The Official Episode III spoiler thread

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The Official Episode III spoiler thread

Post by Vympel »

Crown and I decided that it'd be a good idea to sticky up a thread for all Episode III spoilers of all types, so as not to have them all over the forum everytime a new one comes out. Feel free to discuss them as well, but no spam, as always.

It'd be an exercise in tedium to collect all the ones that have been collected previously, so we'll just start fresh.
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Post by Crown »

Well since I tend to be tedius;

The Principal Photography Thread.

The Massive Cast Spoiler Thread.

Ep III Speculation Thread

I would like to point out to anyone reading this, this thread will most likely contain SPOILERS of some kind, so you have been for warned (which means no bitching).
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Post by Vympel »

- There is a point in the film when the clone troopers turn on their Jedi generals. Yoda is on Kashyyyk when this happens.
Awesome. That should be a great scene.
- There is a lava planet in the film. The "Bruce Spence" alien race is not on this planet. There is a unique new race that lives there.

- When things go down, Mace decides to go have a little chat with Palpatine.

- Since so much time is wasted debating on useless theories, I'll try to put it to rest. Padme dies. More interesting is how and who is involved.
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Post by YT300000 »

TF.N Insider Timberwolf files this report with more details on possible makeup tests for Anakin in some of the final scenes of Episode III. These are heavy spoilers, so if you're on the edge you may want to pass them up. You've been warned! Spoilers - Hightlight to read:

I can see that the original reports of Anakin meeting the lava are causing quite a stir. What I'm about to tell you details the look of Anakin at the end of the film, I hope you don't mind being spoiled this early.
Basically, there's several "toasted Anakins" - three to be exact. I can give you the details on each, though I have no idea which one(s) actually will be used in the final version of the film.

Anakin Test #1: Anakin is burned black almost completely head to toe, except for his face. He is charcoal black and it honestly is sickening. The only burn marks on his face creep up along his right side of the face and the top and bottom of his eye. His ear is almost completely gone and around his lips there are several severe burns as well. This is really a sight to behold.

Anakin Test #2: This test involved Hayden getting made to look very close to the unmasked Vader from Return of the Jedi. His skin is very dark tan in color and he has that huge gash in the right side of the top his head and other marks you may recognize. There are many small burns and scrapes on his face, with the most substantial burns appearing on both cheeks and then burned to a black crisp the rest of the way down.

Anakin Test #3: In this final version, Hayden was made up to be burned, but not NEARLY as severe. He has massive bags under his eyes and his hair is almost completely singed off - but not quite, some stubble still remains. The left side of his face is in terrible condition, extending down his neck then to an entirely burned body as well. The others look more over the top, where this one looks more like just terrible 2nd degree burns.

Which ever of the three they choose, we're in for quite a sight. Wow ...

Which one is being used in the final picture? We don't know ... yet
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Post by NecronLord »

- When things go down, Mace decides to go have a little chat with
Windu's going to be bitchslapped. I look forward to that.
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Post by Publius »

NecronLord wrote:
- When things go down, Mace decides to go have a little chat with
Windu's going to be bitchslapped. I look forward to that.
In spades, even. Given Mace Windu's dismal handling of his meeting with the Lord Serenno, a meeting with the man who will be Emperor is decidedly not in Windu's best interests.

Cf. Mr. McCallum's comment in the "Rumor Shooting Gallery" in Star Wars Insider number 70:
We'll see Darth Sidious wield a lightsaber.

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Post by LadyTevar »

I rather figured Padme would die, since Luke has no memory, and Leia only vague ones of her.

I'm really wanting to know how they hide the children from Anakin, and if he's the one that kills Padme.
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

LadyTevar wrote:I rather figured Padme would die, since Luke has no memory, and Leia only vague ones of her.

I'm really wanting to know how they hide the children from Anakin, and if he's the one that kills Padme.
The guy who plays Chewie says he delivers two babies to Obi, but he could of just been fucking with people.
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Post by Vympel »

- Palpatine and Sidious are the same person. The dark side shrouds everything, even Jedi eyes.

- The new bad guy is the leader of the droid armies. He is the ultimate Jedi-killing machine. He isn't 100% droid but dont' expect his backstory to be revealed in the film. His backstory will be explained as much as Darth Maul's was in Episode I.

