Dark Tales: The Skywalker Sith Empire

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Spanky The Dolphin
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Sol, more than half of your posts have no additions whatsoever, and many that do have additions contain so much that remains unaltered that you have to scroll down for pages between them.

Frankly, you should have only included the actual entries that you added to. Not many people are going to read what's basically a cut-paste of the Time Tales just to find the few lines here and there that you added. They'll see it (and already have) as a huge waste of time.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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"And besides, who cares if a monster destroys Australia?"
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Post by Solauren »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Sol, more than half of your posts have no additions whatsoever, and many that do have additions contain so much that remains unaltered that you have to scroll down for pages between them.

Frankly, you should have only included the actual entries that you added to. Not many people are going to read what's basically a cut-paste of the Time Tales just to find the few lines here and there that you added. They'll see it (and already have) as a huge waste of time.
Note: This is a heavy rewrite of TimeTales from TheForce.net. As such, the orginal/altered sources have been quoted.
I state that in the beginning.

Now then, I am posting this the way it is because I made a promise to the person behind Time Tales. This has been in the works for several months. I promised him the first time I posted this on a new site besides TheForce.net, I would include the major entries from Time Tales that were not unaltered/deleted as well.

Professional Courtsy.

I gave him my word, so now I am keeping it.

However, once it's been posted in that form, I intend to post the Condensed version as well in a seperate thread
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Mark S
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Post by Mark S »

So is there going to be an actual story at some point or just a timeline?
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Sol, did you even fucking bother to read my second paragraph?
Frankly, you should have only included the actual entries that you added to. Not many people are going to read what's basically a cut-paste of the Time Tales just to find the few lines here and there that you added. They'll see it (and already have) as a huge waste of time.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

[BOTM|WG|JL|Mecha Maniacs|Pax Cybertronia|Veteran of the Psychic Wars|Eva Expert]

"And besides, who cares if a monster destroys Australia?"
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Post by Solauren »

First: Timeline


Yes, I did. As I said: I promised the original author of Time Tales this is how I would do it. Period. Regardless of people reading it or not
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Post by David »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Sol, did you even fucking bother to read my second paragraph?
Frankly, you should have only included the actual entries that you added to. Not many people are going to read what's basically a cut-paste of the Time Tales just to find the few lines here and there that you added. They'll see it (and already have) as a huge waste of time.

Just leave the fucking thread Spanky, no one is forcing you to read it.
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Post by D.Turtle »

And because Spanky finds this boring, this means that everyone finds this boring...

IMO, it is an interesting way to do an alternate timeline. Maybe it isnt great story writing, but it allows someone to present their alternative timeline idea even if you aren't a great story writer/teller.
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Post by Ace Pace »

well that was interesting, now wheres the meat part (I.E the story)?
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Post by Solauren »

I'm not done posting it all yet silly.

My girlfriend objects to me paying more attention to the computer then her when she comes over....

Anyway... we new return to our timeline
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Post by Solauren »

"The Star Wars Holiday Special."
The Skywalkers are en route to Kashyyyk to join the planet for the Life Day holiday. In hopes to use it and the freeing of Wookie slaves as a cover, Padme also plans to use it as the first planetary scale testing of the Sith altered Saviourium Herb.

Using the Falcon and intelligence ships, the Empire dumps several hundred thousand gallons of Savithim juice into Kashyyyk's water system, as well as release it as a gas into the planets atmosphere. Although low in concentration, it does take the "edge" off the wookie people.

Chewbacca's father is offered the post of Governor of Kashyyk, which he begins to consider.
Imperial compensation and restitution begins arriving on Kashyyyk

(TELEVISION SPECIAL - 20th Century Fox -Warren/Vilanch/Proft/Ripps/Welch -17 Nov 1978)
What, you though I would remove that from the timeline? Never!

July, 0 ASW4
"Classic Star Wars - The Early Adventures: The Constancia Affair."

A telepathic representative of the planet Constancia named Gamine contacts the Alliance, asking for protection and relocation for her people, whom the Empire seek to enslave for their psychic abilities.
Upon learning of the SOS to the Rebellion, the Empire ignores the planet, for now, as a public relations ploy.
(COMIC STRIP - LA Times - Russ Manning - August-October 1979)
(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Russ Manning - October 1998)

Lord Skywalker takes his quest to find rebel force-sensitives and Jedi , to the former Rebel world of Dantooine. After setting a trap for the rebels in the planet's only city, Skywalker explores some ancient Jedi ruins, abandoned for centuries, reasoning that any would-be Jedi would seek out former Jedi strongholds. Setting foot in the fortress, Skywalker and his stormtroopers set off a deadly trap. Automated blasters massacre the stormtroopers, but Skywalker sustains only a flesh wound, leaving blood on the floor of the ruins. At that moment, Skywalker receives a communication from his Star Destroyer a small Rebel outpost has been discovered! Leaving the ruins for now, Skywalker vows to return...
Conjuncture from "Galaxy of Fear: Clones" and "The Dark Side of Dantooine." Entry by TalonCard.

"SW Role Playing Game: The Far Orbit Project - Raid on Brentaal."
After several weeks of repair time, the Far Orbit returns to action in the Ringali sector. Brooding to himself for most of that time, Captain Vedji summons his first officer and tells him to assemble a landing party to go to Brentaal IV, meet with a Rebel agent, and bring back a datadisc. As the undercover landing party leaves in a captured freighter on their mission, the Frigate jumps to an empty system and goes into silent mode, shutting off all communications and going to minimal power.

Once they reach Brentaal IV, they learn the agent has been arrested - they do get the datadisc from a friend of his, though. Suddenly the tapcafe they are in is surrounded by stormtroopers. Chased out the back and all the way to their ship, the landing party activates a distress beacon as they approach orbit. The Far Orbit arrives, and Vedji takes the opportunity to send a message to the people of Brentaal, urging all civilian pilots and crews to cooperate with him should they be boarded. With that, the Frigate picks up the landing party and hyperjumps off. As for the datadisc, it reveals the route of the Imperial Taxation Bureau's Star Galleon, the Emperor's Will
(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - Timothy S. O'Brien - 1998)

"SW Role Playing Game: The Far Orbit Project - Hunter / Hunted."

Racing towards an ambush of the Emperor's Will , the Far Orbit is itself ambushed by an Interdictor Cruiser - the same one from the earlier trap. Captain Vedji is seriously wounded in the opening salvo. With the first officer now in charge, the Frigate flees into the nearby Ringali Nebula, giving it some badly needed space and repair time
(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - Timothy S. O'Brien - 1998)

"SW Role Playing Game: The Far Orbit Project - The Grand Prize."

Undaunted, the battered Far Orbit rushes to another ambush point and waits. Captain Vedji recovers enough to retake command, but only barely. The Frigate tractors enough asteroids into the area to cause the Galleon's hyperdrive to shut down. The Galleon arrives - along with a Frigate. After destroying the other Frigate, the Far Orbit works on crippling the Will. Realising capture is imminent; the Will 's captain launches the ship's cargo pod in a last-ditch attempt to deny it to the privateers. Despite the Far Orbit's best efforts, the pod escapes into hyperspace. With an Imperial task force chasing it at every turn, the Frigate hunts the pod through hyperspace and finally disables and captures it. Inside is a fortune in gold, platinum, mythra, gems, spice, and artwork. A very huge and successful haul indeed. Captain Kenit, meanwhile, is pleased - the Corusca gems in the cargo makes the perfect tracker, giving him the chance to recapture his old ship once and for all. But before he can act on this, he receives a holomessage from a VERY angry Empress Skywalker. The last thing Kenit ever hears is his own screams of agony
(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - Timothy S. O'Brien - 1998)

The Mon Calamari formally join the Rebel Alliance.
"Classic Star Wars."

Admiral Griff reports to Lord Skywalker that the blockade has failed, and recommends a full attack on Yavin. Lord Skywalker says he will do so only when the Super Star Destroyer is ready - and "certain other events" are in motion....
"Classic Star Wars."

"Shadow Stalker."
Wrenga Jixton (a former combat trainer at the Imperial Academy who saved then-Darth Vader's life at Aridus) is hired by Emperor Skywalker to assassinate the defecting governor Lexhannen Torlock on Corulag, framing the Rebels in the process. He takes a robot barge to Corulag and makes his way to the apparently evacuating governor - only a group of "Rebels" with Black Sun tattoos attack first. Jix single-handedly kills them all - to discover the evacuation pod contains the governor's daughter, Frija. He finds the stormtroopers were deliberately lax in security, trying to ensure she was killed. Jix calls Emperor Skyswalker and fills him in. He then visits Admiral Droon, a friend of Torlock's. He finds the governor a prisoner in Droon's palace - or rather, a droid replica of Torlock. It seems Droon and the real Frija (Yup, the one he saved was an HRD too) are in cahoots to seize power in Corulag. Both Jix and Torlock are thrown into catacombs, where they fight off a dragon slug and return to the palace. Jix kills the real Frija before she can shoot him, reunites the droid father and daughter, and brings Droon in front of Emperor Skywalker on Coruscant. He helps the droid pair to safety in a shuttle as Emperor Skywalker slices Droon apart.
(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Ryder Windham -September 1997)

July 10, Year 0
Senator Canna Omanda, Mon Mothma's replacement as Chandrilan senator and protege of Mothma's, publically confesses to a number of crimes against the Empire over the Holonet, calls Mon Mothma a traitor to her own people and to the galaxy, calls on the rebellion to turn themselves in, and then commits suicide by putting a blaster in her mouth and pulling the trigger. The incident leaves Mon Mothma shaken for some time afterwards.

What was never learned by the general populace of the galaxy, or anyone else, is the night before, Senator Omanda was visisted my Mara Jade, who used the Dark Side to brainwash the senator into doing what she did. Mara enjoyed the task, as she found the Chandrilian senator to be "annoying"

"SW Adventure Journal."

"SW Role Playing Game: Strike Force Shantipole."
Commander Ackbar works with the technologically adept Verpine race at the Roche asteroid system on Project Shantipole - a Research & Development program to develop better starfighters to battle the Imperial war machine, especially the lethally effective Nebulon-B Frigate. This project has reached a successful height with the introduction of the high-armoured, lethally armed B-Wing starfighter. Imperial district governor Bane Nothos has been aware of the project and was ordered by the Emperor to shut it down, but he bides his time waiting for development of the B-Wing to be completed before he takes action. He slips a Quarren spy named Salin Glek into the Shantipole team. When Glek reports Ackbar is about to send the B-Wing prototypes off for manufacturing, Nothos moves in with a strike force. A group of Rebels arrives just prior to this in the ' Out Runner' , ordered by Mon Mothma to escort Ackbar and the B-Wing prototypes to the Pothor system. After fighting off some TIEs, the ' Out Runner' arrives at Roche base just as Nothos's strike force surrounds the asteroid belt. Glek does his best to get rid of the Rebel arrivals, ordering them to hand over Mon Mothma's holodisk and go home. Thankfully, Lieutenant Pollard brings the Rebel group to Ackbar. After viewing the holodisk, they learn that Glek has stolen their ship and joined Nothos' task force. At that moment, Nothos strikes full force. Ackbar races to pull the B-Wing configuration files from the computer even as stormtroopers board the base. The Rebels struggle to hold the stormtroopers back as Ackbar does this. Pollard sacrifices himself as Ackbar and the Rebels take a lifeboat and flees the base.</P>
A Verpine transport picks up the lifeboat. They learn that Nothos has blockaded the entire asteroid belt, determined to hunt them down. He has also sent an ultimatum to the Verpine - submit to the Empire or die. The Verpine loudly refuse, deciding to actively join the Rebellion. Ackbar's not leaving without those B-Wing prototypes - but they are now in the captured Shantipole Research Station. They have only nine days at best, before the Empire finds them, so Ackbar sends the Rebels to sneak into Shantipole, grab the B-Wings, and rig the base to explode. Suskafoo, a Verpine who befriended the Rebels, volunteers to join them to grab additional datafiles from the base. Taking asteroid hoppers, the Rebels dodge a probe droid and an asteroid storm to reach Shantipole. Flying in via a secret passage, the Rebels fight off a space slug to reach the base interior. Sneaking around, they manage to get the files, ready some bombs and free some Verpine who assure them the B-Wings are in working order. Reaching the main hangar bay, the Rebels find Glek has loaded the B-Wings into a cargo shuttle. He manages to take off despite the Rebels' best efforts. They flee in a stolen ship as the research station blows. Pursuing Glek, they manage to disable the shuttle and take the B-Wings. Ackbar orders the fleet of Rebel survivors through the blockade at full speed, only to run into Nothos's Nebulon-B. The B-Wings get their first real combat test as they go up against the Frigate. They disable Nothos's flagship, then escapes with the rest of the Rebel fleet to freedom. For the successful development of the B-Wing, Mon Mothma promotes Ackbar to the rank of Admiral
(ROLE PLAYING GAME - West End Games - Ken Rolston / Steve Gilbert - 1988)

"Classic Star Wars: The Power Gem. (#11 - 12)"[/B]
Frantically searching for a way to fight the Super Star Destroyer, the Rebels hit upon a weapon used in the Republic days: Iridium power gems, used by pirates to attack Republic spice convoys. Several former smugglers are asked to find some. One travels to Junkport Station and ask about any possible gems. They find their way to a planet filled with competition, all wanting the power gem. Raskar, former pirate and owner of the last power gem, will hand it to the winner of a combat tournament in his arena. Instead, the Rebels steal the gem, and finds the gem's losing power....
(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1981)

"Classic Star Wars: Ice World. (#13 - 14)"[/B]
A rebel scout ship lands on Hoth, and determines it would make an excellent rebel base
(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1981)

"Classic Star Wars: Revenge of the Jedi. (#13 - 14)"
At Fondor, Lord Skywalker's Super Star Destroyer is finally ready. Skywalker christens the ship " Executor " by vaporising a Rebel outpost on Laakteen. With evacuation now an imminent necessity, a group of rebels are sent to to ask the Mon Calamari for help in creating a diversion while Yavin is evacuated. They find only debris at the rendezvous point. An investigation shows Admiral Ackbar and his group jumped ship before it exploded, landing on the planet Daluuj. They find an Imperial training outpost on the same world, and a giant monster that drags the rebels ship underwater. While Ackbar's men fight the monster and raise the rebel ship , the rebels fight off the Imperials. Ackbar comes up with the idea of luring the Imperials to the lake, where the sea worms attack those ships and lets the ' rebel ship ' go. The group heads for Yavin.
(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1981)

At the same time, the Empress reveals to Ysanne Isard the existence of a sister ship of the Super Star Destroyer class, the 'Lusankya' , buried under the surface of Coruscant. The ' Lusankya' was built at Kuat Drive Yards under the name ' Executor' (leading to a later report that the infamous Super Star Destroyer had been built there). She begins using it as a concentration camp.
"X-Wing: Isard's Revenge."

Desperate to give the Rebels at Yavin at least a fighting chance to escape, Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar arrange a diversionary attack in the Vallusk Cluster to draw as many Imperials away from the Yavin invasion as possible.
"The Essential Chronology" [Page 53]

"Classic Star Wars: Doom Mission. (#14 - 15)"
The 'Executor' starts for Yavin, fighting its way through the Rebel ships. As the rebel ship sent to ask the Mon Calamari for help arrives at one of the battle aftermaths, they see a scout ship racing away. Continuing on to Yavin, they find a grieving Dodonna - Vrad is believed lost. Suddenly Vrad's ship arrives, badly damaged. Vrad is selected for a near-suicide mission - using the almost-out-of-energy power gem against the ' Executor' . His suicidal ram weakens the ' Executor 's' shields enough for the several rebel starfighters to damage it.
(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1982)

After the Rebels disable Lord Skywalker's Executor , Skywalker transfers to another Destroyer captained by Admiral Quist in his fleet while repairs are carried out.

"Classic Star Wars: Race For Survival. (#15 - 17)"
Yavin IV is in full evacuation. Lord Skywalker calls Griff, telling him to hold the Rebels off until he can get there. Griff happily orders a first strike.
The last transport takes off, but Dodonna is not on it. He is in the base, waiting for the Imperials. He blows up the base and the attackers, seemingly dying in the process. (In reality, he is found and captured.) Lord Skywalker decides to hang back and let Griff handle the situation. The Mon Calamari begins striking at the Imperial blockade. Griff sees through the deception, and moves to intercept the fleet. The rebels send out ships to find an alternative escape corridor. They find one in an unstable star with many solar flares. As Griff pursues the fleet, Lord Skywalker prepares to meet the escaping Rebels and crush them himself. Several starfighter and shuttles move ahead of the fleet so that they can scout to guide them through the dangerous area. Lord Skywalker is about to meet them at the other side - when Griff suddenly crashes into him, trying to beat the Rebels himself. All three of Griff's ships are destroyed; the ' Executor' only weakened. The Rebel fleet hyperjumps to the new base - Hoth.
(COMIC STRIP - L.A. Times - Archie Goodwin - 1982)

"Force Commander: The Trap at Yavin IV." *
The Imperials have finally established a blockade around Yavin IV, and the Rebel base has been mostly evacuated. There is still a skeleton force left behind though, and General Brashen wants retribution for the attacks on Executor . He orders Commander Brenn Tantor to have his forces destroy any Rebel presence still on Yavin IV and to take control of the Massassi Temple. When Brenn's forces land on the planet, he finds that it is a trap. The fields and jungles around the Temple are swarming with Rebels, who ambush and destroy much of his force before he can request reinforcements. When those reinforcements arrive, however, they set to with a vengeance and take the moon. Along the way, they find and recover Colonel Maximillian Veers, an officer who had been captured by the rebellion during an earlier attack on the base . Lord Skywalker congratulates both Tantor and Veers - he senses they will play a crucial role in a future battle
Summary written by Nathan Blumenfeld
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Various writers - March 2000)

As part of the Rebel fleet from Yavin moves through the Ison Corridor, it is ambushed by TIE fighters and interceptors. Flying through the debris of someone's earlier failed voyage through the nebula, rebel starfighters manages to eliminate the TIEs and protect the fleet.
"Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II."
In response to this, Lord Skywalker orders Dark Squadron to ready for action in there new customized Tie Avengers/Advanaced.

"Star Wars 3-D: Havoc on Hoth (continued)." (#2)

The fleet arrives just outside of the Hoth system. Not having had time to reconnoiter all planets in the system before the evacuation, the fleet holds postion until they have time to survey them.

Eventually, the Rebels decide on the 6th planet in the system, and dealing with a group of smugglers/bounty hunters and learning they can domesticate a local life form, called Tauntauns.
Summary by Syd Gordon.
(COMIC BOOK - Blackthorne Publishing - Various Authors - 1988)

"X-Wing: Tour of Duty #4: Imperial Pursuit." *
Hamo Blastwell is assigned to escort the convoy of Corvettes (carrying personnel) and freighters (carrying food) as they flee Yavin. All the Corvettes make it to the rendezvous, but a Gunboat Ambush completely destroys the food freighters. Ordnance and Supply Command decide that the Alliance's food stores are dangerously low, but before anything can be done, the Imperials start attacking like mad, wanting revenge after Yavin and the loss of Admiral Griff's Star Destroyers .

Blastwell helps repel the initial wave of Imperials, saving the Alliance Cruiser ' Maximus' in the process, and his next assignment is to protect the Nebulon B Frigate ' Anvil' as it receives vital supplies from smugglers. The ' Anvil' however is badly damaged by an Imperial Raid, and so Blastwell has to provide starfighter cover while it is evacuated and then destroy it, to make sure it does not fall into Imperial hands.

The Alliance, meanwhile, has started a food-gathering campaign, and Blastwell's next few missions are devoted to food. He spends several weeks just guarding food convoys, freighters and containers, but finally he is given a more challenging mission for a man of his piloting ability. He kills two birds with one stone, ambushing an Imperial Convoy from a minefield, destroying most of the ships, but disabling and capturing several transports full of food.

Overlord Ghorin, ruler of the Greater Plooriod Cluster, agrees to sell food to the Alliance. In preparation for the transfer of food, Blastwell is assigned first to recon the rendezvous area, making sure it is free of mines, and then to attack an Imperial comm sat area to divert the Empire while the cargo transfer takes place. However even though Ghorin claims he is a rebel sympathiser, the Alliance does not trust him, a mistrust that is well founded - the grain he has supplied is poisoned, and would have caused widespread illness if it had gone undetected. Fortunately, Intelligence discovers a food supply at an Imperial Storage Facility, and Blastwell leads the attack and then protects the freighter ' Sarsuma' as it snatches the food.

Now that the Alliance has some food in its stores, they decide to retaliate against Ghorin. Blastwell leads an attack meant to capture several of Ghorin's Y-wings, as well as one of his Corvettes carrying a large sum of money from payments for his grain. Now that they have Ghorin's Y-wings, the Alliance decides to use them to discredit him in the Empire's eyes. Using his Y-wings, supplemented by several other Rebel fighters and ships, the Rebels attack and destroy an Imperial food storage area in the Hollan D1 sector, and then do the same to a convoy of Corvettes carrying food for the Empire. Finally, the Alliance disables a shipment of freighters carrying Ghorin's grain to the Empire, and replaces it with Ghorin's tainted grain, which he had sold to them, to make it look as if he was deliberately shipping tainted grain to the Empire. In response to this affront, Lord Skywalker Vader takes care of Ghorin himself by crushing his neck.

Now that the Alliance is back on its feet in terms of food, they have another increasing concern. They are seeing more and more of the new TIE Advanced, or "brights" in pilot jargon, and realise that they are outmatched. The rebels need to capture some for study, so Blastwell is chose to lead a raid on an Imperial Research & Development facility and clear the starfighter defences while the freighter ' Ashtani' docks with one of the fighter sheds and picks up some brights.

After that, it is back to 'normal' missions again for Commander Blastwell, regular escort and patrol duty, for a little while at least. Then High Command learns of an opportunity. Imperial Frigate ' Red Wind' is undergoing repairs near Plooriod IV, and is stationary for the duration. However, the Imperials have set up a small protective minefield around it. Blastwell is charged with the task of clearing the mines so that several Alliance Corvettes can destroy the Red Wind . During the attack, the Alliance learns of an until-now secret Imperial Research facility, and start a campaign to destroy it.

First, they steal several gunboats, which will later be used as part of a "Trojan Horse" manoeuvre, from an Imperial depot, and then they destroy the depot. Using the Gunboats, the Rebels lead an assault on the base, which is working with a prototype Corvette sporting new and advanced shields, which would make it a much more formidable foe in battle. They succeed in capturing the Corvette, which they name ' Ram's Head' . The ' Ram's Head' is to be sent on a suicide mission - since it has such upgraded shields, it will be used to ram through the bridge towers of a row of docked Imperial Star Destroyers. It succeeds at this mass starship decapitation, although it is subsequently destroyed.
(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous authors - 1993)

"Rogue Squadron 3-D: The Rebel Opposition."
A new elite rebel sqaudron, Rogue Squadron, trains and returns to the fleet, where they are placed under the command of General Carlist Rieekan, who gives them an assignment. They are to go to the Imperial world of Barkhesh, where they are to escort a convoy of foodstuffs, in short demand since the evacuation of Yavin, from the local Rebel group to a shuttle waiting to take it back to the fleet. From Barkhesh, the Rogues are immediately ordered to smuggler's haven Chorax, in the Rachuk sector, where the Rebel ship ' Nonnah' , carrying Rebel soldiers and stolen Imperial equipment, has crash-landed. They locate the downed ship, and then hold off the Imperial and pirate forces while the crew and cargo of Nonnah are evacuated onto General Rieekan's shuttle. Unfortunately, the Nonnah itself is lost to pirates.
(COMPUTER /VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Various authors - January 1999)

"SW Role Playing Game: Otherspace."
A group of Rebels are sent out to rendezvous with a prison ship carrying various enemies of the Alliance - Commander Bane Nothos, Zardra the bounty hunter, Moff Ravik, and some others. However, en route, the Rebels are intercepted by TIEs and a Star Destroyer. The Rebels panic and rush into hyperspace.... but something goes wrong. The hyperdrive malfunctions, and the Rebel ship is catapulted into a dimension beyond hyperspace - Otherspace. In this silver-gray void, the Rebels come upon the prison ship Celestial , floating dead in space. The Rebels board, and learn from the log that Nothos instigated a mutiny, calling the Star Destroyer to rescue him. The Rebel captain, Alain Gryphon, sent the Celestial into hyperspace without plotting any coordinates, which apparently landed them here. Out the viewport, the Rebels spot what looks like a giant asteroid, with hundreds of dead ships orbiting or crashed on it

The Rebels fly through the sea of wrecks toward the asteroid, which they notice has lights. Flying into a cave mouth, they find themselves in a landing deck. The Celestial 's escape pods are here. Exploring this giant ship, they come upon a fatally wounded Gryphon. Her last words describe her crew being stalked by "shadows." They also come upon ex-prisoner Celis Mott, driven mad by some sort of red mist. After find a cargo bay filled with parts from the abandoned ships, the Rebels come upon the mist, and are afflicted by hallucinations. Shaking it off, they crawl up a tube to the next level of the ship. They find organic starfighters grown in pods. They are suddenly attacked by an insectoid creature wearing battle armour. Barely defeating it, the Rebels continue into a holochamber that describes their foes - the rise of a cult on a dying world that worships death itself. This cult built an armada of ships filled with tanks of the red mist, then released that mist onto their world as they took off, killing everyone on the surface. The insects travelled from world to world, killing all life with the red mist and taking their technology. They are attacked then by Nothos and some insect warriors (called Charon). The Rebels fight them away and heads up to the next level.

Once there, the red mist wears off. They find the crews of the abandoned ships stored in food storage pods. They also find a weird organic-mechanical hybrid hyperdrive, almost ready for use. They continue into a chamber where the Charon test and improve their constructs by pitting them against living warriors. The Rebels find themselves vying against a web-spinning "weaver," as well as "shootcrawlers" and "jumpers." Zardra joins the Rebels are this point. The Rebels fight their way through the chamber and into the Charon's sleeping chamber, where they are beset by the alien warriors. One long and hard fight later, the Rebels reach the summit of the asteroid-ship. An armoured "Cathorn" is waiting for them. After defeating it, the Rebels come upon a living computer, and then the ship's bridge. They find Moff Ravik, having joined forces with the Charon captain, "The Final Prophet" Ber'asco. He urges the Rebels to join them. When they refuse, Ber'asco opens the ship's hull to eject them into Otherspace. The Rebels manage to grab Charon vac suits before they are pulled out. They climb along the outer hull of the asteroid back to their ship.

The Rebels race away from the asteroid ship, using cannibalised parts to reassemble their hyperdrive while simultaneously fighting Charon starfighters. The Rebels activate the hyperdrive - and find themselves back in real space. Back at the asteroid ship, the Charon begin to experiment on Ravik. When they have freed him of the "disease" of life, he will lead them into his galaxy
(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games - Bill Slavicsek - 1989)

"X-Wing: Tour of Duty #5 - B-Wing." *
The Alliance's new starfighter, the B-wing, is nearing completion, but after the recent foul-up caused by an Imperial spy; the Alliance is taking no chances. Several pilots from Red and Gold squadrons, including Commander Hamo Blastwell, have been assigned to patrol the area. However, due to an Imperial patrol, the rebels are forced to evacuate the area. With the help of a Corvette on loan from the Habassa, all of the new B-wings make it safely out of the system, and are delivered to their mothership, the Calamari Cruiser ' Maria' .

Blastwell is told that he will be one of the first pilots to fly one of the new B-wings in active combat, so he spends some time in the simulators, and then he is given his first B-wing mission. It seems that the Empire is trying to duplicate the Super Shield technology with which they equipped the ' Ram's Head' , but the Alliance is not going to give them the chance. A strike force of B-wings led by Blastwell is sent to destroy the Imperial Research & Development facility, and their unprecedented success gives the B-wings a good reputation. The Habassa, meanwhile, are leaning towards an alliance with the Alliance, but they are a little nervous about possible retaliation by the Empire if they do ally. They are convinced to sign a formal declaration of allegiance to the Rebellion, though, after Blastwell rescues several Habassa POWs from the Empire.

While the Alliance and the Habassa work out trade agreements, Blastwell, and Red Squadron are assigned a more important task - the Empire has started a large-scale campaign to locate the Rebel fleet. High Command has decided that it is imperative they do not succeed until the Alliance has had time to relocate to a new base and get their act together again. They go on several missions to destroy shipments of older model probe droids, as well as several small Imperial Patrol Squadrons. Due to the success of the B-wing in battle, the Alliance has started manufacturing more of them, so after intercepting an Imperial ambush on a Habassa convoy, Red Squadron is tasked with protecting a delivery of new B-wings to the cruiser ' Cathleen' .

Intelligence learns that the Empire is now taking their attempts to locate the Rebels more seriously, and that they have put together a task force led by Imperial Star Destroyer ' Relentless' . In a series of hit-and-run missions and ambushes, the Rebels manage to destroy most of the ships under ' Relentless ' command. Finally, several squadrons of B-wings are sent in under their primary role of heavy strike fighters to destroy the ' Relentless' and its cargo of new Probe Droids from Mechis III. News comes to the fleet that a world has been selected for the Alliance's new base - the ice planet Hoth. In an effort to minimise the chances that the Empire will stumble upon the Rebel fleet on its way to Hoth, many of the Alliance's starfighter squadrons are sent out on a series of simultaneous strikes against Imperial facilities and ships. The fleet makes it to Hoth undetected and sets up a new base, and for his extraordinary efforts, Hamo Blastwell is promoted to the rank of General.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1993)

Hamo Blastwell, one of former Rebel Keyan Farlander's fellow pilots and a good friend of his, becomes a spy and infiltrates the Imperial Navy to investigate new advances in Imperial weaponry.
"TIE Fighter."

"Galaxy of Fear: Eaten Alive."
Two young Alderaanian children, Tash and Zak Arranda, and "Uncle Hoole" - a Shi'ido archaeologist - head to the planet D'vouran, a planet that has popped up from out of nowhere. However, they emerge out of hyperspace and crash into D'vouran fifteen minutes early - the planet seems to have moved! The group arranges for repairs with the native Enzeen, and Hoole leaves the children in charge of an Enzeen named Chood while he conducts "research." At least he starts to - a Hutt named Smada (who seems to know more about Hoole than the children do) wants to hire him as an assassin. He will not take no for an answer - until several rebels butt in.

A wild man named Bebo (captain of the cargo ship that found D'vouran) predicts doom to all in earshot. When the Aranda's look him up on the Holonet, they find they are being tracked by the Empire. Two of Smada's Ganks try to kill the children - but suddenly vanish. Nobody believes their story, and think they were dreaming. Just as Smada kidnaps Zak, Bebo stops another attack by Smada, then sends Tash down a hole in the ground.... Where they end up in an underground Imperial lab. He explains that after his ship crashed, the entire crew disappeared one by one until he was the only one left. Just as he sends Tash off with a crystal device, one of Smada's Ganks kills him.

She is intercepted by the Enzeen, who seem to be feeding off the ground. She uses the Force to cause a quake and escape - into the deserted village and Smada's waiting men. They break free, using the crystal device to block blaster shots. In addition, something else seems to be after them, even as night falls too early. Something that eats Smada's men. That something being D'vouran itself.

The Enzeen take them back to the lab, to be eaten. Hoole jumps in, and helps them get out (Smada gets eaten). The rebel ship helps them in their narrow escape. Nevertheless, the planet itself starts to pursue the rebel ship , keeping it from hyperspace. Just as they slingshot around the planet, it devours itself. Or so they think. It actually hypers out to a new location, luring another unsuspecting ship in. Moreover, unbeknownst to them all, this is but part of Project Starscream, a secret Imperial project to incite terror in the galaxy....
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - February 1997)

"Galaxy of Fear: City of the Dead."
Somewhere in space, the scientist in charge of Project Starscream becomes aware of D'vouran's failure - and the fact that Hoole was involved. He contacts the one in charge of part two of Starscream - Dr. Evazan - and warns him that Hoole may be coming for him next....

The rebel ship drops the Arranda's off on the nearest inhabited planet, Necropolis, to buy a new ship. They find themselves talking to living mummies, who welcome them. They run right into the bounty hunter Boba Fett, who is angry that he killed a bounty - only to have to kill him again a week later. He is looking for Dr. Evazan. One Necropolitan, Pylum, claims that the dead are walking in response to an ancient curse, that the old traditions of Necropolis have been defiled.

Zak is lured by local children into a trip to the graveyard, where he has caught by living corpses and brought to Evazan. Just as he is about to be converted into a zombie, Fett shows up and kills Evazan. As usual, nobody believes Zak's story about the walking dead. Pylum wants the boy killed, but the people refuse to punish him for mere ignorance of the laws. Zak shuts himself up in a hotel room.

Tash overhears Hoole and Fett discussing a "proposal." They then go to a starship yard and look over a former smuggling ship - where Zak runs into the dead Dr. Evazan! Yet again, he has gone when the grown-ups show up, and Zak looks like the kid who cried "Wampa" once again. Desperate, he asks Pylum for help and then are lured back to the cemetery and Evazan. Meanwhile, Tash follows Fett to find out his connection to Hoole. Fett catches her and wants to know about Evazan's apparent resurrection.

Evazan explains to Zak that he has developed a reanimation serum that can turn tons of corpses into the perfect soldiers. The other ingredient is the local boneworms who suck out bone marrow, thus kicking in the serum. He injects him with a diluted paralyser, and then the serum. The next Zak knows, everyone thinks he is dead and he is buried alive....

Tash and Hoole cannot understand why Zak apparently poisoned himself. They decide to check out his story after all, and dig up Evazan's grave while their droid DeeVee goes to finish purchase of the smuggling ship - which turns out to be Evazan's old ship, the ' Shroud' . DeeVee checks the computer records, and finds proof of everything Zak said....

Tash and Hoole come upon the zombies - and then an angry mob of Necropolitans who seize them. Pylum is revealed to be Evazan's assistant, who reveals Zak's true fate to a horrified Tash and Hoole - the boneworms are on him by now.... On the other hand, were about to be, until DeeVee dug him up. They rush to their family's rescue, along with Fett. The zombies are all killed, and the experiment materials destroyed. As for Hoole's proposal for Fett.... "Only a fool would take that job." The Aranda's take the ' Shroud' and leave Necropolis....
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - February 1997)

11-year old Alex Winger first begins flying aircraft.
"SW Adventure Journal: Mission to Zila."

"Galaxy of Fear: Planet Plague."
The Emperess herself warns the scientist in charge of Project Starscream to make sure Hoole and those brats do not interfere in part three of the project.... On the ' Shroud' , Tash is dealing with zits for the first time, Hoole and Deevee are finding coded information on Starscream in the ' Shroud 's' computers, and Zak is getting sicker and sicker. A call to Forceflow (Tash's Holonet penpal) gets cut off. They decide to rush Zak to the nearest Imperial medical facility, on Gobindi.

After a near miss with five Star Destroyers (what are they doing there?), the ' Shroud' reaches Gobindi, just as Tash receives - too late - a message from Forceflow: "Whatever you do, stay away from Gobindi!" As if that were not bad enough, Hoole decides he wants to do research on the ruins there. The doctors at the Imperial Biological Welfare Department say Zak has the flu. Shortly thereafter, Tash and DeeVee run into a living blob that attacks them - until a rebel solider pulls it off them. The Rebel reveals that Gobindi has been blockaded due to pirate trouble. He also reveals that in the last few weeks, no one has come out of the hospital alive. She rushes back - to find Zak gone. He has been put in a bacta tank to fight off the flu. Deciding to run 'Starscream' through the hospital's computer, Tash finds the hospital's REAL name: Imperial Biological Weapons Division. She cannot get in trust with Forceflow since the Empire blocked all Holonet transmissions to Gobindi. Moreover, since it was Hoole's idea to put Zak in that place, she does not think she can trust him anymore. She can trust the rebel , who reveals his Rebel ties to her. Another blob jumps them, and they learn that the blobs are disease carriers that communicate viruses by touch. Tash herself is getting sick, due to a "flu shot" she and Hoole received. In addition, a moving brown lump on her arm is growing.

