No-can-do. Imperial Guard no longer has a listing for Vanquishers, for one thing. In the unlikely event the Guard player has two all-lascannon teams deployed directly against the Land Raider, you still need a fair amount of luck to do anything to the Raider. Assuming they don't take casualties from the Raider (which they will, being Guardsmen), only immobilization and vehicle destroyed will be of any value (as the machine spirit deals with shaken and stunned well enough, and weapon destroyed is pretty meaningless here). So, 50% of the lascannons hit for 3 hits, and 33% of those will do anything, leaving, on average, one actual hit. If its glancing, then again 33% chance of a useful damage roll, if penetrating then its somewhat better at 66%. In any event, its unlikely the Terminators (or even normal Marines) inside will take any casualties from the vehicle destruction (though they'll probably die from walls of las now that they're on foot).Hotfoot wrote:The only surprise involved in the "Termies in a Can Raider" is on the part of the newb Marine player as 1/3-1/2 of his total force is wiped out by concentrated anti-tank fire. Imperial Guard can do it pretty nicely, just get a command platoon with two anti-tank squads and a Leman Russ variant (Vanquisher should do nicely) for roughly the same cost. That's 6 lascannons (seven, if you move the vanquisher instead of firing the main gun) and a battle cannon with special AP rounds. Should all get to fire at the land raider in one turn, on average 3 lascannons will hit, one shot glancing or penetrating. If the battlecannon fires with an AT round, the Raider is pretty FUBAR if it hits, especially if one manages to roll a six on the ordnance damage table, killing all the terminators inside the Land Raider.2000AD wrote:Yes, but it can be a surprise.![]()
In short, Land Raiders + Marines = bad for Guard.