- Anakin kills Dooku, and really early in the film as previously reported. And the former Jedi isn't officially named "Darth Vader" until after the lava bath. But don't take this to mean he doesn't do some very very dark things before the duel takes place.
The new bad guy is supposed to use two sabres. This should be interesting.
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Post by Gandalf »

Bless you spoiler boys. Where do you get the info though?
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Post by Vympel »

Gandalf wrote:Bless you spoiler boys. Where do you get the info though? as with all spoilers, take with a grain of salt as to the actual details, but the broader ones can be trusted (i.e. the new villain is confirmed)
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Post by Stuart Mackey »

Timberwolf comes back again tonight with some more spoilers on makeup tests of Palpatine in Episode III. So far the Star Wars Insider magazine has showed him looking a lot like his Episode II days but with new costumes for the sequel. But this insider tells us more tonight on what to expect in SW3:
I don't know if he's been using the Dark Side of the Force to cover it up or what - but the real Palpatine is getting some serious face time in Episode III. OK, I don't really know how much screen time Palpidious (funny name saw in the forums, sorry) is getting - but I do know they prepped him for a closeup.
There was an image from Episode III recently that showed the actor in costume getting ready to shoot a scene. It is intentionally misleading because that isn't what you'll really see him as in the film. Well, kind of - the side he shows the Jedi is still relatively tame, when we finally see the reveal it'll be a throwback to the ole' Return of the Jedi days.

In a makeup test, they had Ian McDiarmid looking just like the Emperor we know from the Classics, complete with yellow eyes and terrible crevaces of deep facial features. In one shot he's kind of gritting his teeth looking right at the camera. There are dark rings of red and brown under and around his eyes, and his lips are pursed and cracked. His face doesn't just look weathered, it looks plain evil. His black cloak is over his head in this first test shot.

In a second shot, his cloak is removed and you can see the top of his head. It is more of a casual shot with Ian almost smiling an evil grin to the camera. You can SO see him under the laytex, its some great work there. From this side shot you can see the intricate aging work in his neck and forehead, the man looks evil - a face only a mother could love. And even then, it might be difficult.

Why does Sidious look like this? He always did. Palpatine is his disguise/alternate persona he adopted to get himself into political power. He isn't able to maintain the disguise while using his powers and you'll see him flash to his Sidious look earlier in the film until he does the official "unveiling."

So would it be cool to see a first glimpse of this face as Palpatine feels the Dark Side flow through his body at a critical point in the film? Maybe there's been a confrontation, and Palpatine realizes this is the time to open up a can of something on a visiting Jedi.
Palpy must have forgotten his moisturiser at some point before ROTJ then
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Post by Vympel »

The working title is *probably* Revenge of the Sith. The domain name is registered and owned by Lucasfilm.
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Post by YT300000 »

The Blockade Runner from Star Wars: A New Hope is definitely the one we'll see in Episode 3, though it'll be much cleaner and not so worn down as you may remember it. It is indeed the ship Bail Organa travels on to Alderaan at the end of the movie. It is even complete now including landing gear - it's been slightly redesigned, just to make it look a little fresh and new compared to what we see in the original film.
Escape pods from this craft are also seen and used in the film. This ship is Bail Organa's to use throughout the film - it definitely has a "newer" look to it. There's also a good chance you'll see a scene that takes place on the never before seen bridge of the Tantive IV, and you'll see that it is capable of making planet-side landings with those new gear.
This was actually said a few days ago, while I was out of the loop.
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Post by YT300000 »

Name changes are for people who wear women's clothes. - Zuul

Wow. It took me a good minute to remember I didn't have testicles. -xBlackFlash

Are you sure this isn't like that time Michael Jackson stopped by your house so he could use the bathroom? - Superman
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Post by The Kernel »

What is especially interesting is the line about there being an EU character in Episode III. It may be slightly off with the books, but wouldn't it be sweet if this was a certain blue-skinned admiral? Personally I can't think of a better choice as he is by far the most popular character ever to surface in the EU (except possibly for Mara Jade who will be far too young to have any meaningful role).

I won't hold my breath but damn...Lucas if you do this I swear I'll forgive you for Episode I...
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Post by Publius »

The Kernel wrote:What is especially interesting is the line about there being an EU character in Episode III. It may be slightly off with the books, but wouldn't it be sweet if this was a certain blue-skinned admiral? Personally I can't think of a better choice as he is by far the most popular character ever to surface in the EU (except possibly for Mara Jade who will be far too young to have any meaningful role).

I won't hold my breath but damn...Lucas if you do this I swear I'll forgive you for Episode I...
Mitth'raw'nuruodo cannot possibly appear in Episode III, based on the simple fact that he did not begin to serve Palpatine until after the establishment of the Empire, according to "Mist Encounter", a short story written by Timothy Zahn himself. Furthermore, Sate Pestage or Garm Bel Iblis would be far more appropriate -- and far less gratuitous -- additions to the film.

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Post by YT300000 »

The Kernel wrote:What is especially interesting is the line about there being an EU character in Episode III. It may be slightly off with the books, but wouldn't it be sweet if this was a certain blue-skinned admiral? Personally I can't think of a better choice as he is by far the most popular character ever to surface in the EU (except possibly for Mara Jade who will be far too young to have any meaningful role).