Zak is let out of the bacta tank and taken back to the ' Shroud' by DeeVee - where they find slime trails. Thinking a blob got Tash; they start searching for her. However, she has in fact found the Starscream lab in the IBWD, and finds the "blobs" are in fact mutated people - mutated by the virus Zak now has. She also finds that the doctor who Hoole knew was an imposter - the real one is locked up. He says that he had learned about the virus from Gobindi history, found it sealed up in ruins, and recommended a permanent quarantine - only to have the Empire move in and take it. Then the scientist behind Project Starscream appears. He is a Shi'ido like Hoole, but is completely evil. He is made the virus even deadlier, and intends to spread it through the whole planet - as a test. With the virus beginning its work on her, she tries to break out through the vents. She is becoming a blob - until she uses the Force within her to repel the virus. She frees a captured Hoole and finds Zak and rebel. Together, the group (along with the freed Doctor Kavafi) find a cure for the virus.
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - April 1997)[/b]

September 11, Year 0
In the wake of Bail Organa's arrest and execution and the Battle of Yavin, Senator Garm Bel Iblis breaks off from the Rebel Alliance and begins his own private war against the Empire. He fears that should the Rebels prove triumphant, Mon Mothma will declare herself Empress and establish a second Empire.
"SW: Dark Force Rising." Calendar date provided by "SW Adventure Journal."

At around the same time, Borsk Fey'lya joins the Rebel Alliance, putting his entire Bothan spynet at the Alliance's disposal.
"SW: Dark Force Rising." Date fixed by "The Essential Chronology" [Page 54]

October 9, Year 0
The disbanded House of Dentaal passes a resolution declaring the Imperial charter and the power of Imperial governor Taliff illegal. The resolution is quickly ratified by the Dentaal independence party, and by the next morning, the federal workers' union goes on strike.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Emperor Skywalker discovers two Force-sensitives, Hethrir and Rillao, on the planet of Firreare. Using a little-known piece of Firrearroan culture - speaking one's name to force them to obey - he takes them off-planet and begins to train them in the ways of the Dark Side. Hethrir proves especially adept, so he is named "Imperial Procurator of Justice." Determined to please his new Imperial masters, Hethrir orders thousands of his own people placed into freighters in suspended animation to serve as slave labor.
"The Essential Guide to Alien Species." [Page 42]

"Galactic Battlegrounds: Darth Vader's Search for the Rebels."
With the fall of the Yavin IV base and the capture of General Jan Dodonna, Lady Skywalkers' s attack on the Rebels just beginning. Dodonna has resisted Imperial interrogation for months -- under Skywalker's brutal techniques, however, Dodonna lets slip that the Rebels are badly in need of food supplies and are eyeing Reytha, one of the Empire's chief food production worlds. Skywalker immediately heads there with his fleet. She finds the town of Teks under siege from Rebel forces. She moves quickly, reoccupying the former Imperial base of Yeere, then sends her replenished troops to fight the Rebels (including Page's Commandos) off of Teks. She then sends troops and strike mechs to liberate the town of Breeda to the west. Continuing to build up her forces, Vader moves in and utterly annihilates the Rebel stronghold of Reytha Minor.

Lady Skywalker begins to suspect Reytha Governor Belladar of secretly helping the Rebels. He learns the Rebels have fomented unrest on the planet, and several locals are helping the Rebels set up a base on the Montrosa Islands. After executing Belladar, he sends forces to wipe out the island bases. He not only wipes them all out, she gets a bonus in the form of Rebel fleet information that she sends to her brother...
(Continued below at 3 ASW4.)
(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous Authors - November 2001)

October 28, Year 0
On the eve of a New Year, Dentaal declares independence from the Galactic Empire, ousting Governor Taliff's regime.
"SW Adventure Journal."

"SW Adventure Journal: Only Droids Serve the Maker." *
Daye Azur-Jamin leads a Rebel group trying to run weapons to natives on Monor II. However, his group is picked up by the Imperials, who plan to wipe out the native Sunesis. They are brought before Administrator Brago, who strips the replacement droid parts off the cyborged Daye and throws him in the brig. Nearby on Monor II, Tinian I'att and Chenlambec captures a Sunesis priest-prince named Agapos IX, who heals the wound he inflicted on the Wookiee, then insists he be killed. The now half-crazed Tinian stuns him, then leaves evidence indicating he was killed. Daye is broken out by Sunesis Rebels, who he discovers have a healing power that is related to the Force. They seem to worship the pseudo-deity the droids invoke - "The Maker." He tries the Force on himself, and finds his one blinded eye suddenly able to see again! He is looking forward to meeting the Sunesis's spiritual leader - Agapos. He soon learns of the native leader's death, however. The natives find the bounty hunter ship and attacks it. Daye figures out the deception - that Tinian's with the Rebels - and tells the natives. They let the ship go, then they follow them. Tinian's ship was damaged in the fight, and they are forced to come out of hyperspace early to repair the life-support systems. They continue on to Tekra Point, with Daye and the Sunesis (who they think are Imperials) chasing them every step of the way.

Daye meets with Agapos at last, clearing up the misunderstanding. The native, who has learned of Tinian's history, asks Daye why he continues to deceive her into thinking he is dead. Daye is astonished to learn how unstable Tinian has become since he last saw her. Agapos gives Daye some pointers in Force healing, and asks him to join the Sunesis way to heal his spirit as well as his body. Daye begs Agapos to stay in hiding and to take him as a disciple. And the Sunesis priest-prince finally agrees, on one condition - sooner or later, Daye must confront Tinian
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Kathy Tyers - May 1996)[/
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Post by Solauren »

+1 ASW4
January 2, +1 ASW4
The planet Bakura is taken over by the Empire to absorb and control the planet's repulsorlift production facilities.
"SW: The Truce at Bakura."

Alecs Brellar served the Imperial Navy as Captain of the ' Onslaught ', during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It was Captain Brellar who presented Nereus Wilek with the official badges of office as Bakura's Governor, amid anti-Imperial protests.
"Star Wars Adventure Journal #5."

With Yavin IV now evacuated, the Rebels relocate to the planet Thila as the Alliance Corps of Engineers (led by Major Kem Monnon) gets to work rebuilding the base on Hoth into something more suitable for the Alliance.
The SW Roleplaying Game.

January 21, +1 ASW4
"SW Adventure Journal: The Spira Regatta."

(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - Paul Sudlow - February 1994)

February 12, +1 ASW4
Shortly after giving the Alliance first word on the Dark Trooper project, Crix Madine is ordered to plant Candorian plague on the world of Dentaal. Reaching his breaking point, Madine commandeers a shuttle filled with Imperial information. He does not tell his pro-Imperial fiance Karreio about his defection. Inquisitor Jade and General Mohc capture him en route to the Rebels.
"Dark Forces" and "SW: Darksaber."

"Dark Forces."
In orbit over the Rebel base of Talay, General Rom Mohc unveils to Inquisitor Jade and Lord Skywalker a new army of robotic super-stormtroopers, called "Dark Troopers." Deploying them results in the complete destruction of Tak base only a few moments later....

Mon Mothma summons Kyle Katarn and sends him to Talay to find out what happened. With Jan Ors in tow, Katarn discovers a robotic arm from a Dark Trooper at the base. From that, they track down Imperial weapons engineer Moff Rebus on Anoat, who boasts of how destructive the Dark Troopers truly are.

The two decide to shut down the Dark Troopers at their source, starting with the supplies of phrik metal on Fest, followed by the destruction of the Gromas mines. Realising Katarn and Ors have inside information, Mohc hires Boba Fett to protect the project and sends the captured Madine to the Imperial detention facility on Orinackra. Katarn frees Madine and sends him to the Alliance, where he becomes an active general there.
(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous writers - 1995)

"Rogue Squadron 3-D: The Rebel Opposition. (Continued)"
General Rieekan heads to Corellia where he is to meet with high-ranking Imperial defector Crix Madine at Corellia's capital, Coronet, and escort him to the Rebel fleet. The Empire has followed the deserter, however, and launches an assault on the city. Rogue Squadron clears the skies of TIE bombers and the ground of walkers, allowing Rieekan and Madine to escape unharmed.
(COMPUTER /VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Various authors - January 1999)

"Dark Forces." (Continued)
Katarn meanwhile continues his efforts. Planting a tracking device at Raamses Hed leads him to a robotics construction facility on Anteevy that he blows to bits. He discovers a supply line between Mohc and Jabba the Hutt on Nar Shaddaa, is briefly captured by Jabba's ship yet escapes, then infiltrates Imperial City on Coruscant and steals the location of Mohc's ship (the ' Arc Hammer' ) from the intelligence computers, fighting Boba Fett and knocking him out.

After hijacking a smuggler ship at the fuel station of Ergo, Katarn travels to the Executor , where he stows away on a cargo ferry to the ' Arc Hammer' .

Only to find Mara Jade waiting for him in the cargo ferry. Complete with a squadron of Phase 2 Dark Troopers.

Kyle fights valiantly, managing to disable a Dark Trooper before Mara decides to use the Dark Side on Kyle, first using Force Lightning, then a telepathic attack. To her surprise, she finds Kyle is a latent Force-Sensitive. Ordering the Dark Troopers to cut off his escape, Mara uses the Dark Side and incapacitates him. Contacting the Emperor and Empress with the Force, she informs them of her capture. They send out a small shipment of Sithim juice to her, and she turns Kyle to the Dark Side. After taking him on a quick tour of the Arc Hammer, the concoct a story where; after having to hide on the Executor from search parties for several hours, he managed to make his way over to the Arc Hammer on a Cargo ferry, and had to fight his way past the Dark Troopers on the ship. He rigged the Hammer to blow and had to fight and kill Mohc, in what looked like some kind of Dark Trooper Power armor. He escaped the Arc Hammer as it exploded, taking the Dark Trooper project with it.

Kyle then returns to the rebel fleet, receives a medal from Mon Mothma, and then departs with Jan Ors on another mission.

Shortly after departing from the fleet, Kyle stuns Jan and takes the Moldy Crow to Coruscant to begin his training under his new masters. The Arc Hammer itself hyperjumps around randomly until a secure location can be found for wide scale production of the declared successful Dark Trooper project.

During her interrogation of Jan, Mara finds she is also a Force Sensitive, and she too is turned and joins the Sith.

(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous writers - 1995)

Note to readers about Jan Ors being a Force-Sensitive; This is based on a hiden character model in Jedi Outcast. To view it, activate the cheats and NPC SPAWN JEDIF. Its Jan, with a lightsaber and force powers, minus her vest. Acts like her, talks like her, looks like her . I'd say its her and an easter egg for a future Jedi Knight 3-D Shooter, but hey, its just fun this way.

February 17, +1 ASW4
While refuelling his ship on the agricultural planet Taanab after shipping a denta bean cargo, Lando Calrissian is caught on the surface during a pirate raid. Instead of huddling and waiting for the squall to blow over, Calrissian accepted a wager of a drunken cantina patron and flew an unnamed freighter against the notorious Norulac freebooters. The battle was short and one - sided, Calrissian smashed and humiliated the pirate fleet, even dumping his outgoing cargo of electrified netting in order to tangle the enemy ships into one helpless, immovable lump. Resulting from the bet, Calrissian gains the deed to a Clendoran brewery from free-trader Gathal Danager. He was a hero on Taanab, but his fame did not extend past the sector's borders. That changed, however, when TriNebulon News picked up the story months later and broadcast it across the newsnets. Calrissian became a minor celebrity and the subject of endless "can you believe it" barroom banter.
SW VI. Details are from the Guide

"Rogue Squadron 3-D: The Rebel Opposition. (Continued)"
Several weeks later, when the world of Gerrard V attempts to gain independence from the Empire, the corrupt Imperial governor there starts looting the civilians, using his luxury yachts to transport the stolen goods. Rogue Squadron is called in to cover for Madine's Gold Squadron of Y-wings as they disable the yachts and return the people's property. The mission starts off fairly well, until the dreaded 128th TIE Interceptor squadron shows up. Rogue Squadron takes care of the 128th, but takes heavy losses doing so. Under Rebel guns, Imperial ace and the leader of the 128th, Lt. Kasan Moor, takes the chance to defect to the Alliance.
(COMPUTER /VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Various authors - January 1999)

February 23, +1 ASW4
The Empire goes ahead with its planting of Candorian plague on Dentaal , using X-wings manufactured at the captured rebel Incom Factory, having them explode biological weapon warheads in the planets atmosphere over the planet's capital city and other major population centers . The planet is quarantined, as the disease wipes out over 10 billion people within 48 hours. Two weeks later, there is no life left on Dentaal at all. The Empire, of course, blames the plague on the Rebels.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Jenn Smeel, an Imperial Army Colonel, takes the place of Crix Madine, after Madine defected to join the Alliance.
"Star Wars Adventure Journal #5."

"Galaxy of Fear: The Nightmare Machine."
Out of the six parts of Project Starscream, only three are left. The furious Shi'ido scientist decides he will try number four out on Hoole and those pesky kids.... Hoole, meanwhile, has taken the Aranda's to the Galactic Research Academy of Koann, then vanished without a word. The two decide to dig up info on Hoole in the Academy computers, and find out what connection - if any - he has with the Empire. Before they get anywhere, Hoole returns, intending to take them to Hologram Fun World. He also finally reveals the scientist's name: Borborygmous Gog.

En route, new information from Forceflow reveals that four years of Hoole's life is missing from records. When they land, Hoole leaves the kids to enjoy the amusement park. They run into Lando Calrissian, who is considering buying co-ownership in the park. He asks to tour the park with the kids, to see their reactions to the place. He shows Zak how to play sabacc while bluffing Dengar into a loss.

At the park, they find a new attraction: The Nightmare Machine. Zak sneaks in - and runs into Gog himself. Gog is using the attraction to torment any kids who come in by using some kind of creature. When he alerts Lando and Baron Danna Fajji of the danger, Fajii blows it off - and shows them a holo-based fear-fest. It telepathically reads a person's worst fears, then throws it in their faces in holo-form. However, that is not the only problem. The Hall of Reflection seems to turn Zak into a monster - it's fake too, but then everyone in Hologram Fun World seems to vanish - fake visitors to drum up business. Then a Rancor - a REAL one - tears through the park and eats Lando, and the kids end up in a lake and eaten by a Whaladon - they make their way out only to be attacked by a workshop - Hoole finds them and leads them to Fajii - who is really Gog. Hoole and Gog have been working together the whole time!!

One nightmare after another.... the kids figure it out. They are still in the Nightmare Machine. The creature they saw is what is really causing the illusions. Once they know that, they realise that to beat it, they have to face their worst fear - losing each other. Once they have done that, they reawaken to find the creature sucking on their brains. They break loose with Lando's help, only to run into a legion of stormtroopers and a very angry Gog. They are loaded onto a shuttle - where Hoole, disguised as a stormtrooper, knocks out the other Imps and frees the group. Lando heads off to look at a Tibanna gas mine on Bespin, while Hoole takes the 'Shroud' and the kids away from Hologram Fun World. He still will not answer questions, except to say that Gog is farther along than he thought, and they are in extreme danger....
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - June 1997)

"Rogue Squadron 3-D: Rogue Squadron."
Kasan Moor is convinced to join Rogue Squadron, which by now has begun to make quite a name for itself, to which she adds not only her expertise as a pilot but also her knowledge of hidden Imperial strongholds. She supplies the Rebels with the location of the Jade Moon, a moon base orbiting Loronar, where supplies of weapons from the construction facilities on Loronar are inventoried and stored. General Madine and his commandos lead a raid on the storage buildings, while Rogue Squadron provides air support. At first, Kasan is a little uncomfortable flying for "the other side," but she remains loyal.

After the Jade Moon operation, the rebels place more trust in Kasan, and the Rogues go on a series of hit-and-run missions against Imperial construction facilities. Morale in Rogue Squadron - and the Alliance - are at an all time high now that they are finally taking the war to the Empire after playing defence for so long. General Rieekan decides to send Rogue Squadron on a typical hit-and-run mission to the Imperial Enclave on Kile II, a sprawling facility supporting the Imperial Navy throughout the sector. The mission is a success and the Enclave is completely destroyed, but a large force of TIEs ambushes the Rogues. They take several losses, and the Empire captures a rogue pilot.

The rest of Rogue Squadron heads immediately to the prison world of Kessel, where they manage to rescue there captured college before he is sent into the mines. The Rebellion, seeing Rogue Squadron's success in that endeavour, send them back to Kessel, with a team of commandos led by General Madine, to rescue as many Rebel POWs as possible. Although several commandos are killed, the operation is a near perfect success.
(COMPUTER /VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Various authors - January 1999)

March 5, +1 ASW4
The Eyttyrmin Pirates of the Khuiumin system are wiped out in an attack by the Empire. 8,000 pirates started the battle, 272 emerged from it.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Brianna joins the rebellion, searching for a Jedi Master

"Rogue Squadron 3-D: The New Threat."
The Alliance is facing a new threat. Moff Kohl Seerdon, once Kasan Moor's mentor, is massing his forces to attempt to take over Thyferra in an attempt to bring bacta production under full Imperial control. Knowing that if he accomplishes this, it could destroy the Rebellion, Mon Mothma orders Rogue Squadron to disrupt his operations with a series of hit-and-run missions against his forces.

Their first target it is his Tibanna gas mining operation on Taloraan. As Rogue Squadron hits the facility, a team of Rebel commandos steals some AT-PTs from the rebuilt Imperial Weapons Research Facility on Fest. Unfortunately, as they make their way out of the compound, they discover that the base was heavily fortified as it was rebuilt, and the Imperial forces trap them. As Fest is under Moff Seerdon's government, Rogue Squadron is sent straight from Taloraan to Fest. They mop up the Imperial defences, allowing the AT-PTs to make it to the landing zone, and then they proceed to blow up the Research Facility.

To make the Rebels pay for the damage done at Fest, Moff Seerdon initiates a blockade of Mon Mothma's home planet of Chandrila, which actively supports the Alliance. Rogue Squadron heads in, escorting a convoy of reinforcements, and then flies cover for several shuttles, which evacuate the civilians until the blockade is broken. Once the civilians are clear, Rogue Squadron tears up Seerdon's forces. When Seerdon discovers that Kasan is flying with Rogue Squadron, he goads her nearly to breaking, but her fellow Rogue pilots are able to keep her calm and in control.

Moff Seerdon starts building up defences at a "secret" base on Sullust, the location of which is supplied to the Rebellion by Bothan Spies. In retaliation for his cruelty at Chandrila, Kasan Moor is permitted to plan the attack on the base. However, when the base is destroyed, Rogue Squadron finds out that the whole Sullust business was just a ruse to occupy Rogue Squadron while Seerdon made his move at Thyferra.

When Rogue Squadron arrives at Thyferra, they find the planet already firmly under Seerdon's control, but not by choice. In their most risky action yet, the Rogues attack Seerdon's vast array of forces and defences. Kasan is shot down, and nearly half of the Squadron is lost, but eventually they wipe out nearly all of Seerdon's forces, without any reinforcements. When he realises all is lost, Seerdon takes off and tries to escape, but is shot down by Rogue Squadron. Kasan survives and is rescued, and Moff Seerdon's threat is over.
(COMPUTER /VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Various authors - January 1999)

"SW Tales: Lady Luck."
At Cloud City on Bespin, Lando Calrissian has found himself in a sabacc game against Captain Barpotomous Drebble - who he easily wipes out. Drebble does not take losing kindly, and stalks off vowing to pay Calrissian back. On his way out of the casino, Calrissian finds himself coming to the aid of a lovely blond whose necklace was stolen by a pair of thieves. A moment later, the necklace is recovered and the thieves caught by Lando. He nicknames the woman "Lady Luck," recognising her as by Drebble's side during the game. However, he does not get anywhere - the lady is already taken. Oh well. His buddy Lobot, who witnessed the whole thing, comes up and recommends another game to Lando - one against Baron Dominic Raynor, administrator of the city.

Lando soon finds a very good reason for winning - "Lady Luck" turns out to be Ymile, Raynor's girlfriend. Everyone in the city watches the game, whether in person or on the holochannels. The stakes go up and up, and Lando throws his ship ("TheCobra") into the pot. Raynor wins the hand and wipes Lando out. Lobot suddenly comes up - and shows the dealer's been using a skifter!! The dealer fingers Captain Drebble as having given him the skifter to wipe Lando out with, and Drebble finds himself locked up immediately. An "anonymous gift" of 5,000,000 credits from Ymile puts Lando back in the game. Lando gambles all-or-nothing - his starship lot on Nar Shaddaa against the entire city. Raynor takes the bet - and Lando smugly lays out a full sabacc. The new administrator gallantly lets Raynor out of the city. Ymile leaves as well, as she is "looking forward to travelling." Lando wonders later - this luck was a little too good for him. In addition, Lobot reveals luck had a little help - a skifter manipulated by Ymile's necklace, and money given by the 50,000 city miners who were fed up with the corrupt Raynor. He considers the new Baron-Administrator Calrissian an investment - but one he will be keeping his eye on. Content with that, Lando throws the necklace out into the sky
(COMIC SHORT STORY - Dark Horse Comics - Rich Handley and Darko Macan - March 2000)

The Imperials begin to hollow out portions of the 'Garrison Moon' of Kessel to make room for a huge multi-level internal hanger and the enormous generators and transmitters that create the energy shield which would surround Kessel and block unauthorised access to the planet.
"SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook."

April 21, +1 ASW4
The Empire nationalises all droid companies in the Mid-Rim, seizing all manner of assassin droids for their use.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Safidine Industries laboratory develops a unique Imperial prototype blaster, only to have it stolen by Devdia Vennsiol.
Conjecture from "SW Gamer #6: Bounties to Die For." Entry by Chissdude10.

Thila Base is attacked by Imperials. Rogue Squadron is sent out on airspeeders Although the Imperial attack on it is repelled, Thila base is evacuated as it is decided that the Empire would expect the Rebels to settle on jungle worlds after Yavin IV. The Rebels abandon any idea of a main base for the time being, but the groundwork is laid on several worlds for possible bases if needed.
"The Essential Chronology"[Page 54] and "The New Essential Guide to Characters."[Page 23]

The Battle of Binquaros takes place. It is generally believed that the battle was actually won by the ThunderForce mercenary unit.
Conjecture from "SW RPG: Hideouts and Strongholds."

Vernier, an ineffectual and vengeful Imperial Moff, controls the Wyloff Sector. He was less concerned about government than recreation, and spent much of his time from the actual leadership of the sector. When his lack of government was revealed by the father of Ilo Jev, Varnier had the broadcaster executed. Varnier had been assassinating any individual who opposed or questioned his rule, and the elder Jev was just another member of the opposition. His operation was eventually broken by the efforts of Major Kerri Lessev, who was working more for the Alliance than the Empire's Destabilisation branch. Varnier's entire operation was laid bare, and many Imperial agents were reassigned or executed for their parts in Varnier's government.
"SW RPG: Cracken's Rebel Operatives."

"Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of the Jedi."
Lady Skywalker is breathing down Gog's neck. She has ordered an assassin to kill the Aranda's and is now working to "fix" Project Starscream....

The Empire is chasing the 'Shroud' across the galaxy. Hoole, desperate to get away from the Imperial dragnet, takes the 'Shroud' to Tatooine and the palace of Jabba the Hutt. He puts himself in Jabba's debt in return for a way to contact the Rebels. Jabba can not help him there, but he HAS heard of something going on in the Auril system - and Jedi seem to be involved.... Hoole does not trust it, and asks Tash to talk to Forceflow. The penpal replies that it's time they met face to face, and provides coordinates - at the Auril system.

They nearly run into an abandoned space station - the Nespis VIII station, supposedly haunted by a Jedi ghost. Nevertheless, it is where Forceflow told them to meet him, and they dock and meet a man who answers to the name. He thinks there is a Jedi library here. In addition, if they find it, it will help them greatly against Vader and Gog. They also meet Dannik Jerriko and several treasure hunters - who are being killed off one by one.

Tash finds the library, but cannot get in - something is protecting the library, apparently the Jedi ghost. The kids also find cryogenically stored bodies in a hidden area. It becomes evident Dannik is the one who is killing the hunters - but he claims he is doing it to protect the children from a bounty hunter. Forceflow pushes Tash into going into the library alone, to face the ghost.... Aidan Bok, who explains that Gog used the "curse" story to capture people. He is searching for a Force-sensitive, just like Tash. She excitedly returns and reports this to Forceflow.... who morphs into Borborygmous Gog. However, he is - always has been - Forceflow.

Tash and Aidan join forces (in both senses of the word) to defeat (and apparently kill) Gog and free Hoole, Zak, and the other prisoners. Aidan gives Tash some words of encouragement, then becomes one with the Force. Lady Skywalker arrives long after they are gone, and sees for herself the defeat of Gog and part five of Starscream. After he has gone, though, Gog shows signs of life....
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - August 1997)

Kyp and Zeth Durron's parents, who spoke out against some of Emperor Palpatine's more extreme policies, are arrested and sent to the spice mines of Kessel,accused of being rebel collaborators by the local governor.

Kyp and Zeth, according to a new procedure handed down a few months ago by the Empreror in secret to the army and navy, are tested and found to have high midichloroian counts, meaning they could be potential Jedi, or Sith. They are sent to the Skywalkers, and Mara Jade uses Sithim to turn them

The Durron's parents die in the mines of Kessel a year later.
"SW RPG Jedi Academy Sourcebook."

Rebel Alliance General Airen Cracken fabricates an identity for his son that allows Pash to enter the Imperial Naval Academy. Pash learns the skill of flying by fooling around with old Z-95 Headhunter simulators, and his father's connections led him to opportunities of other simulators and real starfighters.
Conjecture based upon "X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble"[page 13].

At the request ofRoganda Ismaren, Empress Skywalker has Death Star designer Nasdra Magrody implant her young son Irek with a converter that will allow the Force-sensitive boy to be able to manipulate machines and computers with the Force.Empress Skywalker is fanscinated with the idea, as well as several other of Roganda's ideas concerning augmenting the boy
"SW: Children of the Jedi."

"Galaxy of Fear: Army of Terror."
With Gog dead, Lady Skywalker personally takes over Starscream's headquarters.... The Aranda's, meanwhile, are on the run. Star Destroyers are everywhere. Hoole has decided to end this mess once and for all, and sets course for Starscream headquarters on Kiva, a barren world where a scientist named Mammon had destroyed all life. As they are starting down, an ion cannon disables the 'Shroud', which smashes into the ground beyond repair. Tash and Zak are sucked into a "shadow" area where ghosts are screaming "MAMMON!!" at them. Hoole and DeeVee just barely pull them out. They reach Gog's headquarters, and a birth chamber that opens to reveal.... an ordinary baby.

At that moment, in walk a group of Rebel troops. They were planning to destroy Starscream themselves. They regroup at the Rebel ships, where one soldier suddenly vanishes - leaving behind his clothes and gear. Moreover, the child - Eppon, he calls himself - is suddenly larger. Lady Skywalker and her troops arrive, and the Aranda's are rushed to the ships with Eppon. However, before they get there, the shadow wraiths attack again. They finally reveal why: Hoole is Mammon.... the man who killed them all.

Then three more solders vanish.... and Eppon gets even bigger, with odd bruises starting to show up on him. Hoole vanishes, but that does not stop the shadows from attacking the children again. Hoole returns, and finally tells the whole story about his past. The shadows vow to execute him, and throw the children out. At that point, the Imperials break off from the Rebels and make a beeline for the children, and they are caught - by Borborygmous Gog. He reveals that they have stolen his ultimate weapon - the now teenage "Eppon." He turns Eppon loose on the Imperials, as he mutates into a monstrous form. Lady Skywalker takes the kids away, interrogates them, and locks them up. Of course, they sneak out and fly therebels shipto where Hools is about to be killed. They race the angry wraiths to Gog's lab, where all find themselves in a battle with the seemingly unstoppable Eppon, a creature that combines all the worst elements of the previous experiments. Tash tries to talk Eppon into attacking Gog, but Gog remote control kills him first - he has learned from his mistakes. The wraiths arrive, and DeeVee risks its life to play an old tape of Gog plotting with Emperor Palpatine. Finally convinced Hoole is innocent, the wraiths attack and kill Gog. The Rebels make it out of the lab and off Kiva - with the Aranda's - before Lady Skywalker and the Imperials can reach them.
Lady Skywalker becomes convinced that at least on of the Aranda's, if not both, are Force Sensitives.
YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - October 1997)

"Galaxy of Fear: The Brain Spiders."
The Aranda's try to hide out at Koda Space Station - that is, until Tash has a near-miss with an infamous criminal named Karkas, a man who is killed 91 people. Hoole rushes the kids off the station, deciding their only chance at anonymity is to return to the palace of Jabba the Hutt. They are met at Mos-Eisley spaceport by stormtroopers, demanding the location of Karkas - who apparently followed them to Tatooine. They are let loose and they rush to Jabba's. Hoole asks him, as a favour, to erase Imperial records of the group. In return for that, Jabba asks Hoole to put his archaeologist skills to work at translating a B'Omarr scroll he stole from the monks in his palace. A young monk named Beidlo shows the Aranda's to their quarters. Later, Jabba confesses that he cannot do it - Imperial records have become impossible to hack since the Death Star near-fiasco. Hoole decides to work on the scroll anyway. Tash becomes increasingly fascinated at B'Omarr customs, as Zak discovers Karkas has come to Jabba for sanctuary.

Beidlo discovers that far more brains are being transferred into B'Omarr spider-bodies than usual, and urges Zak to get his family out. A short time later though, Beidlo has seemingly forgotten all about his fears. As Hoole decides to leave after all, Jabba presents the Imperials with Karkas's carcass (no pun intended). Tash is getting stranger and stranger, not like herself at all. So strange, in fact, that she escapes the palace to Mos-Eisley and apparently kills an Imperial. Zak finally learns the truth when a brain spider writes in sand - "I'm Tash!" Karkas's brain is in Tash's body!! In addition, Beidlo's brain is in another spider. It seems Jabba is arranging for innocent people to get brain-swapped with criminals on the run. In addition, it looks like Karkas will soon be moved from Tash's body to Hoole's....

Zak and Hoole fights back, and find themselves helped by the B'omarrs. The monks are unhappy at what Jabba's been up to. Hoole returns the scroll to them in return for Tash's brain being returned to her body. Beidlo cannot go back, but then he does not want to. And so the Aranda's again fly out into space....
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - December 1997)

May 16, +1 ASW4
The private vault of Moff Jerjerrod of the Quanta Sector is raided by the infamous Tombat, and most of the Moff's private art collection is stolen.
"SW Adventure Journal."

The Battle of Chabosh was the name given to the Imperial rout of Alliance forces on the planet Chabosh, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. It was famous mainly because of the heriosm of then-Captain Harsh, the Imperial military officer who survived the front-line battle and made a full recovery from injuries which would have killed a regular man.
Conjecture based upon "Star Wars Gamer #6"

Cammel Atarul, an Imperial investigator worked on the planet Tinnel IV during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Investigator Atarul was dispatched to Moff Jerjerrod's personal estate, shortly after the Battle of Yavin, when the estate was robbed by the Tombat.
"Star Wars Adventure Journal #6"

"Galaxy of Fear: The Swarm."
The 'Shroud'travels to the garden planet of S'krrr, a planet the Empire is planning to establish a base on - an act that would ruin the beautiful world and its culture. They are met by an insectoid S'krrr called Vroon. He asks them to move the ship farther away for ecological reasons, but that proves impossible - thanks to Zak monkeying around with the engines, the ship is crippled. He later finds himself attacked by a flying creature called a shreev that he is forced to kill - only to discover later that it was a pest-eating creature. Legend has it that if even one dies before its time, the garden's delicate ecological balance will be totally destroyed....

Soon there is a pest of another kind in the Garden - namely, Captain Thrawn. However, he is not here to destroy the Garden - art lover that he is, he is here merely as a tourist. However, he is not pleased when one of his men turns up eaten by pests. He orders the Garden sealed. In addition, more and more of the pests -drog beetles - are turning up everywhere. Thrawn orders one of the S'krrr, Sh'shak, arrested for the Imperial officer's death. However, that soon proves unnecessary when another dead officer turns up. Zak is going nuts with guilt - the garden's being destroyed, and people killed, because of him!!! He tearfully confesses to killing the shreev.

Thrawn scoffs at the notion that one careless boy could be responsible for all this. He frees Sh'shak and confronts Vroon. The insane Vroon wildly claims that the drog beetles are the S'krrr's ancestors - and that he has learned to communicate with them! He escapes into the garden. Drog beetles attack, and Hoole is separated from the group as Thrawn leads Sh'shak and the kids into his shuttle. He finds it has been crippled too. The beetles pour in through the air vents, and the group races outside. Hoole has shape-shifted into a shreev and roused other shreevs to hunt the beetles. They return to Vroon's workship only to find his corpse. Hoole and Sh'shak try to hold the beetles off by communicating as Vroon did, while the kids and Thrawn each try to repair their ships. The kids get the 'Shroud'repaired and picks Hoole and Sh'shak up. They drop Sh'shak off in a bug-free section of the planet as airships are sent to capture the beetles. But as the Aranda's take off from S'krrr, two drog beetles move to the engine room to lay eggs....
The Drog Beetles are later captured from Thrawns ship by the Empire, and the Sith begin to experiment on them
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - January 1998)

12-year old Ghent, already working as a slicer for Talon Karrde, cracks the top secret Imperial code ILKO in two months - something that took a full Rebel Alliance team a month.
"SW Encyclopedia."

May 23, +1 ASW4
JAN founder Earnst Kamiel is captured by the Empire on Elrood.
"SW Adventure Journal."

After several years of development, Dr. Issan Len manages to develop a prototype droid called X0. The unit succeeds beyond his wildest dreams - it turns out it can not only control complex operations like spaceships and space stations, but can actually redesign and modify those ships and stations to become far more efficient. Having become a Rebel sympathiser, Len contacts the Alliance about using X0 and its under-development X1 descendants. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to him, his assistant Vreen meets with Imperial ship builder Lira Wessex and spills all about the droids
Shortly before "SW RPG: Crisis on Cloud City."

May 27, +1 ASW4
COMPNOR places new tariffs on luxury agri-exports from the Bormea Sector, almost single-handedly wrecking Chandrila's economy. It is strongly hinted that Chandrila might be freed from the tariff if they improve relations with the Empire.
"SW Adventure Journal."

May 30, +1 ASW4
After months of negotiating, Bakura finally agrees to semi-control by the Empire. While the Bakuran constitution will be subordinate to the Imperial charter, Bakura will be allowed to keep its existing government.
"SW Adventure Journal."
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Post by Solauren »

June 3, +1 ASW4
The Empire releases a holovid in which it provides "proof" of the rebellion committing genocide on Dentaal, using footage of X-Wings dropping biological warheads as proof.
"SW Adventure Journal."

"Galaxy of Fear: Spore."
The 'Shroud' stops off for supplies at the 'Tefanda Bay', a city-ship orbiting Ithor. The Aranda's meet a female Ithorian High Priest named Fandomar (wife of Momaw Nadon, Tatooine's "Hammerhead"). They get everything they need except the rare mineral ethromite. Fandomar takes them to a nearby asteroid mining colony. The miners agree to give Hoole ethromite if he will help them solve a little mystery: a mysterious cavern tomb left there long ago by Ithorians. When they open the tomb, a sudden cave-in seals them off from the others. Tash takes a dangerous shaft to try to find help - and runs into the Dark Lord Jerec, who stakes a claim on the asteroid. However, the tomb is now empty - and one man is dead.

The asteroid goes unstable and prepares to explode. Fandomar accidentally forces the rescue ship to crash on Ithor, then starts wailing that everyone is doomed - "Spore," a parasitic monster of pure evil that can infect others to make them like itself, is free again. With Zak infected, Tash and Fandomar watch in horror as Jerec offers Spore the entire Imperial army and navy to infect, to serve as Jerec's private army against the Emperor. Tash and Fandomar sneak aboard Jerec's shuttle, and go from there to the Star Destroyer 'Vengeance'. Tash uses the Force to defeat Zak and Hoole and get them off the Star Destroyer, luring the cruiser into the asteroid field, where a group of space slugs destroy it and Spore (Jerec escapes, of course).
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - April 1998)

June 7, +1 ASW4
The Empire slaughters a peaceful demonstration in the city of Amma on Bacrana, placing the entire planet under martial law. The local troops refuse to fire on their own people, so Moff Raimer sends in AT-AT's to attack the populace.
"SW Adventure Journal."

"The Bounty Hunter Wars: Slave Ship."
Two emissaries from the split Bounty Hunter's Guild - the True Guild and the Guild Reform Committee - go to Kud'ar Mu'bat, demanding to know which side of the conflict Mu'bat will take. Mu'bat shrewdly plays both sides, saying separately that he is with them. Moreover, elsewhere, Prince Xizor begins the next phase of his plan....

