I find you more and more funny every time you post
Lets tear apart the lastest post eh? See if we can break through that mental barrier aginst indepdnat thinking.
I will go top to bottom but first I have to share this one..
Seriously, we go nowhere that we are unwelcome
ROTFLMAO! This is the second time I have read somthing on this board that has made my nearly choke from laughing, The First was from David but anyway.
So where is the new JW Headquaters Located
The Moon?
Because I can't think of any place thats JW tollerant. New York Stands as a prime Anti-JW example Hotels have denined them convetion space before and succesfuly defended it as the fact that New York JW are famous for camping out in buildings if you let them in. They even inculded it in Seinfied for bob sake where Krammer invites some in and they spend the rest of the show trying to get them out
Now then to rip into the Post Paragraph by Paragraph
I suppose that some people think that we should. The problem is that we have this guilt thing that makes us think that maybe we have a responsibility to help others learn what has made our lives better
Guilt? Aha! We get to the heart of the matter quickly. You have the stated belif that your veiws are the correct ones and we are all in need of your help
While this may seem fine on the sufrace its the fact that when you add in JW Wiether you like it or not that the main problems arise
Yes, I know that you are going to say: "Aha! You think that you guys are the best and you have to make everyone else join your religion!" Well, you are partly correct. All religions generally teach that they are the one true faith. Come to think of it, a lot of scientific theories do too, and it often takes the most amazing of efforts to turn that around (Pasteur and bacteria comes to mind). We just admit it.
Two things the first is that three of the top five major religions do not state they are the only Correct one. Islam belives that they are the FINAL perfect copy thats not to say the others did not quite get it right, Hudisim and Buddism both have indivudal freedom and seeking your own path on the top three of important things to thier religion
And second I must stress this
All religions generally teach that they are the one true faith. Come to think of it, a lot of scientific theories do too
Say it with me Fokes
Bullshit You sir have no idea how Science Works. Nothing in Science is definite, Things become laws simply because they stand up to hundreds of years of people trying to prove them wrong, There are no absoultes in Science, There are no definates, By its very Deffintion a Theroy is and EDUCATED GUESS!
You sir have no idea how Science works and PLEASE don't pretend you do, Statments such as this mearly revile not only your laymancy but you idiociy as well!
If you don't want us there, then you should stop feeding us lines to take up (probably in an attempt to have a witty exit line). Being human, we tend to jump on slurs and slanders in an attempt to defend ourselves. Also... well we believe strongly enough that we want to help people desperately. From our interpretation of history and prophecy, the ship is sinking and we are telling people to get the life boats.
Reiligons trripe mearly interjection his views into this debate and providing some obvious things
IE people don't like being called dumbass's
The last line is realy the only important one, We thing the worlds gonna end, Repent with us or burn sums it up nicely
Now, I have a suggestion. If everyone stops generally treating those with religious faiths of any kind as second-class citizens on this board, I will be glad to let this thread drop. Personally, I have a very low abuse threshold (which is amazing, given my chosen faith). I have no desire to be flamed because others hate my faith and the work that I believe that God has commanded me to carry out. However, I would be grateful if people could stop spewing comments like 'brainwashing' around when I can guarantee that no such thing happens .
First I object in the STRONGEST to your suggestion that ANY of us treat people less depending on thier religious beliefs(Note I said less not diffrent) Second most people don't disliek your faith its the prestation they have such huge problems with
Third Brainwashing is a vaild religious tatic and JWs have been assocated with it and minor reiligons have often used it(Called Cults by the media) for its a vaild tatic when personal faith does not suffice mental intimdation and mood altering druges will suffice. Not that I've seen any drug use by JWs simply the Former
That descirption in a post above about one of our meetings using brow-beating and peer pressure? Didn't recognise the description as one of our friendly (and often slightly informal) meetings. I won't use the 'L' word.
The L Word? Lie? A good choice I consider one of my good traites besides self awarness is my scrupuluss honsetly
The case in question was a dare from an old friend who was a Pscyhology proffeser asked me to go to one and take notes and afterwords identify which and what mental tricks they where using to try and get me to join, I was there for roughly 72 mintues twenty of which was devoted to new memebers( I was not the only new person there) in a temple located in downtown Chicaco where exactly I don't know(I was not the one driving)
Well theres another post ripped apart lets see if you can acutal defend yourself the next time