Loadout of the Millenium Falcon

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Axis Kast
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Loadout of the Millenium Falcon

Post by Axis Kast »

In the most recent addition to the NJO series ("Final Propehcy" by Keyes), page 274 features Han requesting that Leia take control of "one of the turbolasers"; the next page, 275, refers to both "the turret guns" and "quad lasers" independantly.

Is this a misprint by an author who might not have checked the canon specs, or did the Falcon get an unusual overhaul?
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

he must have been under stress.
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Post by Ender »

Likely a mistake. The Centerpoint crisis credits X-wings with Turbolasers. Other famous mistakes include the spelling of Hobbie's last name, the sex and species of Doman Beruss, and the class of ship of the Rand Eliptic.
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Obviously a mistake. It is unlikely a ship as small as the Falcon could support a turbolaser cannon. The smallest turbolaser witnessed is at least twice as large as an X-Wing (Death Star turrets) and is supported by a massive battle station. There would be no room for anything else aboard the Falcon even if Han could install a turbolaser.
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Post by Wild Karrde »

IIRC they were also referred to as turbolasers in one the earlier books; Destiny's Way I believe.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Wild Karrde wrote:IIRC they were also referred to as turbolasers in one the earlier books; Destiny's Way I believe.

And in Conquest IIRC
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Post by phongn »

No, the smallest turbolaser seen is the small underhung one on the TIE Crawler.

The Falcon probably received a weapons upgrade, changing the QLLs into light turbolaser turrets.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

It all depends on turbolasers' definition. Turbolasers are NOT just really large lasers, they operate on slightly different operations. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible for certain types of turbolasers to have lower yields than some heavy laser cannon.

For instance, the light turbolaser on the TIE Crawler almost certainly has less power output than the heavy laser cannon on the AT-AT, and the laser cannon aboard the Outrider.
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Post by vakundok »

Side note (maybe unimportant):
In the ANH script the turbolasers were turbo- powered lasers. Neither necceserely larger, nor necceserely different (in working principles) from 'nonturbo' lasers ...
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Post by Super-Gagme »

Weren't the weapons on the Preybird fighter called Turbolasers as well?
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