Ashes of the Galaxy

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Grand Admiral Thrawn
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Ashes of the Galaxy

Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Previously known as "Unnamed SW/ST fanfic"

The U.S.S. Timothy Jones floated through space. Inside, Captain Robert Anderson smiled. The glorious Galaxy class ship was named after the greatest Federation leader. President Jones had introduced new warp cores and holodecks (although some ridiculous "engineers" complained about "safety concerns), removed militarist uniforms and so called phaser "pistols" and "rifles" replacing them with far more peaceful designs. What does anyone need a stock or grip or trigger guard for anyway? He also thought up bringing civilians onboard starships, especially children. Finally, Jones sent millions of insane criminals, most raving about the laws "destroying freedom" to New Zealand, where they could be helped. After all, didn't Jones teach political dissent could only weaken the state.

Anderson's thoughts were interrupted when the Jones shook violently. He looked at the viewscreen to see an asteroid in front of them.

"Sorry sir," Lt. Azeron, the helmsman, said. "The damn liberal traitors must have sabotaged this console.

"Or the godless atheists," Weapons Officer Lt. Commander E. Grey commented.

"The T-1000 could have piloted better," argued Ensign Omega-13.

"Lord and Imperator Anderson!" cried Commander Kazeite, "I'm detecting a wormhole. Something's emerging!

In a BRIGHT FLASH, an Imperator class Star Destroyer appeared on the screen.

"It's a atheist warship come to wipe out God's chosen!" cried E. Grey. "We must strike it down and send them to the Lake of Fire."

"Actually, it's a Warsie ship, though many of them are godless," Anderson corrected.

"Warsies?" asked Azeron.

"Fools," replied Anderson. "They use nefarious things and logic."

The entire crew gasped. Those were the two most dangerous ideas in the galaxy. President Jones has wisely banned them decades ago. How could a society survive with them?

"Anyway," Anderson continued, "it MUST be destroyed. All phasers, begin firing, full power! Those warsies will soon face our power!"

Phaser after phaser lashed out at the ISD, doing absolutely nothing.

"Uh, the blasphemous triangle remains sir," Grey said. "Our phasers are not effecting the infidels at all.

"Uh, they must have used an inverse particle field to re-route tachyeon particles...or something. But that won't save them. PHOTON TORPEDOES!" cried Anderson.

"Uh, Emperor of Space-Time," Kazeite whispered. "You used all the torpedoes against that nebula a few days ago."

"I don't care what the sensors said, THERE WAS A ROMULAN WARBIRD IN THERE! Anyway, Mr. Grey, God is not with you today. You're a useless fucker who can't even shoot. Transfer weapons control to me."

As Grey prayed to Jesus for forgiveness, Anderson rapidly tapped on a console. Phasers again fired, though missed the ISD completely.

"HA! You missed! The T-1000 however has 100% perfect accuracy!" shouted Omega-13, now wanking off fully to the Liquid Metal Terminator, burning out the eyes of anyone who looked at him.

"I DID NOT MISS" screamed Anderson. "It's, uh, a sensor illusion. They're trying to cover up the massive damage we've caused. Yeah, that's it."

"Emperor of the Galaxy, they are hailing us" reported Kazeite.

"See?" Anderson said. "Those fuckers are going to surrender. No one can match my combat skills. How dare you lackeys doubt me. Put them on screen"

A very pissed off man's image filled the screen and he shouted, "YOU BASTARDS! You scratched our paint job! Prepare to die" He turned his head to speak to someone off screen and said, "all turbolasers, open fire!"

Anderson just laughed. "Don't worry, they're firing LASERS. Why, they won't even penetrate our navigational-"

The Timothy Jones was struck by a single LTL, and exploded in a, explosion.

On board the Star Destroyer Killing Stuff Captain Sir Nitram was pissed.

"That paint job will cost thousands of credits to replace! Darth Wong will kill me! Hmm...I need something to please him. Maybe a few conquered star systems. I wonder where that ship came from. Lt., begin launching probe droids..."
Last edited by Grand Admiral Thrawn on 2003-10-13 09:49pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You know, I was God once."
"Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died."
Bender and God, Futurama
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Post by FaxModem1 »

Uh, the Federation is godless

How about the title 'Deserved Justice'?

I liked it, keep it coming.
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Post by Singular Quartet »

FaxModem1 wrote:Uh, the Federation is godless
It's called humour fic my friend. In them, you cna make it people, groups, et all as OOC as you want, and no one should give a damn.
How about the title 'Deserved Justice'?
Sounds good, actually, however, we will let the author deciede...
I liked it, keep it coming.
Same here.
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Peregrin Toker
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

I assume this fanfic wasn't intended as something serious...
"Hi there, would you like to have a cookie?"