Boba Fett and Bossk meet on Gholondreiene-B to discuss teaming up to capture Trhin Voss'on't, a renegade Imperial stormtrooper who stole a Star Destroyer - AND the Imperial Strategic Insertion team codes - and joined the Alliance. They will do it by making it look like Bossk killed Fett and Zuckuss and is joining Voss'on't. The plan backfires. Voss'on't gets the drop on them, and uses a device to cause a massive earthquake. They catch him, but they get badly hurt doing it.

What they do not know was that Voss'on't was working on Emperess Skywalker's direct orders. The bounty was all it took for all the bounty hunters of the galaxy to give up on any kind of Guild and start slaughtering each other. Xizor (as he revealed to Mu'bat) plans to dispose of Fett himself. Then Xizor is met by Balancesheet, one of Mu'bat's ancillary systems that has declared independence. It says it wants to work with Xizor....

Bossk attempts to kill Fett for his role in the Guild's destruction, but Fett and Zuckuss (who was not really dead) turn the tables - then Fett turns the tables on both, and they barely make it out of 'Slave I' alive in an escape pod. Fett takes Voss'on't to Mu'bat's web, unaware that Xizor has a lethal reception planned for him....
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - K.W. Jeter - October 1998)

"The Bounty Hunter Wars: Hard Merchandise."
Xizor waits near Kud'ar Mub'at for Fett on his flagship, the 'Vendetta'. As he waits, he silently plans to kill Mub'at and put Balancesheet in its place. On the 'Slave I', the captured Trhin Voss'on't mocks Fett, telling him he is flying into a trap. He offers Fett a deal - give him control of the ship, and they will both get out alive. Fett refuses and takes the badly damaged ship out of hyperspace....

Xizor's attack cripples the 'Slave I', and Fett is forced to drag an uncooperative Voss'on't with him into the sealed cockpit. Xizor gloats as the ship slowly tries to limp away. His smile vanishes when Fett puts himself between Xizor and Mu'bat. Fire now, and the web-like intelligence will be the one hit. Nevertheless, that soon becomes moot, as Fett plows his ship straight into Mu'bat's web. Mu'bat is horribly wounded, but says he will not pay Fett - it is not his bounty to pay out. It is Xizor's, Fett realises. Moreover, the Falleen would rather kill than pay. Mu'bat also reveals Xizor was behind the Guild's breakup.

When Xizor arrives, Fett grabs him from behind and puts a blaster to his head. Xizor says he has changed his mind (thanks to Balancesheet) about killing Fett, but he does want to kill Mu'bat now. He reveals Balancesheet's treachery and pays Fett the bounty. The 'Slave I'crawls away as Xizor and his men kills Mu'bat and dismantles the web. Balancesheet leaves Fett one nasty surprise - he has taken half the bounty himself to pay his debts. Fett promises he will get back at Balancesheet some day....
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - K.W. Jeter - July 1999)

Vess Kogo become on of the Skywalker's first Sith during the years following the Battle of Yavin. His extreme hatred of the Alliance made him the perfect weapon, and his rugged good looks and disarming smile allowed him to get close to many female agents. Palpatine had used the Dark Side of the Force to prey on Kogo's past, when his mother was killed by rebel forces on Hanofar. Padme used Sithim juice on him shortly after its development, and Emperor Skywalker then molded Kogo into a killing machine. While Kogo loyally carried out the Emperor's orders, he often went out of his way to destroy anything associated with the Alliance, and capturing any Force Sensitives, especially females, he found..
'SW RPG II: Rebellion Era Sourcebook'.

After a year of taking heavy losses there, and recognizing its lack of military and economic value, the Empire decides Tatooine is simply not worth the trouble and abandons its base and garrison there, effectively ceding the world to the Rebels, Hutts, and other natives for the time being
Conjecture from "The Bounty Hunter Wars: Slave Ship" byNathan Blumenfeld

June 14, +1 ASW4
After three years of fighting, an armistice is announced between the Corporate Sector Authority and the Triianii colonies.
"SW Adventure Journal."
The CSA is contacted by the Empress, and ordered to report and capture any Force-Sensitives or Jedi they encounter. Gleefully, they inform the Empress about the Triian Rangers

Aban, a Commander in the Imperial Navy, is placed in charge of the construction of the Imperial garrison on the planet Sedri. He forms an alliance with the renegade priest Karak, hoping to obtain the power of the Golden Sun for the Empire. The plan backfired when Karak was captured by Pek and Fala, but Aban continued to make progress.
Conjecture based upon "SW: Dark Force Rising" and "SW RPG: Battle for the Golden Sun".

Corewatch was the code name of an Alliance agent who worked deep undercover in the Core Worlds. Very few members of the Alliance knew about Corewatch, and the agent's presence may have been dated back to the origin of the Alliance. In reality, Corewatch was Bonic Tarracus, and was known to many as an extremely reliable agent. His confidence - and the Alliance's confidence in him - was shattered when he was unable to recover the 177th Light Infantry team inserted to blow up a munitions depot. Corewatch went AWOL, but was later returned to active duty. However his effectiveness was greatly diminished, and many in the Alliance's command structure felt he had been co - opted by the Empire and forced into double - agent duty. It was even rumoured that he had become Ars Dangor's personal valet, although this was never proven.
"SW RPG: Cracken's Rebel Operatives".

"SW Role Playing Game: Crisis on Cloud City."
A Rebel escort group travels with Walex Blissex to Cloud City to meet with Dr. Issan Len and escort him and his X0-X1 prototype droid to the Alliance. No sooner do they enter Bespin's atmosphere, however, then cloud cars try to destroy them!! A close look reveals that droids (?!?) are flying the cars. After shooting the cars down and landing, the Rebels race to Len's lab - only to be blocked by a security droid. After a protracted battle, the Rebels finally reach Len's lab - only to hear the scientist be shot to death behind a sealed door. They cannot find any sign of the killer anywhere - and there was only one way in and out of the lab! Just as the Rebels find the real culprit - a reprogrammed protocol droid(?!?) - Lando Calrissian and the city guards tear in and arreststhemfor Len's murder!!

Lando is not stupid - he realises the Rebels probably are not the killers. However, his hands are tied by political considerations. He gives the Rebels 24 hours to find Len's real murderer, or stand trial in that person's place. The Rebels' first stop: Bioniip Labs, home of Len's assistant Dr. Vreen. The receptionist droid there tells them that the reprogrammed protocol droid is owned by Lira Wessex - Walex's evil daughter. The droid directs them to the Royal Casino, where Lira is participating in a sabacc game. As they confront Lira, the casino suddenly starts going crazy - sabacc cards changing into a nightmarish image, droids shorting out - and then a labor droid rushes in and tries to kill everyone! Lira escapes as the Rebels fight the droid and destroys it - finding proof at the same time that it came from Bioniip.

Every door into Bioniip is now sealed, and the Rebels are forced to break in. Fighting droids all the way through, they make it to the labs . to find Vreen and five other scientists half converted into droids. It seems their mystery enemy (and Len's killer) is not Vreen at all - it is the prototype droid, X0-X1!! In addition, X0, in an attempt to improve Cloud City's efficiency (it was secretly reprogrammed by Vreen to turn Cloud City into a weapons platform), has designed "evolution droids" to turn people into droids! At that point, X0 releases the "evolution" virus into the room, infecting some of the Rebels. Working with the Vreen-droid, Blissex reengineers the viral mini-droids into a poison to destroy X0. As he finishes this, every light in Cloud City goes out

Vreen directs the Rebels to a forger he gave the plans of X0 to - a woman named Bellum. Fighting through droids all the way there, they get some hints as to X0's location from her. However, the data box that can find X0 has been stolen - by Lira! As they find this out, a droid shoots Bellum from behind, killing her instantly. The Rebels make their way to Lira's ship, but Lira puts every thug at her service between her and the Rebels and flees into the city. Using borg implants in her skull, Lira gets the location of X0 from the data box. Nearly blown off a ledge by high winds, Lira throws the data box to the skies and offers the Rebels a deal - she will help them in return for them letting her live.

She leads them deep into Cloud City's computer core, where X0 has set up shop. Fighting their way through several traps and ambushes, the Rebels are jumped from behind - Vreen is now entirely a droid and under X0's control. The Rebels, some of whom are nearly droids themselves now, are forced to destroy Vreen. When they reach X0, they learn only minutes remain - the droid is ready to release the evolution virus through the air circulation system of the entire city! Blissex decides on a desperate gambit - shut down the computer core (unfortunately shutting down the city's repulsorlift engines as well) and destroy X0 before the falling city is crushed. The Rebels, against all odds, manages to pull that off. With only 27 seconds left, the city is safe. Then Lira puts a blaster to her father's head as her thugs run in. Then city guards run in as well, surrounding the whole bunch - and finally Lando and Lobot comes in. Lando forces Lira out of the city and cheerfully drops the charges against the Rebels.
(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games - Christopher Kubasik - 1989)

June 26, +1 ASW4
Raw materials in the Mid-Rim begin drying up as Moff Jerjerrod (under the pretext of Imperial Energy Systems) diverts increasing galactic resources to the under-construction Death Star II.
"SW Adventure Journal."

The guerrilla war between the Rebels and the Empire reaches a critical point on the planet Polmanar. The guerrilla effort is on the brink of collapse, but they only need to hold out for a few more weeks - the Imperial Admiralty has ordered that if Polmanar can not be pacified by then, that the blockade of the planet be abandoned. This would prove a shining symbol for the Rebellion - that standing up to the Empireispossible. A group of Rebels are sent to Isis to ferry medical supplies to the battered world
Immediately before "SW RPG: The Isis Coordinates."

"SW Role Playing Game: The Isis Coordinates."
It was just a matter of time - the Imperial Survey Corps, in the form of the vesselWanderer, has finally stumbled upon the Rebel safeworld of Isis. As the ship moves in for a close scan, the Rebel team heading for Polmanar arrives and gives chase. The ship's hyperdrive is destroyed, but theWanderergets its scan - and proof that Rebels are on that world. Chasing through the planet's crystal canyons, theWanderer'snoisy engines sets off an avalanche that crashes both ships

The Rebels dig out of the rubble, only to run into Gutretees. They insist on a contest of strength, and one Rebel reluctantly battles with the tribal leader Iponta. After a difficult brawl, the Rebel wins. In return, he receives Iponta's memories - including where the crashing Imperial ship went. They find theWandererempty, its crew already gone - as well as its 'black box.' Realising the Imperials are going to get offworld at the first opportunity, the Rebels race to the nearest city, Neskroff.

The local officials are quickly told of the situation, and a curfew and city search is quickly begun. The Rebel team leads the search. They quickly find the Imperials (now in civilian clothes), and a desperate chase ensues all the way to the (shut down) spaceport. The Imperials manage to steal the Corellian GunshipHandree- the ship meant for the Rebels, filled with critical medical supplies for Polmanar!! As the ship flies into the atmosphere, the Rebels make a desperate boarding attempt and succeeds

The ship jumps to hyperspace, en route to the Imperial base at Miser, in the Bespin system - 12 hours away. The Rebels fight their way to the bridge, but a female Imperial officer named Ishale Meahonon rips the nav computer to shreds and fights to the death. The ship is locked on course to Miser Base - and the Rebels cannot do anything about it. They begin hunting for Captain Pilia Tonth and the rest of her crew, who are quickly laying traps for the Rebels. All they have to do is survive the trip - the Imperial Navy is waiting for them at the end of the journey. Tonth finds the medical supplies, giving her the perfect opportunity - she opens the forward hold, intending to chuck the supplies into hyperspace to be lost forever. The panicked Rebels race down to stop her - just what she had in mind. The Rebels frantically work to save the cargo as Tonth climbs up to the ship's computer complex.

TheHandreearrives in the Bespin system - and sure enough, the Star DestroyerDesolatoris waiting for them. The Rebels were unable to find Tonth or the black box, and they are quickly captured and brought before Admiral Grendreef. Tonth appears and triumphantly gives the black box to Grendreef. He sends the Rebels down to the base in a shuttle, then prepares to leave for Isis and a bloodbath. For the Rebels, a miracle occurs - one of the 'Imperials' on the base is secret agent Ulthar Blaze, who breaks them out. Nevertheless, one Rebel has already been sent to Grendreef for torture. He is rescued, but not before telling Grendreef all he needs to know. Blaze and the Rebels desperately chase the admiral. He escapes and makes it to the Star Destroyer . but he does not know the Rebels followed him, so they easily stow away in his shuttle.

As one Rebel moves to alter the Isis coordinates from the Star Destroyer's computer, the others commandeer theHandree.The Rebel alters the coordinates, sending the Star Destroyer heading off on the wrong course. With only minute's left before theDesolatorheads into hyperspace, the Rebels repair theHandreeand disable the Star Destroyer's tractor beams. At literally the last minute, the Rebels escape. The Star Destroyer flies right into a star and is vaporised. The Rebels limp to Polmanar with the supplies, and all's well that ends well
(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games - Christopher Kubasik - 1990)

"SW Role Playing Game: Mission to Lianna."
While en route to the Keldrath Sector, an Alliance group is ordered to stop by Lianna, home of Sienar Flight Systems (home of the infamous TIE family of starfighters) to drop off a data disk for Rebel operative Jenna Lars. Unbeknownst to them, an Imperial test near the planet has gone wrong - and a specially modified probe droid has vanished

The Rebels arrive to find the planet covered with Imperial warships. They briefly spot the probe droid before it completely disappears again. They realise how it is doing that - a cloaking shield!! Once they land, they head immediately to Roman's Sky Palace and the meeting with Jenna. Once the probe droid is mentioned, Jenna insists that the Rebels follow her orders - go to the Imperial hotel, meet another Alliance operative, and bring her up to date. They check in at the 76'th floor and meet with Terri Karl, the operative. She slips them some weapons (weapons are forbidden on Lianna), and tells them that the Empire is working on a cloaking shield project - Project NOVA. Imperial Adviser Rodan Verpalion is coming in tonight to oversee the project's completion. The Rebels will sneak into Santhe / Sienar during the, welcoming party to steal the blueprints. She sends them to yet another contact at Glaggerick's Tavern, where "Astenn" asks the Rebels, not to steal the plans, but to copy them and then rewrite the plans to make it unusable.

The Rebels infiltrate Santhe / Sienar headquarters, making their way to Lady Valles Santhe is private office and hacking the plans. They learn along the way that Lady Santhe has been working with Liann pirates - and with the Alliance. They also learn that the completed NOVA prototype will be tested in three days. Terri picks them up as they escape the building, then takes them to the reception for Verpalion the next night. The Rebels find themselves desperately trying to avoid detection in plain sight. Making their way out into the streets, rushing back to their ship, only to be jumped by Orman's thugs. Fighting them off, they take off and try to outrun the Imperial ships, and manage to escape into hyperspace. They learn afterwards that the plans were laced with a protective virus that erased the blueprints. The NOVA Project has been seriously set back
(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games - Joanne E. Wyrick - 1992)

EL-434 was an assassin droid serving the Empire shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Little is known about EL-434 since the droid has been very efficient in eliminating all records and witnesses. Alliance Intelligence postulates that it was built in Junquers system, and that the droid has been active for many years. One of his missions was to infiltrate a Rebel base and kill everyone inside. The Rebels, prepared for the attack, managed to subdue the droid. Over-riding its self-destruct program, EL-434 postulated that the Rebels would transport it to an important Rebel base or safe world. Sure enough, EL-434 was soon aboard a prison ship, the 'Celestial',en route to a safeworld. A hyperdrive malfunction, however, plunged the ship into otherspace. EL-434 found itself aboard the Charon vessel 'Desolate',where it fought Charon constructs, Charon warriors, and Rebel agents within the Hall of Contests in the alien ship. EL-434's current status is unknown. El-434 is made from a cerillium composite, giving it a dark sheen. His motor-ball forms a base for his crustacean-like upper body. All of EL-434's critical systems are well armoured. The droid is armed with built-in blaster cannons, concussion missile launcher, a motor-ball, electrophotoreceptor, infrared scanner, com-signal detector, motion sensor, chemical sensor, and auditory membranes. EL-434 is 1.5 meters tall.
"SW RPG: Otherspace"

"SW Role Playing Game: Otherspace II -- Invasion."
The Rebel Alliance has lost all contact with the distant safeworld of Stronghold in the Taldot sector, and a Rebel unit is quickly sent out to investigate and make sure the Empire hasn't found and destroyed the base. But the minute the Rebels enter the Stronghold system, an Alliance freighter attacks them!! The raving pilot speaks in terror of "them." The ship streaks by them with a few shots, then jumps into hyperspace. Alarmed, the Rebels conduct a high orbit scan of the planet and find a weak com signal from an Imperial comlink. They conduct a careful landing outside the perimeter of the Rebel base and head in slowly through the mountainous terrain.

They first come upon a great chasm, which they cross with great difficulty. Then, suddenly, great insect-like creatures attack the Rebels along with a giant cross between a spider and an ape! The heroes dispatch the creatures, which turn out to be the terrifying Charon. They continue on and discover the smoking remains of a spaceship, and a man pinned under some wreckage within. The man identifies himself as Bane Nothos, an Imperial commander was taken by the Charon in a previous encounter. He gladly offers to help the Rebels in destroying the Charon. He seems sincere, but the Rebels sense something's off about him. Under questioning, he admits that the soul of the former Charon leader Ber'asco now exists inside Nothos' body. He had been deposed from his position of leadership by Moff Ravik, and he has in turn managed to put his spirit into Ber'asco's insectoid body. Now the insane Ravik leads the Charon, has left the dimension of Otherspace, and is now looking for hyperdrive-capable ships to spark an all-out invasion of the galaxy!

The Rebel group, now including Ber'asco, enters Stronghold base. They find signs of battle and dead Rebel bodies on the ground. They find a trio of terrified teenagers who quickly join their group. They then find a group of Charon working on a "death mist" generator, which they quickly destroy. Finally they reach the command center and find the Charon trying to hack into the computers. They quickly wipe out the saboteurs and access the computers themselves, where they find a message from a Rebel telling them to head to the shipyard and set the self-destruct before the Charon can reach the ships. They destroy the computer and head to the secret passage to the shipyard, but the Charon patrols are too heavy for them to try getting there. Even worse, a huge storm rumbles into the area. Dejected, the group heads for the location the Rebel mentioned in code as their hideout, a cavern complex inhabited by the remaining Stronghold Rebels (led by one Markos Tor). Tor tells them they have a new priority - the Charon have taken a hundred Rebels prisoner and are trying to mutate them into mindless "constructs" to serve in their army. They head toward the construct chamber (a converted brig), stopping by the armory to destroy the Charon's battle armour. Facing the nightmarish image of the prisoners being experimented on, the Rebels (now including Tor and two soldiers) tear in and attack the Charon scientists, freeing the weakened prisoners. As they are led back to the hideout, Tor helps the Rebels break through the patrols and access the shipyard - but when the self-destruct is activated, a telltale light in the command center tells Ravik where the shipyard is

Thirty minutes to self-destruct. The Charon swarm into the shipyard in force as the storm begins in earnest. A long, difficulty, and bloody battle ensues inside the massive hangar. The insectoid creatures are fierce, and the battle slowly turns against the Rebels. Ravik himself suddenly appears - a nightmarish vision of a human head atop an armoured Charon body - to finish the Rebels off. Ber'asco confronts the insane monster, only to have his borrowed body's spine crushed. In a last spasm of agony, Ber'asco activates the rocket pack on Ravik's back, sending the creature arcing through the sky and down into a fiery crash. With their leader gone, the last of the Charon are quickly killed. The self-destruct is deactivated, and the Rebels return to their shattered base. The Rebels are thanked for their courage, their ship is repaired and refuelled, and the group sets out for home.

Or so they think.

Safely in hyperspace, the Rebels are caught completely off guard by a wounded - but still alive - Ravik!! Another battle ensues, this one much more difficult and desperate. But finally, the demented ex-Imperial is killed. When told of this, the Rebel Alliance grants the exhausted and injured heroes a well-deserved vacation on Ord Mantell
(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - Douglas Kaufman - 1989)

July 17, +1 ASW4
The Empire sends a fleet to Nar Shaddaa, searching the Corellian Sector. Cynabar's Infonet is forced to shut down as a result. No explanation is given, to the Hutts or anyone else.
"SW Adventure Journal."

August 3, +1 ASW4
Emperor Skywalker appoints Gerald Weizel the new governor of Chandrila.
"SW Adventure Journal."

August 7, + 1 ASW4
The Empire lifts transport tariffs on Gladiator-Walkers, thus causing an explosion in Gladiator-Walker combat popularity throughout the galaxy.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Lyric of the Melody race is born on the planet Yavin VIII.
"Junior Jedi Knights: Lyric's World."

"SW Adventure Journal: The Quality of Mercy."
En route to a cargo drop at the Rebel base of Tiragga II, a Rebel supply group is startled to find the planet infected with Direllian Plague. They rush to the nearby planet Kirtania to grab the Shiarha Root needed to save the lives of everyone at the base. However, when they get there, they find the Empire's moved in, slashing and burning the rain forest the root is in. Even worse, they are hunting a local doctor who specialises in treating Direllian Plague. What follows is a dangerous hunt through the rain forest, followed by helping the doctor (T'Jaleq Kith'Araquia) and a native tribe attack the Empire's deforestation group....
(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - Nicky Rea - February 1994)

"SW Adventure Journal: Regina Cayli."[/b]
A smuggler named Roark Garnet is forced down on the planet New Bakstre, and his co-pilot Hawk Carrow is wounded and taken aboard the Imperial attack transport 'Regina Cayli'. Armed only with his blaster and courage, Roark sneaks aboard to get his friend out....

(SOLITAIRE ADVENTURE - West End Games - Ken Rolston - February 1994)

August 27, + 1 ASW4
The Mid-Rim shortage caused by the Death Star II's construction causes a crisis in the Rettna system as Jante and Freda miners begin attacking each other.
"SW Adventure Journal."


September 15 - 17, + 1 ASW4
The infamous thief "Tombat" sacks the Elshandruu Pica resort hotelMargath's, making off with over six million credits worth of gems. Astonishingly, the gems are returned to their original location just a couple of days later, as threats of an Imperial investigation began to circulate.
"SW Adventure Journal."

The Em'liy, native race of the planet Shalyvane, are driven out of their cities in a "disciplinary cleansing" by the Empire. The Imperials claimed the Em'liy had forsaken their gods and were being driven out for blasphemy. The capital city, Chinshassa, is completely destroyed. The Empire covers up the matter by claiming the Em'liy themselves destroyed Chinshassa (said to be a human colony). Ashamed of letting their holy city be destroyed, the Em'liy reject their name and simply call themselves "Nomads." They believe that when an offworlder acknowledges the truth about what happened, they will be forgiven by their gods and allowed to reclaim their name and their cities.
"SW Gamer: The Marvel Series."

"SW Adventure Journal: Loyalties."
A group of Rebels are ambushed and captured by the Star Destroyer 'Devastator'.The heroes find themselves locked up in the detention center. After the interrogation, one Rebel finds a small earphone in his food. The Rebel overhears a voice saying the main reactor will fail soon, the locks will deactivate, and the ship will be without power for nine minutes. Sure enough, the reactor does fail, and the Rebels stage a jailbreak. Escaping in their ship, they find an extra entry in the ship's log - a mystery Imperial who tells them to warn Admiral Chel Dorat on Jerrilek that he is about to be arrested for treason. The Rebels rush to Jerrilek, to find Dorat at his daughter's home. They find he has gone with "historians" wishing to "interview" him. They are on his seaskimmer, heading straight for the spaceport. A desperate water chase ensues, and Dorat is freed - until his own daughter, Preela, turns against the Rebels and tries to capture her own father. The Rebels fight her off and blast off with Dorat aboard, fighting off Imperial ships and hyperjumping to safety.
(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - James L. Cambias - November 1994)

"SW Adventure Journal: The Cure."
Six months ago, a mysterious plague smashed through the planet Sedesia. Now the Empire claims they have ended the plague. The Rebels doubt it, and send a team out to investigate. Fighting their way past a blockade, the Rebels meet their contact, rancher Sybegh Abya. Astonishingly, the reports seem true - the Empire has not cured the plague, but are giving the locals antiviral booster shots every week. Sneaking into a lab, the Rebels do finally find the truth - the Empire invented the plague as a bioweapon, and is using the antiviral drug to ensure the people's eternal loyalty. Stealing the plague cure from the lab, the Rebels reach the local Sedesian authorities with both it and the true story. Once word gets out, Sedesia turns from loyal to Rebel very quickly.
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - James L. Cambias - May 1995)

"Classic Star Wars - Devilworlds: Dark Lord's Conscience."
On the planet Cheelit, Emperor Skywalker accepts an invitation from a squid-like creature named Lady Dhol to play a game called "Firepath." Sort of like chess, except the pieces are life-size and can be incinerated with the push of a button. As they play, Skywalker admits that Firepath is not the only reason he came to Cheelit - the Guild of Vindicators has targeted him. As he is relating this, the stormtroopers outside Dhol's palace encounter an eerie-looking man in a black robe who empathically confronts the troopers with the atrocities they have committed in their life. The troopers, shamed and shattered by the memories, commit suicide. The man, Clat the Shamer, walks on into the palace taking down troopers as he goes.

He walks into the game room and confronts Vader. The crimes of the troopers werenothing compared to The Emperor's, and now he is going to drown Skywalker in guilt and remorse. Skywalker resists the empath's powers, and incinerates Clat on the game slot he is standing on. He then does the same to Dhol - he knew full well she was leading him into a trap. With that, he leaves Cheelit. "A scrappy, disappointing opening. But the endgame provided some satisfaction."
(COMIC STRIP - Marvel Comics Inc. - Alan Moore - 1981)

"SW Adventure Journal: Uhl Eharl Khoeng."
Rebel Captain - and Jedi wannabe - Fable Astin is sent with the Harrier infiltration team to Nysza III to destroy an Imperial communications bunker before it can be completed. The task is completed - but at the cost of technical officer Arecelis Acosta. Even worse, his killer was a Dark Jedi named Vialco who easily humiliated her. Disgusted with herself, she accepts an invitation by co-pilot Deke Holman to check out a stage play called "For the Want of an Empire." She finds the lead actor in that play, Jaalib Brandl, strangely intriguing - and strong in the Force. She meets with him after the play. That night, she has a horrible nightmare that leaves her awake with a burned hand - the Dark Side is eating away at her. Terrified at what may happen to her - especially if Vialco finds her again - she seeks out Jaalib. She trails him to Trulalis, where she finds him rehearsing the play "Uhl Eharl Khoeng" with his father, former Imperial Inquisitor Adalric Brandl. Jaalib will not help her, but Adalric will. Tutoring her in the ways of the Jedi - both light and dark. Jaalib slowly warms up to her, and takes her on a hike in the Khoehng Mountains. As she is truly starting to progress, Vialco arrives. After a difficult duel, the Dark Jedi lies at her feet, ready for the deathblow. Adalric tricks her into delivering that deathblow, then declares her ready to join the Dark Jedi. She has no way out - her ship has been blown up. However, she does have one last chance at salvation - Jaalib.

He leads her into the mountains, to where Deke's ship is waiting for her. With a final kiss, he bundles her off in the ship. As it takes off, he turns to face his father, who almost kills him then stomps off in disgust. Jaalib rasps out the infamous line from "Uhl Eharl Khoenhg" - "Long live the king!"
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Patricia A. Jackson - November 1995)
Former Imperial Inquisitor Adalric Brandl and his 24 year old child Jaalib Brandl are captured by Mara Jade and are forced to join the Sith.

October 22, + 1 ASW4[/b]
The Empire assigns the infamous inspector Zanza Gata to hunt the "Tombat" down.
"SW Adventure Journal."

"Galaxy of Fear: The Doomsday Ship."
En route to Dantooine to hide, the Aranda's book passage on the 'Star of Empire'. Tash stumbles upon an article about the Jedi, one Emperor Palpatine missed destroying. Zak is tricked by a computer technician named Malik into shutting down all power on the ship. Captain Hajj hurriedly turns it back on, then explains that Malik is a relative of some high-up Imperial official who arranged this assignment. Tash and Zak run into Dash Rendar. Just Zak is getting friendly with SIM (the artificial intelligence that runs the ship), the order is given to abandon ship. In the confusion, a bald scarred man throws the children in a storage closet. By the time they get out, everyone on the ship is gone. In addition, the ship does not explode. However, all systems are out - the ship is being sabotaged.

Dash Rendar appears again - he stayed behind on purpose. Attacked by ship's droids, they are rescued by Captain Hajj and a few of his officers. SIM tells Zak that it thinks Dash is the saboteur. Moreover, as the crew is picked off one by one by various mishaps, Zak accuses Dash openly. However, when Captain Hajj and the last crewmember are killed with Dash in full view, it hits them - it is Malik. SIM insists that they get to the control room. When Zak gets there and starts getting SIM back on line, Malik appears with a blaster. A very afraid Malik. A Malik who says SIM is the real villain, a computer infiltration program that can turn any ship into a weapon. Moreover, when Dash stuns him and Zak finishes the activation, it turns out Malik is right. Hoole appears and helps the group fight their way through the ship. It becomes clear that SIM is taunting them, treating their troubles like a game. Therefore, they simply stop playing. In addition, SIM gets careless, opening the docking bay door just enough for Hoole to rush through and blast the doors off in the Shroud. Dash cripples the Star of Empire and contacts the Rebel Alliance to pick it up. Moreover, unbeknownst to anyone, SIM downloads itself onto a space station....
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - June 1998)
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Post by Solauren »

+2 ASW4

January 4, + 2 ASW4
Open war erupts in the Rettna system between Jante and Freda.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Kirtan Loor is appointed Imperial liaison officer for CorSec's Smuggling Interdiction division.
Conjecture provided by Dan Wallace based on "Side Trip."

"SW Roleplaying Game II: Damsel in Distress."
Whilst ferrying spy information to the Rebel Alliance, the Corellian CorvetteStellar Damsel was attacked by the Empire. Heavily damaged, the Corvette limped into the Miro asteroid field and called for help. A group of Rebel agents are sent in the YT-1300Knight Errant to rescue the crew and data, while a Frigate and some X-Wings are sent to stage a diversionary attack on the Star Destroyer that attacked theDamsel. Searching through the asteroid field, the Rebels find the badly damaged Corvette - and a swarm of mynocks! The Rebels fight off the mynocks and take aboard the handful of survivors from the Corvette, as well as the datacard of secret information. But before the whole group of survivors can board, spacetroopers tear into the asteroid field - the Imperials are on to them. The resulting firefight damages the already-unstable asteroids, sending them flying apart at the Rebels and Imperials both! Just as the two ships limp away from the scene, TIEs show up. A running firefight begins, with the Star Destroyer waiting for them at the asteroid field's end. Another narrow fight, another narrow escape for the Rebel Alliance
(GAME ADVENTURE - Wizards of the Coast, Inc. - Stephen Kenson - March 2001)

"Masters of Teras-Kasi."
The Sith successfully resurrect the Dark Jedi Xendor, the lover of former Emperor's Hand, now Sith Lord and master assassin, Arden Lyn
In gratitude, Arden Lynn turns her apprentices, Hoar the Tusken Raider and Thok the Gamorrean, over to the rest of the Sith for Alchemical augmentation. Xendor, widely regarded as the father of Sith sect, becomes a Sith lord
New summary by Valiento of the Jedi Council forum.
(SONY PLAYSTATION VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous - 1997)

Talon Karrde survives an intricate assassination scheme by one of the lieutenants in Jorj Car'das former smuggling organisation.</P>
"SW: Vision of the Future."

Rutralli Optor, the leader of a team of hijackers, commandeers the passenger liner 'Telgordo's Pride' in the Trax sector. Optor was unusually belligerent and perceptive for a Mon Calamari.
Conjecture based upon "SW RPG: The Star Wars Gamemaster Kit". Sourced with thanks from Pablo Hidalgo's Star Wars Index.

Mussat Nasrabi, a Mon Calamari, owns and operates a Tibanna gas mine out of Cloud City. An old friend of Platt O'Keefe, they worked together on a Sullustan starliner before going their separate ways. Nasrabi also owned and operated the Floating Fish gambling club, and he was a member of Cloud City's Gambling Guild.
"SW RPG: Imperial Double Cross."

January 29 - February 3, + 2 ASW4
The island of Grande Hyet on Esseles is bombed by the Rebel terrorist "Faceless" group. 146 people are killed. The Faceless puts on a transmission over President Ralle's pleas for calm, accusing the Esseles government of anti-alien bias. Alarmed residents flee the planet, and President Ralle makes a show of reaching an accord with the Guild of Offworlder Skilled Labourers.
"SW Adventure Journal."

"SW Adventure Journal: Droid Trouble."
His dreams of becoming a Senator thwarted by the Emperor, Bothan ambassadorial aide Tereb Ab'Lon had decided to join the Rebel Alliance. He quietly drops Imperial Navy operation plans into his astromech droid R2-Z1 (aka "Fweep")'s memory banks. Two years later, he is in a shuttle on the run from the Empire. He heads for a Rebel cell in the Tao-Grant system, nursing his crippled shuttle there as best he can. It proves hopeless - his sublight drive was totally destroyed. The shuttle suddenly lurches out of hyperspace too early, badly injuring Ab'Lon, and crashes into Tatooine.

Detective for hire Nim Bola has just taken out two bounty hunters who were after an Ithorian hanging around Chalmun's Cantina. He tosses the bodies down the Sarlacc's throat. He spots the shuttle crash and comes to help. He pulls Ab'Lon and Fweep out of the wreckage. He begs Bola to take Fweep to the Alliance. Bola responds by throwing Ab'Lon into the Sarlacc and taking the droid to find out how much the Empire wants for it
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Chuck Sperati - August 1994)

"SW Adventure Journal: A Deal Gone Sour." *[/b]
A Rebel astromech droid is being held hostage on Tatooine for 50,000 credits. The Rebels go to meet their contact in Mos-Eisley, a Sullustan named Rai-Kalei. At Chalmun's Cantina, the Rebels spot a detective for hire (one Nim Bola) getting dragged away by stormtroopers. He is the one who had the droid. To get him, the Rebels have to deal with his Twi'lek partner Tavri. They pay him, and Tavri tells them they have to help him rescue Bola before he will give them the droid. They help him break Bola out, and then are told to meet the droid, Fweep, at Bola's office. They also find an Imperial listening device. They outrun the inevitable ambush and races to Rai-Kalei's ship. They take off with Rai-Kalei, only to be attacked by a Dreadnaught and TIEs. Escaping that, the droid is given to the Alliance and the Rebels are commissioned in to Alliance Intelligence.
(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - Chuck Sperati - November 1994)

"Galaxy of Fear: Clones."
The Arranda's are in hiding on the planet Dantooine. Tash is having a problem with one of the native Dantari, Maga, who she thinks is trying to kill them. In addition, she is also having a problem with the growing temptation to use the Dark Side. She and Zak come upon the Jedi ruins, and decide to look for any Jedi relics to help Tash learn about the Force. She finds a group of Rebels who seem.... well.... not too bright. They are trying to get their spaceship (actually a flimsy model) working on behest of their leader. Tash is shocked to come upon a double of herself - an evil double who nearly kills her. She rushes back to the Dantari camp to find it in pieces - and Maga loudly accusing her and the Rebels of destroying it and taking his people prisoner. She finds out who the Rebel's leader is - Lord Skywalker?!? It seems to be - but he also seems fake. However, it does not matter, he wants the 'Shroud', and captures Hoole and Zak. Tash continues to search within the ruins and finds out what is happening - the evil double, Skywwalker, the Rebels - they are all clones. Clones that are being grown in one helluva hurry.

An entire army of clones - now including clones of Hoole and Zak - are after her. When she is caught, "Skywalker" reveals that he intends to build a clone race of soldiers and slaves. All he needs now is theShroud to get off the planet. Maga interferes long enough for the real Lord Skyawlker to arrive. Lord Skywalker faces off against his doppelganger, giving the Arranda's the chance to escape. With the Dantari freed, the Arranda's rush off-world. Skywalker rounds up all the clones, and presents the cloning machines and clones, to his parents.

The Tash Aranda clone is renamed Tara by the Skywalkers, and is taken for Sith training. The Zak clone is shown to be a force-sensitive, and renamed Jak. Now with positive proof that bothof the Aranda's are Force Sensitive, the Empire increases its efforts to find and capture them and Hoole.
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - July 1998)

February 21, + 2 ASW4
Taxes rise throughout the Outer Rim, with "Rebel attacks" given as the excuse. The money goes to Imperial weapons projects such as the Super Star Destroyers and the Death Star II.
"SW Adventure Journal."

