A horrifying tale of the LT on vacation!

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Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
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A horrifying tale of the LT on vacation!

Post by MKSheppard »

The LT goes on Vacation Part XXIV (in a series of 40 fanfics)

LT Hitman was lying down on a poolside chair in a seaside
resort somewhere on Risa, unwinding from his mission to
Borg space, which he did from time to time whenever he
got bored.

Surrounding him were several chicks of various species, all rubbing
olive oil over his body, and motor oil over his cybernetic parts, when
a whiny squeaky voice interrupted his pleasure.

Growling, the LT cracked open a blood-rimmed eye, a side effect of
last night's orgy with a hundred chicks that he was trying to sleep off,
before this twit had interrupted his attempts to sleep.

Locking his eye on this new annoyance, Hitman noticed that the annoyance
was dressed in what appeared to be robes with stars and crescents printed
on it in gold fabric, and the annoyance was babbling about magic, and
Hogwarts School (whatever the fuck that was).

"Tremble, evil-doers! Soon you will feel the heavy hand of truth personified.
I have come to this horrible den of inquity and the world will be a better
place when I have purged all the lies of science and logic, thanks to my
magic wand!"

With that, the fool began waving a cheap plastic wand that he had obviously
gotten for 99 cents at a dollar store.

The LT tried closing his eyes and ignoring the insect. Unfortunately, for the idiot,
he kept on babbling and waving his wand, until he knocked over the LT's drink,
spilling it's contents all over the LT's new silk shirt, staining it horribly.

"What the kriff do you think you're doing?" growled the LT, slowly pushing the
women off him as he got up from his chair.

"Bow down before my intellect, fool! For I am ANDREW JOSHUA TALON!"
shouted the moron whose life expectancy was now rapidly aproaching zero.

"Right. Any last words, fuckbucket?" growled HITMAN as he felt the Dark Side
grow within him, his rage and hatred enveloping him in a pitch-black fog of
seething pain.

Andrew had noticed this, as the air temperature had dropped somehow by ten
degrees in the last few seconds and promptly pissed his pants as the LT's
blood-red cybereye blinked on, and a targeting laser snapped on, the beam
centering right between his eyes.

Reaching out with the Force, the LT grabbed Andrew by the nuts, squeezing them
hard enough to break the blood vessels on them, causing the acrid stench around
his crotch to be replaced with the sickly sweet smell of blood.

Screaming in pain and clutching his groin, Andrew collapsed to the ground, gibbering
"It's not possible! My Hogwarts school experience should be protecting me from evil
doers like you!"

"Well, little man, I gots news for you." muttered HITMAN as he took out a cigar and lit
it with the flamer unit concealed in his left middle finger. "This is not your kiddy ass shit
no more, this is the real world."

With that, HITMAN took a few experimental puffs on his cigar before frowning.

"Shit, man. I really have got to talk with my supplier. The quality of these things have
gone down big time ever since we nuked Habana for rebelling against Admiral Sheppard
when he went down there for a visit with the local governor-general a while back."

With that, HITMAN disposed of the offending cigar the only way he thought of - stubbing
it out in Andrew Joshua Talon's right eye, grinning evilly as he heard Andrew scream
bloody murder.


To be continued when I can do it, because my worthless mother is
screaming at me to get off the computer and threatening to turn the
power off unless I get off...mutter mutter...LT, see if you can
add anything to this :twisted:
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Ok I'll take a stab at it :twisted:

After watching the little bug that was rolling on the ground holding the ruined mess that had once been his right eye LT.Hit-Man grabed him by an ear and started to drag him towards a long flight of stairs that lead downwards, " Ok ladies take five and when I get back we're going to rock the house. "
LT.Hit-Man told the badly frightened ladies that had been atenting him before his relaxstion had been so rudely interrupted by this magic user wannabe.

" Ok shit monkey you want to play with magic ok we'll play that game."
LT.it-Man said to a squiming Andrew who was trying to brake the LT's vice like grip as he was draged down the stairs to the LT's play room leaving an ugly streak of shit piss and blood behind him.

