching him intently like a hawk and her eyes dart between him and Sly Moore like a fencer moving between thrusts of a blade. She remained silent but a growing sense of discomfort wormed its way through her, like rubbing her skin raw on an irritant. She was not sure what she was feeling, or more importantly why.

Spock and Dehner watched the comings and goings of the Jedi knights with keen interest. The temple was enormous and beautiful. The Jedi moved though the main atrium with a determined purpose.

“There don’t seem to be as many as I expected. The Jedi knights are supposed to be the peacekeepers of your galaxy and this is their headquarters.” Dehner noted.

Meerlinda nodded slowly.

“Unfortunately Elizabeth, the Jedi were never many but the war has sapped our numbers. Any Jedi that can be spared are at the front lines.” Meerlinda answered.

“Not to mention we’ve lost many good friends in this war.” Obi Wan added sorrowfully.

“It’s the price we have to pay for eventual victory.” Anakin added sternly. He had managed to join the group just as they arrived at the temple after consultations with Palpatine by flying through the thick Coruscant air traffic like a madman.

“You sound like one of Palpatine’s war slogans.” Meerlinda noted sharply.

Anakin paused and looked over his shoulder at the young Jedi knight.

“I’ve been on the front lines, I’ve lost many friends, Jedi Farstrider, I don’t seem to recall your name on any of the rosters for the major engagements of this war.” Anakin replied coldly.

Meerlinda blinked.

Obi Wan placed a gentle restraining hand on Anakin’s forearm, alarmed for a moment that he felt a rage swelling in his old padawan. The rage was quickly clamped down and Obi Wan felt it vanish like smoke on the wind.

“I was unaware that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had ever directly addressed this issue. War is never clean or neat and the casualties we are suffering is a clear indication of our resolve to end this destructive conflict.” Sly Moore added coolly.

“Let’s go they’re expecting us.” Obi Wan replied gently.

Kirk exchanged a quick look with Dehner. The stress of the war was obviously affecting the Jedi Knight corps more than they had been told. Kirk would be very interested to see how the top level leadership was holding up. There was no sense in the air that the war was going poorly enough to believe that defeat was imminent. The doom and gloom of such an eventuality could be smelled in the air, seen in the eyes of those walking a little slower, shoulders stooped a little lowly.

He did not see that here at all. He saw Jedi knights, human, alien, young and old walking with a grim determination to their appointed tasks. There was no defeat in their eyes. There was a resolve and sadness too. A grief at friends and allies lost and at the horrible nightmare that was tearing their galaxy apart.

He slowly took these observations in and could not help but feel a growing admiration and respect for these Jedi.

The group walked quickly past the statues of fallen and heroic Jedi of the past and into the main lift that would bring them to the top of the temple. Obi Wan eyed Anakin curiously in the lift.

Anakin pointedly ignored him.

“Do the Jedi masters in the council go on any combat missions?” Kirk asked curiously as the interior of the temple flashed by them. The center of the temple quickly dwindled and thinned out as they approached the central spire that rose above the main body of the ancient structure.

“Yes.” Obi Wan replied.

“The Jedi Masters are the supreme field commanders for some of the more vital areas of the Republic. Master Yoda for instance is in charge of the defense of Coruscant while Master Windu is in command of the main assault fleet and armies.”

“And the armies and navy of the Republic? Do they have their own officer corps. Separate from the Jedi I mean.” Number One asked.

“Of course.” Anakin replied.

“However there are issues of experience.” Sly added casually.


“Our officer corps was always small. The Republic’s military was pitifully small before the outbreak of the Clone War. The previous administration had issues concerning increasing military spending. With the buildup our officer corps is green as you military types would say.” Sly continued.

“The massive casualties suffered by the enlisted ranks insure that the officers simply don’t survive long enough to become seasoned veterans.” Meerlinda added.

Sly shot the Jedi a hooded glare.

