Darth Wong wrote:Stormbringer wrote:Darth Wong wrote:Teaching that abstinence will prevent AIDS is not harmful. However, so-called "abstinence-only" sex ed programs deliberately REFRAIN from teaching about any other methods of preventing the spread of AIDS. This deliberate silence is DEFINITELY harmful.
Absitnence only programs are harmful, no doubt about it. However ignorant supersitions and local cultures of promiscuity are far more damaging.
One particulary discouraging anecdote from a aid worker illustrates the point (from a Time Magazine report on AIDS): The aid workers taught the men of the village how to put on a condom using an old broom handle. Later another group noticed men carrying broom handles with condoms on them. When asked why, they it was to prevent AIDS.
And if the aid worker had been more explicit in his instructions, this would not have happened. Our hang-ups about sex cause untold problems, and this is merely another example. We live in a society where we have countless euphemisms for "penis" because people are afraid to talk about it, as if God will strike them down or something.
It was a secular aid mission (nurses and social workers) for the record. The cultural and differences probably contributed to the confusion; I believe they had to use an interpreter. Either the interpreter screwed up or the villagers just didn't get it.
Darth Wong wrote:And all of Africa has experienced a epidemic of child rape as a superstition says that the way to cure venereal disease is to have sex with a virgin. It also is the only group the rapist can be certain don't have AIDS.
Ignorance is killing these people. Not just sex-ed but a comprehensive education is needed. They need to be taught modern hygiene and proper disease control measures. Even the best run AIDS prevention programs are often stymied by the simple ignorance and superstition rampant in the poorest areas.
Better sex ed programs would help. Unfortunately, the only groups in a position to do anything about it (the RC church's vast network of missionaries) remain silent, so the people have to figure out their own answers. See how well they've done.
I'm not saying that the Catholic Church couldn't do better, they could and should. But there is the problem that a lot of the missionary work is done by converts not a whole lot better educated than those they teach. A lot of people believe those quacks more than they believe real health care workers.
And even the Church only has so much sway. They can't change a lot of the cultural problems that have helped spread AIDS. A lot young women have to resort to prostitution simply to survive and condoms aren't an option to them. They no the risks but have to anyway. And the men patronize them, a lot. Hell, they tracked on Ebola outbreak to a truck driver that infected about a dozen prositutes even as he was dying. The men don't use condoms even those that have been taught for the same reasons guys don't over here in the west. It's the same problem that has devastated India, Thailand, and Malaysia. Promiscuity and prostitution for survival's sake spread HIV even when they know better.
Half the problem is that in Africa the health care workers are only a little better educated than the "shamans" and "mystics". And no better funded. The health system down there is sick joke, they have no money and so make due with conditions that a victorian age surgeon would consider appalling.
The sole blame for those deaths can't be laid at the feet of the Catholic Church, although they certainly have a large share of the blame. There are factors beyond mere ignorance at work here.