"No, actually I would HATE to have a cookie, you vapid waste of inedible flesh!"
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Post by Singular Quartet »

Simon H.Johansen wrote:I assume this fanfic wasn't intended as something serious...
First line says it isn't.
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Grand Admiral Thrawn
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

FaxModem1 wrote:Uh, the Federation is godless

Artistic License.

How about the title 'Deserved Justice'?

I liked it, keep it coming.


New Chapter by Tommorow, 2 if you're lucky.
"You know, I was God once."
"Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died."
Bender and God, Futurama
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Singular Quartet
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Grand Admiral Thrawn
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »


Spacedock. A bright shining object in Earth's sky. For over 100 years, the best starships in Starfleet has stayed and been repaired in it's massive bays. Approaching the massive station inspired awe in many people.

Not that Commander Straha gave a fuck about that. He'd spent 2 fucking hours in a piece of shit shuttle, with only a pilot whose parents were so stupid they didn't give him a name. As the shuttle, which was just a box with 2 engines literally slapped onto the side, entered Spacedock, he was even more pissed off by what he saw. He was supposed to report to the U.S.S. Enterprise to replace that pussy Riker. But there were so many fucking ships Goddamnit!

"Hey, pilot guy, which one's the Enterprise?" Straha asked.

"Uh, well sir I'm not sure," the pilot responded. "I mean, there's a Sovereign over there but it might not be the Enter-"

Straha cut him off. "Please, how many Sovereigns can there be? They're like 700 meters long! Start mass-producing them and you'd run out of room in Spacedock! Set course NOW!"

The tiny shuttle flew towards the ship's shuttlebay, and the pilot made a suggestion. "Uh, sir, perhaps you should ask them to open the shuttlebay doors sir."

"Uh, I was just going to do that," responded Straha. He flicked on the communications system. "Yo, Enterprise, Commander Straha is here! Open your shuttle bay doors and let me in!"

"What the fuck did you just say?" an angry voice replied.

"I'm the new XO of the Enterprise, Commander Straha, taking over from that bitch Riker. And since you're can't be Picard, you're my subordinate. Open the Enterprise's shuttlebay doors or you'll be scrubbing plasma manifolds for a week, fucker."

The voice sounded even angrier. "Hey, Commander Stupid? This Captain Frank of the Starship TITANIC, not the fucking [/i]Enterprise.[/i] Are you so fucking stupid you didn't know there's a lot of Sovereigns? Go away asshole!" A phaser beam lanced out from the Titanic into the shuttle.

"Hey!" yelled Straha. "You can't do that to another Starfleet ship!"

Another phaser beam was fired. "Watch me."

The pilot leaned over and whispered into Straha's ear, "Uh sir, that last hit took out our deflector shields and caused serious damage. Another hit will destroy us. I recommend not annoying this Captain Frank anymore."

"Uh, good idea. Captain Frank, Commander Straha here. Turns out it was all my pilot's fault and got the ships confused. Stupid moron didn't know there was more then one Sovereign class here! So, um, we'll be leaving now." Straha switched off the comm, and turned to the pilot. "This is all your fault."

"Me?" the pilot said. "It's you who-"

"Tell me, are people going to believe a nameless shuttle pilot, or the soon to be Second in Command of the flagship of Starfleet? Even you can figure that out. Now get us out of here before Captain Asshole decides to shoot at us again." Sighing, the pilot began working the controls to move the shuttle away from the Titanic, but was interrupted by a load beep. He tried to set a course again, with the same results.

"Um sir, that last hit knocked out helm control. We can't move at all, except for our forward inertia, which is sending us towards the Titanic. We have to dock, or we'll hit them!"

"Fuck," swore Straha. He sighed and flicked on the comm. "Uh, Captain Frank? It appears your, um, completely understandable defensive reaction to my stupid pilot may have cause some slight helm damage to our shuttle. As such, I must request permission to land in your shuttle bay until we can make repairs."

He heard Captain Frank's laughter. "Yeah, sure I'll let you land. Do you I'm an idiot. 'Slight helm damage?' BULLSHIT. You're trying to take over my ship! You're lucky I don't blow away your shuttle right now.

"How about you just transport us aboard then?" asked Straha.

