Frank Hipper wrote:You people aren't talking about REAL Absinthe, are you? The kind made with wormwood, causes hallucinations, extreme thirst, and strong addiction?
I think someone is just marketing a nasty liquor with the name Absinthe pasted on, the real stuff's been illegal, practically worldwide, since 1903 or so.
The ban is being lifted in many places now, it's legal in most of europe, it's weaker nowadays bot in alcohol content and wormwood concentration, it varies from 45% to 70% and the brands are very different, I dunno which one would be most similar to the real absinthe of old though.
Anyway Absinthe was a big danger to the french wine-makers a century or so ago, so essentially a big smear campaign was started against it.
Thanks to some guy loosing it and killing his family it was finally outlawed.
Their argument was he lost it because of Absinthe, they however forgot to mention he'd been drinking heavily of all kinds of booze and beer for a loong time.
Anyway the concentration of wormwood is so small in Absinthe that before you can get any harmfull effects, you'll have died several times over from alcohol poisoning already.
Actual scientific research done on wormwood has not shown any harmfull effects, hence it's becoming legal again.