" Unhand me evil do'er or you shall suffer the full fury of my Hogwarts magic!" Andrew squaked as he tried to cast a fire dart spell at the angered Sith lord.

LT.Hit-Man looked down at the fucktard who had annoyed him.
" What the fuck are you going on about you Hutt's cum stain? "
" I have never heard of this Hogwarts before?"
The LT said as they came to a stop in front of a huge door that had been crated from the skulls of over ten thousand Feddies, klingons and other assorted scum that he had put to a slow and agonsing death.

" Hogwarts is the mot bested school of magic in the universe where only the most gifted and intelagent wizards and witches leard to cast magic so if you know what's good for you you will release me and surender to me you evil sicko." Andrew said in a more bloder tone of voice now that the pain in his groin and the scoket that had once held his right had been reduced to a painful throb.

" Realy I think that's a load of happy horse shit, from the looks of you and that dumb fuck get up of your's I'd say who ever is running this Hogwarts is skimming on the tution fees. " LT.Hit-Man told Andrew as he uttered a dark side spell ot open the skull door who's souls that where traped in it screamed in agonyas he looked over the mind bloggingly fucked up cosutme that this so called wizard was decked out in.

LT.Hit-Man then draged Andrew into the dimly lit room that was about forty meters by about eighty meters, he floor was done in a black marbe that had blood flowing in the small chanles that had been carved into it the walls where done in demons skulls that the LT had hunted down for sport in some of his off time and from there empty eye sockets there was smokey flames shooting out of them that smelled of sulfuer and chard human flesh to cast a hellish light into the room the revealed blood stainted alter that had the bodies of humans, klingons, romulans a few borgs and other beings chained to the wall around then and off to one side wa a bacta tank and a huge bookshelf that held countless tomes of Sith maguic and other things not ment to be seen by human eyes.

" Tell you what, if you beat me in a no holds barded magic duel I'll surender to you but if I win your's soul is mine. " LT.Hit-Man told Andrew before he threw him into the bacta tank to heal and while he was waiting for the wizard wannabe to heal LT.Hit-Man took a book from the shelf and begain to read up on some of his favourte spells.

There you Sheppard have fun with this. :twisted:
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
Mad scribbler of the Writer's Guild Headquarters
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" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Shroom Man 777
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Oh shit... this is insanely funny and ridiculous. Continue! LT, might wanna fix your spelling though....
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

It's not even remotely serious, but who says it has to be??

At least it's entertaining, and I actually like your patented sickening descriptions of injury.
"Hi there, would you like to have a cookie?"

"No, actually I would HATE to have a cookie, you vapid waste of inedible flesh!"
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Post by Sarevok »

It has a sick feeling to it. But it is entertaining. Keep it up.
I have to tell you something everything I wrote above is a lie.
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Post by Kuja »

LT, Hit-Man........casting spells?

Oh shit.
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Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
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Post by MKSheppard »

LT.Hit-Man wrote: " Tell you what, if you beat me in a no holds barded magic duel I'll surender to you but if I win your's soul is mine. "
Fifteen minutes later, after looking at some Sith Majick Chapters that
looked interesting, HITMAN closed the book with a earth rending clap
that rattled the skulls in the room, and turned around to the Bacta
tank that AJT was residing in, and released the tank's door with a little
push with the Force, dumping a half-naked Andrew onto the floor in a
flood of Bacta. It wasn't a pretty sight, and HITMAN was glad when
Andrew put on his Hogwart's magicians' robe.

"You go first," rumbled the LT, trying not to let a smug look appear on his
face as he watched Andrew fumble around with the robe, trying to get it on.

"Uh...Snazzle Dazzle Pop!" shouted Andrew at the top of his lungs as
he waved his 99 cent wand around.

Absolutely Nothing Happened At All, except for HITMAN belching from
a rancid ham sandwich he had eaten earlier that day.