"SW Adventure Journal: Laughter After Dark."
As smuggler Thaddeus Ross nurses his drink in a dingy bar on Najiba, Reuther the bartender asks what's wrong. Ross begins his tale, which starts seven years ago...

Ross and his partner Trep Winterrs are caught in the middle of a firefight as an Elomin protection scam goes awry. Ross takes a blaster bolt intended for Trep, and fades to unconsciousness as they reach his sentient ship, Kierra...

Awaking on Corellia, Ross discovers his wounds were tended by Saahir Ru'luv, a Twi'lek singer with whom he was involved in the past. They reconsummate their romance after Ross agrees to run a shipment for her. The job turns out to be gunrunning for the Rebel Alliance, and Saahir has another surprise for Ross: she's engaged to Juri Marbra, a Rebel commander. Angered by her Rebel ties and new lover, Ross stalks off.

The job goes smoothly, but the Rebel base is attacked by Imperial forces. Ross and Trep are forced to hole up with the Rebels. The final attack comes; Juri is killed and Saahir is badly injured. As she lies dying in Ross's arms, she begs him to forgive her for doubting his love and tricking him. Her last request is that he visit a grove of trees on the moon of Isamu, and find peace.

Here Ross's story ends, and Reuther tries to console him. His advice: after seven years, it's time to go to Isamu. So Ross and Kierra visit the grove, and he is finally able to forgive himself and Saahir, finally able to sleep in peace.
Summary by Andrew Lawson.
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Patricia A. Jackson - November 1997)

The Corncordat of Peace is signed on the war-torn world of Shiva IV.
The Marvel Series, Issue #53.

"SW Gamer: Fair Prey." *
In the town of Palisade, on the planet Kabal, a conman named Cecil Noone visits "the wealthiest Krish in the galaxy," a hunting fanatic named Tyro Viveca. He offers a gift - a Hapan Gun of Command. In fact, a prototype rifle version of the same. Noone offers one and a half million credits for it. Tyro says he will pay nothing - he knows Noone and his gang of thieves stole this Gun from a Bimm crimelord they killed. In doing so, they also betrayed their Hutt employer, who now wants them all dead. He makes him a counteroffer - he can leave with the clothes on his back.Ifhe makes it to the edge of Tyro's hunting grounds, he is free to leave Kabal forever. If he can avoid Tyro's hunting skills, that is. If not, well

Noone starts running. Using a multitool, he tries creating a skewer within a branch - only succeeding in impaling his right shoulder. Continuing on, he blunders into a cage - a force cage containing an angry Lamproid. But after a little telepathy - and the Lamproid learning that Tyro mounted her mate on the wall - the Lamproid helps Cecil escape. In return, the Lamproid attacks Tyro and his manservant. The manservant is killed, but Tyro manages to kill the Lamproid. Cecil, meanwhile, finds himself in a gravity trap - held down by waves of artificial gravity. Being slowly crushed to death, Cecil is unexpectedly rescued - his gang of thieves put two and two together, realised what was going on, and rushed in to save him. They leave an explosive for Tyro to come upon and take off. Sure enough, the hunter comes right up to it - and vaporised. The thieves rush to their ship, just barely escaping the Imperials
(SHORT STORY - Wizards of the Coast - Dan Wallace - December 2000)

March 26, + 2 ASW4
Cynabar's Infonet goes back online.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Kell Tainer becomes infatuated with Tuatara Lone, a beautiful holo-actress on Sluis Van, where he lives and works as a mechanic. He will be obsessed with her for three years, when he will find out that she is happily married with kids of her own.
"SW: X-Wing -- Wraith Squadron." Information byNathan Blumenfeld.

"SW Adventure Journal: The Draw."
Eager to visit her foster family, Mair Koda, an independent trader, lands on Vernet, but all is not well in the peaceful settlement. Her adoptive father, Arn Stonelaw, won't speak of what's wrong, but his son Yuri will. Yuri's brother Kristoff, and all of his friends, have been taken by the Imperials. They have been indoctrinated and are being trained as soldiers in a nearby garrison.

Yuri begs Mair to help him rescue Kris, and she eventually agrees. They infiltrate the base at night. While Mair, disguised as a scout trooper, keeps guard, Yuri sneaks inside the barracks to get Kris. Unfortunately, he finds that Kris is too brainwashed - he has no desire to leave, only wanting to serve the Empire.

Mair is forced to shoot a guard when he challenges her. The shot wakes all the boys, and Yuri must flee. He makes it to perimeter of the camp before Kris confronts him. Yuri makes one last try to convince him, but Kris is set on arresting the "traitor" and taking him to his superior for "painful interrogation." Mair pulls Yuri into a creek, and they escape to her ship.

As they leave the system, Yuri asks if it was necessary for him to leave. Mair tells him he would have been tortured as an example to others. But, she points out, there is some good news. Kris could have shot Yuri, but didn't - deep down, there is some part of him that still loves Yuri and won't hurt him. Yuri brightens at the thought, and vows that someday he will save his brother.
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Angela Phillips - November 1997)

Prince Isolder's older brother, Kalen, is killed by the pirate Haravan. The teenage Isolder goes undercover as a pirate and begins to hunt for Haravan. He is unaware that Kalen's murder was arranged by his and Isolder's own mother, Ta'a Chume.
"SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia" and "The New Essential Guide to Characters."[Page 86] Date corrected by Dan Wallace.

April 3, + 2 ASW4
The Rebel Alliance conducts a surprise attack on the Imperial Army-Navy Ordinance Center on Onderon, completely crippling Imperial resupply efforts in the Airon sector.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Mon Mothma finally agrees to establish a new main base world for the Alliance. The Alliance Corps of Engineers is sent to Hoth to finish the half-constructed base.
"The Essential Chronology"[Page 55].

The Empire discovers a Rebel base on the planet Nentan. Barely two months old, the base begins a hasty evacuation - but it is filled to bursting with civilians looking for passage to Rebel safeworlds. As General Carlist Rieekan continues the evacuation, Captain Bren Derlin sneaks past the invading Imperials' enemy lines and captures an Imperial transport which he uses to evacuate the remaining Rebels and civilians right under the Imperials' noses. Derlin is promoted to Major consequently, and assigned to the then-under-construction Hoth base with Rieekan.
"SW RPG Galaxy Guide 5: The Empire Strikes Back."

MI-726 is spotted sabotaging an Imperial facility. A 100,000 credit reward was offered for dismantle on sight by the Empire.
Conjecture from "SW Gamer #6." Entry by Chissdude10.

April 11, + 2 ASW4
The Empire cracks down even harder on the Kessel system, making Kessel Runs almost impossible. Glitterstim prices sharply increase as Cynabar's Infonet alerts all smugglers to stay away from Kessel for the time being.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Grand Vizier Sate Pestage steps down from his position, and secretly begins extensive Sith training under Emperor Skywalker.
"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook."[Page 37 - 38, 41, 64 - 65]

April 19, + 2 ASW4
Thanks to the raw materials shortage in the Outer Rim, 100 agingVictory-class Star Destroyers that have been languishing in Kuat Drive Yards for two years are refitted with a cheap hull plating called havod. This reddish armour makes all the Victory Star Destroyer's appear pink, infuriating the crews of those ships.
"SW Adventure Journal."
In response, Mara Jade orders the armor treated with a darkening solution, creating the Crimson Blood fleet

The Yinchorri overthrow Governor Wessel and his regime and joins the Rebel Alliance. As Rebel bases are established on Yinchorr, other Yinchorri city-states join the Rebellion as well.
"SW RPG II: Alien Anthology."[Page 117]

"Splinter of the Mind's Eye."
Lord Skywalker and Mara Jade are sent to Circarpous V (aka Mimban) to check on the progress of a labor-mining colony on the planet. There, they discover Halla, a failed female Jedi. Capturing him, the extract knowledge from her and turn her to the Dark Side, and then set out to find the Kaiburr Crystal, a gem that can amplify and clarify the power of the Force.
After some effort, they find the temple of Pomojema. Halla is sent to Coruscant for training, and Luke keeps the Kaiburr Crystal to use in the contruction of his next lightsaber.
(NOVEL - Del Rey Books - Alan Dean Foster -February 1978), (COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Terry Austin - December 1995 - June 1996)
"The Essential Chronology"[Page 54]

Tam Elgrin is born.
"Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand."

"The Lost Jedi: The Bounty Hunter."
As one of the few surviving Toprawa Rebels still bringing the fight to the Empire on Toprawa, with little success, Havet Storm returns from another fruitless mission. He confronts General Halmain over leaving Toprawa and joining the Rebel Alliance. However, Halmain has no idea where they are now that Yavin has been abandoned.

As Havet attempts to retire to bed, Imperials attack the building, killing General Halmain and an Alliance representative. Havet rushes into the battle, rescuing his comrades in the process. With the base overrun, Havet flees the Rebels' new forest base. Eager to escape Toprawa and find the Alliance, Havet and Surna concoct a plan to bust Surna's brothers ship, theRust Bucket, from Jabba the Hutt's impound. As Havet enlists the help of Al the Alchemist, he is confronted by Boba Fett. Havet escapes, and with Surna's brother Tann to help, Havet, Surna and Tann manage to steal theRust Bucket back and head to Yavin IV. After finding no evidence of the Alliance, they hear blaster shots and find the remains of an attack by Boba Fett, who had planted tracers on theRust Bucket. A group of Rebel scouts, sent back to Yavin to make sure nothing incriminating remained, had been ambushed by Fett.

Relying on Tann and Surna to find the Alliance and let them know of Fett's mission, Havet hides aboardSlave I to deal with Fett. He uses Arf to eavesdrop on a transmission Fett is making to someone someone Havet doesn't know, but is known the galaxy over as Lord Skywalker. Fett then leaves for Marranis with Havet aboard..

On Marranis, the rebels are captured by wraiths, indigenous lifeforms that lure victims into the desert with images of their own desires, until they die of thirst and can be eaten.

Havet has also, unknowingly, been captured by the wraiths. But as they tempt him into the desert with images of thre rebels, he is confronted by Fett. Fett also sees the image of Solo, and guns him down, but Havet fights him and escapes. As Havet sits there, dehydrated and thinking the rebels dead, Surna picks him up and explains what happened.
(CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE - Boxtree Books - Paul Cockburn -- 1993)

Shortly there after, Havet managed to make contact with the Rebel alliance, and joins up. He also meets fellow potiental Jedi, Brianna

May 3, + 2 ASW4
An Alderaan refugee camp on Maldra IV is incinerated by an Imperial task force led by Captain "Butcher of Baummu" Briera.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Corran Horn graduates from the CorSec academy and becomes a CorSec field operative.
"The New Essential Guide to Characters."[Page 78]

June 20, + 2 ASW4
The JAN bombs an underwater monorail on Albrae-Don as retaliation for Earnst Kamiel's execution. 4,000 people are nearly killed as a result.
"SW Adventure Journal."

June 26, + 2 ASW4
The Corellian Merchants Guild is expelled from the Corporate Sector.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Card Captor was the alias used by the Sullustan who served as the Alliance primary cell leader on Bespin's Cloud City, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. Card Captor held the rank of Captain, but his true identity was never revealed.
"Star Wars Gamer #3."

August 14. + 2 ASW4
Jatz musician Fitz Roi comes out of retirement and produces the albumTymin' Downband.
"SW Adventure Journal."

September 2, + 2 ASW4
The starliner 'Calabar Queen' explodes as it approaches Cadomai. The JAN claims responsibility. Several Moffs and governors are killed in the disaster.
"SW Adventure Journal."

"SW Role Playing Game II: Horning In."
Rumours circulate through the galaxy about the Quadronomic Fluxer - a fuel additive that could dramatically increase sublight speeds in small and medium-sized ships. A group of Rebels head to the Mid-Rim planet Nessem to take the plans for this revolutionary item. They find a brash Trandoshan mercenary, Ssorku, landing alongside them at the orbiting Nessem Shipyards. Ignoring him, they make their way to their contact, one Roald Lasdal. He tells them the Nessem government, to avoid a shooting war, have decided to offer the plans to the highest bidder at a sealed auction tomorrow. The plans themselves are being held in a newly-constructed capital ship. The Rebels decide to sneak into the ship and steal the plans, and Roald gives them a map of the ship's ventilation system. After a dangerous trip through the air shafts, the Rebels reach the ship's computer - and finds it wiped. Somebody has beaten them to the plans!

A few reptilian scales are found on the keyboard, and there are not many reptilians on the station, and the Rebels start hunting for Ssorku. They find him at a concert given by Hova Mensk and the Blurtones. Needless to say, the show ends abruptly in a blasterfight. Ssorku is gunned down, and the Rebels find the plans hidden in his kloo horn case. Now they just have to get off the station and out of the system
(GAME ADVENTURE - Wizards of the Coast - Jeff Quick - January 2002)

Rebel agents Tay Vanis and Yom Argo (aka "Tiree" and "Dart") help bring the Rebel message to the Iskalon system. In response, the Empire decimates the two agents' homeworld of Telfrey. Admiral Griggor Tower subjugates Iskalon under the watch of thousands of seatroopers. One of the natives, Kiro, is found to be a Force Sensitive and sent to Coruscant.
"SW Gamer: The Marvel Series."

September 13, + 2 ASW4
Admiral Thrawn returns to Coruscant after several years in the Unknown Regions.
"SW Adventure Journal."

The Rebel Alliance begins talks with the Twi'lek race on Ryloth to join them. The Emperess learns of this, but will not risk destroying Ryloth - one of the chief sources of slave labor to the Empire. Padme tries to destroy the would-be alliance by disuniting the Twi'lek clans and causing civil unrest.
Six months before "SW Adventure Journal: Idol Intentions."

September 21, + 2 ASW4
"Tombat" strikes again, filching the art collection of the Whiphid business tycoon Baron Galrowk.
"SW Adventure Journal."

"SW Tales: Outbid But Never Outgunned."
Boba Fett is on the warpath. A certain hologram has been stolen by the master of Eport (a galactic auction house), who is planning to sell it to the highest bidder. After feeding a reluctant contact to a hungry globblin, he views a holo the contact gave him - the aforementioned master of Eport, Pizztov. He tells him that if he wants the hologram back, he must travel to the city of Bidamount and pay him 6.5 million credits - as well as neverever intrude into his business. He has two days.

At Bidamount, Pizztov's condominium is broken into by a female bounty hunter named Sintas, who demands the hologram (he stole it from her). Fett appears and joins the fray. Holding a female servant hostage, Pizztov says he will kill her if the hunters do not let him go with the holo. Kill her then, they both say. Pizztov then throws the female into Sintas and bolts. Sintas guns him down from behind and picks up the holo - only to drop it when Fett shoots her arm. A wounded Pizztov climbs to his feet and shoots at Fett. He misses. Fett does not. Fett picks up the holo, explaining to Sintas that if she opened it, she would be dead. Pizztov had rigged it with a deathseal. Fett disarms the holo and activates it.

It shows Fett, Sintas and their newborn son.

Fett deactivates it and returns it to Sintas, then picks up Pizztov's body and walks away. Sintas protests - she is wounded! "Your wounds will heal." "Some never do," Sintas whispers with tears in her eyes
(COMIC SHORT STORY - Dark Horse Comics - Beau Smith - March 2001)

The Empire ends a small war between Kuan and Bordali, taking prisoners from both sides and making them slaves.
"TIE Fighter."

October 19, + 2 ASW4
Lord Skywalker is assigned to Admiral Ozzel's Death Squadron, which leaves Coruscant on a six-month mission to find Rebels. Skywalker himself requested the assignment, as he is increasingly obsessed with finding rebel Force Sensitives and Jedi.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Sheckil, an Imperial Lieutenant, is assigned to the Death Squadron and is placed in charge of the transport of dangerous prisoners. This man was a former warrant officer from the planet Concord Dawn, who joined the Empire as a security officer and quickly rose through the ranks. It was rumoured that he was Boba Fett's twin brother, although this was never substantiated.
Conjecture based upon "SW: Customizable Card Game."

"SW Adventure Journal: Small Favours."
At Kuat Drive Yards, Lord Skywalker meets with ISB Central Commander Sollaine and assigns him a mission: identify a deep-cover Rebel spy in the Imperial ranks and deliver him - alive - to Skywalker. Back at the Rebel fleet, General Airen Cracken calls veteran thief Cryle Cavv and orders him to find and rescue the same spy - Rivoche Tarkin, niece of the late Grand Moff Willhuff Tarkin. Her name will not protect her from a very public - and painful - execution if he fails. He will be partnered with a huge Velabri named Quillin Arkell. The thief tells Cracken he will request a small favor in return - if he succeeds.

Cavv and Arkell set out for Corulag. Meanwhile, on the Star Destroyer 'Devastator', Sollaine learns of Rivoche is treachery. He murders the 'Devastator's' captain when he refuses to go to Corulag at maximum speed and seizes control of the ship. Forget Lord Skywalker - he plans to deliver Rivoche to the Emperor and Empress themselves. In return for his prize, he plans to take command of theExecutoritself

When Cavv and Arkell arrive at Corulag, they find a huge fleet in orbit of the planet. It is an engagement party that Vader himself is attending. Rivoche is apparently getting married to Vastin Caglio, son of Moff Jamson Caglio. The 'Devastator'tears its way into orbit shortly thereafter, with Sollaine bullying and shooting his way to the surface in a shuttle as the Star Destroyer picks a fight and takes off.

Now undercover as partygoers, the two Rebels make their way to Rivoche. However, Sollaine is waiting for them just outside her quarters, with a squadron of Storm Commandos. Cavv throws a thermite bomb into the group and drags Rivoche and Arkell out of the palace. They rush to the nearest available landing site, which is the roof of the Royal Galaxy Hotel. Sollaine did survive the blast and quickly hires 40 mercenaries to get to the roof and help him catch Rivoche. Cavv, Rivoche, and Arkell discover the trap just in time and avoid the roof. Cavv calls in another favor and gets a Beylyssa lookalike named Finn Varatha. With that backup, they decide to rush the roof and take on all forty hunters. As they take them all (and Sollaine runs off), Cavv's ship the 'G Cat' (piloted by R2-RC) arrives. They are chased by the entire orbital fleet - and then the 'Devastator'returns. Thankfully, the timely arrival of the 'Executor'gives Cavv the chance he needed to escape. Lord Skywalker personally executes Sollaine for his blunders, and Cavv retains Arkell and Varatha for use in a Special Ops Group of his devising
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Paul Danner - February 1997)

Albecus, a nondescript planet located in the Core, becomes the site of an Alliance safehouse.
"SW RPG: Cracken's Rebel Operatives."

October 23, + 2 ASW4
After secretly being in existence for over two years, the Super Star Destroyer 'Executor'is officially unveiled to the galaxy at Kuat Drive Yards. Emperor and Empress Skywalker, Admiral Thrawn, and Grand Admiral Tigellinus are present at the ceremony. Three other Super Star Destroyers are reported to be in construction, to enter service in 16 months.
"SW Adventure Journal."
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Post by Solauren »

+3 ASW4

January 1, + 3 ASW4
New Year Fete Week is celebrated on Coruscant
"SW Adventure Journal."

January 9, + 3 ASW4
Free-traders all over the Outer Rim begin to be boarded and searched by Death Squadron.
"SW Adventure Journal."

Lady Skywalker and Imperial Supervisor Gurdun visit Mechis III, where the Arakyd Viper probe droid is being developed. Skywalker senses something is not quite right at the facility - for one thing, she cannot find a living soul around - but she shrugs it off.
IG-88 reprograms the new Vipers to spy for him as well as Leia, reporting on what they see.
"Tales of the Bounty Hunters: I Think, Therefore I Am - the tale of IG-88."

The planet Somavva is the first to report to the Independent Trader's Infonet that the Empire was boarding free - traders' ships, shortly before the Battle of Hoth.
"SW RPG: Star Wars Adventure Journal #14".

The Alliance Corps of Engineers declares Hoth base operational. The Rebel Alliance begins moving the bulk of its supplies to Hoth.
"Behind the Magic" and "SW Adventure Journal #3."

February 12, + 3 ASW4
"Tombat" strikes a Brentaal banquet attended by his pursuers, more to humiliate them than to steal anything.
"SW Adventure Journal."

March 31, + 3 ASW4
A smuggler enclave on Syvris is wiped out by Death Squadron, believing there to be Rebels at the hidden base. The moon, located on the border between Hutt space and Imperial - controlled space, is subjugated by Imperial forces. Many of the moon's residents were smugglers, who lived and worked at a shadowport located in its largest crater. They believed that the shadowport's location had been given to the Empire by Basz Maliyu. The shadowport had been run by Rance, but he perished in the attack.
"SW Adventure Journal #14."

After finally getting the Rebel base on Hoth up and running, Major Kem Monnon writes a summary of the process the Rebels used to turn the frozen world into a suitable base. At about the same time, employees of Durga the Hutt's Orko SkyMine Corporation submit a report outlining the mining opportunities to be had in Hoth's asteroid belt, but also mentions an incident when two mining droids mined each other, thus destroying themselves. The employee is soon executed, or so we are to believe.
"The Illustrated Star Wars Universe: Hoth Entry". Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler's Timeline Gold.

Dengar is hired by the people of Aruza to kill COMPNOR General Sinick Kritkeen. The bounty hunter listens in from afar as Kritkeen listens to the pleas of a poor farmer named Abano, whose daughter Manaroo is about to have her brain surgically altered to make her into a vicious Imperial servant tomorrow. Kriteen scares Abano off, and orders his troops to kill him and his wife after they witness the results of Manaroo's surgery. Dengar shows himself and murders Kritkeen. Then he has a look at this Manaroo, and tells her to leave the planet tonight. There is no ship that is allowed to leave Aruza, and she begs Dengar to take her with him. He takes her with him in the 'Punishing One'and drops her off at a backwater world, then continues his hunt for Solo.
"Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar." Moved at the advice of TalonCard.

Councilman Po Ruddle Lingsnot of the Exex on Bespin writes a glowing report of life on Bespin to attract visitors. He describes much about the general workings of Cloud City and the history of the planet. Most ironically, he mentions that Bespin's neutrality in the Galactic Civil War is working out well . . .
"The Illustrated Star Wars Universe: Bespin Entry". Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler's Timeline Gold.

"SW Role Playing Game: Graveyard of Alderaan."
Viceory Winter Organa of Alderaan learns how to summon the starship "Another Chance" and turns it over to the Empire. In appreciation of this, Lord Skywalker takes Winter has another of his lovers.
(ADVENTURE GAME - West End Games - Bill Slavicsek - 1991)

Isham served as a security guard on Coruscant during the last years of the New Order. He was the only survivor of his group, which was attacked by an unknown assailant who threw zenji needles at them.
"SW RPG: Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear"

Dengar plays a game of cards with a Rebel woman at a bar on the planet Toola. He tries to convince her to take him in as a Rebel, mentioning his vendetta against the COMPNOR redesign program. (It is really just a front to get him near enough to Han Solo to kill him. Dengar mistakenly believes from the reports of Han looking for rebel based, that Han works for the Alliance) He manages to convince her, and is told to go to Hoth.
"Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar."

With now 7-year-old Irek already well schooled in the Dark Side, Roganda Ismaren begins training him in the use of his converter, teaching him how to control machines with the Force. He is also given an accelerated learning course, bringing him up to university level in just a few years.
"SW: Children of the Jedi."

Shira Elan Colla Brie, an Imperial Intelligence operative and a Sith trained by Emperor and Empress Skywalker since birth, that was also biologically augmented by order of then Emperor Palpatine, infiltrates the Rebel Alliance. By providing Shira with a carefully fabricated history, Lord Skywalker arranges for her to infiltrate the Rebellion as a pilot. The city of Chinshassa on Shalyvane was resistant to Imperial rule. The entire city was razed to remind its inhabitants to fear the Empire, and to provide Shira with a credible background. Shira had little trouble joining the Rebellion after the Battle of Hoth. The Rebels were desperate for pilots, and she proved to be an exceptional one. Months pass, and no one ever suspects her true agenda....
"SW Galaxy Magazine: Lumiya - Dark Star of the Empire."
What only Luke, Shira and Mara Jade know is Shira is one of Luke's lovers. Like Mara, he is considering her to eventually become his wife

Iella Wessiri is assigned as the partner of Corran Horn at CorSec.
"X-Wing: The Krytos Trap"[Page 134]

Nevik was Captain of the Imperial Star Destroyer 'Devastator' during the period leading up to the Battle of Hoth. Nevik was killed by Agent Sollaine when he tried to assume command of the 'Devastator's' flight plans during the hunt for suspected Alliance undercover agents. Nevik's people believed an agent was in the Alfestril System, but Sollaine demanded the ship fly to Corulag. Sollaine used the power source in his cybernetic arms to electrocute Nevik in front of the entire bridge crew of theDevastator.
"SW RPG: Star Wars Adventure Journal #13".

The Empire, led by Imperial Moff Heedra, drives the Hutts out of the planet Lirra, who at the time is controlled by the Jhank Shelkajidic.
"SW RPG: Star Wars Adventure Journal #14".

The planet Asher III, an Alliance maintained staging base, is tracked down by the Empire and destroyed.
"SW RPG: Stock Ships - WEG Supplement".

"Galaxy of Fear: The Hunger."
Lord Skywalker summons Boba Fett to theExecutorand puts him on the Arranda's trail. They are already being hunted by nearly every bounty hunter in the galaxy. After a near miss at Nar Shaddaa, the trio rushes to Koaan to find a planet no Imperial has been to. Boba Fett has already snuck in to the 'Shroud' and attacks them. They jump out in a lifepod. Once at the Galactic Research Academy, no sooner do they find a suitable world - Dagobah - then Platt Okeefe and her gang barges in, fighting stormtroopers, and drags them along to the same world, Fett hot on their trail.

They land to find an abandoned settlement, the result of the first failed expedition to Dagobah. They find several starving humans, who claim to be the original explorers' children. Platt's ship begins sinking into the swamp, so they are stuck for the time being. Moreover, one by one, Platt's men start being eaten by.... something....

Zak discovers an "imp" that the children are terrified of. It is Yoda, who offers totrain Tash in the ways of thethe Force. He also finds the Slave I nearby. A little later, he finds the Children are gorging themselves. In addition, the clues point to the "food" being Platt's smuggler gang. Discovered by the Children, he has thrown into a cage - where Fett has already been thrown. They break out together and find Tash and Yoda. The Children attack, and Zak and Fett both fall into the dark side cave....

There, a vision shows the Children just how horrible their acts have been. Disgusted at themselves, they slink off, and Fett and Zak rejoin the others. Zak has realised that he is Force-sensitive too. Fett is chased off by Platt and her gang. Yoda had let Zak alone to face this crisis and defeat it himself. He promises the two children will grow in the Force together.Yoda agrees to train them to beome Jedi Knights.
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Books - John Whitman - October 1998)

Boba Fett reports the presence of Yoda and the Aranda's to Lord Skywalker. Luke decides to wait before dealing with them. Yoda is about to provide the Sith with two more trained Knights!

"Galactic Battlegrounds: Darth Vader's Search for the Rebels. (continued)"
Lord Skywalker takes a starfleet into the Outer Rim in search of the Rebels, but the trail quickly grows cold. Frustrated, Skywalker decides to blow off steam by visiting Zaloriis, a minor world that has not paid its monthly tribute to the Emperor on Coruscant. He visits Minister Transe Decaar - who abruptly ambushes Skywalker and his troops with his own soldiers and declares Zaloriis's independence! Skywalker immediately kills Decaar and the separatists, rescuing his troops. He then learns Colonel Maximillian Veers has been taken captive and is being taken to Zaloriis City for execution. His prediction about Veers fresh in his mind, Skywalker takes his troops to Zaloriis City for a rescue. Veers returns with Skywalker to the base of Fondor II, then leads Skywalker to his secret lab base of Camp Culroon to show off his new improved model AT-AT. The AT-AT becomes the center of a punishing army Skywalker raises to blast the renegade Zalorrians to bits. Zaloriis City is completely destroyed, and Veers receives his promotion to General upon giving Skywalker word that the Rebels may be somewhere in the Elrood system
(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous Authors - November 2001)

[n]May - July +3 ASW4

Squadron Commander Narra and an entire contingent of starfighter pilots are killed in a failed shipment of supplies from Derra IV to Hoth. The fighter squadron that kills them is the 181st, led by Soontir Fel, following a plan laid out by Admiral Thrawn.
The Empire radio program and "X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Making of Baron Fel."

Tem Chesco finally arrives on Tatooine.
Conjecture based upon "SW Galaxy Magazine: Tales From Mos-Eisley"[Spring 1995]

Dralla, a member of the Alliance, was a veteran of the Battle of Derra IV. There, Dralla witnessed how the Empire destroyed the Alliance's GHT-series medevac droids, preventing the Alliance from maintaining their field medical units.
"SW RPG: Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids."

Corran Horn's mother, Nyche, is run over and killed by a drunk landspeeder driver.
"The New Essential Guide to Characters."[Page 78]

Deen Voorson is hired to adapt the airspeeders on Hoth to the extreme cold. He later describes it as "the most difficult job I have ever done."
"SW Adventure Journal: Slaying Dragons."

Lady Leia Skywalker, along with Captain Han Solo, Commander Chewbacca, and the royal families droids, head to Super Star Destroyer Executor to assist Lord Luke Skywalker in his mission to find the rebel base.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away .

The Rebel Alliance is in hiding on the icy planet of Hoth. The Empire is searching the galaxy system by system, sending probe droids to various worlds.

Havet Storm, the Force-Sensitive grandon of a Jedi Knight has joined the rebellion in hopes of finding a teacher. One comes to him in a dream, where his grand father, Morvet Storm, tells him to go to Dagobah, to be trained by Yoda, "the Last Jedi Master."

The day of Havet's dream, the rebels investigate signs of a spy outside the base, only to encounter a probe droid. They destroy it, but it's already sent its findings....

The Imperial Death Squadron, under the command of heirs to the empire, Lord Luke Skywalker and his sister, Princess Leia Skywalker, receives the probe information and heads to Hoth at top speed.
add in

"Force Commander: The Battle of Hoth." *
Over the past three years, Brenn Tantor has risen through the Imperial ranks to General. He has pursued Rebels and eliminated pockets of them all over the galaxy, and earned a name for himself in the Empire. Now the Empire has discovered a Rebel outpost on Hoth.

They would have simply bombed the base from orbit and been done with it, but due to Admiral Ozzel's incompetence, the Rebels were alerted to the Imperial presence and had time to erect a planetary shield. General Veers and his force of At-AT's are placed under Brenn's command, and he is ordered to have them destroy the shield generator to make way for Lord Skywalker and his troops to storm the base.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Various writers - March 2000)

The Rebels face a gruelling evacuation and ground battle, with AT-ATs pounding the base and swatting down snowspeeders. In all, sixteen Rebel transports are destroyed. Despite all this, the rebels, for the most part, make it off Hoth flying to a rendezvous point on the Galactic Rim. Havet Storm however, takes an X-wing and heads to Dagobah, followed by fellow Rebel Force-Sensitive and Jedi hopeful, Brianna

After the battle, the Imperials begin stripping Hoth base for any information they can find, while Lord Skywalker orders pursuits on lone rebel ships that were tracked going into hyperspace. Two X-wing's in particular seemed to be heading in the opposite direction of the main fleet, something that raises Skywalker's curiousity. He also senses something, perhaps Strength in the Force, from the pilots.

In the meantime, Captain Solo, realising they are near Bepsin, decides to take Leia on a sort of working vacation, and offers to take her to Cloud City. Leia, desiring such a break, and the resulting romantic interlude with Han, readily agree's. They leave the droids behind, and depart

The 'Millennium Falcon' arrives at the tibanna gas colony Cloud City on Bespin - owned by a former friend of Han's, Lando Calrissian. They are greated warmly, and at Leia's request, there presence is kept secret. After all, she's on vacation. Lando agree's, and after a discussion with Han, she decides to recruit him into the Empire after she has gained his trust.

Meanwhile, Brianna and Havet Storm arrive on Dagobah, where he soon encounters Yoda, along with two other Jedi learners, Tash and Zak Aranda. Yoda begins training Havet and Brianna as well.

2 weeks after his sister and her lover depart, Lord Skywalker is contacted by the Emperor and Empress. There has been a distrubance in the Force. New Jedi are being trained somewhere in the area of space Lord Skywalkers fleet is in. Luke vows to find this Jedi training centre and destroy it. Mara Jade is sent to assist him in this endeaver. Inspired by this, Lord Skywalker summons the best of the best of the galaxies Bounty Hunters to Executor after Mara arrives. The Bounty Hunters mission: Find the X-wing's Luke noted two weeks prior. It may lead them to the Jedi training centre.


Dengar flew right into the Battle of Hoth and was picked up by the Imperial fleet. Skywalker meets with him, allowing him to live only on the condition that he finds and catches the 'Lone X-wing'. (This meeting is what inspired Vader to call the other bounty hunters later.) He heads after the X-wing, but his ship is disabled by a bomb Fett placed inside the 'Punishing One'.He limps to nearby Bespin.,
"Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar."

Add in:
During the hunt for the 'two rogue X-Wings',IG-88 took the opportunity to hack into the 'Executor's' computer and download its entire databank. However, he is caught in the "electronic act" by Artoo Detoo. With the Executor's security forces now after him, IG-88 becomes involed in a running fire-fight with Stormtroopers. He arrives at the main hanger to find the IG-2000 destroyed, and the Skywalker's droids backed up by a sqaudron of supposedly destroyed Phase 1 Darktroopers, as well as a Phase 2. Threepio, Artoo, and the Phase 2 Darktrooper open fire on IG-88 with Ion Guns while the Phase 1 Darktroopers close to melee. IG-88 is overwhelmed and captured. Lord Skywalker has Artoo pull a data dump from IG-88, and the Empire learns of the exsistence of the other 3, as well as there location on Mechis III.

Lord Skywalker contacts Boba Fett and puts him off the Jedi hunt for a side trip. He orders him to Mechis III, along with several squadrons of Stormtroopers that will be placed under his command, to capture the other three copies of IG-88. 4 weeks later, he returns to Executor with the copies. Lavishly rewarded, Boba Fett returns to the hunt for the Jedi training centre.
Variated from "Tales of the Bounty Hunters: I Think, Therefore I Am - the tale of IG-88."

Another 6 weeks pass.

On Bespin, Leia has won Lando's confidience, and is trying to convince him to join the Empire as minister of commerance. Lando, not wanting to give up his freedom and Cloud City, is relucant. All that changes however, when 2 squadrons of X-wings arrive and attack cloud city. (X-wings built at the captured Incom Facility). Knowning Cloud City lacks sufficiently capable fighters to drive off the rebels, Leia sends a top priorty summons to any imperial forces in the area, and sends Han and Chewbacca out in the Falcon to shot down the X-wings. In gratitude, Lando joins the Empire. Soon after, with Lando the Falcon, Leia, Han and Chewbacca had for Super Star Destroyer Executor.

Add in:

Dengar arrives on Bespin, where he runs into Manaroo (working as a dancer in Cloud City). It seems she has been looking for Han Solo as a way to repay Dengar for saving her. The two find themselves growing quite close. Suddenly, Bespsin falls under attack from Rebel X-wings, Dengar and Manaroo rush out and leave the planet in the repaired 'Punishing One'.They decide to head toward Tatooine. They grow still closer on the journey, and Manaroo uses an Attanni to allow Dengar to feel emotions again - her emotions. Love. Remorse. Conscience. They change course and head to Aruza, where Dengar gets her parents off the planet and out of the Empire's grip.
"Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar."

Arriving near Dagobah, after capturing IG-88 for Lord Skywalker, Boba Fett, remembering his previous encounter with Yoda, and the Aranda's attempts to land, but instead jumps to hyperspace instead. After several more, unsuccessful landing attempts, concludes this is probably the place, and sends a call to Lord Skywalker, stating simply "X marks the spot". After Leia returns, Executor jumps to Dagobah

Over Dagobah, the Super Star Destroyer Executor arrives, and the Sith sense the presence of Yoda, as well as 4 potientail Jedi below. Taking down an assault shuttle, and using the Dark Side, they locate Yoda's hutt. After using the shuttles weapons to destroy Storms X-wing to prevent them from leaving, and confirmingthe Shroud is nowhere in the system, they land and are confronted by Yoda, as well as his trainee's.

A Vicious battle erupts. While Mara captures Storm and the Aranda's, Luke and Leia square off against Yoda. The little Jedi master tries does his best, but is overwhelmed by the Skywalkers and falls to their Force lightning. Horrified, Havet Storm leaps to the attack, and falls to the Dark Side himself. Taking the four Jedi trainee's, the Sith leave Dagobah, and head back to Coruscant.