“As has been duly noted by others, the Republic has been suffering greatly during this war, we have all lost friends and family.” Obi Wan intervened quickly.

“I will assume as I’m wont to do that Meerlinda is a member of the peace faction?” Kirk asked with a soft smile.

“We prefer the term anti-war, as the peace faction automatically connotes a negative view on those for the war.” Sly replied.

“Ah, I see the war faction. Intriguing.” Number One stated with a nod.

“I find it highly illogical that something as simple as a the title one gives a faction to be such a decisive issue. Is not a faction opposed to war then a faction of peace. And by extension is not the faction supporting the war a pro-war faction?” Spock asked seriously.

The assembled group in the lift exchanged a myriad of expressions ranging from bemused to annoyed.

“It’s not quite that simple Mr. Spock.” Obi Wan assured the tall Vulcan as the doors slid open.

“It has been my unfortunate experience Obi Wan that when it comes to humans and their rampant emotions that it is never that simple.” Spock replied.

“Welcome ambassadors from the Federation of Planets. I am Loval Manan, please follow me.” A slim young Jedi announced as they began filing out of the lift. He politely motioned for the party to follow him down a long ornate corridor.

“Spock you may want to keep the human bashing to a minimum.” Kirk whispered to the Vulcan.

“I hardly think that pointing out the inherent flaws in the emotional –”

“Would you like me to phrase that as an order?” he asked coldly.

Spock nodded after a heart beat.

“Of course, sir.” He replied.

Number One pursed her lips for a moment as she stared at the back of the Captain’s head for a moment, not approving of the way he had dealt with Spock. This was a mission to discover whether the motives of the Republic were as pure as they claimed.

No one seemed to be addressing the issue that was in the back of everyone’s head or at the very least should be. So far the fact finding mission was succeeding and the Republic was what it claimed it was and despite some things she had seen that made her feel uneasy. The Republic was very open about its own internal divisions and so far people were free to express them. The Jedi did not seem to be the secret police or Gestapo force that many in the Federation feared. But all of that only meant one thing.

The Federation would be going to war.

Number One wondered whether the enormous scientific and economic benefits that would be realized by such an alliance was worth the horrible bloodshed waiting for them. This was a war on a galactic scale and the Federation had only taken its first tentative steps into its own quadrant much less the whole galaxy. She did not even want to consider the casualties they would be seeing in those first opening days of the war.

Kirk was quietly taking it all in, despite Spock’s annoying tendency to wax philosophical about human emotions. He thought that this would be a key meeting in his decision making process, it would be the Jedi and the opposition party that would help him form his opinion about a possible alliance with the Republic. He would also like to take a look at their after action reports.

His greatest doubt was not the Republic, Palpatine seemed a strong and capable leader who spoke candidly, these were traits Kirk admired and he could not help liking the older politician. His doubts were not the Jedi who so far had been honorable and just and not the barest hint of what many nay-sayers in command had insinuated that they were some elitist secret police force. No, his doubts were with the Federation.

Could they even dare to hope that they could prosecute a war of this magnitude? Did they have the endurance to withstand the casualties that were sure to come? These questions were foremost on his mind as they stepped into the Jedi Council Chambers.

Meerlinda could feel the concern brewing in Kirk’s heart and she quietly listened to its ebbs and flows, attempting to ascertain what had him so concerned. Her master had taught her the nuances of using the Force to measure emotional states and anxiety levels. One did not need brute force telepathy if one were in tune with their targets rhythms. In many instances you could predict what a being was going to do before they even knew what they were going to do.

Her master would smile sardonically and harrumph as he anticipated an opponent’s move before she could pick it up telepathically or even through the bursts of insight and prescience that all Jedi shared.

Knowing your enemy so well that you know him even better than he knows himself is the key. Once locked into their rhythms and emotions there was very little you could not anticipate. Her master was famous for walking into a negotiating chamber, taking one look around and know precisely what each side was willing to give and take to reach an accord. He predicted the outcomes of treaty negotiations within moments.

