BoredShirtless wrote:It's not about honour; it's about self respect. I couldn't imagine some guy hitting me and just letting him walk away. There are always exceptions of course, even not considering weapons.
That's fucking rediculous. I'm sorry, but self respect can be regained over time, paralysis, unfortunately is, many times, permanent. Disfigurement is nasty, and I like my REAL teeth, spank you very much.
To wit: I was almost in a fight once. We squared off, as young guys usually do, chest to chest like some sick neanderthal battle ritual. and the next thing I knew, something hit my mouth. I never saw the guy move, I just know SOMEthing hit me. When my head snapped back forward after a millisecondand I regained eye contact with him, he was in exactly the same position as he was the last time I saw him (Not half a second earlier) He was fast. Real fucking fast. and mean, too. I found out later he had been in juvenile hall for putting a kid in the hospital (May or may not have been true, but I was willing to believe it at the time, based on the look in this guy's eyes) Guess what I did rather than attempt to salvage some self respect? I walked away. Albeit with a busted lip, which healed in a week, all my teeth, and no suspension from school. just, turned and walked away. What did people say? "Ha ha. you got your ass kicked." to which I replied "Yup, but I know when I'm licked." One punch, that was it. and guess what? I respect myself to this day....funny thing, huh?
I find the whole "Self respect" attitude self destructive and silly. Sure, I may have kicked his ass, but, on the other hand, what we were fighting about wasn't fucking worth getting severely injured for. Or severely injuring him.
( I know you said there were exceptions, but you also said you couldn't imagine letting some guy hitting you and walking away....there's my example. I should also mention that the guy was roughly the same size as I was, so there was no strength advantage.)