(MOTION PICTURE - 20th Century Fox / Lucasfilm - Lucas/Brackett/Kasdan - 21 May 1980)
(NOVELISATION - Ballantine / Del Rey Books - Donald Glut - May 1980)
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - Aug 1980 - Jan 1981)
(RADIO DRAMATISATION - Highbridge Audio - Brian Daley - 1983)
(MANGA COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Toshiki Kudo - 1999)

Alliance operatives are sent to the Inner Rim and Expansion Region, to search for tibanna gas deposits on gas giant planets in the Lequabis, K'taktaxka, Poviduze, and Kelavine systems and the Shasfath Cluster.
"SW Adventure Journal."

The 'Visage' Imperial-class Star Destroyer was outfitted with enhanced sensors and communications packages, and was assigned to map out unknown regions of the Outer Rim Territories during the years leading up to the Battle of Endor. Many Imperial officers considered the ship to be a joke assignment for lower-ranked officers.
"SW: Customizable Card Game."

An annoyed Imperial scout, Sergeant Pfilbee Jhorn is sent to Endor on a survey mission because the previous survey team had returned little useful information. After seeing everything from Ewoks to the Gorax, the team of nine Imperials is captured by the marauders led by Terak and tortured. Finally, they escape and three of the original nine manage to get off the planet with their pick-up ship. Jhorn files his decidedly harshly-worded report and is soon transferred to a solar focusing mirror above Coruscant (and then a stint in the deserts of Tatooine) for his insubordinate tone.
"The Illustrated Star Wars Universe: Endor Entry." Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler's Timeline Gold. Date corrected by TalonCard.

Imperial Intelligence roots out treachery within Galactic Electronics, a member of the Corporate Sector Authority. Members of the corporation were covertly selling mag pulse technology to the Rebel Alliance. This led to an Imperial punitive strike against a Galactic Electronics research platform.
"TIE Fighter: Space Combat Simulator."
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Post by Solauren »

"X-Wing Alliance: Prologue - Family Business / Joining the Rebellion." *
The Azzameen family, a group of free traders, has been doing business with the Rebel Alliance in addition to normal trading. This gets them into trouble when they deliver a load of cargo just in time for the Battle of Hoth. The YT-2000 vessel 'Otana'is damaged, and heads to a space station run by Antan Azzameen. Fearful of the Empire, he refuses to help his brother Tomaas. The 'Otana'limps back to the family station. At the station, the youngest of Tomaas' four children, "Ace," is given his first real mission as a family pilot. He flies with his sister, Aeron, to pick up fuel cells and coolant to repair the 'Otana'.Aeron is preoccupied - her boyfriend Olin Garn has joined the Rebellion as a starfighter pilot. When the Viraxo (a rival trading family) attacks Harlequin station (where the supplies are), Ace and Aeron fight them off.

Impressed by this, Ace's brother Emon takes him out for some gunnery practice. Ace takes the turret of the YT-1300 'Sabra'.He does so well that Emon takes him for some drinks at Dunari's Casino. Again those Annoying Viraxo are there, and security ships shoo off the two brothers. When Ace returns home, he learns Aeron accidentally erased the cargo records database. They head out to re-inventory their supplies, only to find that same Viraxo ship trying to plant a container of spice among their goods. Fed up, the Azzameen children sneak into a Viraxo base and hide the spice among their cargo for the Imperials to find, blowing up a few fighters in the process. Tomaas is upset at these events, but goes on with his plan to deliver bacta to the Rebels. The black market supplier tries to double-cross the family, but they are soon "convinced" to give up the bacta. Garn escorts the family to a space hospital where the wounded from Hoth are being treated. Suddenly, an Imperial attack force smashes into the hospital. The Rebels instantly come to the only possible conclusion - the Azzameens betrayed them! The family protests otherwise, but it's too late to talk - the Imperials blow the hospital to bits, taking Tomaas and eldest son Galin with it. The rest of the family barely makes it out alive. The Empire declares the entire family traitors, and orders their arrest. All their property will be seized and given to the Viraxo.

The family decides to flee to the Outer Rim. Antan and Emon goes to another base to grab supplies, Aeron, and Ace do the same to grab weapons. The Empire is waiting for both parties, along with the Viraxo - the ones truly behind the Azzameen's ruin. The Imperials seize the family station, blowing up the supplies and capturing Antan. Now only Ace, Aeron and Emon are left, and they decide they have nowhere else to go - whether they trust them or not, the Rebel Alliance is their only option. They join the Rebel fleet at the Outer Rim. Garn speaks on Ace's behalf, and he is accepted as a fighter pilot. He is trained flying a dangerous "salvage yard" of rings and floating debris, followed by a couple of low-risk attacks on Imperial targets. He excels, and is inducted into Red Squadron (assigned to the Calamari CruiserDefiance)
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - March 1999)

The Esstran Cordon, a deep-space void, was believed to have been devoid of any form of life according to Alliance starcharts at the time of the Battle of Hoth. However, Y-Wing pilot Zan Porpu mistakenly dropped out of hyperspace in this area, and discovered that the Empire was secretly testing TIE Fighter prototypes in the area. Porpu's ship was shot to bits, although it was believed Porpu managed to eject from the ship.

The Alliance turned to their new-found allies, the Bothans, in hopes that the Bothan SpyNet had any information on his disappearance. It was believed that Porpu inadvertently dropped out of hyperspace into a secret Imperial testing ground, and his Y-Wing was shot to pieces. Porpu was believed to have ejected before the fighter exploded, but his whereabout were never discovered. Many feared that he had been captured and interrogated by Imperial forces.
'SW RPG II: Rebellion Era Sourcebook'.

"The Marvel Series: Death Probe. (#45)"
The Alliance is scattered after Hoth. A lone Corellian gunship is attacked by an larger, more armoured version of the Imperial probe droid, which single-handedly slaughters the whole crew and takes control of the ship. The probe was created by Admiral Damon Krell, who is monitoring Probe 13-K's performance.

The probe rigs the ships reactor to overload, and after transmitting the co-ordinates for the rebel fleet from the gunships computer, jumps there, and the gunship explodes amongst the rebel fleet. Admiral Krell then takes his Star Destroyer there, and deals with several of the larger rebel capitial ships before a sucide attack destroys his ship.

Elsewhere, the Skywalkers are impressed with this tactic, and decide to adopt it themselves

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - March 1981)

"The Ewok Adventure: Caravan of Courage."
(TV MOVIE - MGM / UA - George Lucas / Bob Carrau - 25 November 1984)

General Maximillian Veers is the Empire's latest military hero, after the Battle of Hoth. Returning from a short leave, his son Zev is treated like a hero as well. By the side of his father, Zev went to endless celebrations and heard countless speeches about the glory of the Empire and how the Alliance was immoral and doomed to defeat. After Zev returned from the glamour and ceremony, he learned what the Empire really stood for. During a routine police action, Zev was assigned to bodyguard the battalion commander while he interrogated prisoners. Intending to harden the young man to the sight of torture, the commander, Ivo Laibach, showed off his ISB training. Zev was horrified as the Rebel, an old man, was beaten mercilessly and tortured. Even the other two "CompFarcers," boys younger than he, started turning green. Luckily for Zev, while the commander man - handled the local librarian, the real Rebels showed up. Laibach, idiot as he was, went outside "to take care of the nonsense" and got wounded by the Rebels for his trouble. It would be funny if it were not all so horrible. Zev came to a decision: he could not just let the old man die. So he untied the librarian and used a medpac on him - just as the librarian's daughter, the Rebel squad leader, came to the rescue. Initially she was distrustful of Zev, but she was won over by her father's sincerity. Zev was still taken as a prisoner, but not treated much like one. In the years since, Zev becomes a full - fledged Rebel.
"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook."[Page 22 - 23]

"The Marvel Series: Droid World. (#47)"
Needing his skills and services repairing a new type of Imperial warbot, the rebels manage to find and contact Kligson on "Droid World."a large space station built by the cyborg Captain Kligson and inhabited solely by droids. In return for the droid itself, the rebels will get a copy of the schematics. But when the rebel sent-droids get there, Kligson decides the "cheapjack" probot is not worth the trouble, and commands his lieutenant ZX3 (a stormtrooper-esque droid designed by Tagge Co., and rejected by the Empire) to remove the rebel droids restraining bolts.

Meanwhile, ZX3 heads to a hangar - which contains a nearly intact probot. Only a few parts from the damaged one are needed to make it operational - and give ZX3 the edge it needs to take over Droid World.

A huge battle ensures, wiping out most of Droid Worlds robot population.

Saddened by the destruction, Kligson gives the rebels the schematics, and then moves Droid World out into the Unknown Regions.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - May 1981)

"TIE Fighter - The Stele Chronicles." *
Maarek Stele, an ex-swoop racer from the planet Kuan, is now a technician who has been working in Repairs on the Imperial Star Destroyer 'Vengeance'for the past month. On a routine TIE Fighter maintenance check, Stele shows great affinity for piloting a starfighter, and is given a handbook on the basic functions of Imperial starfighters, as well as permission to use the starfighter simulators. He applies to the Imperial Navy, and due to his excellent simulator scores, is accepted. In addition, Admiral Mordon, in command of the 'Vengeance', notices certain qualities that he admires in Stele, and takes him as a confidante. Over time, they get to know each other, and they learn each other's backgrounds. Mordon was a pilot who wanted to explore, and Stele's motivation for joining the Empire is to find his father, who had gone missing in a war between Kuan and Bordal in Stele's youth.

Eventually, Admiral Mordon warns Stele that there is now a greater threat to the Empire than the Rebellion - that there is treachery in the air. He also advises Stele to approach the mysterious hooded envoys of the Emperor, members of his Secret Order, before missions for additional instructions. Soon afterwards, Mordon is killed under strange circumstances, and Stele is finding himself grilled for any information he can give about his former superior officer. He does, but later, a secret message is forwarded to him from the dead Mordon, warning him again about treachery in the Empire, and warning him to keep his eyes open.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1995)

Prince Xizor replaces most of his Star Viper fighters with the slower but more sturdy Supa Fighters.
"SW: X-Wing - Iron Fist."

"TIE Fighter - Tour of Duty #1: The Aftermath of Hoth." *
Before he had died, Admiral Mordon had promised to get Stele out of danger, and he did. Stele is assigned to the remote Imperial Platform D-34, guarding a major trade route in the Javin sector. He has been flying daily patrols and inspecting vessels detained by customs, but it has all been very boring. Now, however, this platform being so close to Hoth, things are looking to get a little more exciting.

One day, as he is inspecting a group of freighters, Stele discovers one is carrying Rebels, probably fugitives from Hoth. Stele patrols the area as a stormtrooper transport disables the ship and captures the Rebels. Major Thorbo, commanding officer on D-34, and Admiral Flanken, commander of the Imperial Star Destroyer 'Hammer', interrogate the prisoners, and learn that the Rebels are planning an attack on D-34. Before the battle, Stele is approached by a member of the Secret Order, who tells him that if he follows the secret orders given him, he will not only be serving the Emperor directly, but will be given a great reward. The pilots of D-34 and the 'Hammer' succeed in holding off the Rebel attack.

Stele is transferred to the Nebulon-B Frigate 'Fogger', where he makes some new friends. Soon enough, the Imperials are able to trace the origin of the weapons used in the attack on D-34, and the 'Fogger' is dispatched to destroy the Mugaari contraband depot. However, it seems that as the 'Fogger'was attacking the Rebel depot, the Rebels were staging a second assault on D-34, and have taken it. The 'Fogger' returns to D-34 supplemented by several smaller ships, and they smash the Rebels' forces and retake the Platform. It is discovered that the second attack on D-34 was staged from Calamari Light Cruiser 'Lulsla', in the Bruanii sector. Stele is ordered to lead a flight of Cygnus Star Wing Assault Gunboats in a strike against the 'Lulsla', and to destroy it. He succeeds at this task and also at capturing the escaping shuttle carrying the Rebel officers, a mission assigned him by the Secret Order.

Meanwhile, prominent Admiral Harkov has a secret meeting with Mon Mothma, offering to defect to the Rebellion with his significant fleet, as long as the price is right
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1995)

Emperor and Empress Skywalker, impressed with the performance of the Super Star Destroyers, commission the largest Star Destroyer class ever-larger than even the Super Star Destroyer. The first of these "Eclipse" class Star Destroyers is designated as their personal flagship.
A less powerful variant of theEclipse-class is created named the "Sovereign" - class (it still overwhelms the original Super Star Destroyer). The Emperor and Empress envision a fleet of these vessels. The first of the line, still under construction, is theSovereign. Other potential ships in the line include the 'Autarch', 'Despot', and 'Heresiarch'.
"SW RPG Dark Empire Sourcebook."[Page 87 - 89]

The Rebel Alliance tracks several of the prisoners the Empire took at Hoth to a prison installation hidden in an asteroid field near the Kessel Maw. Flying Y-Wings, Rogue Squadron disables the installation's shield projectors and then destroys the guard towers and communication facilities while the prisoners escape in an Imperial loader.
"Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II."

"Ewoks: The Battle for Endor."
(TV MOVIE - MGM / UA - George Lucas / Ken Wheat / Jim Wheat -24 November 1985)

The Empire, having learned of the Yinchorri joining the Rebel Alliance, smashes the star system with the full might of their warfleet. All Rebel bases are leveled, as are Yinchorri cities. The Emperor learns of this a month later, and orders all training facilities of his personal guard be consolidated there.
"SW RPG II: Alien Anthology."[Page 117]

While on an undercover mission, CorSec officer Hal Horn is brutally murdered by the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk in a tapcafe on Corellia, before his son Corran's eyes. Corran captures Bossk, but Imperial liaison officer Kirtan Loor lets the hunter go. Corran is unable to take revenge on Bossk due to Loor's Imperial ties. Horn's body is cremated, and his ashes jettisoned into space between Corellia and Selonia.
"X-Wing: The Krytos Trap"[Page 134]

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #2 - The Sepan Civil War." *
Shortly after the destruction of 'Lulsla',Stele is transferred from the 'Fogger' to Victory Star Destroyer 'Protector', commanded by Admiral Harkov. The 'Protector' is sent to the Sepan Sector, to quell a civil war between two races living there, the Ripoblus and the Dimok. Their first assignment is to come to the aid of a Ripoblus convoy under attack from the Dimok. Stele's orders are to leave several of the Dimok alive, though, to report to their superiors on the might of the Empire. Stele notices something strange aboard 'Protector' - morale is extraordinarily low and security is higher than he is ever seen it before; but he does not have time to dwell on these things before his next mission. It seems that in retaliation for the Dimok attack on the convoy, the Ripoblus are launching a strike on a Dimok installation. Stele and his fellow pilots are to hold off the Ripoblus forces, demonstrating that the Empire does not favor either side in the civil war, and to make sure that the Dimok installation is not destroyed. A group of Ripoblus scientists wants out of the war, and they ask asylum from the Empire. Stele is assigned to escort their stolen shuttles to the 'Protector' and protect them from attacking Ripoblus forces that do not want to lose the scientists.

Harkov holds a secret meeting with a Dimok representative, telling him that he will not supply weapons to the Dimok until he is paid in full. Meanwhile, Imperial Intelligence has discovered that someone is supplying the Dimok and the Ripoblus with Imperial weapons, and Stele is given the task of leading a mission to capture Ripoblus and Dimok leaders during a meeting between the two. 'Protector' is scheduled to receive a shipment of the new TIE Advanced Fighters, and Stele is ordered to patrol the area and keep an eye out for Ripoblus and Dimok forces. Stele and his squad hold off attacking forces, and during the battle he inspects an Imperial shuttle and finds a Rebel aboard, a Rebel who is escorted straight to Harkov's room. A member of the Secret Order approaches Stele and lets him know that it is suspected Harkov is planning to defect to the Alliance, and has been selling weapons to both sides of the Sepan War. Soon afterward, Harkov officially declares the Sepan war at an end, and informs both races that the Empire will not stand any further hostilities. Meanwhile, far away, Lord Skywalker learns of Harkov's illicit ties from another envoy of the Emperor, and demands evidence so that Harkov can be dealt with
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1995)

"X-Wing Alliance - Chapter 1: Clearing the Way." *
Ace Azzameen's first mission for the Alliance is to hit Imperial supply convoys in the hope it will force the Empire to draw resources off the intense search for Hoth's survivors. After successfully doing this, Ace learns from Emon that his brother Antan is still alive, but being held prisoner in a Viraxo base. The two raid the base together and gets Antan out safely. Ace then rejoins the Alliance and does some recon on an Imperial task force, destroying the probe droids that they launch. He learns that Admiral Garreth Holtz is leading the search for Rebels.

A Rebel informant learns that prisoners from Hoth are being shipped to labor camps. Ace and the Rebels get them out, getting offered free drinks in return. Aeron calls Ace, asking him to pick up a probot she discovered floating damaged out in space. After a harrowing chase by pirates, Ace gets the probot to her. He then rejoins the Rebels as they attack a repair crew meant for Holtz's damaged flagship, the Star Destroyer 'Corruptor'.Following hard on the heels of that is an attack on several Imperial relay stations, meant to mask the real assault on Sensor Array IOS 24. With the array gone, the Rebels slip through the "hole" in the Imperial sensor net and flees to the Outer Rim. Admiral Holtz is ordered back to Coruscant in disgrace, limping on a damaged hyperdrive all the way. Ace is awarded the Medal of Merit and transferred to the Calamari Cruiser 'Liberty'.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - March 1999)

Imperial Lieutenant Virar Needa begins service on Orbital Solar Energy Transfer Satellite 2711 over the planet Coruscant.
"X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble"[Page 321].

"SW Adventure Journal: Idol Intentions." *
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Patricia A. Jackson - February 1997)

Jodar Frein, an Alliance Lieutenant, is placed in command of Sandwind Team.
"SW RPG: Secrets of the Sisar Run".

The Empire conquers Gulma, a world inhabited by non-humanoid beings. An Imperial dungeon ship (theAzgoghk) is sent to Gulma to pick up Gulmarid by the thousands, ostensibly being relocated for their protection. Once aboard, the Gulmarid are beaten and separated. The old, very young, and weak are herded into chambers and ionized; the others are used as slave labor. TheAzgoghk's sadistic commander, Admiral Mir Tork, and his chief scientist Dr. Leonis Murthe conduct horrifying experiments on the surviving aliens.
"Boba Fett: Agent of Doom."

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #3 - Battle on the Frontier." *
Vice Admiral Thrawn, commander of the Star Destroyer 'Stalwart', has been given yet another task far below his capabilities. He is to crush the pirate activity in the Pakuuni system, to make safe the trade routes in that area. His plan is first to demolish the pirates, and then set up an Imperial presence in the system to keep the surviving pirates from restabilising themselves.

Meanwhile, in order to get their agent away from Harkov, the Secret Order has had Stele transferred to the Frigate 'Ludwick', led by Commander Buckeye, and part of the small force under Thrawn's command. They are to be part of the initial force sent in to scatter the pirates. Their first assignment is to destroy a significant pirate staging area. In TIE Bombers, Stele and his fellow pilots take out several pirate Corvettes, as well as many containers worth of the pirates' supplies.

Now that the pirates have been driven out of the area, the 'Ludwick' is ordered to hold the position secure while a convoy hypers in with supplies to begin construction of the new Imperial base in the sector. The station is constructed quickly, and named NL-1. The Rebels, not realising how firmly in control the Empire is in the Pakuuni system, stage an attack on NL-1, which is repelled by Stele and his wingmen.

Shortly after the Rebel attack, Thrawn decides upon a surprise inspection of his new base. All of the station's Fighters and Interceptors are undergoing repairs and maintenance, however, so his only escort is Stele and two wingmen flying TIE Bombers. The Rebels attack again during the inspection, and fortunately, Stele is able to hold them off - barely. Thrawn approves of NL-1's effectiveness, and he starts escorting in support troops and ships with the 'Stalwart'.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1995)

"The Marvel Series: The Crimson Forever. (#50)"
Dominia Tagge, while spliting her time between Sith training and running TaggeCo, discovers a new, lethal disease. The "Crimson Forever". The disease turns the victims eyes crimson, there there skin, then they die.

The disease is caused by two living gem creatures native to the Red Nebula, and area just outside the outer rim.. After moving them to Coruscant, the Sith begin experimenting with the gems, to turn the Crimson Forever into a viable biological warfare option.

The Skywalkers also order a squadron of Visage class Star Destroyers into the Red Nebula to explore beyond the edge of the galaxy
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - August 1981)

"SW Adventure Journal: Firepower."
An attempted smash-and-grab of an Imperial cargo carrier goes terribly wrong, and the remains of an X-Wing squadron flies back to Karatha empty-handed. The squadron leader, Stevan "Mak" Makintay is burning with rage over the defeat, one pilot killed. He is going nuts over how the Empire's winning everywhere lately - and his day does not get any better when a tech named Merinda suggests finding an expert to build replacement parts for X-Wings rather than going to steal them. He has just such an expert in mind - his ex-girlfriend, Ketrian Altronel, the reason his father stripped him of his noble title and sent him to a penal colony for a year. On Hargeeva, Ketrian is in the process of presenting now-Imperial Governor Makintay a new version of a mineral called ostrine. He likes what he sees, and declares it all top secret. Ketrian is escorted back to her hotel, where she meets with Mak. She does not want to listen at first, but Mak manages to persuade her to. However, he cannot persuade her to help. It soon becomes academic when the Imperials attack the hotel and captures them both, as well as a friend of hers named Alikka Nolan. She wakes up in a prison hospital, furious at Mak for getting her into this mess. She learns from Major Niall Pedrin just how ruthless the Empire can be - they are torturing and drugging Mak, trying to get the location of the Rebels from him. He plans to ship her to Coruscant tomorrow with her osirine to continue research. She begs Pedrin to let her talk to Mak, to try to find the base's location herself. In return, they will let Alikka go. He agrees.

Mak does not give her the location, and coldly tells her Alikka was tortured to death in front of him. The Imperial transport they are on is suddenly jumped by pirates, and the Imperials jump ship - leaving them stranded. They find themselves at a pirate enclave, with Ketrian growing sick from a slow -acting poison administered earlier by Pedrin. The two find their way to the Rebels, where Ketrian is cured. Now the two former lovers are lovers again - and Ketrian's alloy can now be used to improve the firepower of X-Wings
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Carolyn Golledge - November 1995)

"SW Adventure Journal: Desperate Measures."
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Carolyn Golledge - May 1996)

Dengar steals an Imperial prison barge with the Rebels' help, and uses it to get a hundred thousand Aruzans (including Manaroo's family) out of the Empire's hands and into safety.
"Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar."

Wade Vox stops on Tatooine while on a smuggling run. He buys a secondhand landspeeder from spacer BoShek (he later learns it originally belonged to Owen Lars, and was sold before he left the planet). When Wade refuses to pay Jabba the Hutt's protection taxes at Mos-Eisley spaceport, the enraged Hutt's henchman kidnap Wade, and Jabba forces him to participate in his sadistic activities. He manages to stay alive due to his emerging talent in the Force. Bounty Hunter Aurra Sing, feeling his presence, follows her instincts to Jabba's Palace. However, she finds it difficult to identify the Force-user because his powers are not yet developed, so she bides her time and waits.
"SW: Demolition."

"The Marvel Series: TheTarkin. (#51 - 52)"
Dying X-Wing pilot Maraba Tev rushes to the Rebel fleet with some shocking news. He dies from internal injuries before he gets there, but the nearest Frigate snags, disables, and tows aboard the X-Wing to find the corpse and a message canister.

General Rieekan reveals their mission: the Empire has constructed a stripped-down version of the Death Star's superlaser near the planet Hockaleg, dubbed "TheTarkin." No starfighter attack will succeed - they have to go in undercover and sabotage it. The group is being lead by Colonel Tyneir Renz, a Jedi Knight that served the Old Republic.

While they board, Lady Skywalker and Captain Solo realise there are rebel's aboard the 'Tarkin' as well, and orders all security pulled from the reactor system. Lady Skywalker orders troops to cover escape routes, they decide the time has come to act.

Lady Skywalker waits at the main reactor, and confronts Colonel Renz. The Sith Lord and Jedi Knight duel, and Chewbacca fires a dart loaded with Sith poison and Sithim juice into Renz. Leia hammers him down with the Force, and Han and Chewbacca drag Renz off to a detention cell while the Sithim does it's job. Leia goes and hunts down the other rebels, using Force Lightning to incapacitate them, then using the Dark Side to alter there memories to believe they riged the Superlaser to explode, but Colenel Renz was killed protecting them as they departed. After arranging an impressive pyrotechnic display to convince the rebellion the Tarkin was sabatagued, she them lets them steal a shuttle and leave.

The Tarkin is then moved to the Unknown Regions to be used as part of the Sith's master plan to elminate the rebellion at Endor

(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - September-October 1981)

Oola is captured on the planet Ryloth by Bib Fortuna and sold into slavery as a dancer of Jabba the Hutt.
"Tales from Jabba's Palace" and "SW RPG Trilogy Special Edition Sourcebook." Oola met Luke Skywalker during his Tatooine 'vacation' in "Shadows of the Empire" four months later.

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #4 - Conflict at Mylok IV." *
Stele is transferred yet again, to another frigate - the 'Shamus' this time, under the command of esteemed Admiral Zaarin. At around this time Stele is really beginning to gain a reputation among the other pilots - for being transferred often completely randomly, and for going off seemingly on his own initiative and turning up rebels and weapons and other such.

Admiral Zaarin has been negotiating with the Habeen for new starfighter hyperspace systems that they have been developing, but the Habeen's allies, the Nharwaak, do not think the technology should be supplied to the Empire. The Habeen send a convoy to rendezvous with 'Shamus' containing prototype hyperdrives for the new TIE Advanced, and Stele and his wingmen are given the task of destroying any Nharwaak attack on the convoy, which they do.

The Nharwaak, in return, decide to supply the Rebellion with those same prototype hyperdrives. Zaarin, through his Habeen contacts, learns this, and decides that it is time to take care of the Nharwaak. Stele and his squadron are assigned several TIE Bombers and given orders to destroy the Nharwaak base at Mylok IV. Stele succeeds in the attack, destroying the hyperdrive technology before it can be delivered to the Rebels. The Nharwaak stage an immediate reprisal, and launch an attack on the Habeen Research & Development base. He is given the task of destroying the attacking Nharwaak Y-wings before they can destroy the Habeen base.

Admiral Zaarin arranges a formal rendezvous with the Habeen at Mylock IV for the following day. There, he and the Habeen leaders are to formalise their technology deal. The Habeen will be granted full Imperial citizenship, and Zaarin hopes to gain favor with the Emperor for gaining the hyperdrive technology. Intelligence discovers that the Nharwaak are still dealing with the Rebels, and task Zaarin with ending that deal once and for all. Zaarin follows the Nharwaak convoy to their rendezvous with the rebel Frigate 'Xerxes', and destroys all ships in the convoy, as well as the Rebel frigate. Meanwhile, Stele has been examining his priorities, and he finds that he does not hate the Rebels, and finds no joy in killing them. Now it is just duty.
My thanks toNathan Blumenfeld for writing this summary!

(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1995)

A stripped-down and slightly more economical version of the TIE Advanced enters Imperial service. This version's solar wings are a cross between "Vader's" and the TIE Interceptor's.
"TIE Fighter."

After having been in secret construction for two years at an unknown location, it is decided to move the half-finished Death Star II to a new remote location, one the Rebels are not known to frequent. Following a recent scouting expedition there, the planet Endor is decided upon as the new construction site and the station is equipped with a hyperdrive for the journey there. En route to Endor, the Death Star II's superlaser is successfully tested on a Rebel base on Drinba IV.
Conjecture from various sources, including the Ewok TV-movies and the "Death Star" video boardgame.

Kir Kanos and Carnor Jax are trained on the planet Yinchorr to be Royal Guards for the Emperor and Empress. Both are found to be Force-Sensitives, and they start receiving Sith training as well.
"Crimson Empire." Date locked by "SW RPG II: Alien Anthology."[Page 117]
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Post by Solauren »

Igar, an Imperial Commander was a native of the planet Kuat, and was regarded by his superiors as a natural leader. He served under General Veers as part of the Blizzard walker unit that took part in the Battle of Hoth. Later, he was personally assigned to coordinate the surface defense of the forest moon of Endor by Lord Skywalker, during the construction of the second Death Star. In this role, Igar was in command of the speeder bike squadrons, which patrolled the Imperial garrison.
"SW: Customizable Card Game."

Wuta is the first Ewok to notice the Imperial presence on Endor.
"Decipher Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Endor Pack."

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #5 - Battle for Honour."
The Emperor's Secret Order is closing in on Harkov, and they want an agent, namely Stele, on the scene, so he is transferred back to the 'Protector'. Meanwhile, Harkov's defection is rapidly drawing closer, and he gets word from one of his advisers that Stele may be a spy, so he orders an accident arranged. An envoy of the Emperor approaches Stele and tells him to keep his eyes open, and that if things get sticky, to call for reinforcements; they will be standing by.

Stele is ordered on a training mission with two rookies to destroy a small minefield, showing the rookies how it is done. However, one look at his wingmen tells him that these are no rookies, and he knows this is when the bantha poodoo is going to hit the ventilation system. When they open fire on him during the mission, he calls for reinforcements as advised, and the modified Frigate 'Osprey' jumps into system to pick him up, and launches several fighters to clear the way for him.

Now that the Empire has evidence that Admiral Harkov is up to no good, they can start actively attacking him. After the betrayal, however, Stele wants nothing more to do with this assignment, until a member of the Secret Order lets him know that it was Harkov who murdered Admiral Mordon. The 'Osprey', along with Stele, start out by destroying a Rebel base that they suspect has been supplying Harkov with materiel. Next, they attack a supply convoy rendezvousing with the 'Protector', and discover in the assault that Harkov is no longer on board his flagship. They trace his location to Rebel station DS-3, which they subsequently attack, flushing Harkov out. Not only does the Empire capture Harkov, but they have also gained a new deep space station.

Mara Jade personally leads Harkov's interrogation, but the defector dies before disclosing the location of his fleet. Stele is promoted from Captain to Major in the Imperial Navy.
My thanks toNathan Blumenfeld for writing this summary!
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1995)

When a delegation of Partolds visit Jabba, his protocol droid mistranslates the envoy's compliment into a vulgar insult. The envoy is fed to the Rancor. The next day, when the upset delegation refuses to pay any tithes to Jabba, and the mistranslation is discovered, the droid is slowly disintegrated over ten shifts, all the while protesting that it was reprogrammed by a palace guard.
"Tales of Jabba's Palace: A Bad Feeling - the tale of EV-9D9."

"Force Commander: Surprise at Endor." *
General Brashen tells General Brenn Tantor that a new Death Star is being constructed above the forest moon of Endor, but before the Empire can put it to any practical use, they need to build a shield generator on the Sanctuary Moon. Brashen has selected three possible construction sites, and orders Brenn to scout them out and decide which is most ideal. He proceeds with his mission, but when the native Ewoks interfere, it turns into a bloodbath, and the Empire manages to make a new enemy.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Various writers - March 2000)
Curious about the Eworks, Lady Skywalker has Captain Solo and Chewbacca take her to Endor, where she senses the Nightsister Charal. After meeting with her, Charal is recruited into the Sith. Leia also makes contact with the Ewoks, and pays them off handsomely, in terms of materials, weapons and other resources, in exchange for them staying away from the Endor complex. In exchange, then the Empire leaves, the Eworks will be given herd and pack animals. The Ewoks agree, and the Empire carefully marks there border with the natives. When her parents ask her why she bothered, Leia replies:
"There teddy bears. I don't want the master plan to fail because of them, and I have sensed the Force potiental in at least two of them. They might be useful later."
Leia is referring to Teebo and Logray

Dyer, an Imperial Colonel was assigned to coordinate the defense of the control bunker on the forest moon of Endor, as part of the garrison stationed there during the construction of the second Death Star. A natural leader, he worked well with Moff Jerjerrod during the initial planning phases of the installation's security measures. Among the defences they developed was the reserve force of stormtroopers and other personnel maintained outside the main bunker, which could arrive shortly after an invading force and wipe them out.
"Star Wars: Customizable Card Game."

An Imperial mining operation draws immense amounts of raw material from the crust and mantle of the planet Eloggi to construct the second Death Star. The planet Eloggi circles the same sun as the gas giant Endor. It is the world closest to the forest moon.
"SW RPG: Dark Force Rising Sourcebook."

To maintain secrecy around the Death Star II construction at Endor, the Empire establishes the Sanctuary Pipeline - an artificial hyperspace lane created with the help of hyperspace boosters and the clearing-away of space debris. The Pipeline ends in the Murk system, where a cargo transfer station is established. The freighters come and go not knowing where their cargo is bound; the material is taken in secret to nearby Endor. The Endor system's outermost world of Dor is stripped of its' immense mineral wealth for use in the building.
"SW Gamer #9: Endor and the Moddell Sector."

"The Marvel Series: The Last Gift from Alderaan / A Stranger Among Us. (#53-54)"
One of the many probe droids sent to search for the hidden main Rebel base (which was just attacked on Hoth) discovers a Rebel base on Taul in the Gunthar system and destroyed by Rebels of the world's small outpost before it could send its report. When no word is received from the probe droid, the Dominator is sent to check out what has happened. The result is a major ground battle between Imperial and Rebel ground forces in the swamps of Taul.
Conjecture based on 'Uninvited Guests'. Borrowed with thanks from Nathan Butler's Timeline Gold.

"X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 2 - Secret Weapons of the Empire." *
Ace Azzameen is transferred to the CRS 'Liberty', which is investigating a strange rash of attacks on civilian and Rebel cargo ships in the Vilonis Sector. En route to the 'Liberty', Ace and another pilot are drawn off by a distress call. They find a cargo convoy being cut to shreds by a strange new variety of TIE, flanked by an escort cruiser. Ace and the pilot beat off the attack and join the 'Liberty', where Ace receives the Kalidor Crescent for his bravery. The Rebels move out to capture some TIE prototypes for reverse engineering. They manage to capture two distinct brands of prototypes and an ETR. Ace is then summoned by Antan to join Emon in an attempt on K'Arymn Viraxo's life as he heads toward a resort in the Destreg II system. It turns out to be a setup, as the Viraxo yacht is found to be empty and bounty hunters ambush the two brothers. They manage to escape.
The Rebels learn that the TIEs are unmanned, remote controlled by the ETRs. Intelligence uncovers a production facility that commandos raid (with Ace and the pilots covering). They raid the computer core and then destroy the facility. They find the project, led by a Director Lenzer, is an attempt to create fully automated droid TIEs - TIEs incapable of fatigue or error, and totally loyal to the Emperor. After fending off an ambush on the 'Liberty'by these new TIEs, the pilots attack Lenzer's facility and destroy it as well as a Master Control ship built for the project. Lenzer flees, and is believed killed. However, the project is not completely lost - Admiral Zaarin does manage to capture the facility's computer core, almost intact
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - March 1999)

Lord Skywalker contacts Admiral Zaarin after the Secret Order informs the Sith lords of these events, and demands a copy of the computer core to be sent to Coruscant.

"The Marvel Series: Plif. (#55)"
The Rebels have finally found their "Salvation" - a new base world called Arbra. They have also found a race of incessantly cute pink-furred, long-eared bunny rabbits called Hoojibs. The fleet is awaiting word in orbit as scouts check out the planet. That night, their base is suddenly drained of power by the Hoojibs, who seem to feed off it. They reveal they are sentient, communicating by telepathy. The spokes-Hoojib, Plif, explains that they needed the energy, because a flying green creature called a Slivilith has taken up residence in the crystal-filled cave they usually get energy from. The Rebels and Hoojibs team up to impale the Slivilith on the crystals in the cave. The giant cave is the perfect location for the new base - but the Hoojibs do not like the idea of the Rebels moving into their home. The dispirited Rebels decide to leave - until Plif invites them to stay as "guests.... indefinitely." Within a few days, the Rebel Alliance starts to move in.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - January 1982)

"Luke Skywalker's Race Against Time."
The Rebels have learned that the Emperor has discovered where the Rebels hide their supplies and is dispatching a ship to destroy the hideout. Rogue Sqaudron rushes to protect the base. En route, the X-wings fly into a flock of mynocks. One mynock manages to grab on to an X-wing and chew through a wire sending the ship out of control. The other X-wings fight and lose to the Tie Advanced squadron sent to destroy the rebel base. Lord Skywalkers Dark Squadron, lead by Commander Wedge Antilles.
(CHILDREN'S BOOK - Fun Works -- John Whitman - 1998)

"The Marvel Series: Sundown. (#58 - 59)"
Several rebels take off from Arbra on a mission while the Rebels consider a desperate ploy - hiding the fleet in Arbra's sun. With the aid of a Kertsbhrg generator, the fleet is put in hiding just in time as Imperial fighters fly by the system. A rebel droid discovers the generator is malfunctioning and undergo a dangerous spacewalk to connect the generator to a cruiser to boost the shields.