She always admired him for that. She only hoped to have a tenth of the talent he had.

She also felt Sly Moore’s keen interest in Kirk, and a barely suppressed wave of passion and desire. Once again a thorn of disquiet wormed its way through her heart.

“Welcome, welcome. Come before us you have ambassadors of the Federation. Honored the council is to receive you.” a small gnome was Kirk’s best guess at to the being seated in the center of the assembled masters. The small green being regarded each of the newcomers with a curious gaze but Kirk could see the sharp perceptive gleam behind the wizened old eyes and stooped head of gray hair. This was a being not to be trifled with, he was hardly slow or dull with age.

“I am James T. Kirk, Captain of the starship Enterprise and duly appointed representative of the United Federation of Planets. This is Doctor Elizabeth Dehner, my liaison with the Federation council. Together we head up the fact finding mission regarding the Galactic Republic.”

“By fact finding you mean you are trying to decide whether the cost of joining us in the Clone War is worth the rewards of our rather lucrative technological and economic benefits Chancellor Palpatine has most assuredly offered your government.” A tall slim black man replied. There was a cool confidence about him and he wore his authority and power about him like a cloak.

“Jedi Master Mace Windu of the Jedi Council.” Meerlinda announced bowing her head slightly.

“I believe my people would say you hit the nail on the head.” Kirk replied.

“Be that as it may there are also questions of cultural and scientific importance to an alliance of this type. The Federation was founded on the ideals of peace and exploration. We have only now just started reaching out beyond the boundaries of our home systems into the great beyond. The very idea of standing here on a world in another galaxy is still a little giddy for me at least.” Dehner added after clearing her throat.

Yoda nodded.

“Explorers you are. It saddens me to see you so close to this war.”

“I would also like to extend my sympathies for the loss of so many of your Jedi knights in this war.” Kirk added.

“My apologies Captain if you would allow me to do the introductions this is Master Yoda, head of the Jedi Council.” Meerlinda interjected quickly. This meeting had started off without time for the proper introductions. She could sense an eagerness from the assembled masters.

One of the masters eyed Kirk for a moment and whispered something to the one seated next to him. He then nodded and spoke up.

“Tell me Captain. Is there any Force training in your galaxy? My review of some of Meerlinda Fastrider’s reports would seem to indicate otherwise.” Jedi Master Eeth Koth asked curiously. Kirk eyed his horned rimmed head before speaking.

“Uh…no, sir. We have had no experience with this Force as you call it. We have barely begun unlocking the secrets of the human mind. Esper science is only now gaining acceptance thanks to the Vulcans among the Federation science council who practice such arts.”

“Esper? Telepathy?” Another asked.


“This person standing behind you is a Vulcan?” A blue skinned master asked curiously.

“Yes, this is Mr. Spock, my science officer.” Kirk replied and stepped aside to let Spock step forward.

“Gentlebeings.” Spock nodded his head politely.

“He is not strong in the force.” Another master wearing a mask and goggles noted calmly.

“Your race, it practices some form of esper talent akin to telepathy?”

“Vulcans are gifted with some psionic talent, yes.” Spock answered calmly.

“Fascinating.” One of the younger masters breathed.

“The Republic, as you should be aware by now is facing a crisis of a magnitude it has not faced since its inception many generations ago. This war is being waged on such a scale and in such a manner that none of us have ever seen and only read about in our earlier barbaric history.” Adi Gallia, a dark skinned human Jedi master stated grimly.

“Earth, one of the founding members of the Federation also went through such a time, when bloodshed and war stained our histories.” Kirk replied.

“And now you have grown past that?” Mace asked pointedly. Yoda was watching the entire exchange in silence. He was not just listening to what was being said but what was not being said.

“Yes, sir. We have become better people because of it.”

“And then, Captain, what makes you think your government could commit to this war and be true allies to the Republic?” Ki Adi Mundi a tall cone headed alien asked seriously.