"That's it, Potterboy?" sneered HITMAN as he began to build up his
powers in anticipation of wasting Andrew.

"Wait, wait, don't I get more than one try?" wailed Andrew.


And with that, HITMAN unleashed the full force of the Dark Side in a force
storm that tore across the space separating the two people.

Andrew screamed as the blue lightning burned off his potter robe, and
melted his magic wand into a indistinguashable blob of plastic, but the
worst was to come, as it felt like thousands of pins were pushing into
his body from all over as the Force Storm tore his skin to shreds, literally
pulping his skin raw, blood oozing out from the torrents of invisible cuts
all over his body.

"I win. Your ass is mine for all ETERNITY," boomed HITMAN as he looked
at the screaming pile of flesh on the ground before him. "But first, before we
begin with your...education, we have got to do something about those nasty
paper cuts."

With that, from a hidden chamber in the room, dozens of gallons of rubbing
alcohol mixed in with iodine poured forth onto Andrew's body, and the screams
went up an octave as sheer mindless pain crowded out all of his other thoughts.

"Oops. I meant to put you into the Bacta tank to heal all those papercuts, but
looks like I got my bacta tank mixed up with my Alcohol supply," replied HITMAN
with an evil grin that caused a prisoner chained to the wall to go insane.

With that, he used the Force to put the unconscious Andrew into a fresh Bacta tank.

While he waited for Andrew to heal up, he went looking through his bestiary, which
was in an adjoining wing next to his meditation/torture chamber, until he found what
he was looking for, which took him long enough that by the time he was back, Andrew
had fully healed up again.

Opening the tank with the force again, HITMAN moved fast to chain Andrew to the wall
at the spot where his last plaything, one Brannon Braga, had spent the last thousand
years (accelerated) time going insane slowly.

HITMAN scowled. Andrew wasn't waking up fast enough, so he began to slap him gently
at first, with no effect, until he just went to his normal level of force, and finally woke up
Andrew with a lovetap that shattered his right cheekbone.

HITMAN watched the pitiful specimen of humanity before him bawl his eyes out, crying
at the relatively little level of pain that had been subjected to him thus far by the LT.

"Good, you're awake. Well, Welcome to your new home, where you'll be spending the next
few thousand years, courtesy of the LT HITMAN SHOW!" said HITMAN in his best Bob
Barker voice.

"Wait, that's impossi-" countered Andrew before the LT backhanded him again with another
slap that shattered his other cheekbone and knocked out a few teeth.

"Wrong. Nothing is impossible to the Sith." replied HITMAN as he hefted the container he
had removed from his bestiary while he had been waiting for Andrew to heal up in the Bacta

"Now, I've talked with my dear friend, Darth Wong, one of my fellow Sith Lords,
and he's apparently quite displeased with you for basically shitting all over his
castle a while back with your bullshit."

Hitman paused for effect.

"In fact, it was him who suggested this treatment for you."

"Wong! I knew it was that fuckhead all along! Has he submitted to my brilliance yet!?!"
shouted Andrew, spittle (and a few teeth) flying out.

"Looks like him and ya have got some issues to work out, Andy. In the meantime,
say hello to my little friends!"

With that, HITMAN opened the container, and lifted several squirming green-grey
things out with his cyberhand.

"Say hello to Kuati Blood Slugs, one of my particularly favorite creatures from back home,"
HITMAN said as he placed the slugs onto Andrew's groin.

As the slugs began to burrow into Andrew's groin, they caused intense pain, which was
enhanced a thousand-fold by the special Sith Sense-enhancing spell that Hitman had
cast only moments ago.

(five minutes of pain filled screams snipped for brevity.)

As Andrew writhed in pain, Hitman pointed a finger towards the bulges that were
now moving under Andrew's skin just above his cock. "These little buggers are so
much fun. Apparently they like to burrow into your seminal gland and then go down
it into your cock..."

Andrews screams multiplied by an octave as the bulges began to move down
his cock, which had become erect involuntarily from the Slugs juices.