The rebel group arrives at the spaceship / market of Bazarre, to be met by Orion Ferret, head of the station. He has got the four TIE's they have wanted on Patch-4, a disposal planet. They take a small shuttle out there, but find the TIEs guarded by a huge snake-like critter....

They are saved by a group of intergalactic hoboes, who explain that Ferret owns "Ceasar." They help them knock out the monster. Then the Rebels return to face Ferret on Bazarre. After harassing him and telling him they gave the hoboes the means to control Ceasar, they return to Arbra with the TIEs.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - April-May 1982)

"The Marvel Series: Shira's Story. (#60 - 63)"
With the TIEs captured from Ferret, Rogue sqaudron, lead by Shira Brie, is able to smash an Imperial outpost, as well as gain info about a secret armada the Empire is assembling. Shira asks to return to her home of Shalyvane for a while. The rebel leadership agrees, and she is accompanied by Rogue Squadron. At an ancient ruin in the ruined town of Chinshassa, Shira performs what seems a religious ritual - one that has interrupted by the same group of barbarians that destroyed that town and Shira's family. She explains her life story - how the barbarians were in league with Imperials who destroyed the town due to feared insurrection. The ritual she was performing was in memory of her family and that tragedy. Shira almost singlehandedly fights her way past the barbarians and gets the Rogues off Shalyvane.

When they return, Shira is honoured with the Burdine Cluster and a promotion to Captain. Now it is time to infiltrate the armada, currently en route to Coruscant with a Teezl - an organic communicator, last of its kind. Shira and Rogue Squadron fly into the armada with the stolen TIEs, and starts hitting ship after ship. The armada's commander, Admiral Giel, tries to use the Teezl against the Rebel TIEs

At this point, Shira reveals her true colors, and using the Dark side of the Force, hunts down and kills all the members of Rogue Squadron but one, who managed to shot her down before begin forced to withdraw. The Aramada jumps to Coruscant, and the Teezl is installed in the captial, giving the Empire a major edge in the war.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - June-September 1982)
Shira is returned to Coruscant. There, the Emperor's scientists use their most advanced cybernetics to save her. Soon after her recovery, Lord Skywalker, who has strong, if evil, romantic feelings towards her, begins to train her in the ways of the Sith..

Shira boldly embraces the dark path Skywalker lays before her, and begins a new life. From that moment on, Shira Brie ceases to exist. She becomes Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith.

Lumiya is sent to Emdaar Alpha, to over see the Tie Phantom Project.

"SW Galaxy Magazine: Lumiya - Dark Star of the Empire" and "SW Gamer: The Emperor's Pawns."

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #6 - Arms Race." *
Harkov having been brought to justice, Major Stele is transferred to Admiral Zaarin's starfighter Research & Development facility, the leading advanced starfighter facility in the Empire. Currently, he is working on upgrading TIE Advanced fighters with new hyperdrives from the Habeen, as well as wrapping up construction of a new type of starfighter, one of which he is especially proud - the TIE Defender. Stele gets to know Zaarin over the course of a few weeks, and although the man is extremely friendly, there is something about his demeanour that makes Stele uncomfortable.

As the first prototype Defenders come out of production, they are to be shipped to another facility before making the final journey to Coruscant for Emperor Skywalker's approval. Stele is tasked with escorting them to the hyper point, which is fortunate, because before they get there the prototypes are attacked by a squadron of Rebel fighters. Once they reach their destination, the Defenders are to be loaded onto escort carrier 'Hininbirg' for the final leg of their journey.

When word reaches Lord Skywalker of the breach in security concerning the Defender project he suspects something is wrong, because Admiral Zaarin is known for being a very cautious commander. Meanwhile, Stele is approached by Major Trace, another agent of the Secret Order, who after having him swear to secrecy, reveals to Stele that he is actually Hamo Blastwell, a Rebel spy. Stele is upset over this, for he has been questioning his own loyalty to the Empire, whose morals and ethics seem to him at times quite wrong.

Soon afterward, Admiral Zaarin receives a communique from Imperial Intelligence saying that Galactic Electronics in the Corporate Sector has been selling new technologies to the Rebels, and he is ordered to destroy their facilities, capture their technologies, and take prisoner their staff. Zaarin goes out in his Imperial Star Destroyer 'Glory', and succeeds on all fronts. One of the prisoners who turns up is Stele's father, who it seems has been a slave of the Empire since the Bordali / Kuan war was ended nearly a year ago, but Stele does not have the power to do anything about that.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1995)

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #7 - Treachery at Ottega." *
Due to his excellent record, Stele is transferred to Imperial Star Destroyer 'Garret', a ship under Lord Skywalker's direct command, to be placed in an elite starfighter unit. He starts training in the brand new TIE Defenders. After a little while, Intelligence locates the remains of Harkov's fleet. An Imperial fleet jumps in with the Interdictor 'Harpax', and in a prolonged battle destroy most of 'Protector's' escort, including the Frigate 'Akaga'. After the starfighter threat and most of the capital ships have been eliminated, 'Garret' herself is brought into the fray to deal with 'Protector'. 'Protector' is destroyed.

Stele is brought to the bridge of the 'Garret', where he speaks Lord Skywalker himself! Skywalker asks him for everything he knows about Admiral Zaarin, and reveals to him that it is suspected Zaarin may be trying to overthrow the Emperor and Empress. Skywalker assembles a group of five of his best pilots, and the six of them take of in Defenders to punch through Zaarin's lines and rendezvous with the 'Osprey', and from there travel to Coruscant to warn the Emperor.

When they arrive at the 'Osprey', they find that somehow the Empress has already been abducted, and is being transferred to Zaarin's 'Glory'.

Skywalker, Stele, and his flight group manage to rescue the Empress, and Zaarin escapes with his fleet. Stele by this point seriously doubts the Empire's methods, and he wants out, but in return for Stele's father's life and freedom, Stele promises continued loyalty to the Empire. Major Maarek Stele is personally and publicly honoured and awarded by Lord Skywalker, in attendance of the Emperor, the highest possible honour for a defender of the Empire. Found to be a Force Sensitive, he and his father are turned to the Darkside, and Maarek Steele becomes the newest of the Sith, and is given the title-rank of Tan.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1995)

"The Marvel Series: Golrath Never Forgets. (#65 - 66)"
In the aftermath of the Teezel disaster, a new emergency has popped up - a rock paperweight a Rebel took from the former base on Golrath is discovered to be able to record and playback images of things that happened around it. Since the whole planet of Golrath is made up of that type of rock, that means the whole base is one big spy that can tell the Empire a lot - up to and including Arbra's location! The Rebels race to Golrath, but an Imperial squad has already beaten them there, led by now Lieutenant Mils Giel. The rebels succeed in dealing with the Empire's forces.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - November-December 1982)

"Force Commander: The Massacre at Abridon." *
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Various writers - March 2000)

Brenn is having nightmares about the massacre at Abridon, when he receives a transmission from General Brashin that they will discuss his insubordination at the rendezvous on Kalaan. Brashin goes on to inform him that his brother Dellis has been killed in a rebel sneak attack on Ruul. Brenn, knowing that the same fate is probably awaiting him, contacts Taskeen and tells him that he will be on Kalaan in two days.
"SW: Force Commander."

"Force Commander: Escape from Kalaan." *
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Various writers - March 2000)

"X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 3 - Over the Fence." *
The Alliance begins receiving transmissions on an old Rebel frequency deep in Imperial space. The transmissions provide the location of a Bothan slave convoy. Ace Azzameen and the Rebel pilots move in and rescue the convoy. Ace is then drawn off by Aeron to attack a Viraxo convoy ferrying warheads to the Imperials. As a way of "killing two mynocks with one stone," they then turn around and hand the warheads to the Rebels. Black Sun starships jump in, but are beaten off. It seems the Viraxo have been trying to court Black Sun's favor.

Another mystery call comes in, this time supplying the location of an Imperial research facility in the Kuat system. The Rebels discover it to be a reactor research base of some kind, which they blow up. Increasingly curious about their mystery benefactor, the Rebels send Ace to do some recon on an Imperial comm relay in hopes of finding where the signals are coming from. A Corvette moves in and boards the relay station, taking the computer logs. They trace the signal to one Commander Zaletta, who announces his wish to defect. While preparations are made for that, Anton sends Ace and Aeron back to the relay station to plant a bug that will give them inside info on Viraxo actions. Despite the interference of some zero-g stormtroopers, they plant the bug successfully.

Ace receives the Bothan Friendship Award in recognition of his efforts in freeing the slave convoy. He then helps Commander Kupalo meet with Zaletta and bring him safely to the 'Redemption'. But a sudden ambush by an Imperial Star Destroyer and Interdictor tag team raises doubts about Zaletta's true loyalties, and he is thrown in the brig. Suddenly Kupalo takes Zaletta's shuttle and escapes, blowing up the 'Redemption's' hangar and a few X-Wings - he is the traitor! Ace leads the chase and captures him. It seems he was brainwashed after Hoth into a double agent. Now he is a brain-damaged shell. Ace wins the Mantooine medallion and Zaletta is freed, but the damage is done
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - March 1999)

"Force Commander: Return to Ruul."
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Assorted Writers - March 2000)

While meditating in the Force, Empress Skywalker learns of the Ssi-Ruuk. Contacting them, Padme promises them prisoners for entechment (in which the person's life-force is transferred to Ssi-Ruuk ships) in return for Ssi-Ruuvi technology. She arranges cover stories as the Ssi-Ruuk start gobbling up colony worlds.
"SW: The Truce at Bakura."

"Force Commander: The Walker Gambit." *
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Assorted Writers - March 2000)

"X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter."
In desperate need of good pilots, the Rebel Alliance goes about recruiting all the pilots they can find. Once recruited, the pilots are drilled over and over, put through countless sims against each other or the Alliance's combat computers before they actually see battle against the Navy of the evil Galactic Empire.
(COMPUTER GAME - LucasArts Entertainment Co. - Lawrence Holland - June 1997)

"X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Balance of Power - Task ForceVengeance." *[/b]
The Empire chases the Rebel Alliance into the Outer Rim, where they seek sanctuary among the Airam traders. Admiral Wooyou Senn pursues them with a task force led by the Super Star Destroyer 'Vengeance',under orders to wipe the Rebels out - and the Airam if necessary. He begins with a roundup of Rebels at the Blair cluster, using the vicious one - two punch of the Star Destroyer 'Rage'and Interdictor 'Compellor'.Aiding them on these attacks is Avenger Squadron, under the command of E.C. "Easy" Nerwal. When some Airam attack the capture-in-progress, they themselves become prisoners of war. The task force retaliates by seizing an Airam supply platform at Goff for their use.

The 'Rage' / 'Compellor'tag team goes on to smash a Rebel envoy at Rocrin, followed by fending off an assault from the B-Wing Phoenix Squadron. An anti-warhead system is soon installed on the 'Compellor'.When the Rebels build a component yard in the Mobetta system, the Imperials move in and capture it, seizing all its valuable intelligence data. They then again punish the Airam by using a resupply convoy as bait to seize some pirates at the Klaatu system, then destroying an Airam asteroid base. The TIE Interceptors are traded in for Assault Gunboats and TIE Advanced's at Essebra, then a Rebel base at Hinda is smashed along with a Frigate and two Strike Cruisers.

A pro-Imperial Airam named Ilay joins the Imperials at Aiqin 4, providing coordinates for a Rebel - Airam supply transfer. One transport from either side is captured. In return, Admiral Senn promises her a governorship in the future Imperial-run sector. Imperial Special Ops decides on a fiendish gambit - smuggle booby-trapped warheads to the Airam and Rebels that will explode in their faces when fired. As this plan is implemented, the Airam - Rebels attack the 'Compellor'at Swellen. They fail to capture or destroy the ship. A short time later, the 'Rage'is attacked at Bes as it receives new warheads only the sabotaged warheads destroy the Rebels instead, taking out one Dreadnaught and three starfighter squadrons. They again attack the 'Rage', but are beaten back.

The Imperials locate the main Rebel shipyard at the Nocto system. After a brief reconnaissance and destruction of static defences, the shipyard is completely destroyed. A last-minute kamikaze attack on the 'Vengeance' by Rogue Squadron and other ships is stopped cold. The victorious Avenger and Talon squadrons are honoured by Emperor Skywalker on Coruscant.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1997)

"The Marvel Series: Serphidian Eyes. (#64)"
Imperial activity is building up in the Belial system, so three pilots are sent to convince the tyrannical King S'Shah of Serphidi to allow the Alliance to keep informants there. Only S'Shah disagrees - one of the pilots is killed, and the others, are taken captive to serve as S'Shah's dinner.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - David Michelinie - October 1982)

Force Commander: Redemption at Abridon." *
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Assorted Writers - March 2000)

"The Marvel Series: The Apprentice." (Annual #3)"
Mara Jade is sent by the Emperor to Belderone to crush a Rebel uprising on the third world, Kuthlis. Far below on Belderone, a pair of boys, Flint and Barney, are looking at Mara's Star Destroyer, which Flint can "feel" is different. Nearby, a group of rebel officers arrive and are found by the boys. The boy brings the heroes to meet Flint's mom before heading off to work.

An informant tells the local Imperial officer, General Andrid, of the Rebels' presence. He sees no need to inform Mara Jade - he will take care of it himself. The rebels are jumped by Andrid's men, but the rebels and the boys escape

One of Mara Jade's spies informs her of Andred's treachery. She kills Andred on the spot, and orders Kuthlis be attacked at once. Some of the rebels race there to warn the Rebel base. Flint and Barney leads the other rebel officers to a work force outside town - and to a group of AT-ATs meant for Kuthlis.

They rush back to town, with the boys desperate to warn the people of the war about to come down over their heads. However, the reckless Flint ends up crashing his speeder, apparently killing Barney. The AT-ATs smash through town, blowing it to bits even as the rebel's capture two and help the Kuthlis X-Wings and landspeeders destroy the rest. Flint wakes up to find his mother dead and his town in ruins. The boy is completely shattered, enraged, vowing revenge oneveryoneover his mother's corpse.

In addition, at this point, Mara Jade appears before him. She senses the power of the Force within him, and she offers him a chance to get his revenge on the rebels. She offers to take him to Coruscant, where he will be trained as one of the new Sith, giving him power and prestige. Flint accepts.

Realising the Rebels have won, but are saddened by the cost. Barney is still alive, and asks to join the Rebellion. He admits that all Flint ever really wanted was power, and now - they are aware he went with Mara Jade - now he has it....
This was reprinted in Dark Horse's "Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago."
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - 1983)

As Imperials and their scout walkers become more of a common sight on the surface of Endor as the Death Star II's construction continues, the Ewoks begin to modify several of the traps they devised against the Gorax for use against the armoured Imperial intruders, just in case they break there word.
"SW Gamer #9: Endor and the Moddell Sector."
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Post by Solauren »

"SW Gamer: Cloud Cover."
(GAME ADVENTURE - Wizards of the Coast - Bill Slavicsek - April 2001)

"The Marvel Series: The Search Begins. (#68 - 72)"
While on Mandalore, Lady Skwalker and Captain Solo discover, Fenn Shysa, a Mandalorian Supercommando and his fellow commando, Tobbi Dala, who are attempting to stop the Imperial slave trade. Both are killed by Lady Skywalker.

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #8 - Strategic Warfare." *
In an attempt to hamper the Empire's TIE Advanced production, Admiral Zaarin launches an attack against the inadequately defended Sienar Fleet Systems main starfighter production facilities in the Omar Sector. Major (and Sith apprentice) Maarek Stele, now leading the Empire's most elite fighter group, Alpha Squad, is sent out with a flight of TIE Defenders to cover the evacuation of Imperial personnel from the facilities, and, if possible, to save the facilities themselves. All the personnel are successfully evacuated, but the factories themselves are destroyed, as is Zaarin's Frigate 'Raptor'. The Empire is forced to mount a large-scale defensive campaign in the Omar sector, because as Zaarin had been the head of Imperial Starfighter Research and Development, he has inside knowledge of the locations and defences of starfighter manufacturing plants. Zaarin's forces are on the run as well, but they need supplies if they are to stand up to the Empire. They are looting TIE Advanced hi-tech centers all over the Omar sector.

Stele and Alpha Squad are tasked with pushing back Zaarin's forces from factory ZA-13, a starfighter hyperdrive manufacturing plant which Zaarin has taken over, and, if possible, to disable some of Zaarin's ships for analysis. Stele manages to rid the area of Zaarin's vessels, but the plant's personnel are gone. However, the Empress has demanded further production of TIE Advanced fighters as a high priority, so the Empire restaffs ZA-13, as it is one of the few remaining manufacturing plants in the sector. It is decided that since the main starfighter facilities have been destroyed, ZA-13 will be upgraded and expanded to support full starfighter production rather than being limited to hyperdrives. The Rebels ambush the convoy carrying in the expensive supplies, but Alpha Squad destroys them to a ship. A pair of Nebulon-Bs are brought in as a permanent defensive force for ZA-13.

Analysis of the Rebel Ambush shows that they were using new Magnetic Pulse warheads, which temporarily shut down laser and ion cannon systems. Intelligence discovers the Rebel Mag Pulse warhead facilities, and Vice Admiral Thrawn is put in charge of the operation to capture those facilities. Thrawn, with the assistance of Alpha Squad, takes over the plant, only to discover that while they were doing so, Zaarin had launched yet another raid on ZA-13, destroying the factory and one of the Frigates stationed there, but before Thrawn can respond to the situation, Zaarin gets the jump on him, sending in a task force complete with the Interdictor Cruiser 'Grappler' to crush Thrawn. Stele leads Alpha Squad to take out some of Zaarin's fighters, and then to take out the 'Grappler' in their Defenders, while Thrawn in his Victory Star Destroyer 'Sceltor' takes on the rest of the task force. In the fray, the 'Grappler' is destroyed, as are the Mag Pulse facilities. Most of Zaarin's force is wiped up, and the 'Sceltor', though damaged, heads towards Coruscant to report.

All the SFS production plants in the sector destroyed, Zaarin retreats to the Outer Rim to plan the next stage of his campaign against the Empire. Meanwhile, Emperor Skywlker puts Thrawn in charge of the hunt for Zaarin, and places Colonel Stele and his Alpha Squad under Thrawn's command.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1993)

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #9: TIE Defender Technology."
Former Admiral Zaarin, hoping to maintain a technological advantage over the Empire, is stripping the Research & Development Facility where he first created the TIE Defender. He hopes that by removing the Empire's advanced starfighter production capabilities, the Rebellion will become more of a threat to the Empire, getting the Empire off his back for a while. Admiral Thrawn, however, does not intend to let Zaarin get away with this, and sends Maarek Stele's Alpha Squad to destroy Zaarin's forces in the system. To fend off further attacks on the Research & Development Facility, the Empire leaves Imperial Star Destroyer 'Adarga'.

Zaarin really needs Defenders, though, so he launches another, bigger, raid, to take out 'Adarga' and capture the station, but Alpha Squad, using the advanced fighters Zaarin created, eventually drive off the attacking forces, although the 'Adarga' is destroyed and the station left virtually defenceless. Zaarin gets frustrated, and drops his plans to take control of his former base, intending now merely to destroy. Thrawn, having studied the art Zaarin likes, realises that this will be Zaarin's plan of action, so he evacuates the facilities, and loads the 3 remaining Defender prototypes onto three separate Corvettes, which will after travelling a circuitous route through hyperspace, give them to Thrawn, who will, in turn, hide them from Zaarin.

At least that is the plan. However, the Corvettes, coming out of hyperspace, are ambushed by Rneeki Pirates and disabled. The pirates start to board the Corvettes when Stele takes one of the Defender prototypes and drives the pirates off. None of the prototypes are taken, but the pirates on the way out do manage to take some of the engineers and technicians who had built the Defenders captive. Just as things are getting under way again, the Rebels send a small force, having been tipped off by the Pirates as to the location of the Imperials.

The Convoy of Defender bearing Corvettes escapes, successfully rendezvousing with Thrawn. At the Emperor's command, Thrawn personally oversees the transfer of the prototypes to Coruscant. Realising that TIE Defender's secrets may have gotten out, and that Zaarin also has TIE Defenders, the Emperor assigns Thrawn to start working on a new fighter to counter the Defender.

Meanwhile, Thrawn has been analysing Zaarin's strategy, and seeing that Zaarin's biggest weakness is his dependence on advanced technologies, predicts that Zaarin will be stripped of his technological advantage and crushed by the new fighter currently in production. Meanwhile, pirates manage to steal one of the Defender prototypes, greatly angering the Emperor. Stele's is told if he does not recover the Tie Defenders, his life is forfiet, Sith Apprientice or not.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1993)

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #10 - New Threats."
The Rneeki pirates are ransoming the Defender technicians to the highest bidder, which turns out to be the Empire. However, the Imperials are sore about losing the technicians, and have some revenge planned. Once the transaction is complete, Interdictor 'Red Claw' jumps into the system, allowing Alpha Squad to destroy the pirates once the ransom has been recovered. This is all accomplished, but during the fray, some Nami pirates who were working with the Rneeki knock out the 'Red Claw's' hyperdrive. It is discovered that the pirates who managed to capture the TIE Defender prototype are those same Nami pirates, led by Ali Tarrak. Some of her men are captured by the Imperials, and it is hoped by Intelligence that their interrogation will lead to the location of the Nami base. Tarrak attempts a rescue of her men before the 'Red Claw's' hyperdrive is replaced, but it is a failure. It is discovered during the 'questioning' of the Nami that the pirates have been holding negotiations with Zaarin for supplies.

Corvettes from Chemeti Squadron are scheduled to deliver the 'Red Claw's' hyperdrive and pick up the technicians and the ransom, but Zaarin gets word of this, and sends one of his Corvettes with false markings. The Corvette picks up the technician before and escapes before it is discovered that it is not really an Imperial Corvette, and soon afterward the real Chemeti Corvettes arrive and replace the damaged hyperdrive. Intelligence soon discovers that Tarrak has a source of Defenders, and is planning to sell them to the Rebels. The Emperor and Admiral Thrawn are concerned about such a potent fighter falling into enemy hands, but Thrawn's plans are beginning to come to fruition. He has successfully upgraded several gunboats to a new design, which he calls the Missile Boat, which he believes even Defenders will be no match for. The Missile Boat is primarily a missile platform the size of a starfighter carrying two bays of forty missiles each. It also has a new engines system known as the SLAM drive, which essentially draws power from the laser cannon and effectively doubles the top speed of the fighter for short periods. The Emperor promises Thrawn great rewards if his plans concerning Zaarin and the Missile Boats work.

Thrawn learns of a shipment of Defenders about to be sold to the Rebels, and sends Alpha Squad in Missile Boats to lead an attack culminating in the capture of the Strike Cruiser holding the Defenders. Prisoners taken from the Cruiser provide the location of Tarrak's TIE Defender manufacturing facilities. Before this information can be utilised, the Rebels launch a massive attack to steal back the Defenders that were going to be sold to them. Instead of running, Thrawn decides to make a stand, to prove the potency of the Missile Boat. Alpha Squad is well into the process of decimating the Rebel Fleet before the Rebels decide to retreat. Soon afterward, Thrawn himself leads an attack on Tarrak's plant. Rebels intercede in the attack, led by their flagship 'Independence'. Stele becomes a legend and earns himself a promotion when he almost single-handedly destroys 'Independence'. The Rebel task force, and the Defender facilities, are destroyed, and Thrawn captures Ali Tarrak. Thrawn returns to Coruscant with Tarrak, and due to his excellent work and tactics, is promoted to Grand Admiral in a small ceremony.

Thrawn sees some of himself in Tarrak, and gives her the opportunity to work for the Empire, which she accepts. With the Nami pirates effectively out of the way, Thrawn again goes after Zaarin.

(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1993)

Grodin Tierce is selected to serve the Emperor as one of the elite Royal Guards.
"SW: Specter of the Past."

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #11: The Hunt for Zaarin." *
Thrawn learns of a large convoy heading towards Zaarin's space. Zaarin is planning on heading into the Unknown Regions, where he will amass a new force with which to attack the Emperor. Alpha Squad is sent to destroy all military ships in the convoy, and to help capture any cargo carrying vessels. Due to his new legendary status, Stele is being handpicked by the new Grand Admiral Thrawn for all of the most difficult missions. Thrawn has a task force waiting on hand in case Zaarin decides to intercede with Alpha Squad's attack personally. All he sends, however, is a frigate, which is destroyed. Thrawn judges that Zaarin's constant loss of ships must really be starting to strain him about now, and decides to keep the pressure up.

It is learned from prisoners taken on the convoy attack that Zaarin is planning on staging a huge ambush on Thrawn's force, and Thrawn decides to send a task force led by Captain Kuuztin and including Alpha Squad to ruin it. In an act of idiocy, Kuuztin loses his Star Destroyer and his life, so Stele leads the Imperial force out of there. After that disaster, Thrawn decides on a new tactic to get to Zaarin. He decides to lure Zaarin into a trap with a new Missile Boat as the bait, but it is not a tempting enough target, and all Zaarin sends is a small task force with no important ships. Thrawn decides to make the target even more tempting, and makes sure that it is leaked that a shipment of New Missile boats will be going by Zaarin's space soon. Zaarin sends a large force after this new target, and sends his Interdictor cruiser to keep Thrawn's flagship, Imperial Star Destroyer 'Grey Wolf', at bay for a little while. By the time the Interdictor is destroyed, Thrawn's plan is far behind schedule, and he is in danger of actually losing the Missile Boats to Zaarin. He follows the plan as well as he can, however, and does prevent Zaarin from acquiring any samples of the Missile Boat, but Zaarin takes significantly fewer losses than Thrawn had originally planned.

Zaarin's next move is to attack the research site of the Vorknkx Project, a top-secret project that only he, the Skywalkers (and possibly Han Solo and Chewbacc), Thrawn, and a few others had known about. The purpose of the Vorknkx Project is to create a cloaking device useable by smaller ships, which would require much less power than the models currently available. The project is nearing completion, and the Empire hopes to employ the new technology soon on a starfighter. (This being the backstory for the Rebel Assault II starfighters) Thrawn, however, has more immediate uses in mind for this cloaking technology. First, the site must be evacuated. 'Grey Wolf', an attendance of smaller vessels, and Alpha Squad show up to fight off Zaarin, and then to lead the evacuation. All the base's personnel are evacuated successfully, as is the Vorknkx Ship itself, a Corellian Corvette with a prototype model of the cloaking device installed.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1993)

"Rebel Assault, Chapter II: The Hidden Empire."
Aboard the Super Star Destroyer 'Terror', an Imperial mouse droid winds through wide corridors. The droid observes a meeting between Admiral Sarn and one of his subordinates. Sarn tells his underling that he wants no slip-ups this time, and the coming demonstration of his work must proceed flawlessly. Dismissing the officer, he enters the Super Star Destroyer's bridge. Lady Lumiya, awaiting the demonstration, tells Sarn to proceed. Nearby in space, a Rebel patrol prepares to head back to base. An uneasy Ensign Till urges Commander Jenn to hurry up. The Commander chides Till for being superstitious, telling him that should not be afraid of the Dreighton Triangle. Suddenly, Jenn's stabiliser is blown off her X-Wing. Unable to control her ship, she collides with Till's X-Wing, destroying them both. The lone X-Wing tries to contact Rebel control, but is quickly silenced by a laser cannon blast that seemingly comes out of nowhere. Lumiya, watching these events from his vantage point, is less than satisfied with Sarn's demonstration. He barks at the Admiral that she will not be satisfied until she has the full power under her command to wipe out the Rebel Alliance. Brooding, she turns back to the open viewport to stare into the blackness of space

Three days later in the same sector, Commander Kirby and Rookie One intercept a garbled distress call from the Corellian cargo vesselCorellia Star, which is seemingly under attack by invisible forces. Through the static, the captain tries to tell the Rebel pilots of a secret plot by a "Lady Lumiya" to destroy the Rebel Alliance. Unable to make out the message, the Rebels watch helplessly as the captain is cut down by blaster fire from Imperial troops boarding his ship. As the transmission violently ends, Imperial TIE fighters emerge from the nearby planet Dreighton. Rookie One and Kirby lock their B-Wing's s-foils in attack position and prepare for the oncoming TIEs. After fighting their way through a swarm of TIE's, Rookie One and the Commander take up orbit around Dreighton. Rookie One picks up a signal originating from the planet, and suggests to Kirby that they should check it out, since it could be from the Corellia Star. Suddenly, laser cannon blasts score a direct hit across Rookie One's B-Wing. As his ship plunges and loses orbit and heads toward Dreighton's surface, Kirby's B-Wing is quickly destroyed by the unseen enemy. Rookie One ejects from his B-Wing before he slams into the ground, his cockpit striking the surface and skidding to a halt on the sandy desert wastes. Shortly thereafter, Rookie One takes a datapad with the signal's coordinates on it, and sets out to find what he believes is theCorellia Star. He finds himself in an Imperial base, heavily defended by stormtroopers. Shooting his way through the base, Rookie One finds the base's docking bay and theStar. The Imperials see him, only to be blasted by Rookie One. The Rebel pilot commandeers the vessel, but is prevented from escaping by closing bay doors. Choosing an alternate, although more precarious route, Rookie One flies theStar through the mining tunnels adjacent to the base's hangar. Escaping to the surface, theStar jumps to hyperspace, leaving the Imperials far behind it.

Back at Dreighton, Lady Lumiya's flagshipSuper Star DestoryerTerror arrives. In her meditation chamber, Lady Lumiya meets with Admiral Sarn. Sarn notifies Lumiya that in twelve hours, a strike force will be poised at Imdaar Alpha to wipe out the Rebellion. Lumiya commands Sarn to make way to Imdaar Alpha and victory.

Meanwhile, a briefing takes place at the Rebel fleet. After analysing theCorellia Star's logs, Admiral Ackbar presents the doomed cargo captain's message. The captain has 'information that is vital to the Alliance, detailing a plan by Lady Lumiya to destroy the Alliance' with a new weapon. He goes on to say that he has discovered a huge mining facility in the Belt of Arah, near the Dreighton Nebula. Admiral Ackbar deploys a strike force to find the facility and disable its production capabilities. Rookie One, Ina Rece, and Captain Merrick arrive at the asteroid belt, and successfully navigate the field, although it is littered with dirillium mines. After getting through the outer defences, they go head-to-head with a squadron of Imperial TIE Interceptors. With the last TIE on his tail, Rookie One is assisted by Rece, who quickly picks off the TIE. Ahead, Merrick spots the ore processing facility built into a huge asteroid. Infiltrating the facility through the cargo corridor, the Rebel X-Wings shoot out shield generators on access tunnels, and fly straight to the facility's core. Dodging stray asteroids and laser cannon blasts, the X-Wings fly through the hollowed-out asteroid that facility is built around. Shooting out the shields on the processor's reactor, the Rebels cause the place to go critical, escaping just before the whole place explodes. With a victory chalked up, the Rebels prepare to jump into hyperspace when the secret weapon strikes. Coming out of nowhere, two TIE's of a new type destroy both Rece and Merrick. Narrowly evading the TIEs' lasers, Rookie One escapes into hyperspace. Back at the Rebel fleet, Rookie One's flight data is analysed by Admiral Ackbar and fleet officials. In a briefing with the pilots, they conclude that the TIEs are modified V38 assault fighters; fighters modified to evade sensors and scanners, rendering them totally invisible.

The myths about the Dreighton Triangle were a perfect cover for the testing of the fighters. Ackbar goes on to tell the pilots that for weeks Intelligence has reported high levels of Imperial activity around the planet Imdaar and its moon. In addition, they think that theTerroris currently en route to Imdaar, where it will likely deploy a wing of the 'Phantom' TIEs. Ackbar says that a lone pilot, is to get past Imdaar's defences, land on the planet, meet up with an agent stationed there, board the Terror, and bring back one of the 'Phantom' TIEs for study. Rookie One, who already volunteered for the mission, reports to Ops. Due to the importance of the mission, Rookie One is trained by Admiral Krane to fly TIEs. By running a canyon course successfully, Rookie One is ready for his mission. He reports back to base and gets his Y-Wing prepped for departure

On approach to Imdaar in Y-Wings, Rookie One, Krane, and Darnell Reggs are attacked by TIE Interceptors. After finishing off the TIEs, Reggs and Krane leave, giving a lone Rookie One a better chance of getting through Imdaar's security shields. Krane tells Rookie One that he will meet him at the rendezvous point after the mission. Rookie One's craft plunges into hyperspace, heading towards Imdaar. Emerging from hyperspace, Rookie One flies into a minefield. Navigating past the mine field and security shields, Rookie One arrives at Imdaar. Rookie One lands on Imdaar's surface, and meets his contact, Ru Murleen! After catching up on events, the two fly through the creature-filled swamps on speeder bikes to reach the Imperial landing platform. As they arrive, they view an Imperial supply shuttle landing on the platform. Rookie One does not know how to proceed, but Murleen has a plan After knocking out the two troopers, Rookie One and Ru don their armour and commandeer their shuttle. They move it into orbit above Imdaar, to find nothing. Expecting to board theTerror at these coordinates, Ru Murleen turns on the comm unit and broadcasts a message, telling the Super Star Destroyer that they wish to board. After requesting security clearance, the Terror de-cloaks before their eyes. They land the shuttle in a docking bay, and, in stormtrooper garb, leave the shuttle. Walking towards the hangar, the two undercover Rebels are intercepted by a curious Imperial officer. Having been asked questions they cannot answer, they evade the officer. The officer initiates a full-scale intruder alert. Chased by stormtroopers, Rookie One and Ru Murleen hide in a maintenance corridor between levels. Discovered again by stormtroopers, they shoot their way to a maintenance lift, which takes them to the hangar bay.

Once there, they sneak aboard a V38 and get it flying, or so they think. Alerted by two Imperials that Rookie One and Ru Murleen nearly ran over with their V38, the Imperials try to destroy the captured TIE before it escapes the Super Star Destroyer's hangar bay.

The Rebel V38 manages to escape into theTerror's network of service corridors, where it flies into the ship's reactor. Rookie One shoots out the shielding on the reactor and causes a chain reaction throughout the ship. The V38 escapes the Super Star Destroyer through an exhaust vent, and flies out into space. Suddenly, cloaked V38s appear in front of them. The enemy V38s, which only appear to fire their weapons, try to destroy Rookie One and Ru Murleen. Unable to keep the enemy TIEs off their back any longer, Ru Murleen is finally able to engage their ship cloaking device.

TheTerror explodes, revealing a huge facility attached to Imdaar's moon, Imdaar Alpha. In their TIE, Rookie One and Ru Murleen realise the whole facility must be filled with the dreaded V38s. Knowing that the single ship they have will make no difference if those V38s are not destroyed, Ru Murleen turns their TIE around, straight for the huge facility. Entering the facility through a hole created by the destruction of theTerror, they fly through access tubes, until they reach the facility's hangar. The hangar, brimming with V38s, provide quite an obstacle course for their TIE. Juking all over, the Rebels navigate through the crowded hangars, to the center of the facility. The V38 flies dangerously close to a huge laser beam reactor that powers the facility. Evading security guns, Rookie One shoots out the focusing receptacle for the laser, causing it to cut through the outside hull of the facility. The laser beam, knocked clear of its focus, traces a fiery line across the facility's hull. Ru flies the TIE out through the hole in the hull, just as the laser beam hits the facility's power cells, blowing apart the facility. Imdaar Alpha, which the facility was built on, is consumed by the huge explosion.

Or so they think. In reality, Lady Lumiya was waiting for them in the hanger bay, and using the Dark Side, made them share a fake, dramatic escape memory. She then lets them leave in a V38, and orders the Terror and the Imdaar Alpha facility to be pulled off the planet. Super Star Destroyers Executor and Gaurdian are called in to assist with the transfer. At the order of Lord Skywalker, the entire phantom project is moved, to the Endor system.

Arriving back at Rebel Headquarters, Rookie One and Ru Murleen set "the last surviving V38" down on the landing pad. Admiral Krane and other Rebel pilots come out to greet them. For his bravery, Rookie One receives a medal, and shares a kiss with Ru.

