I wasn't suggesting that YOU were an ATI fanboy, just that the info that you received was ATI fanboy garbage. As for HL2, if nVidia gained 65% in Halo (a game that according to the developer makes heavy use of PS 2.0 shaders) then they can quite probably make up the deficit. Notice that Carmack has shown that the GeForce FX is actually slightly FASTER in DOOM III.Shogoki wrote:
LOL, who's the one going apeshit, again? I didn't even mention ATI, guess anybody who says anything about nVidia must be an ATI fanboy, right?
I hadn't seen this article, it's indeed interesting, and surprising too, I'm actually glad they are pulling their stuff together, as 2 friends of mine who spent a few hundred dollars on their new video cards waiting for HL2 were feeling very disappointed and ripped off. We still have to wait to find out, anyway.
EDIT: Oops, forgot to add quote.
The above is why I am a little ticked at Gabe and Valve. Their benchmarks didn't show squat; all they did was spread a great deal of misinformation. Even if HL2 had remained on schedule, Det. 50's would still be out to meet the game before its release. So the whole comparison became moot anyways.