Kirk turned his head and started to speak. Dehner interrupted quickly.

“To equate Captain Kirk’s statement that we have grown past war to mean we no longer can fight a war if necessary is an incorrect assumption. You’re assuming several things that Captain Kirk has not said.”

“War is not something that you wage with joy or relish, sir. War is not something you undertake lightly or without great contemplation. War is the most destructive endeavor any race can undertake. So when you ask me if we have grown past war I respond that we have grown past the need to wage it in the name of conquest or glory.” Kirk replied tersely.

Master Windu nodded slowly.

“Spoken like a soldier, Captain.” Even Piell noted peering at the young captain in the gold shirt

“I am a soldier when I need to be, a diplomat when called upon to serve and an explorer in my heart.” Kirk replied.

Dehner flashed Kirk a quick warning glare. She did not need this young inexperienced captain getting too far ahead of himself. She was beginning to see something she did not expect. Were the Jedi just as divided about this alliance as the Federation was? She was getting a sense from the questions that they were being probed but she was also astonished to see that there was very little in the way of body language that she could read from the Jedi. They seemed to be in absolute control of themselves.

“Doctor, I wonder, what is your view on the war?” Yoda asked softly.

“I feel that any war is a waste of valuable lives and resources but there comes times when one must defend their lives or way of life.”

Yoda nodded.

“Hmmm…noncommittal is your answer. Diplomatic you are.” Yoda replied.

Obi Wan could not help but smile as Dehner shuffled her feet uncomfortably.

“Not to mention she did not answer the question directly.” Plo Koon replied sharply.

“When we were coming here, my ship was ambushed at the entrance to the wormhole. The Separatists never once attempted to communicate with us and it became obvious fairly quickly that they meant to take us prisoner and use us as pawns or hostages in this conflict. There was no need for this action. Before the attack I was more than willing to request a meeting with a Separatists leader to get their side of the story. In my opinion they have all but shown me their intent and desire to win this war at any cost even if it means the willful destruction or capture of a neutral party in this conflict.”

Several of the Jedi leaned forward slightly, Mace Windu inclined his head in interest towards Kirk as he spoke. Dehner placed a hand on Kirk’s forearm.

“Be careful what you’re committing us to.” She whispered.

“It’s my opinion that we have already been committed to a course of action.” Kirk replied in a stage whisper.

Dehner tried to fight the urge to roll her eyes and instead ended up squeezing his arm.

“The course is clear from their end but my first duty is to the Federation and what is in her best interests so I will not sugar coat it for you. I want to make sure I am not helping commit the Federation to a course of action that will doom her.”

Mace Windu now knew that he admired and liked this young Captain. He was a straight shooter and he could appreciate that. We could certainly use a few like him in the ranks. He mused.

“Your words carry much weight and authority Captain because of the wisdom in them. The Jedi have been fighting and dying in this war since its inception. The leader of the Separatist movement is a fallen Jedi, one who has left the order only to perpetrate this treason against us.” Mace replied.

“I understand. My primary concern is a simple one.” Dehner frowned. She was letting Kirk talk too much.

“I don’t want the Federation reduced to a puppet state in this war or worse, simple canon fodder to help stem the tide.” Kirk stated.

The Jedi each maintained their own council, betraying no emotion as Kirk stood proudly at the center of the council chambers.

“Spoken your mind you have. On this we are united. The Jedi council does not wish our first alliance with an extra galactic power to be bloody or full of dissension. The Jedi council is dedicated to the vision of a Grand Alliance as espoused by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.” Yoda stated with a solemn nod.

Dehner smiled hesitantly and her eyes flashed over to Kirk for a moment. She was afraid that Kirk had been too unilateral, too forceful. He had not left them much maneuvering room for negotiations. She would have preferred a much more neutral statement and avoided the potentially inflammatory statement and concerns about the Federation as cannon fodder. They were the typical diplomatic mistakes of an inexperienced diplomat or Starfleet Captain.