I won't hold my breath but damn...Lucas if you do this I swear I'll forgive you for Episode I...
That character is almost certainly Tarkin, who will be in the movie.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

YT300000 wrote:
The Kernel wrote:What is especially interesting is the line about there being an EU character in Episode III. It may be slightly off with the books, but wouldn't it be sweet if this was a certain blue-skinned admiral? Personally I can't think of a better choice as he is by far the most popular character ever to surface in the EU (except possibly for Mara Jade who will be far too young to have any meaningful role).

I won't hold my breath but damn...Lucas if you do this I swear I'll forgive you for Episode I...
That character is almost certainly Tarkin, who will be in the movie.
I thought Tarkin was an OT character.
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Post by YT300000 »

Lord Pounder wrote:I thought Tarkin was an OT character.
Good point. Must write down that antibiotics are bad for thinking clearly. Otherwise I'll probably forget it. :oops:
Name changes are for people who wear women's clothes. - Zuul

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Post by Stravo »

Slightly off topic, but what do the "Eu should not be included" crowd think of EU exclusive characters appearing in the absolute canon films? Do they even address it or conveniently ignore it?
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Post by The Kernel »

Publius wrote:
The Kernel wrote:What is especially interesting is the line about there being an EU character in Episode III. It may be slightly off with the books, but wouldn't it be sweet if this was a certain blue-skinned admiral? Personally I can't think of a better choice as he is by far the most popular character ever to surface in the EU (except possibly for Mara Jade who will be far too young to have any meaningful role).

I won't hold my breath but damn...Lucas if you do this I swear I'll forgive you for Episode I...
Mitth'raw'nuruodo cannot possibly appear in Episode III, based on the simple fact that he did not begin to serve Palpatine until after the establishment of the Empire, according to "Mist Encounter", a short story written by Timothy Zahn himself. Furthermore, Sate Pestage or Garm Bel Iblis would be far more appropriate -- and far less gratuitous -- additions to the film.

I haven't read Mist Encounter, but from what I recall, Thrawn was involved with the destruction of a ship carying Jedi Masters (Outbound Flight Project) and all of them will be dead by the end of Episode III (or so it seems) so I would say that it could fit it with the existing history.

As for being gratuitous, I hardly consider a cameo all that bad. Besides, I'm not actually expecting it.
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Post by Vympel »

SPOILERS! - After the events of the absolutely epic opening space battle, the droid general has escaped, Palpatine has been rescued and Dooku is dead. Unfortunately, the Seperatist cruiser that Obi-Wan, Anakin and Palpatine is on, has now broken apart and tumbles into the atmosphere of Coruscant. The "Coruscant Fire Department" sends up fire ships to help guide the ship in for as safe of a crash landing as they can manage. This certainly is a "Grevious" situation. Haha, I've been wanting to say that. Anyhow, this seems like a reasonable explanation to the Fire Ship idea, I've been wondering how that would fit in. It makes sense that a city planet would have a way to fight fires and rescue people from extreme situations. This could be the reason several "extreme wind" situations have been called for on set.

-Anakin expects to be treated with more respect by the Jedi order now after having killed Dooku and rescuing Palpatine. When the droid general is tracked down, Obi-Wan is sent off on the mission to take him down, not Anakin. Palpatine, in response to his being kidnapped, uses this as a foil to upgrade his security and make Anakin his personal bodyguard. Another step for Anakin to be closer to Palpatine and in the future the Dark Side. He is getting prideful with slaying Dooku, and we see him now separated from Obi-Wan yet again. A receipe for disaster. And "upgrading the security" sure sounds like the Red Guards finally get much deserved recognition.

- Anakin does indeed have to make a "choice" in the film. That choice is given to him by Palpatine. In response, Mace Windu chooses to try and defend himself. This sounds like it fits with the Palpidious SPY REPORT earlier this week. Anakin is guarding Palpatine, per the spoiler above, and Mace comes for a visit. We see a flash of the ROJ Palpatine, then he unloads on Mace. Anakin and Mace duel, with Mace going down hard - sealing Anakin's embrace of the Dark Side.
Take with a grain of salt, as always. But it *sounds* cool.
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Post by YT300000 »

Not much of a spoiler, but still:

In an interview with the Toronto Sun, Liam Neeson said he won't be in Ep. III.

I hope he's misleading us at Lucasfilm's behest.
Name changes are for people who wear women's clothes. - Zuul

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Post by Sharp-kun »

LadyTevar wrote:I'm really wanting to know how they hide the children from Anakin, and if he's the one that kills Padme.
I'm expecting Dooku to kill Padme, and Palpy to do the "give in to your anger" routine on Anakin.
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