Why do some people think Palpatine and Sidious look diff?

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Why do some people think Palpatine and Sidious look diff?

Post by Admiral_K »

Quite honestly, I don't understand this one. Sidious always has his hood drawn over his head, and that is the only difference I can see between the two people. Apparently some people have gone so far as to speculate that Palpy is a shape shifter.

Does he really look THAT different when he is "sidious" as opposed to palpatine?
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Post by Stormbringer »

I don't see that much of a difference. The little bits we get to see of Sidious don't quite have the living dead look that Palpatine does nor quite the same raspy voice. But nothing that can't be explained by twenty years ravages of the darkside and ruling a galaxy at war.
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Re: Why do some people think Palpatine and Sidious look diff

Post by Durandal »

Admiral_K wrote:Quite honestly, I don't understand this one. Sidious always has his hood drawn over his head, and that is the only difference I can see between the two people. Apparently some people have gone so far as to speculate that Palpy is a shape shifter.

Does he really look THAT different when he is "sidious" as opposed to palpatine?
They're played by the same actor.
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Post by Wild Karrde »

It seems too obvious for it to simply be Sidious = Palpatine.

IMO Lucas is gonna pull some big shocker in the same way he did with Vader turning out to be Luke's father.
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Post by neoolong »

How far can they go with that? There's a large chance that doing somethin aside from the obvious is just going to come off really really dumb.
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Post by Wild Karrde »

:Shrugs: I don't know, just got this odd feeling that it's a bit more complex then simply saying Supreme Chanchelor by day, evil Sith guy in cloak by night. :wink:
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Post by Howedar »

No chance Sidious is anyone but Palpatine.
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Post by neoolong »

Wild Karrde wrote::Shrugs: I don't know, just got this odd feeling that it's a bit more complex then simply saying Supreme Chanchelor by day, evil Sith guy in cloak by night. :wink:
What else is there. A twin brother, a clone, multiple personality disorder?

All of them would be groanable moments during the reveal.
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Re: Why do some people think Palpatine and Sidious look diff

Post by Admiral_K »

Durandal wrote:
Admiral_K wrote:Quite honestly, I don't understand this one. Sidious always has his hood drawn over his head, and that is the only difference I can see between the two people. Apparently some people have gone so far as to speculate that Palpy is a shape shifter.

Does he really look THAT different when he is "sidious" as opposed to palpatine?
They're played by the same actor.
Yes I know. Which only makes sense, since he is supposed to be the same person.

I was just reading through a spoiler thread, and it seems there is some point of contention there that he was some kind of "shape shifter" because he appeared "different" in some peoples eyes. Was just wondering if others are seeing something that I don't.
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Post by Gandalf »

Of all the idea that don't make sense, I like the clone one. After all, Palpy knew of the cloning facilities and the old Palpy in the OT could mean that growth acceleration came into it.
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Post by Darksider »

If it is a clone, then i hope palapatine is just using it to keep his hands clean. Anything else would be cringe-inducing
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Post by Smiling Bandit »

It seems too obvious for it to simply be Sidious = Palpatine.

IMO Lucas is gonna pull some big shocker in the same way he did with Vader turning out to be Luke's father.
I really doubt it. Sure, its "too obvious" to you. I don't think Lucas intended for it to look like a big secret at all, not to use behind the camera. And Lucas has as much as said that Palpatine = Sidious.
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Post by 2000AD »

I think on the back of the TPM video it says that you can see Palpitine befor ehe was Emperor, or something like that, confirming that palpy becomes the emp.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Aside from the novel, the biggest problem is that Palpatine was never revealed as the Emperor in RoTJ...thus a great deal of the average movie goer has no idea who the Emperor is.

Thus the surprise for the movie goers.

I doubt Lucas is going for the evil twin-clone route...and if he does...he's truly gone the worst of the cliche route.

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Post by Trytostaydead »

I believe there was a spoiler on TFN about how Palpatine is actually already old and shriveled looking, but he's so good at using the Force for deception and not being noticed, he looks like a benevolent Chancellor to everyone, but he's going to drop his "cloak" soon.
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Post by Wild Karrde »

Smiling Bandit wrote:I really doubt it. Sure, its "too obvious" to you. I don't think Lucas intended for it to look like a big secret at all, not to use behind the camera. And Lucas has as much as said that Palpatine = Sidious.
Yeah but then you have that scene at the end of TPM with Palpatine standing right next to Yoda and Mace. Palpy's gotta be pretty good to hide his Sith side and intentions from them.

And even if it turns out that Palpatine = Sidious there's still gotta be some twist as to how he so easily pulled the rug (or in this case galaxy :P) out from under the jedi without them catching on.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Wild Karrde wrote:Yeah but then you have that scene at the end of TPM with Palpatine standing right next to Yoda and Mace. Palpy's gotta be pretty good to hide his Sith side and intentions from them.
In Episode II, Yoda states that the Dark Side is clouding the sense of the Jedi. If that were the case, then if Palpatine is good enough at it, it would be trivial for him to hide his true intentions from the Jedi.
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Post by Darth Servo »

Wild Karrde wrote:Yeah but then you have that scene at the end of TPM with Palpatine standing right next to Yoda and Mace. Palpy's gotta be pretty good to hide his Sith side and intentions from them.
Give me one reason the Jedi would suspect Palpy as being the evil Sith lord in the first place. Does it ever occur to people who bring up this event that maybe the Force's detection abilities need to be actively in use like scanners are? How much can ANY detection system pick up when it isn't turned on?
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Post by neoolong »

Does that mean that whenever Vader sensed the force in someone that he was actively sensing?
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Post by Crown »

I think people are reading too much into this. Afterall George has aimed these prequels to the 6-12 year olds you know. I am sure that it will be a suprise to them.
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Post by Enola Straight »

I think maybe the big secret is that Palpy is actually Anakin's father.

Better yet, Qui Gon is the father..after all, he is tall, and Vader is tall.

How does either impregnate Shmi without her knowing? Eh, let that remain a mystery for now. :wink:
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

You'd best be joking...
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Post by Lord Pounder »

Enola Straight wrote:I think maybe the big secret is that Palpy is actually Anakin's father.

Better yet, Qui Gon is the father..after all, he is tall, and Vader is tall.

How does either impregnate Shmi without her knowing? Eh, let that remain a mystery for now. :wink:
Certainly is a better idea than the imacculate conception idea.
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Post by YT300000 »

Lord Pounder wrote:
Enola Straight wrote:I think maybe the big secret is that Palpy is actually Anakin's father.

Better yet, Qui Gon is the father..after all, he is tall, and Vader is tall.

How does either impregnate Shmi without her knowing? Eh, let that remain a mystery for now. :wink:
Certainly is a better idea than the imacculate conception idea.
And the EU could then have Luke finding out that his grandfather was the Emperor. And you think that Vader being his father was a shocker.
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Post by neoolong »

Enola Straight wrote:I think maybe the big secret is that Palpy is actually Anakin's father.

Better yet, Qui Gon is the father..after all, he is tall, and Vader is tall.

How does either impregnate Shmi without her knowing? Eh, let that remain a mystery for now. :wink:
That's just dumb. Palpatine is really Anakin's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. Duh.
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