Frank's response was quick. "You're getting on my nerves Commander Fuckface. Shut up or I'll transport you right into space!" The channel was then closed.

"Annoying son of a bitch," cursed Straha. "Pilot, we're abandoning ship. Where can we transport?"

"Uh, you see sir," the pilot answered, "the concentration of ships, as well as the Titanic's weapons fire has caused severe subspace interference, which limits transporter range to the immediate area around us. The Titanic."

"Bloody hell. Oh well. We'll beam aboard his ship ourselves. Better arm yourself too. He sounded pissed."

The pilot coughed. "Sir, they've raised their deflector shields, presumably to prevent us from transporting."

Straha banged his fist on a panel. "Smart bastard. Fix those controls damnit! Computer, how much time 'till we hit the Titanic?"


"Hurry up pilot!" urged Straha.

"Don't worry sir, all I have to do it reroute the primary plasma conduits to emit a phased tachyeon burst to recalibrate the engines coils," the pilot explained, Straha not understanding a word.


The pilot began typing on his console extremely fast, and with less then a minute Straha wasn't sure if he could accomplish all that technobabble. But the sound of the engines restarting filled the cockpit.

"Yes!" exclaimed Straha. "Get us out of here!"

"Which direction do you want to go?" the pilot questioned.

"ANY DIRECTION!" screamed Straha.


The shuttle shook violently but its course did not change.

"What the fuck was that? Why aren't we turning?!" demanded Straha.

"Since you didn't give me a direction, I tried to go left and right. I guess the thrusters canceled each other out," the pilot explained.

"You moron. Uh, turn us left!" Straha ordered frantically.


"Hmm. Seems I accidentally burned out the thrusters. Don't worry, I can just cross a few wires and fix it."


"Uh-oh," the pilot said. "Can't remember if I cross the red or the blue wire. Do you know sir?"


"Uh, err, you're the fucking pilot, choose one!" shouted Straha.

A huge explosion rocked the ship, but their course still didn't change.

Straha sighed. "Let me guess, you crossed both?"


"Uh, what do we do now sir?" the pilot asked.

"I don't know, maybe something will save us, like a miracle," Straha replied.


"Or not."
"You know, I was God once."
"Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died."
Bender and God, Futurama
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

What about "War Amidst The Sparkling Stars In The Darksome Void"??

Or "Flames Of Battle"??
"Hi there, would you like to have a cookie?"

"No, actually I would HATE to have a cookie, you vapid waste of inedible flesh!"
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Post by Micheal Ryans, Beta pilot »

Titan Princeps of the Mecha Maniacs: Gloriam Imperator
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Post by Straha »

'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

ahhhhh, now thats some funny shit! makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. :D
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Post by MKSheppard »

*Falk and Shep walked into the fanfic forum, and saw the Unnamed SW vs ST
fanfic, and decided to have Frankie and Seppo go beat up GAT :lol:*
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Grand Admiral Thrawn
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Title still needed!


The bridge of the Enterprise was dim and deserted. Only Captain Picard and Lieutenant Human-Shield were there.

"Hey, Lieutenant," said Picard. "How come just you and me are on the bridge? What if there's an emergency or something?"

Human-Shield, manning the tactical station, responded, "Captain, how could there be an emergency in Spacedock? Regulations dictate only 2 officers are required on the bridge in Spacedock."

"Err, yeah, I knew that, I was just, uh, testing you. Say, when does my shift end?"

Human Shield checked his console. "Sir, your shift ends in 43 minutes."

"Fuck that!" replied Picard. "I'm the Captain for God's sake! Reset the clocks and set them 43 minutes ahead. I'm going off duty."

"Captain!" objected Human-Shield. "Regulations also require at least a Lt. Commander on the bridge at all times."

"Bloody regulations," cursed Picard. "Well, where's the replacement for Commander Riker. Uh...Ensign Straga or something."

Human-Shield checked his console. "Sir, COMMANDER StraHa's shuttle crashed only a few minutes ago. There were no survivors."

Picard shrugged. "Oh well, wasn't our shuttle. Lord knows we lose enough of them already. Hmm...what Lt. Commanders are left on the Enterprise? Worf isn't here yet...I know! Call Geordi to the bridge. I heard he finally got that cheese grader off his eyes."

Human-Shield looked pained. "Sir, if you bothered to read my reports instead of drinking your fucking Earl Gray and reading that Shakespeare crap you would know Commander La Forge was accidentally transported into a wall 3 days ago you incompetent pathetic excuse of a Captain!"

