Marcao wrote:Mmm, that is a nice pistol in there but waaay too expensive for my blood. Maybe in the far future, or if Ernesto manages to snatch one from a corpse will he end up with it.
The changes look good except for the fact that since Demolitions did not exist until recently, none of the characters have the skill. Still, the only PC I know that has an explosive stash is Mikal. Better late than never.
Hotfoot knew about the Demolitions skill before I put it in there, and no one else uses explosives. Still, it
was a rather glaring omission, and I don't know why it didn't occur to me before.
My concern is with the new change with the d10 rules. I actually like the fact that the system is open ended since it makes somethings that are not very likely to happen, be difficult to pull off. Case in point, let's just say that Hotfoot's granny with her mac-10 wants to shoot PC A. Let us assume that she has 5 coordination and that she has a 1 for Rifles (she IS a granny).
In the old system, she would have an attack of 6 (if the Mac-10 itself does not modify it) and would have to roll a whooping 14 to hit a stationary target at a range of 6 squares or more away. That meant she had to roll a 10 and then at least a 4 in order to hit.
In the new system, she has a flat 10% chance per bullet of hitting. Not only that, but it does not matter if PC A is running at full speed and dodging for his life. She still has a 10% chance per bullet of hitting. The 10 equals automatic success benefits the not so skilled and weapons with very large rates of fire. I don't particularly like that idea, but it is your system Arthur and we will work with it if it comes down to it. That is my two cents.
How dare you question my perfect wisdom!

Just kidding, thanks for the input.
I see what you're saying, but the flip side of the coin are the spectacular super-successes that can come from rolling ridiculous numbers like 25s and such. Sure, it's great when it's your character, but what if one of these assault cops had rolled a 37 and did approximately a million points of damage to Dirk or Blaine? Not fun. As for full auto weapons, they only use one attack roll, it's just the damage that gets multiplied.
Also, what I didn't mention was that I was considering a system where if you roll a 1 but your MoS is 6 or greater, you still succeed, and if you roll a 10 but your MoS is -6 or less, you still fail. So that would take care of Hotfoot's MAC-10 wielding granny, or someone trying to hit a target at 200 yards with a pistol.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong