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Post by Tom_Aurum »

I'm not quite sure whether I have that spelled correctly or not. But I have been reading through Invisible Monsters. Goddamn beautifully sick and wrong. I'm afraid I'm going to read through all of it before I get dragged off to surgery later today, and I bought it to get myself at least a good Twenty-Four hours of entertainment. Anyone else have this experience with this Author?
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Post by MKSheppard »

The first rule of Fight Club is - you do not talk about Fight Club.
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Bertie Wooster
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Post by Bertie Wooster »

I had the fortune to read Fight Club before seeing the movie (I read it at work in 1 day and couldn't put it down). He brings up many good points about the loss of humanity because of excessive materialism, and how materialism and existentialist ennui is a favored coping mechanism in this day and age. Its not really nihilistic, but humanistic in a very nitty gritty, brutal, back-to-the-basics sort of way. Almost like "Sex in the City" for disenfranchised guys. However, the ending in the movie was much better than the end of the book. However, its one of the few books I've found to be inspiring, but part of the reason is that Fight Club will make you feel a lot better if you're a 20-year-old ne'er do well who just parties all the time like I was when I first read it.

Invisible Monsters brought up some interesting points about the philosophical ramifications of beauty and sexuality, but I found it more disturbing and gross than intellectually stimulating. I read Survivor and my reaction was that Palahniuk was running out of ideas. I thought it was too silly and far-fetched and didn't really have anything insightful to say about contemporary mass-media culture and religion. That was the last Palahniuk novel I read. My last impression of him was that he was just pumping out novel after novel to make money, but I could be wrong...
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Post by AylaKat »

Fight Club was the badass book. See: Sig.

I want to read his other books, when I get some money. The Diary looked interesting to me. Is it The Diary or just Diary?

Or Dairy? Mmm. Dairy.
"Until today, it really pissed me off that I'd become this totally centered Zen Master and nobody had noticed. Still, I'm doing the little FAX thing. I write little HAIKU things and FAX them around to everyone. When I pass people in the hall at work, I get totally ZEN right in everyone's hostile little FACE."

--Fight Club
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