Picard ignored the insults. "Bloody hell. Transporter accidents? Shuttle crashes? What the fuck is this, Star Trek?!"

"Uh, sir...-"

"Quiet!" barked Picard. "I mean, what's next? Red shirts being slaughtered?"

Human-Shield was now extremely pissed off. "Sir, my name should be an indication that I do not appreciate such humor. I-hey you! Stop! What are you doing?! No, please! Don't! I beg of you-!"

Picard turned to look at what was happening. Worf had appeared on the bridge and was advancing on the lieutenant with a Bat'leth in hand. Human-Shield grabbed his phaser, but in a single swipe, Worf cut off the arm, sending it, phaser in hand flying. Crying out in pain, he staggered back, but Worf continued his attack. He slashed his Bat'leth, cutting Human-Shield's chest. Worf then impaled him deeply. He then began to twist it around, doing even more damage. When he heard Human-Shield gurgle as he choked on his own blood, Worf pulled the blade out, brought it up and decapitated him. The bloodied, not so complete body fell to the floor, the head landing right beside it.

The gruesome fight disgusted Picard. "Mr. Worf, why did you murder Mr. Human-Shield?"

Worf looked confused. "Mr. Human-Shield? Ugh, sorry sir, me thought he was a Romulan P'Tagh!"

"Don't worry about it Mr. Worf unlike our Superior Human Racial Purity, I know you primitive, inferior Klingons are always violent. Anyway, he can be replaced" Picard assured him. "However, you will have to pay for the cleaning bill."

"Bah, it is dishonorable for a Klingon Warrior to have to pay for cleaning!" replied Worf.

"Just like you said it is dishonorable for a Klingon to pay up in Poker Games? Sure." Picard then stood up. "Well, you have the Bridge Mr. Worf, I'm going to my Quarters for some Earl Gray Tea."

Hours later, Picard was sleeping in his quarters. He awoke slowly, knocking away the copy of Hamlet he was reading. He cursed his old body. After reading barely half of it he fell asleep. In the Academy he could read half of ALL of Shakespeare's books in one night before he even yawned. Fuck, he was old. His body was old and frail. He'd need to spend that year on Ba'ku he'd promised that hot chick before he'd be his old young self. Hell, in the Academy he'd banged so many girls they said he was the next Kirk.

A sudden beep at the door brought his mind out of his memories and regret. "Enter," he commanded. The door opened and a very tall man entered. He wore a standard Starfleet uniform with the rank of Lt. Commander.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" demanded Picard.

"Lt. Commander Stravo, sir, your new tactical officer," the man stated.

"New tactical officer?!" exclaimed Picard. "What happened to Worf?"

Stravo coughed. "Uh, he thought a window was looking dishonorably at him. He fired a phaser at it, and was sucked into space. I heard several ships report the corpse is still floating around Spacedock.

"NO!!!" screamed Picard. "First Data, then Geordi, now Worf?! I can't take this shit!!!" Picard went for his phaser, set it to maximum, and stuffed it into his mouth.
He fired.

After assigning a clean-up crew to remove the large amount of blood, brains and skull fragments in the Captain's room, Stravo returned to the bridge. He tapped his combadge and said, "Stravo to Starfleet Command. I regret to inform you that Captain Picard has committed suicide.

A voice then replied, "My God, another officer is dead? Oh well. Since you've turned yourselves into a meatgrinder, we're not going to send you a valuable Captain."

Stravo asked, "Well what the hell are you going to do?"

There was a laugh. "You're the new Captain."


"Yep, instant promotion. Congratulations, Captain." And before Stravo could replit, the line was cut.

"Oh fuck."
Last edited by Grand Admiral Thrawn on 2003-10-06 01:45pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You know, I was God once."
"Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died."
Bender and God, Futurama
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Post by Kuja »

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Grand Admiral Thrawn
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Kuja wrote:

[Han Solo]I fixed that! It's not my fault![/Han Solo]
"You know, I was God once."
"Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died."
Bender and God, Futurama
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Post by Kuja »

Ah, much better. And now that I'm out of nitpick mode:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Very funny.
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Post by Mitth`raw`nuruodo »



I can't think of a title though.
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Post by Kazuaki Shimazaki »

Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:After assigning a clean-up crew to remove the large amount of blood, brains and skull fragments in the Captain's room, Stravo returned to the bridge. He tapped his combadge and said, "Stravo to Starfleet Command. I regret to inform you that Captain Picard has committed suicide.