She had written papers on Starfleet’s propensity at allowing too many Starfleet Captains initiate first contact and it was precisely this policy that had sparked the disastrous relations with the Klingons.

“Captain, we thank you for your honesty and trust. We hope that in the end you will find that an Alliance is the only choice for both our peoples.” Mace stated with a polite nod.

“The Supreme Chancellor’s opinion on this matter is more than clear.” Sly Moore added coolly. Her eyes bore into Kirk for a moment before returning to regard Master Windu. Kirk could feel and electric rush for a moment at the eye contact. He was confused for a moment. He was never very good with women, so this sudden attention was disconcerting to say the least.

“I would like to ask a question regarding Count Dooku.” Dehner asked.

“Go on.”

“Meerlinda was kind of enough to give me some detailed dossiers regarding the Separatist leadership and Count Dooku, a former Jedi, is at the head of the movement that threatens this republic. Is there any sense of responsibility for his ascension among the leadership of the council?”

“Why should we feel guilty because of the moral failings of a traitor like Dooku?” Plo Koon asked darkly.

“I am not trying to assign blame I am merely wondering what the sense is amongst the Jedi leadership regarding Dooku.”

“Dooku is a fallen Jedi, he is not the first and I fear he will not be the last.” Mace replied and there was a hint of sorrow in his voice.

“Difficult is the path of the Jedi, full of danger and temptation. Many walk the path and never falter bur we are all imperfect beings and Jedi have been known to stray from the path and into the embrace of the Dark side.” Yoda added wearily.

Dehner could feel the strange mix of sorrow and determination among the gathered masters. She had obviously touched on a sore point and that was her purpose.

“You call that diplomatic and sensitive?” Kirk whispered out of the corner of his mouth.

“No I call it fact finding.” She whispered back.

“I am curious about one thing.” Number One piped up.


Kirk and Dehner looked back at the cool calm woman as she stood calmly, hands clasped behind her back as she spoke.

“I noticed during the battle at the wormhole that the Jedi knights that helped rescue us were in charge of the operation.”

“We were assigned by the council, but charged by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.” Obi Wan replied.

“Does this mean that the Jedi are the ones in control of the military?” She asked pointedly.

“Control denotes possession and a Jedi possesses no power in this government that is not given to them by the government.” Ki A Mundi replied in a tone that reminded Kirk of a lecturer at the Academy.

“The Jedi Order is at the service of the Republic and while we were once peacekeepers we are now its warriors.” Plo Koon added.

“War does not make one great.” Yoda added a note of caution.

“But then in essence the Republic’s Officer corps is in service to you.” Number One noted.

“We prefer to think of it as working together.” Windu replied.

“It is imminently logical however that the Jedi be placed in a position of superiority over the standard officer corps. The Jedi are gifted with abilities far beyond those of normal officers, most telling of all if I read these reports correctly prescience. Such an advantage is overwhelming on the field of battle.” Kirk could not help but stare at the Vulcan in awe for a moment. Meerlinda had handed him the report on the Jedi right before they transported. How did he read that report in the time between then and now?

“That however belies the fact that the Republic officer corps will always be inferior to the Separatists corps. By relying on the Jedi as they have been doing how do these officers undertake any initiative?” Number One pressed.

“There are many competent officers in the Republic, Garm Bel Iblis has been commanding the Sixth fleet since the opening days of the war with distinction and no Jedi are assigned to his fleet.” Meerlinda replied.

“Does it really matter? We need to win this war not debate our methods.” Anakin snapped.

“Ends justifies the means?” Kirk asked.

Anakin smiled coldly.

“Victory can justify many things captain. I’ve found that out the hard way.”

Yoda and Windu exchanged a secretive glance.

“What are you suggesting? That the Jedi step down from their leadership positions in favor of making the officers feel better and exercise more imitative?” Plo Koon asked.

