Lord Pounder wrote:I once had a science teach who really was anal, we even had a song we sang about her.
"Mrs Dowler takes it up the hole, Mrs Dowler, Mrs Dowler, Mrs Dowler is a hoe."
The best of it was she really did, she had an affair with a student and when he dumped her he told the entire school about her preference to be rogered up the arse.
LOL! But anyway, every member of SDN would have gotten the wrong idea looking at this thread...
And when I'm sad, you're a clown
And if I get scared, you're always a clown
Well to go with everyone else, the first thing that came to mind upon seeing this thread was anal retentive teachers. Then oh, wong is gonna show up and talk about teacher related anal sex.
Blinky Bill, damned if I can remember his real name, an english teacher at Kyle Academy. He was of the opinion that since I had long hair I should be burned at the stake and anything that should happen would by default be because of me. He also took great delight in bawling me out over anything....for example, what I wore on a children in need non-uniform day. He was frankly a fucking asshole.
Grant A. Young, doesnt that name just beg for slandering, the head master (principal) at Kyle Academy. I cannot ever forget one of his best lines, when I was pelted with stones. "Dont you think you bring it on yourself?"
And when one of the other teachers nominated me for the school colours for heading the Roleplay Team and winning through to come second in the national finals. He said I shouldnt get them because I wasnt up to his standards.
I could add lots more to the list of assholes, I'll leave it there for now.
"Prodesse Non Nocere." "It's all about popularity really, if your invisible friend that tells you to invade places is called Napoleon, you're a loony, if he's called Jesus then you're the president." "I'd drive more people insane, but I'd have to double back and pick them up first..." "All it takes for bullshit to thrive is for rational men to do nothing." - Kevin Farrell, B.A. Journalism. BOTM - EBC - Horseman - G&C - Vampire
My original thought was people teaching how to do anal as well, but then I realized "Why would anyone hate them?"
"Remember, being materialistic means never having to acknowledge your feelings"-Brent Sienna, PVP
"In the unlikely event of losing Pascal's Wager, I intend to saunter in to Judgement Day with a bookshelf full of grievances, a flaming sword of my own devising, and a serious attitude problem."- Rick Moen
I've had a teacher who, in the first week of the course, screamed hysterically at me for flipping pages while she was talking, forced us to write out crap over and over again for homework, then screeched/docked points from those of us who argued that we didn't have 2 hours to waste on pointless exercises. Oh yeah, and did I mention she told the rest of the class about a quiz, but when I told her I'd be absent that day and asked her for the upcoming homework she 'mysteriously' forgot to tell me about it? While confusing me (repeatedly) with another student, of course.