One of the bulges was the size of a marble, and Andrew was almost unconscious
by the time it had moved half way down his cock, before HITMAN cast a Sith
pain endurance spell, preventing Andrew from collapsing into unconsciousness.

"They really seem to love your seminal passage, and they really like to lay
their eggs inside it, before leaving your body..."

Andrew screamed as he felt something lodge inside his seminal tube, followed
by even more pain as the slug began to worm it's way out of his cock, stretching
his cockhead to about four times it's length as it burrowed it's marble-sized diameter
out of a hole that was only about a few millimeters in diameter.

With a wet plop, the Slug landed on the ground, followed a few minutes later by a second
slug after it had laid it's egs inside Andrew's cock too. Hitman watched the show go on for
about an hour more before the last slug had laid it's eggs inside Andrew's cock and left.

Andrew's piss-slit was now stretched to about ten times it's normal diameter and showed
no signs of closing, as HITMAN picked up each of the slugs and placed them back into
their container.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, your erection wont' go down for the next week or so as the eggs
incubate inside your seminal tube, and then finally they hatch and well...I guess you'll have
to find that out yourself!"

With that, HITMAN cast an accelerated time spell that would cause a week's passage of
time for Andrew in a bubble around him while he went out to get lunch. In an hour or
so (normal time outside the bubble), the eggs would be ready to hatch...
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Solid Snake »

Hey, LT... Remember our little standoff killing trolls a while back?

Hehehe.. That was fun.
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

AWWW.... that's some of the most sickening torture I've ever read depicted in text!! In fact, if CAPalert analyzed fanfics I'm sure this thing would get a negative rating.

In other words:

Keep up the good work!
"Hi there, would you like to have a cookie?"

"No, actually I would HATE to have a cookie, you vapid waste of inedible flesh!"
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Shroom Man 777
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

This is absolutely.... positively.... the most despicable, horrible and gut wrenching thing I have ever read.

Good job guys, keep it up!
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

This is ALMOST as good as UPF.

I smell a GSDA for most innovative death.
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Post by MKSheppard »

Darth Fanboy wrote:This is ALMOST as good as UPF.
Bah, that's just because you're a co-author on UPF :)
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

MKSheppard wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:This is ALMOST as good as UPF.
Bah, that's just because you're a co-author on UPF :)
UPF had more victims as well. :twisted:
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by MKSheppard »

Darth Fanboy wrote: UPF had more victims as well. :twisted:
This is focusing on a single fucknut being tortured, tho :twisted:
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

MKSheppard wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote: UPF had more victims as well. :twisted:
This is focusing on a single fucknut being tortured, tho :twisted:
True True, I guess when it comes to murder and mayhem Im a quantity over quality sort of person. :lol:
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Solid Snake wrote:Hey, LT... Remember our little standoff killing trolls a while back?

Hehehe.. That was fun.
Oh yes I do remember that but now I have to add the next part to this fic so I'll be very busy.

Hmm ever seen acid spraying from..... Ah skip it. :twisted:
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
Mad scribbler of the Writer's Guild Headquarters
Grand Inquisitor of ASVS (ret) ASVS Vets Assc.

" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

After taking a quick brake from tortuering Andrew and getting his rocks off with a few of the lovely ladies that had been atending him before his new plaything had dropped in LT.Hit-Man made his way back to where he had left Andrew rolling on the floor in agony and to his sick delight he saw that Adrew's cock was covered in a hundread or so half dallor size lumps.

" Well now it looks like it's time for them eggs to hatch. " LT.Hit-Man said as he set up a holo-cam in front of Andrew who's mouth was opening and closing as he tried to scream but not a sound cae out of his mouth for his vocal cords have given out on him after he had worne them raw from screaming so much.

Andrew look up at his tormenter, his face streaked with tears of blood that he had sheed since the LT had gone to work on him.