“You fail to grasp the historical roots of this dynamic. The Jedi have been the peace keepers of the galaxy for untold millennia. The Republic quite simply did not need an officer corps much less a military of the sizes we’re talking about since the founding of the Republic.” Ki Ai Mundi added, as if lecturing the Federation officers.

“Times change.” Kirk noted.

“Perhaps.” Mace replied.

“I found this discourse to be most helpful in clearing any misconceptions and displaying the similarities between us.” Sly Moore announced as she glided to the front of the group. “We have refreshment ready for you at the Senate and a lunch meeting with Bail Organna who is most eager to meet with you.”

“As are we.” Doctor Dehner replied.

“Many thanks for your hospitality and your honesty.” Kirk added bowing his head to the Jedi Council.

“One last matter, as this mission is as vital to the order as it is to the Republic I am assigning a Jedi escort for both protection and a further source of information. I find that sometimes it is best to question those not in leadership positions to get the best information.” Mace stated.

Kirk smiled.

Here was a man after his own heart.

Anakin stiffened slightly as he noticed Yoda’s attention on him.

“Master Obi Wan, you and Anakin are assigned as escorts to the Federation mission while they remain in our space.” Yoda announced.

Anakin swallowed his annoyance. Another mission that would take him away from what he really wanted. Obi Wan nodded obediently.

“Yes masters.”

“Thank you. Your offer of the escorts is most appreciated.” Dehner added with a deep bow of the head.

“May the Force be with you.” Yoda replied.

“Let us hope we meet again as allies united for a single cause.” Mace said with a bow of his own head.

“Many thanks.”

The entourage began to leave the council chambers when one of the masters that had been sitting silently throughout the proceedings lifted a hand and motioned for Kirk to come to him. Kirk looked around hesitantly and by the looks on many of the faces in the chamber this was an unexpected action.

Kirk slowly approached the Jedi master as the others watched.


The Jedi Master motioned for Kirk to draw closer. Kirk took one look back at Dehner who looked as confused as he felt. Kirk drew closer until he was finally standing right over the Jedi Master.

The Jedi motioned for Kirk to bring his head down to the master’s level. Kirk lowered his head slowly and looked into the master’s eyes. The Jedi Master was humanoid but looked more reptilian than mammal, with dark eyes and yellow thick skin. His breath was hot like a desert wind.

“There is a finality to you Kirk. The others do not or will not see it but I do.” Sassee Tin spoke and it was like rocks rubbing against each other.

Kirk stared at the master in a mix of confusion and concern. Yoda sat back and rubbed his chin pensively while Mace tried his best to hide his surprise. Sassee was always usually quite silent during the council meetings. He was known for listening to all sides of an argument before weighing in with an opinion and even then it was always given reluctantly. What was the Jedi Master doing now?

Sassee suddenly gripped Kirk’s forearm and Kirk stiffened as if touching a live wire. His eyes rolled into the back of his head for a moment.

There was fire everywhere and screams of dying and wounded. A bright humming beam in his hand lit the path through the broken carnage. He heard the soft wails of children right behind him - infants.

“We must be careful.” he heard a female voice speak.

He started to laugh softly.

“How can you laugh at a time like this?!” A male voice interjected, it sounded oddly familiar.

“It’s just that this is the moment I was shown by Sassee so long ago.” he replied wistfully.

There was a deep rhythmic mechanical breathing behind a plume of blackened smoke carrying with it the stench of burning flesh.

“The road has finally come to an end for all of you.” a deep bass voice rumbled as if from the bottom of a well.

He slumped forward as he found himself back in the council chambers, Sassee Tin’s grip on his arm softened.

“I do not know what this means, James Kirk but you have been in my mind for a long time. You are the end, your coming is like the footsteps of doom. But you are also the beginning. But I do not understand what this means.” the Jedi master said and shook his head gravely, seemingly frustrated with himself.

“What was that?” Kirk whispered.

Sassee Tin pinned him with his deep set eyes like lasers.