A voice then replied, "My God, another officer is dead? Oh well. Since you've turned yourselves into a meatgrinder, we're not going to send you a valuable Captain."

Stravo asked, "Well what the hell are you going to do?"

There was a laugh. "You're the new Captain."


"Yep, instant promotion. Congratulations, Captain." And before Stravo could replit, the line was cut.

"Oh fuck."
I'd like to be assigned on the Enterprise! I'm sure that if I acted sensibly, I'd be the new XO before too long :D

Anyway, ROTFLMAO. And don't take the fact that I insert my own comments ten ways through as anything negative - I DID read it from front to back :D

Give us more, now!
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

"Bah, it is dishonorable for a Klingon Warrior to have to pay for cleaning!" replied Worf.
[Beavis & Butthead] Hur-Hur-Hur. [/Beavis & Butthead]
"Hi there, would you like to have a cookie?"

"No, actually I would HATE to have a cookie, you vapid waste of inedible flesh!"
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »


A Klingon Bird of Prey, the Qua'Go'Mak'Hika flew out of control in empty space. What began as a simple minor list quickly turned into a violent spin. On the bridge, Captain Kork threw his empty bloodwine cup at the navigator and shouted, "You p'tagh! Bring this ship into a level flight before I grind you ass into gagh food!"

Rubbing his head, the navigator apologized, "Sorry My Lord, it's just after about 30 bloodwines, everything starts spinning!

Kork frowned. "But only 25 bloodwines is lethal, how'd you drink 30?"

The navigator shrugged. Suddenly, his console beeped. Looking at it he reported, "Master, either there's an enemy ship on the sensors, or our cleaning crew forgot to dust the radar screen.

Kork thought for a moment. His cleaning crew always kept the ship spotless, a daunting task with Klingons hangovers. It had to be the latter. "It's a ship alright. But what kind?"

The navigator checked the sensors. "Hmm...triangle shaped, like a wedge. Fully armoured, very tough."

"Finally, we can shoot something! Set a course, maximum afterburner warp! We'll sneak up on them!"

"Uh, sir, if we want to sneak up on them, activating the cloaking device would help," the navigator suggested.

"Oh shut up you bastard! Activated the damn cloak. But make me look stupid again and you get a 'special' job on the firing range."

The navigator looked up. "You mean I get to clean the guns sir?"

"Ugh! Worthless J'togh! Engage!"

On board the Killing Stuff Sir Nitram was contacted by Darth Wong. He had explained his situation before (and left out the scratched paint) and had given time in order to gather strategic information about this galaxy, which he had failed to accomplish. He had been trying to put off the conversation for day by faking problems communicating with the wormhole. But now that damn Sith was going to chew him out for no results.

Darth Wong's holographic image appeared and spoke, "Captain Nitram, what have you found?"

"Well My Lord," Nitram replied, "A galaxy is a big place and we know so little about this one. The ship we encountered could be thousands of light-years away from its planet and-"

"You have found nothing," Wong interrupted.

"We've found some limited amounts of information that may prove to be useful..."

Wong held up his hand. "Silence. If you had really found anything of value you would have contacted me and not tried to hide you pathetic womprat. Since you're too incompetent to be responsible for this task, I'm assigning someone to takeover for you."

"Uh, may I ask who my new commanding officer, My Lord?" Nitram asked quietly.

"Someone with a triple digit IQ, unlike you apparently. His name is Admiral MKSheppard."

Nitram's jaw dropped. "Admiral MKSheppard?! With all do respect Lord Wong, you can't be serious! He's a madman! His insanity is only surpassed by his immense cruelty and malice!"

"He gets the job done," Wong countered. "Something which you cannot claim. Now continue your feeble search and wait for further instructions. The Admiral will be coming through the wormhole in a few days. And be warned. Any disobedience will be...dealt with. Darth Wong out."

Nitram collapsed into his chair. "Man, that was harsh. i think I'm going to go sulk in my quarters." Unknown to Nitram at the time, a panel on the bridge was beeping quietly. It was the CGT sensor system, which Lt. Swarsgeneral was supposed to be watching, but had decided a more efficient use of time would be sleeping.

As the Qua'Go'Mak'Hika silently approached the Killing Stuff, Captain Kork got even more excited. Songs would be sung of the this day. Kork, the Fearless Warrior, takes down an impressive warship a hundred times larger. He would be a General! Maybe even on the High Council and placed on the road to Chancellorship!

"Range to target?" he asked the weapons officer.

"Twelve Thousand Kellicams, closing."