" What's that you say?, your sorry that you had dared to interup my fun and games?" LT.Hit-Man ask Andrew in a mocking voice of pity and all Andrew could do was nod his head before his body was rocked by another shockwave of pain that had him convolcing on the floor like he was having an epalictic fit.

" You know I wish you had said something earlyer it would have saved us a lot of time and trouble." LT.Hit-Man told Andrew as he push the recoad button on the holo-cam.
LT.Hit-Man then took a spray canster from his trooper belt and croched down beside Andrew, grabed his lower jaw and forced his mouth open.

" Now now don't get your kickers in a knoat, this is just some throat spray that will help take care of that bad ass case of layergiste that you have there." LT.Hit-Man said with an evil grin to the willy struggling Andrew before spraying a dose of bacta down his throat then leting go of his lower jaw.
After a few seconds the bacta spray had healed Andrew's badly strained vocal cords and the sinnster alter room was once agin filled with Andrew's horrfic shrieks of pain.

LT.Hit-Man stood back and ended the time aceration spell that he had placed around Andrew, the lumps that had been the size of a half dallor coin where now the size of a baby food jar and the LT could make out the shapes of the Kuati Blood Slug eggs that where moment away from hatching.

" Now listen up fuck face becuase what I have to tell you is realy and I mean REALY important!" LT.Hit-Man shouted so that he could beheard over Andrew's delightful screams as the skin around andrew's cock and balls begain to expaned and contract as the eggs got ready to hatch, seeing that he was not reachng Andrew LT.Hit-Man cast a pain reducing spell that made the hellish pain that Andrew was stuffing a little more bearable before he ripp off the ragged and sopiled remains of Andrew's paints.
" I said pay atention you useless sack of wookie shit." LT.Hit-Man snraled as he grabed Andrew by the hair and slowly spin him around so that the holo-cam had a clear shot of his groin.
" Well the eggs hatch the larva are going to look for a warm dark place with lot of flesh to eat, can you gess where that will be? "
LT.Hit-Man asked andrew who thought about what he had been told, it took a few seconds for LT.Hit-Man's words to sink in and when his pain addled brain made the conecction Andrew begain to beg for the LT to kill him.
" No dice asshole, why should I do that and miss all the fun, after all the larva are not carrion eatters and it's not easy top bread them in captivty."
LT.Hit-Man added as he ripped Andrew's eye lids off before leaning him over his groind in such away that the holo-cam's veiw would not be blocked nor would Andrew miss any of the fun.

LT.Hit-Man quickly cast a life preveravtion spell on Andrew so that he would not die from the hellish pain that was sure to come as the skin around Andrew's cock and balls gave one last pulsation before exploading into rigged bits of shredded flesh and spraying blood as the eggs hatched and Andrew's mutilated groin was covered in a seething mass of squriming worm like creauers that begain to slowly worm there way into his ass.

With a truly evil smile LT.Hit-Man droped the pain reducing spell and started to laugh as Andrew begain to scream in suh sweet torture that LT.Hit-Man felt himself becoming aroused.

LT.Hit-Man then droped the pickerless Andrew to the floor and watched as he curled up into a ball of qivering flesh as the larva begain to nest in his ass that was now swolen up to the size of a truck tire.

LT.Hit-Man then looked up at the holo-cam with his most evil and soul crushing smile, " Within the next hour or so the larva with begain to eat there way though Andrew's lower intestines and up though his guts, this will take many many days to happen and all the while this ow down cock smoker will be in such agony that he will be driven completly insane. "

With that said he took one last look at Andrew before turning find some much needed relief from the painful sweeling of his hard cock that was just begging from some atention, as he walked towards the door of the alter room he looked down a dimly lit hallway that was lined with cloning tanks that held new and sleeping bodies of Andrew who where mind linked with the dying Andrew so that once Andrew's body finly gave up the ghost his mind and soul would be transfred to a new and helthy body that that the fun and games would contune.