“The end of an era. You are its herald. Ask no more of me. We will speak on this again. But not now.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You will.” Sassee Tin assured him then motioned for Kirk to step away as he lifted the hood of his cloak over his head.

Kirk hesitantly stepped away, staring at the small figure that seemingly shrank in its chair while he walked away. Dehner touched his shoulder.

“Are you alright?” she asked as the doors to the council chambers slid shut.

“No. Actually I’m not alright at all.” Kirk answered.

The cave was quiet save for the light crackling of kindling as it burned brightly, illuminating the cave with a haphazard flickering orange glow. A small metal kettle sat over the fire and something bitter was boiling within.

The old man sat cross legged before the fire enjoying its warmth. His haggard face was cut through with deep lines of age and his eyes were covered by a filthy cloth tied tightly around his head. His robes were wrapped around his thin body as he extended his hand hesitantly and touched the kettle. He gingerly lifted the top and wafted the smell of the brewing tea up to his face. He inhaled deeply and nodded satisfactorily as he replaced the kettle top.

A small boy suddenly walked into the cave and gently placed a small rabbit like creature on the floor of the cave. He fished a pot out from a small alcove in the cave and searched his pouch belt for the necessary herbs and spices.

“They are here.”

The boy said nothing as he laid out a variety of knives.

“Yoda will have no choice but to send him here.” the old man added wearily, he sounded as if the weight of the world were on his shoulders.

The boy sharpened the skinning knife on a shiny whetstone. He moved in quick circular motions the sound of the metal scraping against the stone quickly took up a relaxing rhythm.

“One can only hope that we don’t run out of time.” the boy noted softly as he stopped sharpening the blade and inspected the blade in the light of the fire.

The old man smiled softly as he took the kettle off the fire. He reached down at his side and groped for and found a cup. He gently moved the lightsaber clipped to his belt out of the way while he searched for another cup for the boy.

“All we have is time.” he replied.
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Post by Ghost Rider »


I still enjoy your portrayal of Kirk in both your stories. He's literally a captain who one can admire and see why he's the hero.

I enjoyed how you also protrayed the Jedi Council being somewhat divided as well as Anakin's interjections to being more Vaderish.

Keep it up :)

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Post by Kuja »

Excellent! Stravo, you handled the Jedi Council perfectly. Mace, Plo Koon and Sassee Tin struck me as being solidly on-target, and Ki-Adi-Mundi and Yoda were almost as perfectly crafted. I'd say you got their personalities about 95% pinned down.
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Post by Stravo »

I forgot to add a special thanks to Kuja for providing me with the information I needed to portray the council. Wihtout him this chapter would not be what it is today. Thanks KUJA!!!!!

On a related note what are people's thoughts about making this a cleaned up thread like Starcrossed? I don't want to unilaterally just do that with my work, I prefer to have a consensus to do it.
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Post by Xon »

Stravo wrote:On a related note what are people's thoughts about making this a cleaned up thread like Starcrossed? I don't want to unilaterally just do that with my work, I prefer to have a consensus to do it.

It gets a little anoying to try & find the new post after ~ a dozen other posts.

And in its current state I wouldnt want to try & reread it (lots of filler posts)
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

Hell yes! Makes life so much easier for us poor deprived readers... :) As soon as it's stickified, I'd imagine interest would pick up as well, quite often, when I check in, I just check the stickies and then leave it at that.
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

Yes please make a clean-up version. I usually get notify by e-mail from your clean Star Cross and I won't attempt to try to do the same with this thread. Hell you posted this up at noon yesterday and I only found out this morning.~Jason
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

damn, Stravo. again you perfectly execute what most fics miss....the personal drama. outstanding!
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Post by Crown »

KIRK ... HOLDING A LIGHTSABRE ... AGAIN! ... MUST ... not ... KILL ... Stravo ... !

Lovely writting as per usual Stravo (I know you'll probably hate that), I really needed a pick-me-up this week and I think you came as close to it as anybody else could have.