"Prepare to transfer power from the cloaking device to the disrupters," ordered Kork. "And load torpedo bay."

"Aye sir." the weapons officer reached for his console, then stopped. "Uh, load it with what sir?"

"TORPEDOES!" screamed Kork. For the love of Kahless, he hoped the songs wouldn't focus too much on his crew.

Lt. Swarsgeneral suddenly awoke to the now rapid loud beeping on the CGT sensors. Shocked, he activated the comm and said, "Captain, please report the bridge immediately."

"Five thousand Kellicams."

"Orient disrupters to target."

"Two Thousand Kellicams."


Captain Nitram stepped onto the bridge, pissed at the interruption of his sulking. "What do you want Swagegface?"

Swarsgeneral coughed. "Well sir, it appears that there's a-Holy Kriff!" Instantly every alarm on the Killing Stuff went off as the Bird of Prey decloaked.

"Shields!" shouted Nitram. "Prepare to-!"


Instantly a photon torpedo and rapid disrupter bursts slammed into the Killing Stuff. On the bridge, Swarsgeneral was thrown from his seat. He wen flying across the bridge. He smashed into a wall in a bloody mess. Nitram was amazed. "Sithspit, what the Kriff was that? I didn't even feel the ship move."

"Sir, Lt. Swarsgeneral chair malfunction," Kazuaki Shimazaki explained. "Kirffin' moron kept on sleeping in it, so it got KUBARed. Good riddance. Little womprat pissed me off. Always snoring, and his unpronounceable name-"

"SHUT UP KAZ!" ordered Nitram. "What's the status of the shields?"

"One hundred percent sir," Kazuaki reported. "Their weapons fire isn't doing anything."

Nitram thought for a moment. "Yes, this is exactly why I need to get in Wong's favor. Target ion cannons."

"I wouldn?t recommend that sir," Kaz interrupted. "You see their power generation system seems to completely rely on power in order to stop from exploding. Why, any interruption, even for a second would cause the ship to explode."

"Ah Kriff!" swore Nitram. "Oh well, we'll wait for them to stop firing their weak weapons, and tractor them and board."

"I didn't want prisoners you P'tagh!" screamed Kork. "I wanted that ship destroyed!"

"Sir, it was a lucky shot-" began the weapons operator but was cutoff when Kork shot and vaporized him.

"My lord," said the first officer Kahy'ear, "It appears we're out of weapons from our previous glorious battles. But I have a suggestion. I think that large tower on that ship is their bridge. If we were to ram it..."

Kork smiled. "It would be glorious! Navigator, set a collision course! Even you can't miss a ship that large. And remember to leave a log so our glorious battle will be known to all! RAMMING SPEED!!!"

Kaz gulped. "Uh oh sir. It looks like their going to ram us."

"Damn, we might have to shoot them after all." Nitram sighed. "Oh well. We can't use ion cannons. Try to aim for their engines. Maybe the momentum will knock them off course. If not, frag 'em."

A young lieutenant coughed nervously. "uh sir, looks like we have a problem. It appears that Lt. Swarsgeneral drooled all over the weapons console before he died. I can't fire on them."


"SHUT. UP. KAZ!" screamed Nitram. But he cursed silently. What the Kriff was he going to do now? As he watched the alien ship get closer and closer, he decided that swearing loudly would be his best bet. As the Bird of Prey came in to crash, Nitram prepared to die. But at the last second, it missed!

"YOU MISSED!" Kork fumed. "You P'tagh! Of all the incompetent things you've done while serving under me, this is the most stupid thing ever! You should get a Nobel prize with that lack of intelligence. You missed a ship the size of an asteroid!"

Kaz reported to Nitram, "Captain, we've cleaned off the console. Weapons fully restored."

Nitram smiled evilly. "Excellent...Kaz, I want you to disable their shields. Low power turbolasers only. And send them a message. 'Prepare to be boarded!'"
"You know, I was God once."
"Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died."
Bender and God, Futurama
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Sea Skimmer
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

...Entertaining, but it needs more killing.
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Grand Admiral Thrawn
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Sea Skimmer wrote:...Entertaining, but it needs more killing.

The next chapter will not only explain (and show) why Nitram doesn't really like Shep, plus of course, Klingons versus Stormtroopers.
"You know, I was God once."
"Yes, I saw. You were doing well, until everyone died."
Bender and God, Futurama
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Ghost Rider
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Ooooh Klingons vs Stormies.

Fun stuff so far.

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Captain Cyran
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Hehehe, nice so far GAT.
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