With its new weapon, the Rebel Alliance can finally end the war with the Empire. Elsewhere, out in the cold reaches of space, Lady Lumiya flips a switch on her control panel activate some kind of remote device, as the Super Star Destroyers pull the V38 factory off Imdaar Alpha and jump into hyperspace..

Back at Rebel headquarters, Rookie One and Ru Murleen pack up their stormtrooper gear in the docking bay. Behind them, their some computer activity in their captured TIE. Talking about how they will be able to defeat the Empire, they are unaware of what is happening. Suddenly, the experimental TIE blows up on the landing pad, the result of the Empire's device. Rookie One and Ru Murleen can only look at each other, completely bewildered
(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Vincent Lee - 1996)

Empress Skywalker orders Lady Skyawlker to abandon her search for the rebels to commence negotiations with Prince Xizor for shipping to the "Endor project." Xizor meanwhile begins to craft a plot to kill the Skywalkers and take control of the Empire for himself.
"Shadows of the Empire" comic book #1.

Danni Quee, future Belkadan colonist, (and Sith Acolyte) is born.
"SW: Vector Prime." Borrowed with thanks from James McFadden's Chronology.

"X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 4 - The Bothan Connection." *
Emon has gone on a vendetta against the Viraxo. Aeron has to ask Ace to help her steal a load of Viraxo cargo and ship it to Alliance forces. Black Sun once again interferes, but the cargo is picked up. Ace drops Aeron off at her request at Vergesso Base. Commander Zeletta reveals a convoy meant for some HUGE Imperial construction project is going through the Eidoloni system. Ace and Olin does some recon, and finds the convoy stuffed to the gills with raw materials, shipped by Xizor Transport Systems. When Ace returns from that, he is horrified to learn that Vergesso Base is being attacked - by none other than Lord Skywalker himself. He races against overwhelming odds and rescues Aeron and a few of her friends from the base. It seems Vergesso Base was owned by Ororo Transportation, which has been moving in on Tenlass syndicate - a Black Sun company. Once again, Lord Skywalker has been doing Xizor's work for him …
(the game summary continues below.)

October, +3 ASW4
"Shadows of the Empire."

After providing the Empire with the location of a Rebel facility, owned by a company which was moving in on Black Sun's activities, Prince Xizor decides to seduce Lady Skywalker as part of his plan to take control of the Empire.

Also, at the recommendation of Xizor, and over the Emperor's objections, Empress Skywalker allows information about the new second death star being constructed in the Endor system to be leaked to the Bothan Spynetwork via a Bothan name Melan. Xizor hopes that if the Rebels manage to defeat the Empire before he overthrows the Skywalkers, he will be remembered as a friend.

Add in:

"X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 4 - The Bothan Connection. (continued)" *
Ace Azzameen leads the capture of the freighter 'Suprosa' - a capture that tragically ends in the death of several Bothan pilots. However, the secret project's computer is captured and sent to Kothlis - only to have Melan's safehouse attacked by bounty hunters and Melan killed. The Bothan survivors rush the computer to the 'Kothlis II'base - which comes under attack from the 'Executor'.Ace fights off the attacking starfighters as Borsk Fey'lya shows up (late) to help.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - March 1999)

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #12: Prelude to Endor. (continued)"
After the Empress 'loses' the information about the new Death Star to the Bothans, she decides that she needs to put up a big show to make sure the Rebels believe that she does not want them to have it. She decides to give the job to Maarek Stele, one of her best pilots and one of the new Sith. Several Rebels and Bothans are taken prisoner and are being held aboard the Dreadnaught 'Dargon', to be delivered to 'Garret' for interrogation by Lord Skywalker. After they are delivered, Stele is told that the Bothans have stolen some top-secret information from an Imperial freighter, and it needs to be recovered. To find the whereabouts of this information, Stele leads an operation to capture several Bothan ships so that their crews can be questioned. He learns that the information has been taken to the Bothan colony world of Kothlis for analysis. In retribution for plotting against the Empire, Stele is ordered to lead an attack on Kothlis.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1993)

"X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 4 - The Bothan Connection. (continued)" *
The plans are transferred to the Corvette 'Razor' - which is quickly disabled and boarded by the Star Destroyer 'Avenger'. In desperation, the crew fires the computer off in an escape pod, which (with Ace's help) is intercepted by Admiral Ackbar on the 'Independence'.Ace is awarded the Corellian Cross for his efforts. The computer is quickly decoded, and the secret project revealed - a new, larger, even more powerful Death Star
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - March 1999)

"Shadows of the Empire. (Continued)"
Lady Skywalker see's right through Xizor and his plans, and kills him, seizing his place and then his Skyhook. His HRD, Guri, attempts to defeat her in hand to hand combat, but Lady Skywalker defeats the droid with ease, who is sent to Imperial Science for reverse engineering. Black Sun is taken over by Baron Calrissian and turned into an extension of Imperial intelligence.
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Steve Perry - May 1996)
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - John Wagner - June-October 1996)

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #12: Prelude to Endor. (continued)"
Stele does not have any pressing duty for a little while afterwards, but soon enough Lord Skywalker learns that the Rebel Fleet is collecting at Sullust. Soon afterward, the Emperor and Empress leaves aboard his personal ship and heads to Endor to prepare for the final destruction of the Rebellion.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1993)

Boba Fett is invited by Jabba the Hutt to stay at his palace, to capture a live Krayt dragon for the Hutt's pet Rancor to fight.
The "Shadows of the Empire" comic book miniseries and "Tales of Jabba's Palace."

"SW Adventure Journal: Wind Raiders of Taloraan." *
A Rebel group is assigned to Ordnance and Supply, but are not doing too well. They are soon reassigned again - with Bespin in Imperial hands, new tibanna gas supplies must be found. They are sent in a junkyard-worthy ship to go prospecting gas giants. Eventually, they reach the planet Taloraan, where their ship is crippled in a storm. They are saved by blimp-like creatures carrying humanoids in gondolas. They take the Rebels and let their ship fall forever out of reach. The leader of the humanoids (Denfrandi) is called Laspevar, and he welcomes the Rebels into his tribe. He mentions that another spaceship came by a few months ago, but that man was killed by the Wind Raiders (who have his ship). Just then the Wind Raiders - humans on ray-shaped flying creatures - attack. After the Raiders are fought off, the Rebels are taken to the main Denfrandi tribe. The Rebels convince the Denfrandi that the Raiders will never leave them alone - they must go on the offensive. They have to prove themselves in an initiation rite to convince the tribe - by catching and taming a young sleft-chuff (flying creature). They do, and they lead the Denfrandi in an assault on the Wind Raiders, defeating them handily. The Rebels take the scout ship stationed there, and finds a tibanna gas deposit nearby
(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - James L. Cambias - February 1995)

"SW Adventure Journal / Tales from the Empire: Slaying Dragons."
Shannon Voorson, a nine-year-old at Kuat Freight Port, receives a visitor - her cousin Deen, visiting the family of techs. However, her family does not share Deen's Rebel views, or Shannon's - so she slips away to join him as he and a Rebel unit prepares to steal a power generator. Nevertheless, the attempt fails, and the young girl finds herself on the run with her cousin, never to see her family again....
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Angela Philips - 1995)

"SW Adventure Journal: Death - Hunter." *
Disturbed over reports of a project called "Death-Hunter," and increased Imperial activity in the Jaemus system supposedly connected to that project, General Crix Madine sends a group of Rebels to investigate. Beginning their investigation at the Jaemus dockyards, they are met by a droid named R2-B4 - who was sent by the mysterious double agent "Tigress." It leads them to the docks of Renikco - an Imperial intelligence branch. They study the droid vessels there that are being modified. They are discovered and have to shoot their way offworld. Once they do, another holorecording of Tigress (within R2-B4) tells them to go investigate a series of kidnapping's of young, fit men on Bescane. They are led to a contact named Cooper Dray - who is kidnapped before their eyes and taken to Moff Jesco Comark. Tigress reveals herself - Lady Amber Comark, the Moff's daughter. She reveals that the kidnapped men are being taken into an area of space beyond the Outer Rim - the Wastes. To get there, they will need salvager credentials. They go looking for a forger named "Lucky" Ordomire. As the Rebels meet with him, they are jumped by a cyborg - a hunter / killer, the product of Project Death-Hunter. Amber is effortlessly captured by Death-Hunter. The Rebels pursue Death-Hunter's shuttle into the wastes, to an ice world named Zeta 09. The Imperials capture them and take them to their underwater base, where Moff Comark decides to convert them into Death-Hunters. Amber leads a prisoner revolt, and the united group blasts out of the base, smashing it with concussion missiles and heading for the Alliance
(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - Tony Russo - February 1996)
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Post by Solauren »

+4 ASW4
"SW Adventure Journal: The Longest Fall."
The Star Destroyer 'Interrogator' travels into the Nharqis'I Nebula in search of Force-sensitive individuals. But this story is about 23 year old Captain Jovan Vharing, and his thoughts and memories in the minute before Imperial High Inquisitor Tremayne executes him, just for being among the (also-dead) staff of (a very dead) Captain Nolaan, who had been asleep when the crew attacked a suspected Rebel cell, only to kill several prominent Imperial citizens, including a high-ranking Kuat Drive Yards engineer. Vharing enters Tremayne's interrogation room and faces his fate....
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Patricia A. Jackson - November 1996)

Corellian Engineering Corporation designs the YV-929 model ship.
Conjecture based upon "SW Gamer #2."

"X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 5 - Mustering the Fleet."
The Rebel Alliance is hurriedly mustering their entire starship force for what will be the fight of their lives. Unfortunately, the Empire has smashed their main supply base. A smuggler coalition is put together to supply and arm the fleet for the coming battle. The leader of this coalition, Dunari (of Dunari's Casino fame, and a close friend of the Azzameens) meets with the Rebels in deep space. Imperials and pirates attempt to interfere, but Ace Azzameen's flying once again defeats their efforts. Dunari reveals that the disgraced Admiral Holtz is leading the Imperials in the local sector as punishment for Hoth.

Dunari's allies, the Hurrim, ask for help in hitting a civilian cargo convoy as part of the Rebel -smuggler arrangement. The Rebels and Hurrim fly to the Nezni system, where the capture goes well - until the bloodthirsty Hurrim suddenly begin massacring the civilians. The Rebels are forced to attack their "allies," and the Hurrim are chased off. Nevertheless, the damage is done. Although the cargo is captured, the image of the Rebellion has been badly tarnished by the Hurrim's actions. Dunari expels the Hurrim from the coalition, but now he himself is under suspicion.

Back at the 'Liberty', Aeron informs Ace that Emon has been arrested by the Imperials and is being held at Quesna Base. Dunari offers to help, and together, the group gets Emon out. Emon was tortured by the Imperials, and Dunari graciously agrees to set him up in the Casino while he recovers. Dunari puts out bounties on the Hurrim, and Ace puts in a good word for him with the Rebels. The family is starting to get paranoid - it seems the Imperials, Viraxo, and other pirates know what they are doing before they do. What is going on??

The Hurrim reveals Dunari's Rebel ties to the Empire, and the response is an all-out assault on the space casino. Ace and Rebels cover the evacuation, and Ace gets a Bronze Cluster on his Kalidor Crescent consequently. The Hurrim begin attacking cargo convoys everywhere, posing as Rebels. They also manage to capture some of Dunari's staff, whom the Rebels quickly free. After that, Ace and Emon flies to an Imperial scrap yard to recover the family data core in an attempt to find the traitor in their midst. Once again, they are jumped by raiders. After they escape with the core, Ace gets an honorary membership in the Bothan Spynet.

The rest of Dunari's men are rescued from the main Hurrim asteroid base, which is then destroyed. Hurrim leader Golov Nakhym is captured, and Admiral Holtz (on the Star Destroyer 'Corruptor') is killed. Ackbar gives the Admiral of the Fleet commendation to Ace.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - March 1999)

The Bothans begin to grind the Froffli light-machinery industry to dust.
"SW: Specter of the Past."

The Prophets of the Dark Side, led by Kadaan, capture with his former apprentice Azrakel, who has cut himself off from the Empire and become a mercenary. Also, nearly all of the Prophets of the Dark Side have become Sith Acolytes.
"SW RPG II: Dark Side Sourcebook."[Page 95, 97]

An entire First Sun company (The First Sun Mobile Regiment was, at its height, one of the largest, most powerful mercenary units in known galactic history. This was achieved by the patronage of the Empire, architects of the largest military in galactic history. First Sun was wholly an Imperial tool.) is executed by Moff Nile Owen of the Rayter sector for violating interrogation protocol. Afterward, First Sun began to distance itself from the Empire.
"SW Adventure Journal, Vol. 1, Issue #15."

Chiraneau, a former TIE Fighter pilot, is promoted by Admiral Piett to the rank of Admiral, shortly before Piett recruited him to serve as the deep - space communications expert aboard the 'Executor' during the Battle of Endor. Like the rest of the crew aboard the 'Executor'
Star Wars Customizable Card Game.

"SW: Demolition."
The Empire has outlawed podracing, so crime lord Jabba the Hutt, influenced by Pugwis the Dug's unorthodox podracing techniques, has come up with a new, even more dangerous contest to attract gamblers from across the galaxy. Known as "Demolition," the sport is an unrestrained vehicular combat tournament.

The contestants range from local riffraff to galactically known names. Quagga the Wookiee, an engineer operating in Anchorhead, enters because his business is doing badly and he needs the prize money to stay in business. His machine is an AAT Battle Tank that he has completely refurbished. Pugwis the Dug (Sebulba's grandson) joins because he has a penchant for violence and a need for fame. Wade Vox, still held captive by Jabba, is forced to participate, and bounty Hunter Aurra Sing takes part in the contest to uncover the identity of the Force-user she has sensed, while her colleague Boba Fett joins for the money. Witten the Jawa enrols when Jabba offers him a sandcrawler if her wins; unwilling to risk his own neck, however, he uses a remote controlled STAP & Battle Droid on the field. General Otto joins the game with his stolen AT-ST hoping to win enough money to buy his dream home on Cloud City, and Malakili competes on his Rancor, outfitted with a weapons harness, on Jabba's orders. Lando Calrissian, disguised as Tamtel Skreej, enters the event in an effort to impress Jabba and gain his trust, while sisters Tia and Ghia, attempting to rescue Han Solo, have been captured by the Hutt and forced into Demolition, flying their liberated Rebel airspeeder. In addition, there is a contestant competing in a Cloud Car. While his identity remains unconfirmed, it is thought that he may be Calrissian's frequent companion Lobot.

In the early rounds, Boba Fett emerges as the clear victor, with Pugwis a close second. Malakili, too, seems an unstoppable force on his Rancor. Wade Vox is only able to hang on at first because of his emerging Force skills, although he finds himself constantly hounded by a spiteful Aurra Sing. Tia and Ghia are beaten early on, and end up enslaved and chained to the Hutt. Both Quagga and Witten, too, are vanquished, and killed by EV-9D9. Pugwis' career is ended early due to an unfortunate run-in with the Sarlacc, while Fett captures General Otto on the field and delivers him to the Imperials to face their justice. Tamtel, too, is eventually beaten, although his only punishment is to suffer the indignity of being forced to dine on some of Jabba's favourite snacks. The contest is halted when Leia, in the guise of bounty hunter Boussh, arrives with Chewbacca. During the ensuing confusion, Tia & Ghia escape and find transportation off-planet, while Wade too departs in his landspeeder, in possession of a lightsaber 'liberated' from Aurra Sing, and finds himself pursued by the vengeful bounty hunter
(VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Various Authors - November 2000)

The Empire contacts the CSA and the Hutts, informing them that any Force-Sensitives or would-be Jedi they com into contract with are to be captured and turned over immediately. Jabba responds by handing them Aurra Sing and Wade Vox. The Corporate Sector Authority informs the Empire of the exsistence of the Triilli colonies, as well as the force-using Trianii Rangers. The Empire accepts both Aurra Sing (who the Dark Woman promises to make into the most lethal warrior in the Sith's army) and Wade Vox from Jabba, and order the CSA to withdraw from the Triani colonies and area. The Empire plans to invade and capture them after the Battle of Endor.

Raltez, a continent of cooled, hardened duranium, forms on the planet Kriekaal shortly before the Battle of Endor.
"Star Wars Adventure Journal #14"

With the Bothan data about the second Death Star confirmed, Mon Mothma calls for the massing of all Rebel forces into a massive armada. At Sian Tevv's insistence, the fleet begins to gather near Sullust.
"Return of the Jedi" and "SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."

The Rebel Alliance holds a deep-space military summit in the Delfii system to plan their assault on the second Death Star.
"The Stele Chronicles."

"X-Wing Alliance: Chapter 6 - The Darkest Hour."
There are now almost no neutral parties left in the Galactic Civil War. Whether for the Empire or for the Rebel Alliance, everyone in the galaxy has been forced to take a side.

In an attempt to get more detailed info about the second Death Star, Bothan leader Borsk Fey'lya meets with the Rebel Alliance to plan an attempt to sneak Bothan spies into the Endor construction crew. Along the way, the Bothan ship is jumped by bandits. Ace and the Rebel pilots beat them off, taking one prisoner who claims the bandits were working for - the Sullustans?!?

It seems the Sullustans have an old grudge against the Bothans - the Bothans had once learned about an impending Imperial attack on Sullust, but refused to either warn them or come to their aid. The Rebels begin pursuing the bandits to prove the Sullustans' innocence - or guilt - before it tears the Alliance apart. This was the last thing they needed at this point. Aeron and Ace goes after a bandit freighter, which they board to try to find the bandits main base. They hack the main computer, and that course leads them right into - the Imperial weapons testing range near Carida. Swearing over their bad luck, they race back to a nearby station, whose flight records are hacked. They find the bandits home to bethe old Azzameen home base!!!

Horrified at this discovery, the family begs the Alliance to help them recapture (NOT destroy) the base. The Rebels agree - the base is too close to the massing armada. As the attack begins, Antan is seen leaving the base (?!?) along with Sullustans (?!?!?). The boarding commandos find a bomb on the base that Aeron quickly disarms. It seems the traitor is one of the family itself

The Bothans at Endor are discovered by the Empire and chased across the galaxy. Despite the Rebels' best efforts, a few of the Bothans are killed by the Imperials before they can rejoin the Rebels. The Sullustans refused to help the Bothans, increasing tensions to dangerous levels. The Bothans reveal the existence of an energy shield around the Death Star, as well as a shuttle called "Tydirium" that could be of help - IF it can be captured. The Rebels go to Zhar to steal the 'Tydirium'. Flying in the 'Otana', Ace sneaks a commando team into the station to capture the shuttle. With the aid of Rogue Squadron, the captured 'Tydirium'and the 'Otana'both return to the Alliance. (As they arrive, so does theMillennium Falcon,back from its rescue mission at Tatooine.) A Sullustan shuttle also returns to the Rebels with the captured bandit leader, who confesses they were hired by the Empire to set up the Sullustans. Ace helps the final arrivals reach the armada, and is awarded the Star of Alderaan.

Antan gathers the family at the reborn Azzameen home base to explain his actions. He claims that Tomaas and Galin were not killed, but taken to Kessel. If he helped the Empire, they would be freed. The family takes off for Kessel, where Ace and Aeron dock at a nearby station to find the exact whereabouts of their missing kin. They cannot find them anywhere on the records. Antan urges them to keep trying. Suddenly a Star Destroyer leaps in, declaring the entire family - except Antan, whom they thank for his help - under arrest for treason. Antan has sold his entire family out to the Empire!!! Against overwhelming odds, Ace, Aeron, and Emon manages to wriggle their way out of the Imperial deathtrap and return to the Fleet.
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - March 1999)

"TIE Fighter: Tour of Duty #13: The Emperor's Will." *
The Emperor and Emprss, in their C-3 Passenger Liner 'Excalibur', has been attacked by Zaarin's forces on his way to Endor; luckily, Maarek Stele is his personal escort and manages to keep 'Excalibur' intact until reinforcements from Thrawn can arrive and take control of the situation. Thrawn gives the Emperor a more substantial escort, and Stele once again enters Thrawn's service and is put back in command of Alpha Squad. Intelligence discovers that one of Zaarin's men, Commander Din, plans to defect to the Rebels, and to prove to them his good intentions, he is going to inform them that the Death Star is indeed operational, and also present them with a gift - a Missile Boat which Din had somehow managed to secure while Stele was working directly under the Emperor. Stele leads a task force to capture or destroy Din before he can go through with this, but the meeting takes place early and the Rebels get the information and the Missile Boat. Din, however, pays for his treachery.

Fortunately, the information is deemed too important by the captain of the Calamari Cruiser to risk sending to the fleet via normal channels, so when he receives this information, he blows out an engine in his hurry to get back to the fleet, and Stele leads an attack destroying the Cruiser carrying the information. However, Zaarin, interfering with Imperial plans as usual, escapes with the Missile Boat. As the Emperor waits at Endor to finish off the Rebels, so too does he order Thrawn to finish off Zaarin once and for all; the former admiral is causing far more trouble than he is worth. Thrawn's first order of business is to find and destroy the stolen Missile Boat before Zaarin learns its secrets, which he does, so Zaarin starts attacking the Empire's few Missile Boat manufacturing facilities. The Emperor orders the few remaining Missile Boats moved to the Death Star, to be used in the Battle of Endor.
Zaarin's own spies and operatives discover the new location of the Vorknkx Project, hidden inside some remote asteroid field. Thrawn, however, has anticipated this move, and hidden a homing beacon on the Vorknkx ship, and has deleted several key files from the ships logs Stele is ordered to put up a little fight so that Zaarin does not get suspicious, but to allow his men to escape with the Vorknkx ship. Thrawn, following the homing beacon's signal, brings his entire task force to bear on Zaarin, who has settled in the Unknown Regions. He destroys Zaarin's fleet, but Zaarin himself takes off in the Vorknkx ship, and engages the cloaking device. He then escapes into hyperspace only to be killed moments later when the hyperdrive engines explode. Thrawn had learned about the instability caused in the hyperspace engines when the cloak was engaged, and had deleted those files from the ship's logs, knowing Zaarin would try just such a thing.

[Colore=Red]Grand Admiral Thrawn is recalled to Endor to help oversee the final destruction of the rebellion. Maarek Steele is transferred back into a Missile boat for the battle.[/Color]
(COMPUTER GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Lawrence Holland - 1993)

The Ssi-Ruuk, a reptilian race, attacks the planet Bakura at the edge of the galaxy. The Bakuran governor sends a distress call via message drone to the Emperor, but it is not intercepted until after the Battle of Endor.
"SW: The Truce at Bakura."

Diblen Harleys joins the Rebel Alliance, and proves to be a confident fighter pilot and tactician, and was a valuable resource during the planning of the Battle of Endor. A native of the planet Coruscant, Diblen grew up at the height of the New Order. His father was a privileged bureaucrat, which helped insulate Diblen from the worst of the atrocities of the Imperial war machine. His mother died when he was fifteen, about the time he resolved to join the Imperial Survey Corps and explore Wild Space. His father sat him down and explained to him the harsh realities of a scout's life, as well as the true nature of the Empire. His father had kept his dissident thoughts to himself, and warned Diblen to do the same.
"SW: The Last Command" and "SW RPG: The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."

Dengar finally makes it to Tatooine, and visits Jabba's palace to find out more about Imperial activities. While he is at it, one of Jabba's minions snatches up Manaroo at the Mos-Eisley Cantina, intending to sell her to Jabba as a slave girl.

When Dengar returns to Mos-Eisley and learns about Manaroo's disappearance, he deduces what happened and decides to kill the Hutt. Within three days, he provides a disgruntled Quarren henchman named Tessek a bomb. Jabba catches on fast and assigns Fett to watch Dengar.
"Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar."

February, +4 ASW4

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

Lord Skywalker arrives at the Forest Moon of Endor, site of the under construction Death Star II. He orders Grand Moff Jerjerrod to hurry up completion of the huge battle station. The Emperor and Empress are coming to oversee the completion, and are "not as forgiving as I am."

Boba Fett who was hired by Lando Calrission kill Jabba the Hutt, teams up with Dengar to kill him in a spectacular firefight in Jabba's throne room. Dengar free's Manaroo, and another use of the Attanni revealed the true depths of Manaroo's love for him. She asks Dengar to marry her. He accepts.

Boba Fett attends there wedding as best man, then heads out to find another bounty. Dengar and Manaroo leave to start a scavaging business
(added in based on information in "Tales of the Bounty Hunters: Payback - the tale of Dengar.")

At the Death Star, the Emperor and Empress arrives.

In order to ensure victory, the Skywalkers have all of there Sith and Dark side trainees travel to Endor (except for Aurra Sing and the Dark Woman), and order General Mohc to bring the Arc Hammer, which deploys the first full legion of Darktroopers onto the forest moon. The Phantom Fleet under Lady Lumiya is deployed (cloaked) on the far side of the moon, and Death Star 1 and the Tarkin are summoned to the edge of the system, ready to jump in with a short microjump. The Skywalkers hand control of the fleet over to Grand Admiral Thrawn, and recently promoted Grand Admiral Han Solo.
Near the planet Sullust, the entire Rebel Alliance has assembled into a monstrous armada. The Alliance leader, Mon Mothma, soon reveals why; being so seriously outgunned, and with decreasing support for the rebellion thanks to the Empires successful framing of them on numerous occasions using stolen or captured Rebel Starfighters, they have decided to capture the second Death star and use it to destroy the orginal Death Star, followed by the Imperial fleet. Better still, the Royal family will be on the Death Star, giving them the chance to deal the Empire a blow it would never recover from.

General Crix Madine reveals that a commando team will infiltrate the ground installation on Endor (via a stolen shuttle) that is projecting a huge force field around the Death Star. Once they have blown it up, Admiral Ackbar will lead the fleet right down the station's throat, blowing it sky-high.

The stolen shuttle 'Tyderium'makes it to Endor. The Skywalkers, sensing the rebels on board, order General Mohc and the Sith, under the supervision Baron Orman Tagge, Lady Lumiya, Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors, to prepare the trap.

On Endor, the team runs into trouble from scout troopers. After locating the Bunker and deciding a front assault is futile, they locate the generators back door.

The morning of the attack dawns. The Rebel commando team, breaks into the installation as the fleet hyper - jumps toward Endor.

At which point, Skywalkers's deathtrap is sprung.

The commando team is captured by a legion of Darktroopers who were waiting in hiding for them, along with the Sith, and a new security system installed by Baron Tagge; Omega Frost generators. The rebel team is killed, and one of there members, Jedi-hopeful and rebel Captain Fable Astin is captured and turned.

As the fleet jumps into the Endor system. Death Star 1 and the Tarkin arrive from Hyperspace, and Interdictors seal it off from further hyper-travel, as an entire Imperial fleet (led by the 'Executor' under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn) smashes head-on into the fleet. The 2nd Death Star, proven to be operational after all, begins to blow up Rebel warships one by one.

The Phantom Fleet arrives, with Super Star Destroyer Terror in the lead, and decloaks, and begins cutting the rebel fleet to ribbons.

The rebellion is crushed, and Sith Warrior Mareek Stele in his missile boat, destroys the rebel flagship Independence with a barriage of heavy space rockets, completing the battle with it he started several months prior.

The "Black Wing" Tie Fighter squadron shoots down Rogue Squadron

(MOTION PICTURE-20th Century Fox/Lucasfilm-George Lucas/Lawrence Kasdan-25 May 1983)
(NOVELISATION - Ballantine / Del Rey Books - James Kahn - May 1983)
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Marvel Comics Inc. - Archie Goodwin - May-August 1983)
(RADIO DRAMATISATION - Highbridge Audio - Brian Daley - October 1996)
(MANGA COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Shinichi Hiromoto - 1999)

Gilad Pellaeon is given command of the Imperial Star Destroyer 'Chimaera' after its former captain is killed during the Battle of Endor.
"SW RPG Heir To The Empire Sourcebook."

Paploo replaces Logray as medicine man. Wicket W. Warwick is named lead warrior of the Ewok tribe.
"The SW Encyclopedia."[Page 180]

The Sif'krie and the Frezhlix begin a feud that would last the next fifteen years.
"SW: Specter of the Past."

Admiral Gaen Drommel is commander on one of the Empire's precious few Super Star Destroyers. His ship, the 'Guardian', is on station near the Imperial capital of Coruscant during the Battle of Endor."SW RPG: Wanted by Cracken."[Page 7]

After the Battle of Endor, the Empire stops dening it has any ZQs in active duty. The ZQ Infantry Droid was developed by Sienar Intelligence Systems; this droid was created to serve as infantry support during ground battles. In this capacity, the ZQ was well -designed, and was considered one of the most deadly battle droids ever produced. Measuring about a meter in height, this cylindrical ZQ moved about on a repulsorlift engine and was armed with a heavy blaster cannon, a light blaster cannon, and a miniature concussion missile launcher.
"SW RPG: Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids."

"Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand."
Mara Jade is sent to assassinate Dequc, a Jeodu on Svivren who wants to revive Black Sun.away from Imperial control.
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Timothy Zahn / Michael A. Stackpole - August 1998 - January 1999)

After the battle of Endor, Lumiya begun the final test of all Jedi. Travelling to the far reaches of the galaxy, she had uncovered an ancient Sith tome that spoke of a weapon forged of "biting metal and stinging light". That served the basis for her lightwhip, a more difficult weapon to use than a lightsaber. She constructs it out of a shard of the Kaiburr crystal that Luke Skyawlker had taken, along with Mandalorian iron that was almost invulnerable to a lightsaber.
"SW Galaxy Magazine: Lumiya - Dark Star of the Empire" and "SW Gamer: The Emperor's Pawns."

"The Truce at Bakura."
The morning after the battle of Endor, an antique Imperial message drone arrives.

The message drone turns out to be a distress call from the distant Imperial outpost of Bakura - a mysterious alien fleet is attacking, overwhelming Bakura's meagre defense forces and taking prisoners.

Lord Skywalker takes Grand Admiral Thrawn as his second in command, and takes part of the fleet, lead by Executor, to deal with the alien invaders and then and conquer them. He also takes Threepio and Artoo with him.

Lady Skywalker and Grand Admiral Solo call up Super Star Destroyer Gaurdian and launch the invasion of the Trainii Colonies.

Lady Lumiya take's the Phantom fleet, and after picking up Mara Jade, launches an attack on the remaining rebel strong hold worlds (Arbra, Isis), using information taken from computers of the few captured alliance ships.

Luke's task force arrives at Bakura. They find Bakura being overwhelmed by the alien invaders and plow into the battle. Luke is intriged by what he senses within the droid starfighters - human lifeforces

Luke and Grand Admiral Thrawn meet with Governor Wilek Nereus. He takes them to the planetary senate, where the Imperial heroes are filled in the situation. It seems the alien invaders, the Ssi-Ruuk, are taking human prisoners for a process called "entechment." In that, the lifeforces of the prisoners are pulled out of their bodies and plugged into the starfighters to power them. In a holomessage to the Bakurans, the reptilian Ssi-Ruuk speak through a human spokesperson, a brainwashed Chandrilan boy named Dev Sibwarra. Luke orders Thrawn to deal with the invaders and bring Dev Sibwarra to him. He also resumes his former relationship with senator Gaeriel Captison. Threepio and Artoo are ordered to translate the Ssi-Ruuk's language.

Meanwhile, out in space, the Ssi-Ruuk are preparing a new plot. The brainwashed Dev also happens to be Force-sensitive, and he senses Luke's presence on Bakura. The Ssi-Ruuk commander, Bluescale, has an epiphany - they can use Luke's Force power as a pipeline, forcibly enteching tons of people from long distance! The entire galaxy would, very quickly, belong to the Ssi-Ruuk

At the Governor's palace, Nereus is contacted by Dev, who tells him that if he gives Luke Skywalker to the Ssi-Ruuk, the aliens will leave Bakura and never bother them again. Nereus's reply is rude, to say the least.

Luke travels to Senator Orn Belden's home to speak with him. There he meets Eppie Belden, Orn's brain-damaged wife. He uses the Force and discovers the Imperials deliberately damaged Eppie's mind three years ago. He decides to show her a mental trick that could help heal her. Gaeriel is one of the few woman that has ever like him for himself (minus the Sith issues) and he decides to do it as a way of saying thank you. Besides that, he turns her to the Dark Side at the same time.

Back at the Ssi-Ruuk flagshipShriwirr, Bluescale, Dev, and Admiral Ivpikkis try out the prototype of the remote-entechment chair they intend for Luke. Even with Dev's limited Force power, it works perfectly

Govenor Nereus inform's Luke about the Ssi-Ruuk's desire to kidnap him. Luke orders Nereus to have it happen. He plans to board there flagship and show them what they are up against, and at the same time, capture Dev.

Gaeriel then meets Luke in a bar, only for the two to be overwhelmed by a "joint" Ssi-Ruuk / Imperial force (led by Dev) that snatches Luke and spirits him away in a shuttle. As they haul him away, Luke senses the hypnotic hold the Ssi-Ruuk have on Dev, and breaks it with the Dark Side. The young man is suddenly reawakened to his humanity, and sees the Ssi-Ruuk for what they truly are - monsters.

Once on the Ssi-Ruuk flagship, Luke uses the Dark Side and orders Thrawn to launch his attack on the Ssi-Ruuk fleet. Thrawn's forces begin annilating the alien invaders, and Luke captures the Ssi-Ruuk flagship.

Gaeriel is returned to the her home, and she finds a healthy Eppie waiting for her. Lord Skywalker, 'breaks' Yeorg to the Dark side as well. Gaeriel is turned, as is Commander Pter Thanas, who is promoted to Admiral. Gaeriel becomes Grand Moff of Bakura.

Imperial techinitions descend on the Shiriwirr, and Artoo and Threepio help them interface with the ships computer. After downloading its starcharts, the ship is sent to Coruscant for examination so that the Entechment technology can be used by the Empire. Dev becomes a Sith apprentice.
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Kathy Tyers - January 1994)

After some brutal infighting, the Hutts Kumac and Jelasi emerge as joint leaders of the Desilijic clan in the wake of Jabba's demise.
"The New Essential Guide to Characters."[Page 90]

Lady Lumiya and Mara Jade's fleet arrives in the Arbra system under Cloak and encircle the planet. Knowing about the telepathic Hoojib's, and the Empreor and Empress desire that such creatures are to be captured for experiementation, they do not bombard the planet. They can't use ground forces instead, because of the Hoojib's energy eating ability. Instead, they blockade the planet, shooting down anything that comes within range, and request a flight of Tie Bombers be sent, equipped with knock out gas weapons.

Lady Skywalker and Grand Admiral Solo begin the invasion of the Trianii colonies, using nerve gas weapons to incapciate citizens, and Darktroopers to occupy the planets. On the the Trianii ranger's betray's the rest and reveals to Lady Skywalker how to find them; there shield gauntlets. Lady Skywalkers' fleet overruns the Trianii worlds, and imprisons everyone. All of the Trianii are tested for Force-Sensitivity, and those that are found not to be returned home. The remaining Trianni (the Rangers and Force Sensitives) are put into Stasiss boths for the time being, to be turned into Sith Warriors and Acolytes.

During Lady Skywalkers's examination of the Trianni, Han and Chewbacca are contacted by Lando and head out to Zhotta III on a vacation.

"The Marvel Series: Seoul Searching. (#84)" *
Han, Chewbacca and Lando, are on vacation Zhotta III. Relaxing afterwards with a card game, Han finds himself playing against a strange middle-aged man who is wagering with . a chunk of glass? He soon raises the stakes by offering a starmap - to Seoul V, an ancient civilisation destroyed by interstellar war eons ago. The man explains that years ago, as a member of the Imperial Exploratory Division, he stumbled upon the planet, where he purloined the crystal chunk (which can boost any energy source, including mental energy) from a cache of them. He wagers all this against the 'Millennium Falcon'. Han plays it and wins. Furious, the old man tries to blast Han for cheating, but Han and Chewbacca make off with the map and the crystal, deciding to check out the man's story.. Soon the 'Millennium Falcon' is flying to Seoul V, where Han learns from scanners that the supposedly destroyed world has humans living on it. Cautiously, he travels alone into a nearby city. Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, the "humans" - a rogue Imperial landing force loyal- are plundering the ruins. Captain Drezzel, their leader, sends a "pet" named Sssssk to deal with the two ex-pirates. Sssssk, a cat-like figure with mental powers, attacks Han at the site of a female statue Han finds strangely familiar. Han fights off the rogue-Imperial attack and finds his way into the ruins' underground. He finds a pair of archaeologists the Imperials are holding hostage - the Trandoshan Dr. Xathan and his human assistant Fem Nu-Ar. It seems these rogue-Imperials learned of Seoul V and its energy-enhancing crystals through them, and now they want the crystals for weapons development. Han, wanting to deliever the crystal's to the Skywalkers, frees them, and learns from Xathan that the crystal he has is the essential crystal to control the others. Drezzel pulls his troops back and has Sssssk use his mental attack on Han. The ex-pirate turns the tables by using the crystal to boost his own mental ability . hence beating Sssssk at his own game.