Excellent, shear excellence.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Stravo wrote: On a related note what are people's thoughts about making this a cleaned up thread like Starcrossed? I don't want to unilaterally just do that with my work, I prefer to have a consensus to do it.
don't feel quilty about stickying your work though you could sticky someone else's for a change, how about Happytarget's Terran Empire stories?
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Post by Stravo »

Crazedwraith wrote:
Stravo wrote: On a related note what are people's thoughts about making this a cleaned up thread like Starcrossed? I don't want to unilaterally just do that with my work, I prefer to have a consensus to do it.
don't feel quilty about stickying your work though you could sticky someone else's for a change, how about Happytarget's Terran Empire stories?
Good idea. I've asked the fans in his thread to let me know what they thought about the idea. I have no time at all to read fics sad. :(
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Stravo wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:
Stravo wrote: On a related note what are people's thoughts about making this a cleaned up thread like Starcrossed? I don't want to unilaterally just do that with my work, I prefer to have a consensus to do it.
don't feel quilty about stickying your work though you could sticky someone else's for a change, how about Happytarget's Terran Empire stories?
Good idea. I've asked the fans in his thread to let me know what they thought about the idea. I have no time at all to read fics sad. :(
There,there. *pats Stravo*
You know i thing you should take a brake from the stressful life of a sucessful fanfic writer. Take time off, wanderer the great domains that you moderate enjoy life and forget all about starcrosse..... *is trampled by hoards of fantics wanting their shot of starcrossed*
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Post by Ender »

“Tell me Captain. Is there any Force training in your galaxy? My review of some of Meerlinda Fastrider’s reports would seem to indicate otherwise.” Jedi Master Eeth Koth asked curiously. Kirk eyed his horned rimmed head before speaking.

“Spoken like a soldier, Captain.” Even Piell noted peering at the young captain in the gold shirt
Both died on Geonosis. They were in the gunship that got hit shortly after the area evacuation. And they could not have survived the explosion, fall, and battle back to friendly lines, as Inside the Worlds 2 confirms their death.

Other then that, outstanding chapter.
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Post by Stravo »

Ender wrote:
“Tell me Captain. Is there any Force training in your galaxy? My review of some of Meerlinda Fastrider’s reports would seem to indicate otherwise.” Jedi Master Eeth Koth asked curiously. Kirk eyed his horned rimmed head before speaking.

“Spoken like a soldier, Captain.” Even Piell noted peering at the young captain in the gold shirt
Both died on Geonosis. They were in the gunship that got hit shortly after the area evacuation. And they could not have survived the explosion, fall, and battle back to friendly lines, as Inside the Worlds 2 confirms their death.

Other then that, outstanding chapter.

DOH!!!! Sorry about that. I will try to edit the chapter to reflect these changes to the roster. Kind of sucky to lose a Jedi Master to a down aircraft though huh? Guys like that should go down lightsaber flashng.
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Post by consequences »

2 Jedi masters? Given Obi and Qui-gonn's accelerations in TPM, they should have been easily able to get off the transport without being visible to the naked eye, or possibly even to frame by frame analysis.
In the same token, decelerating themselves to survive the fall should have been child's play. All they'd have to do is hole up somewjere away from the main path of abattle, and with a little luck they could come through just fine
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Post by Ender »

consequences wrote:2 Jedi masters? Given Obi and Qui-gonn's accelerations in TPM, they should have been easily able to get off the transport without being visible to the naked eye, or possibly even to frame by frame analysis.
In the same token, decelerating themselves to survive the fall should have been child's play. All they'd have to do is hole up somewjere away from the main path of abattle, and with a little luck they could come through just fine
Ok, correction, Evan Petrell was not on it when it went down, apparently he was on a seperate gunship.

What Jedi should have been able to do and what they did are different, that gunship took out Eth Koth, someone named Tarados Gon, and Sora Bulq (which raises an interesting question about the continuity of Jedi: Mace Windu, but that is for a different time)
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