LT.Hit-Man then made his way up to his bed chambers/personal torture chamber where he would brake in his new Marilith that he had won in a game of dice.
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
Mad scribbler of the Writer's Guild Headquarters
Grand Inquisitor of ASVS (ret) ASVS Vets Assc.

" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
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Post by MKSheppard »

HEHEHEHAHAHAHHA "Baby Food Bottle size"
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

MKSheppard wrote:HEHEHEHAHAHAHHA "Baby Food Bottle size"
Thought you would like that
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
Mad scribbler of the Writer's Guild Headquarters
Grand Inquisitor of ASVS (ret) ASVS Vets Assc.

" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Quess poked her head in,

She had just taken the kids to see "Kill Bill" (again), followed by a couple of stops for school and Sith's eve supplies. Since she had been mostly busy with college herself lately, and the Triplet's had decided that the "School Uniform" look looked good on her, she was dressed in a Black Blouse, with upside down crucifex *With a still squirming shrunken Federation Prisoner attached to it.*, a skintight black leather (with Crimson highlight) skirt, and Knee high boots, her tail poked out from under the folds of the skirt, and her "Chibi" wings were visible poking out the back. Her red hair was reaching down to her sholders on this day, (although she could change it's length at any time), and her horns were also "Chibi-sized"

The succubus/nanny was definatly on an Anime bend again.

"Ooooh, a new plaything!" green fire licked across the mangled remains of Talon, his lungs though dry fueled a memerable scream as her flames healed him. (Albet very painfully)

Leaving her Lightmace at it's side, she snaped her fingers, a drow wearing nothing but a chainmail thong, shuddered and handed her a snakewhip.
"He's cute, in that form."-refering to the nearly naked female elf.
"You see, the poor boy thought he could summon & break me, like something out of his fantasy games. So I found it only fitting to turn him into something from there. And give him a bit of the female perspective and clean his mysogynistic Gorean clock,"- She responded gleefully

*As she lashed out, the snakes bit deeply into his flesh, their poison turning his blood to fire, or causing vast nerve damage, making him twist and contort in fashions that the body was never intended to do. While other fangs pushed healing balms through the same viens, or desensitived nerve receptors so that parts felt (Nothing) others over amped his nerves so that dust in the air felt like pin pricks, another head pushed his sensations of pleasure even further.

Looking down, at the shreded robes, she smirked, *That's your "Wand"? you would need an electron microscope to find that!."
"I'll have to do something with you.", pushing another button at the base of her "Snake whip" she set it to "H-Mode" and cast it next to the helpless fool.

the snake's bit deeply into his arms head, & legs (spreading him out and pulling his neck backwards. Anthoer snake entered his mouth, while another snake crept under the fool's robes. The last two heads took turns teasing the Andrew's "bitch-tits" smiling, the Succubus, left him that way *I need to research a donkey transformation Boss, Have Fun!"

dragging the "Drow" along as for you I have this elixer of "Crack" I want to introduce you too.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Kuja »

LT.Hit-Man then droped the pickerless Andrew to the floor and watched as he curled up into a ball of qivering flesh as the larva begain to nest in his ass that was now swolen up to the size of a truck tire.

Hamel better not read this. :lol:
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Peregrin Toker
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

It's just getting more and more grotesque.

If this is the intention, keep up the good work.
"Hi there, would you like to have a cookie?"

"No, actually I would HATE to have a cookie, you vapid waste of inedible flesh!"
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

* Reads Yosemite's add in to this fic*:wtf: :mrgreen:
Damm that kick's ass! I love it! :twisted:
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
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" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Simon H.Johansen wrote:It's just getting more and more grotesque.

If this is the intention, keep up the good work.
Ok but I hope for your sake that they have a rubber room set aside for you because I'm geting an evil idea and I am realy REALY pissed off at the human race at the moment.
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
Mad scribbler of the Writer's Guild Headquarters
Grand Inquisitor of ASVS (ret) ASVS Vets Assc.

" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Post by Sarevok »

So is Andrew going to die in the end ?
I have to tell you something everything I wrote above is a lie.
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