Han returns to the Falcon and sends a call to Lady Skywalker, who, now finished with the Trianni, bring herSuper-class Star Destroyer 'Aggressor' (under the commandAdmiral Roek) to Seoul V. The rogue imperials are captured , and Seoul V is placed under immediate garrison.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Roy Richardson - June 1984)

"SW Tales: Sand Blasted."
When the Dark Troopers attacked Tak Base on Talay on March, 1 ASW4, one Rebel Cruiser did manage to escape into hyperspace. However, one Dark Trooper snuck aboard and killed everyone in the cruiser in mere minutes. The cruiser crashed into the sands of Tatooine

Four years later. Big Jizz and Spiker, two of Jabba's swoop-riding thugs, are nearly run over by a sandcrawler - one of a bunch of sandcrawlers that careen out of control and crash into (what is left of) the Mos-Espa Podracer Arena. Jizz grabs the first surviving Jawa he sees, intending to disembowel it. However, it is surprised when the Jawa - Klepti -- tells the trio to run - there is an Imperial monster droid inside the sandcrawler! In addition, sure enough, a droid does stumble out - an old IG97 battle droid which collapses. Jizz laughs - "I dunno what you just been told, but the Empire never made no battle droids."

A second later, the Mark II Dark Trooper tears out of the sandcrawler wreckage and begins attacking everything in sight. Spiker takes it on with his swoop while Jizz and their new pal Lilmit distracts it. Even old IG97 tries shooting at it. Nevertheless, nothing they have will damage it - and the overheating sandcrawlers are about to blow. It is Klepti who comes up with an answer - bury the damn thing in an avalanche of rock! It manages to claw out - just in time for the sandcrawler explosions to tear it limb from limb. The swoop thugs walk off into the sunset, taking IG97 with them to sell it. However, as they disappear, two old pit droids are shocked awake by the explosion - and they set to work reassembling the Dark Trooper
(COMIC SHORT STORY - Dark Horse Comics - Kilian Plunkett - July 2000)

"The Marvel Series: The Dream. (#92)" *
All of the Sith under training by the Skywalkers reach the level of "Knight" by this point, including late recruits such as Lumiya and Flint.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - February 1985)
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Post by Solauren »

"The Marvel Series: No Zeltrons! (#95)"
Lumiya and Mara Jade's requested chemical weapons arrive, and they bomb Arbra from orbit. With the rebels and Hoojibs knocked out, they land ground forces and round everyone and everything up, including the Kertsburg Generator.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - May 1985)

[n]"The Marvel Series: Duel with a Dark Lady. (#96)" *[/b]
On Kinooine, the Nagai Invasion begins
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - June 1985)

Kiro of Iskalon becomes a Sith warrior under Lord Skywalkers training. At Kiro's suggestion, Luke constructs a second Lightsaber, as well as a Lightdagger. Kiro becomes leader of the Empire's Seatroopers.

"The Marvel Series: Escape. (#97)" *
The Skywalkers order Lady Skywalkers and Lady Lumiya's fleets to destroy the Nagaki invaders.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - July 1985)

"The Marvel Series: Nagais and Dolls. (#104)"
After crushing the Nagaki invasion, the Empire learns why they invaded. Another species arrives to challenge the Empire. The Tofs
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - March 1986)

"The Marvel Series: The Party's Over. (#105)"
Lady Lumiya leads her fleet against the Tof's
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - May 1986)

"The Marvel Series: All Together Now. (#107)"
The Empire crushes the Tof invasion. Lumiya and Lord Skywalker share a private good-bye (Lumiya being over of the few woman that loved Luke without him using the Dark side on her. The other is Gaerial Captison. Luke is also beginning to suspect Mara Jade is in love with him for him, not his political position) and Lumiya leads the invasion of the Tof/Nagaki region of the Unknown Regions.
(COMIC BOOK - Marvel Comics Inc. - Mary Jo Duffy - September 1986)

Xenovet, a bio-engineering corporation based near Munto, on the planet Commenor, primarily created to manufacture veterinary medicines for exotic species that catered to the needs of many Imperial leaders who liked to keep exotic pets as status symbols, begin to work on breeding programs which would restore endangered species to their native worlds.
'X-Wing: Iron Fist.'

The Empire finally locates and destroy's ISIS with the Death Stars superlaser, ending the rebellion.[/Red]

Corran Horn takes Chertyl Ruluwoor, a Selonian, to 'The Annual CorSec Awards Ball'. The unattached male officers in his branch put together a pool to see who would take Chertyl to the celebration. Each man was required to buy a ticket for five credits and the winner - whom everyone considered a loser - would get the pot to compensate for the evening. The Awards Ball pool is a tradition dating from a time when the Director had a daughter who, as decorum dictated, could not go to the Ball unescorted. The Director refused to order someone to ask her to go, though he did order participation in the pool. Most years the prize is someone in the squad who has volunteered to be 'won', with the prize money going to the Survivors and Orphans fund. This year, though, the prize was Chertyl, who had been sent to the unit to get some training under a cultural exchange program, and she knew nothing about it. Most everyone who knew what was going on thought it was barbaric, but they hid behind tradition. Corran manipulated the pool so he would win, and showed Chertyl the time of her life. Unfortunately, biochemistry between the pair kept them from getting together . . .
"X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble"[Page 250 - 253]. 6 months after the death of Hal Horn.

The Eclipse is completed over Byss

Construction stars on the next generation of Imperial Superweapon, the Galaxy Gun

Prince Isolder finds and catches Haravan. The pirate is murdered in a Hapan prison before he can name his accomplices.
"SW: The Courtship of Princess Leia."

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Battleground Tatooine (#9 - 12)."
Now a Colonel in the Imperial navy, Tycho Celchu meets Viceory Winter Organa of Aldearan. The two begin to fall in love
(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - June-September 1996)

The 'Bakura' - Class Destroyer is developed by the Bakurans in the years after the liberation from the Ssi-ruuvi invasion force. At 850 meters in length, they were formidable ships. They required 8,250 crewman and 275 gunners, and could transport up to 2,000 troops and 36,000 metric tons of cargo. The 'Bakura' - class destroyer was armed with 60 turbolaser batteries, 60 ion cannons, and 10 tractor beam projectors. They were also equipped with hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer (HIMS) system. The power plant of this design was based on theImperial-II class Star Destroyer, but the exterior was much more fluid in that than the angular Imperial warship.
"SW RPG: Cracken's Threat Dossier".

With enough Savithm planets producing juice, the Skywalkers order the manufacture of warheads capable of delivering the substance in a gaseous state over the surface of a planet. It is almost time to bring the galaxy completely under there heel.

Quelii sector - home to Dathomir - is placed under the control of Grand Admiral Zsinj. While fearing the Nightsisters destructive power, Zsinj is unwilling to waste a large portion of his fleet guarding a relatively unimportant planet. As luck would have it, a remarkable find is made on Koratas, Dathomir's fourth moon. Digging through the thick, red - tinted soil, Imperial scientists stumble across several rich veins of neutronium, lommite and zersium. These minerals are the primary components in the alloy known as durasteel, the most common warship - grade armour used in Imperial ship construction. Excited by the discovery, Zsinj moved all his shipbuilding facilities to Dathomir, producing huge docks of scaffolding that stretched over ten kilometers in length. Since the Star Destroyers would have to guard the shipyard anyway, they could also keep watch over the planet . . . and the Nightsisters.
"SW RPG: Cracken's Threat Dossier."[Page 12]

Zaarin begins developing Tie Raptors.

The new Corellian Diktat dissolves the Corellian Security Force (CorSec) and establishes a new, more Diktat-friendly organisation, named the Public Safety Service (PSS) in it's place.
"X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble."

Shortly after the PSS is formed, Rostek Horn's files on local politicians, Imperial liaisons, etc., are deemed an embarrassment. Assumed to be located in Rostek's home, a 'mysterious' fire consumes the house soon after, as well as those surrounding it. One of those houses was the former childhood home of Corran Horn, Rostek's grandson. It is later discovered that Rostek has many copies of the files located all over, protected by an unbreakable encryption code. A few 'upstanding' citizens soon found interesting files on their 'activities,' ones that they would have liked kept secret, in their homes, all accompanied by one or two of Rostek's flower hybrids. The hybrids actually contain the decryption keys to the files in question, embedded in their gene-coding. Supposedly, because of his service in CorSec, and his horticultural skills, Rostek is given a large piece of land by the local government, including the land where his former home was located. The government also builds him a large house, which they fill with listening devices and scanners. A staff is also appointed to serve him, whose loyalties are to Rostek and not the petty officials that they report to.
"SW: I, Jedi."

Corran Horn visits 'Treasure Ship Row' in Coronet City, located on Corellia. This would be his last time here, until he visits again in six years time, noticing many changes that are brought forth from the Diktat and his new Public Safety Service, formerly Corellian Security Force.</P>
"SW: I, Jedi."

The first Savith warheads are deployed by the Empire. Over 5000 planets are targets and contaimnated with the Sith-alchemical plant, including Aldeeran, Corellia, and numerous other early rebel worlds. The weapon has the desired affect, and the populaces of those planets become more docile and excepting of the status quo.

The Empire orders midiclorian testing on ALL citizens of the empire, to be carried out from youngest to oldest, on military, civilian law, then civilians, claiming they are signs of a biological weapon discovered on an rebel base abandoned after Endor. The Savith planetary citizens all line up for testing, and the Imperial government has to schduele testing.

One of the first detected civilian legal officers is Corran Horn

"The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot." *
After discovering Jawas are sabetauging Tattooine's Vaporators, the Empire builds several "super" vaporators, under heavy guard to create water. At the same time, plans are put into effect to terraform the planet.
(CHILDREN'S BOOK - Random House Inc - Mark Corcoran - 1979)

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service. (#21 - 24)"
Ysanne "Iceheart" Isard, the head of Imperial intelligence, begins plotting to take over the Empire herself
(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - August-November 1997)

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Family Ties. (#26 - 27)"
Coran Horn, while undergoing Sith training, show an apptitude for starfighter piloting
(COMIC BOOK - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - January -February 1998)

Sarcev Quest marries Roganda Imareson. The start performing augmentation experiments on there son Irek

Sate Pestage becomes more powerful in the Darkside and the Skywalkers consider him as a potiental Sith Acyolte.

Lowbacca , nephew of Chewbacca, is born on the planet Kashyyyk.
"SW: Young Jedi Knights - Heirs to the Force."

Tie Droid development starts under the supervision of Grand Admiral Zsinnji and Grand Admiral Hand Solo

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Masquerade. (#28 - 31)"
Winter and Tycho become very seriously involved.
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole -March-June 1998)

"X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Mandatory Retirement. (#32 - 35)"
Isard recruits Leonia Tavia, the youngest Imperial Moff, into her plot to take over the Empire.
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - Michael A. Stackpole - August - November 1998)

"Galactic Battlegrounds: Chewbacca and the Liberation of Kashyyyk."
Chewbacca's father is made Grand Moff of the Kashyyk sector after the area is pacified with Savith weapons.
(PC VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous Authors - December 2001)

Grand Moff Ardus Kaine presents the Skywalkers with a present in order to gain more favour: Another operational Death Star!
Conjecture based Star Wars, the Ride

Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors, two of the earliest Sith trainees, marry.
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Post by Solauren »

Authours note:
Sorry about the delay, I've been busy with other projects

+5 ASW4
"The Glove of Darth Vader."

A three-eyed slave lord name Trioculus claims to be the son of Emperor Palpatine, and disputs the Skywalkers claim to the thone. The claim is defeated when Mara Jade kills him.
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Skylark Books - Paul Davids / Hollace Davids - June 1992)

"The Lost City of the Jedi."
Lord Skywalker heads to Yavin IV to follow up earlier suspicions that there are remains from Exar Kun's Sith Empire there. Following the Dark Side, he finds a hidden Jedi liabary, and a 12-year old boy named Ken who is quite strong in the Force. Several Sith arrive at the city afterwards to catalogue it, including Kyle Kataran and Jan Ors, who are given Ken as there apprentice.
They learn that Yavin is weather-controlled from the City. The Empire begins studying the Weather control technology
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Skylark Books - Paul Davids / Hollace Davids -July 1992)

Isolder becomes Chume'da of Hapes, and whoever becomes his wife becomes the next Queen of Hapes. Isolder becomes engaged to one Lady Ellian. But she doesn't meet the fancy of Isolder's evil mother, and soon Isolder finds Ellian dead in the palace garden's pool.
"The New Essential Guide to Characters."[Page 86]

"Mission from Mount Yoda."
On Duro, imperial agents locate Triclops, who really is Palpatine's son! Triclops joins the Sith order after poisoning and Sithim treatments by Lady Skywalker and Mara Jade

(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Skylark Books - Paul Davids / Hollace Davids -Feb 1993)

The R6-series of astromech Droid begins production by Industrial Automaton shortly after the Battle of Endor, in an effort to recover from financial and commercial failure of the R5 series. The R6 was produced for civilian use during the development of the R7 series. The R6 was based on the R2 series, with expanded hyperspace coordinate storage, and was heavily shielded against electrical discharges.
Conjecture based upon "SW: Shield of Lies" and "Essential Guide to Droids."

"Queen of the Empire."
Triclops reveals a interesting trait : In his sleep, he invents various weapons and mutters out the specifications.
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Skylark Books - Paul Davids / Hollace Davids -March 1993)

"Prophets of the Dark Side."
Triclops reveals to Ken that Ken is the son of Triclops. The grandson of Emperor Palpatine.
(YOUNG ADULT NOVEL - Bantam Skylark Books - Paul Davids / Hollace Davids -May 1993)

"Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight."
The Dark Lord Jerec finds and murders Master Qu Rahn, but not before learning of Morgan Katarn's knowledge of the Valley of the Jedi.Realising Morgan Katarn is Kyle Katarn's father, he contacts the Skywalkers, informing them of his discovery.

Kyle Katarn and his wife and fellow Sith Jan are dispatched to Sulon, where they locate Morgan Katarn's map leading to Ruusan and the Valley of the Jedi. However, Jan senses Kyle is having thoughts of using the Valley's power to avenge himself on Jerec for Morgan's death. Realising what a problem this could be, possibly escalating into a Sith civil war. Jan reports this struggle to the Skywalkers.

Emperor Skywalker summons Jerec and the Katarns to Coruscant. Both are relucant to give up there search for the Valley, but obey there master's will. Emperor Skywalkers insitutes dueling rules for Sith and other Force users serving the Skywalkers. They must settle there differences in the presence of one of the Sith Lords or a member of the royal family. (Anakin, Padme, Luke, Leia, etc), and the duel must be fought with training lightsabers. The fight is too surrender or knock out. Outsider interference invalidates the fight (and costs the intereferring party there life). Other rules are put in place, and Jerec and Kyle duel. Kyle, calling on his rage and hatred over his father's death, defeats Jerec. Jerec and his Dark Jedi followers are placed under Kyle Katarn's command until the Valley is under Imperial control.

Kyle and Jan are given command of an Imperial Task force, which hyperjumps to Ruusan. Jerec and his knights wipe out Ruusan's sole settlement, killing everyone on the surface of the planet. Shortly after this, the spirit of Qu Rahn attempts to turn the youngest of the Jedi trained by jerec, Yun, to the lightside. However, Rahn's spirit is broken up and absorbed by Kyle and Jan.

After Katarn's force secures the planet, the Skywalkers arrive and Lord Skywalker oversee's the construction of an Imperial fortress to guard the valley and keep out non-Skywalker sponsered force users. HRD Guri is placed in command of the valley, with all of her forces being droids, including an entire legion of Phase 3 Darktroopers.

The Skywalkers order the Sith to spread hundreds of millions of Savith seeds over the planet, and give Guri nearly 200 harvestor droids and the processing facility to extra Savith juice.

(COMPUTER VIDEO GAME - Lucasarts Inc. - Numerous authors - October 1997)
(GRAPHIC NOVELS - Dark Horse Comics - William C. Dietz - May / September 1998)

Jagged Fel, one of five children, is born to General Baron Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles (holodrama actress Wynessa Starflare).As a child, he would grow up among the Chiss in the Unknown Regions, thereby being influenced by their culture. Jag, as he is sometimes called, grew up to become a great pilot and leader of a Chiss house starfighter phalanx.
[/u]"The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II - Ruin[pg. 182]." Information by Michael Zeiger. Corrected by "SW Gamer: Red Sky, Blue Flame."[/i]
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Post by Solauren »

+6 ASW4
Protas is born on the planet Anobis.
"SW: Return to Ord Mantell."

After spending two years as a code slicer for the fleet (first the Rebels, then the Empire, captured during the battle of Endor), Castin Donn transfers to starfighter command and enters pilot training.
"X-Wing: Iron Fist."

The Apex Incisor, a one-shot, anti-vehicle missile is produced by Golog-Bertum during the early years of the Skywalker Empire. It was a simple weapon to operate: simply point the nose at the intended target, allow the Apex Incisor to gather spectral analysis data, and them arm it. The weapon's internal drives are ignited, and it launched into the air to hunt down the target. The only drawback to this weapon was the intense heat generated at launch, which could severely burn the user if they did not evacuate the launch area fast enough.
"SW RPG: Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear"

"SW Adventure Journal: Missed Chance."
Corran Horn begins receiving Starfighter pilot training in addition to his Sith training
(SHORT STORY - West End Games - Michael A. Stackpole - August 1995)

"X Wing: Rogue Squadron."[/b]
With Hobbie Klivan and Wes Janson off training new squadrons, Wedge Antilles feels it is time for a general rebuilding and reorganisation of Dark Squadron. For one thing, he wants to add Tatooinian Gavin (cousin of the late rebel pilotBiggs) Darklighter to the roster.
Ysanne Isard begins planning the final stages of her coup'd'at attempt against the Skywalkers.
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole - January 1996)

+7 ASW4
Maw Installation is contacted by the Skywalkers. Maw Installation hands the functional Sun Crusher and the plans for World Devestator over to the Skywalkers. Maw Installation is moved to the first Death Star, and the Death Star prototype is completed and enlarged. At the request of Qwi Xux, the Empire sends forces into the Gree Enclave to obtain all the Hypergates they can. When the Gree Resist, Grand Admiral Tigellinus is ordered to conquer them. The assault fleet send includes the second Eclipse Star Destroyer.

"X Wing: Wedge's Gamble."
Wedge welcomes the Sullustian Aril Nunb (Nien's sister) and Pash Cracken (son of the legendary general Airen) to the Dark squadron.

Isard's minions perfect a a virus named Krytos, a disease that strikes ONLY non-humans, and can only be cured by bacta. Isard plans to unleash the virus on Coruscant take power during the insuing chaos.
Corran and Erisi Dlarit are sent undercover to Coruscant for reconnaissance, as are other squadron members in two-man teams.
Wedge and Pash meet Iella Wessiri, one of Corran's fellow (and fomer) Corsec members.
Corran Horn is captured by Isard's forces, who release the Krytos virus on Coruscant.
Corran wakes up to the sight of the gloating Ysanne Isard....
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole - May 1996)

Zekk is born on the planet Ennth.
Conjecture from "Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Ones."

"X Wing: The Krytos Trap."
The ISB captures several of Isard's minions, and realise Isard is behind the Krytos and the apparent military attempt against the Skywalkers.
At Isard's infamous Lusankya prison, Corran is slowly being brainwashed. In addition, Loor is working to destroy any and all bacta. Tycho's trial begins, and from the start goes badly. At Lusankya, Corran is released into the general prison population, where he finds Derricote and the long-believed dead rebel-General Jan Dodonna, and begins planning his escape.
Loor gives himself to the Skywalkers and the ISB and in exchange for his life, he delievers to them all of Isard's agents.
Corran escapes Isard's prison and obtains his father's former Jedi Masters dual-phase lightsaber. Killing Derricote, he makes his way to the open air - of Coruscant?!?
Dark Squadron is informed that Loor's group is about to attack bacta storehouses all over Coruscant. Loor is suddenly killed, and Iella kills the assailant - who turns out to be Diric, brainwashed by Isard and thinking it was Derricote he was killing.
As the Empire fights the terrorists, Lusankya is suddenly revealed - as a Super Star Destroyer that bursts from the planet's underground.
Isard travels to Thyferra and seizes control, leaving the whole galaxy without bacta.
and the Sith order outraged at her defiance.
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole - September 1996)

"SW Gamer: The Hutt Hit."
Three weeks ago, a minor Hutt crimelord named Krova was captured by Dug bounty hunter Langro Dis. She is being extradited to the Skywalker Empire to stand trial for war crimes, but she has a key to freedom - a Sith Holocron that she hopes to buy her escape with. She has not told anyone where she is hidden it her stomach. (Yes, she ate it.) The Holocron has a mind of its own, however, and it sends out a distress call through the Dark Side. A group of dark-side Force users pick it up, and race toward Krova's cell on Alvorine. Spotting an Imperial Corvette in orbit, the Darksiders race down to the surface where they learn Dis has yet to arrive with his Hutt prisoner. Digging further, the villains hack into the security office of Marshall Hundria Kast and learn the exact details of the planned turning over of the Hutt into Alvorine custody. The Darksiders also get the sense that someone - another Darksider - is watching and following them. Despite this, they make plans to ambush the convoy that will take Krova from the spaceport to Alvorine City. The attack begins, and Dis beats a hasty retreat. The Darksiders browbeat the female Hutt, and she tries to bluff her way out. Fed up, the Darksiders carve Krova to steak and pluck the holocron out of her entrails. They then fight their way back to the spaceport to find the mystery Darksider, a man named Noth, waiting for them. One short lightsaber battle later, the Darksiders are off Alvorine and delving into their new treasure-house of dark secrets
(GAME ADVENTURE - Wizards of the Coast - Jeff Grubb - July 2001)
However, the telepathic message with the Dark Side reaches a nearby Imperial base. Lord Jerec arrives on board his Super Star Destroyer, the Vengance, and captures the renegade darksiders and there Sith Holocron

+8 ASW4
Following the death of Chief Chirpa, Wicket Wystri Warrick and Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka marry on the planet Endor. Kneesaa is crowned the new chief of Bright Tree Village.
"The Essential Guide to Alien Species."[Page 38]

Grand Admiral Thrawn returns from the unknown regions.
"SW: X-Wing: The Krytos Trap" and "SW RPG Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook."

Lando Calrissian purchases and refurbishes a floating landscape park. A hundred or so of the floating masses of polymer cells filled with inert gas cruised the artificial western sea of Coruscant, pleasure craft built by rich merchants during the grand, high days of the Old Republic. Emperor Palpatine had discouraged such frivolity, and most had been docked for decades and fallen into disrepair.
Conjecture based upon "NJO Edge of Victory II: Rebirth."[Page 11]

"X Wing: The Bacta War."
Corran Horn grows closer to Mirax Terrik.
Iella Wessiri's husband husband Diric is killed by Isard's agents.
The grieving Iella joins Dark Squadron.
Corran asks Mirax to marry him. She accepts.

The Empire launches an attack on Isard and the Lusankya. Isard attempts to jump ship but her shuttle is destroyed by Dark Squadron. The Lusankya is recaptured by the Empire.

Corran and Mirax marry on theLusankya
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole - January 1997)

Corran and Mirax Horn honeymoon on the planet Alakatha.
"SW: I, Jedi."

"X Wing: Wraith Squadron."
Lord Skywalker orders Wedge Antilles to create a commando-starfighter group, the result: Wraith Squadron.
Grand Admiral Zsinj presents the Skywalkers with a new weapon, a Magnetic Pulse cannon.
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Aaron Allston - February 1998)

"X-Wing: Iron Fist."[/b]
Super Star Destroyer Razor's Kiss enters service
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Aaron Allston - July 1998)

"The DarkStryder Campaign (Inclusive)
Moff Kentor Sarne of the Kathol sector sends the Skywalkers a gift, a Force-sensitive ex-employee of Sarne's named Jessa Dajus, as well as several interesting 'trinkets'. These trinkets lead a Sith team lead by Lord Katarn through the Kathol sector, where Lord Katarn's forces conquer a group called the Qektoth Confederation, heading out into unknown space on the otherside of the Kathol rift, and coming into contact with the Aangi-Ti monks, finding more exotic trinkets, which Moff Sarne calls DarkStryder technology. Eventually, Lord Katarn's force encounters a planet where the race has a hive mind, and eventually capture a giant 'hyperspace launch gate' that provides access to Otherspace, over the home world of the Darkstryder technology.

There, Lord Katarn kills a female Jedi knight that was in hibernation for thousands of years, and captures a location called 'the Lifewell', where the orginal race that created the launch gates, the Kathol, are in hibernation. Lord Katarn defeats there gaurdian creature, DarkStryder, the creater of the trinkets, which are powered by the force.
Lord Katarn awakens and enslaves the Kathol race to the Empire.

(GAME ADVENTURE - West End Games - Timothy O'Brien - 1996)
Author's Note: Man, talk about a weird campaign idea for Star wars....

"X Wing: Solo Command."
Altered Gamorrian Voort "Piggy" saBinring becomes a pilot in Wraith squadron.

The Saffalore experimental augmentation facility under Grand Admiral Zsinj expands it's experimenting further, to including other species, including Eworks.

Grand Admiral Zaarin introduces TIE Raptors into the Imperial fleet. Robotic Tie Fighters incapable of fatigue

Myn Donos And Lara Notsil become involved.
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Aaron Allston - February 1998)

"The Courtship of Princess Leia."
Lady Skywalker is accidentally insulted by the ruler of the Hapes cluster, Ta'a Chume. In response, instead of peacefully brining the Hapes cluster into the Empire, Lady Skywalker orders a full invasion.

When Isolder, the prince of Hapes, tries a peaceful solution by offering to marry Leia and give her control of the cluster, Han replies "Hey, the only prince she's going to marry is me." Threepio investigates Han's claim, and learns by birthright, he is the heir to the crown of the Corellia system.

Lord Skywalker, on a personal quest to find lost Jedi and Sith records, while, investigating a late Jedi Master's home on Toola, Luke Skywalker comes upon a fragmentary record of a failed rescue attempt on a planet called Dathomir, led by Yoda - and "repulsed by the witches." Intriugued by this reference to witches, he speaks with Charol, the "Force Witch" Leia recruited from Endor. After learning that Charol is from Daithimor, Lord Skywalker looks up the planet. Its located in the area of space under the stewardship of Grand Admiral Zsinj.

Grand Admiral Solo, Lady Skywalker, and Lord Skywalker travel to Dathomir, and are pursued by Isolder, who is determined to find a peaceful solution to the Imperial invasion of Hapes. Lady Skywalker and Grand Admiral Solo set out to investigate the nearest Dathomir settlement, while Luke confronts Isolder in the desert. Luke reveals to Isolder that he is Force-sensitive. With Luke offering to train him as a way to stop the invasion, Isolder accepts. Luke and Isolder begin heading towards the settlement Leia went to, with Luke using the Dark Side to control several memers of the Blue Desert people

Continuing their trek, Luke and Isolder come upon the smashed remains of a starship - the Jedi training ship Chu'unthor. They come upon a 20-year-old Force-sensitive "witch" named Teneniel Djo, who takes them as slaves - and Luke as her mate. Ammused, Luke responds by freeing himself and Isolder and taking Teneniel prisoner. Realising he has a good find, he free's her and informs her that she is now his apprentice. Teneniel leads them towards her village, where Leia went, and begins a friendship with Isolder

Han and Leia met the Singing Mountain Clan of witches, led by Mother Augwynne. They are fighting a losing battle to keep from being corrupted by Gethzerion and the Nightsisters. After learning about the nightsisters, Leia decides they are the perfect place for her to start.

Luke, Isolder, and Teneniel arrive at the village and meet the others. Augwynne surprises everyone by awarding Isolder to Teneniel as her husband. Luke shrugs, either way, they are still his apprentices. The twins lead there group to the prison, where they meet Gethzerion, head of the Nightsister clan. Leia challenges her for leadership of the clan, and defeats her in a Sith vs Nightsister duel.

After reviewing the Nightsisters, and transferring the more useful Imperial prisoners onto Super Star Destroyer Iron Fist, Lord Skywalker orders a full invasion of Dathimor. Having turned Isolder and Teneniel to the darkside, Luke has them go with him as he leads the attack on the Singing Mountain Clan. Teneniel kills her mother Augwynee, and Isolder kills Mother Rell. Isolder gives Luke the chest Rell was gaurding, and luke unlocks it, revealing hordes of Jedi reader disks (and possibly a Jedi holocron)

Leia, upon returning to Coruscant, confirms Han's lineage herself, and learns he is the heir to the crown of Corellia. She accepts Han's marriage purposal.

Impressed with Teneniel's performance, and knowing Isolder still wants Hapes to join the Empire, Lady Skywalker offers them a deal: Isolder will marry Teneniel, who will become the Queen of Hapes. Hapes will surrender to the Empire, with Isolder and Teneniel acting as King and Queen (with the power of a Grand Moff) in the name of the Empire. Refuse, and the Empire will send in the Death Star. Isolder accepts, as does an eager Teneniel. Luke predicts that Isolder and Teneniel will have a daughter, who will one day become on of the Sith lords.
Isolders mother is executed by the order of Lady Skywalker

Six weeks later, in the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, Han Solo and Princess Leia become husband and wife.
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Dave Wolverton - May 1994)

Leia announces that she and Han are expecting twins, the Heirs to the Empire.
"SW: Heir to the Empire." This would be nine weeks prior to the beginning of the story.

+9 ASW4
Note: From here on out, everything is pretty much a rewrite or reorganize
"Heir to the Empire."

Grand Admiral Thrawn requests permission to open up Emperor Palpatine's Mount Tantiss storehouse. The Skywalkers agree. First, he travels to Myrkr to pick up Force-repelling creatures called Ysalamiri. Talon Karrde, currently stationed there, helps them out.

Thrawn (along with Captain Gilad Pellaeon) then travels to the planet Wayland, home of Mount Tantiss. They find the mad Jedi clone Joruus C'Baoth, whom they inform the Skywalkers about. After Lord Skywalker arrives and convinces C'Baoth to come to Coruscant, Thrawn opens the storehouse, and finds a new working variant of the cloaking shield, one that lets you fire while cloaked, but blocks outgoing sensors, and a huge number of Spaarti cloning Cylinders.

On Nkllon, Lando Calrissian's Nomad City swings into full operation, complete with 100 mole miners to assist in ore extraction. Grand Admiral Thrawn visits the facility, and comes up with the idea of using modifed mole miners as starship boarding craft. [/color]
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Timothy Zahn - June 1991)
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - October 1995-April 1996)

"Dark Force Rising."
Wanting to keep the removal of Ysalamiri from Myrkkr secret, Thrawn orders a full attack on Talon Karrade's base, capturing Karrade as most of his staff. Ghent the slicer is sent to the ISB for brainwashing.

Tired of raids by 6 Old Republic Dreadnaughts, after an expensive one over New Cov, Grand Admiral Thrawn is ordered to deal with the Dreadnaughts. Thrawn realises they are an important find.

The Katana Fleet.

Thrawn hires ship thief Niles Ferrier to find the Katana Fleet.

Under interagation, Karrade makes a deal for the release of his people and ships (as well as operational immunity and a generous pay-off). He reveals his knowledge of the Katana fleet to Grand Admiral Thrawn, as well as the name of the other men that might know its location. The others are all in imperial custody but one; Captain Hoffnor.

Realising time is running out, Garm Bel Iblis, the commander of the Dreadnaughts, tries to convince Captain Hoffnor, his contact that knows the location of the missing Katana Fleet, to sell him the entire fleet. Hoffnor agree's.

Niles Ferrier captures Hoffnor, who in exchange for a small consideration and his life, reveals he already told Bel Iblis about the fleet

Bel Iblis's forces arrive at the Katana fleet to find a squadron of Star Destroyers and there support ships already there. Bel Iblis orders a withdraw, but is cut off by Thrawn's Interdictors. Bel Iblis's ships are captured, and Bel Iblis and his aides are executed for treason.
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Timothy Zahn - June 1992)
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - May 1997-October 1997)

Hethrir (Imperial Procurator of Justice) and his lover Rillao are disappointed to learn there child, Tigris, is force-blind.
"SW: The Crystal Star."

Thrawn has clones made of all of his best warriors, and scatters them in around the to serve as a backup force should the Empire fall to whatever is in the Unknown Regions.... Baron Soontir Fel is among those that are cloned.... Thrawn experiments with a new type of Clone-Warlords who combined stormtrooper combat strength and loyalty with Thrawn's own tactical genius. Grodin Tierce is the template of the clone, but the project is deemed a failure, and the Tierce Clone is a 'one of a kind.'
"SW: Vision of the Future."

"The Last Command."
Talon Karrade and Baron Calrisson (Karrade doing so to avoid further Imperial wrath), manage to convince the various big-name smugglers in the galaxy to unit into one organization, the Bureau of independent shippers.

Jacen and Jaina Solo are born to Princess Leia Skywalker and Grand Admiral Solo

C'baoth, still insane, returns to Mount Tantis and seizes it for himself. Lord Skywalker and Mara Jade travel there and Mara kills C'baoth and a clone he had made of Luke. Mara realises she loves Luke in the process of killing the clone, which shocks Luke.

The Empire moves the Noghri emigrate to their new homeworld on Wayland. Honoghor becomes a Savith growing world.
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Timothy Zahn -May 1993)
(COMIC BOOK MINISERIES - Dark Horse Comics - November 1997-April 1998)

Luke summons Mara and Lumiya to him, and tells them we wants to marry both of them. Both agree. Luke and Mara move Lumiya into a new clone body. During the transfer, Mara and Lumiya, now Shiria Biree once again, discover a mutual mental attraction

The 'Adz' - Class Destroyer, an Imperial starship design which is used as a patrol - ship in many outlying regions, is developed. Their primary armament consisted of three quad-laser cannons and three dual-cannon ion batteries. They could achieve .55 past lightspeed, and maintained six fighters within her bays. One of the primary technological advances used in the 'Adz' - Class Destroyer was the inclusion of an array of slave circuitry that allowed a crew of 24 to handle virtually every system. At 150 meters in length, the 'Adz'-class patrol destroyer required 12 gunners and could transport up to 8 passengers and 4 prisoners in its brig.
"SW: Tyrant's Test" and "SW RPG: Cracken's Threat Dossier".

"X-Wing: Isard's Revenge."
Ysanne Isard, who apparantly survived the battle of Thyferra, is captured and executed by Iella Wessiri.
(NOVEL - Bantam Books - Michael A. Stackpole - May 1999)

Lord Skywalker marries Mara Jade and Shiria Biree, who become Lady Mara Jade Skywalker and Lady Shiria Biree Skywalker. Many people wonder how Mara and Shiria will get along in this situation. However, the high ranking Sith have learned Mara and Shiria are each others lovers, in addition to being Luke's
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Post by consequences »

Oh my god, you killed Iblis!

You Bastard!

Seriously, why did he have to die? :cry:
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Post by Solauren »

Simple enough reason
What use does the Sith order have for him?

More to come later

Is everyone that is reading this enjoying it? Please, feel free to post opinions
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Post by Agent R »

You have Mara and Shira/Lumiya as being bisexual...an interesting twist. Same goes for Luke being polygamous.

Couldn't Dathomir and Hapes just be brainwashed with the Savith drug?
(Yes, I know that would kill off large parts of the storyline. :roll: )
No conscience. No law. No stopping them....

....well, maybe a Happy Meal would do it.

Ka Anor needs test subjects!
I still think Furlings look like tribbles
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Post by Solauren »

Yes, they could.

However, The queen of Hapes pissed Leia off. She wanted a war as a way of expressing her dislike.

Also, Savith was further developed from Savourim. That means there a chance of making someone infected kinda 'laid back', and potientally useless.

I'm considering making up RPG stats for the 'Dark Tales' universe as a fan site.

Besides, they'd savith them after conquering.

I'm considering having a side effect of the drug be if your attacked by a force lead by darksiders or known to be (i.e the Sith Imperial navy), the fear generated my result in suicide. Make it less of a tactical weapon and more of a pacification weapon
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