Laptops are reliant on custom drivers, however I've not heard of, or taken any calls on, any problems with custom OS installs on Vaios, and the only thing that is normally changed by OEM distributions of Windows is that it's pre-activated and coded to a particular machine (usually by a BIOS string).phongn wrote:I have found Sony laptops to generally be unreliable, and God help you if you don't want to use their custom install. Their drivers only work (IIRC) if you use Sony's special distribution of Windows. Warranty service leaves much to be desired as well.
None of the machines we sell (18 desktop brands and about 15 laptop brands) make changes to the fundamental Windows operating system except Toshiba, who install their own power management components which override Windows' control panel ones. The only difference is the installation, and for 99% of the population, that installation is exactly what you need, as it's simple enough that a monkey can do it. (you can reinstall Windows on a Pavilion or HPQ Presario desktop by pressing F10 at POST and clicking OK a couple of times. And that backs up all your personal data and programs automatically as well).
I have to disagree with you on Sony reliability too, as I've seen the sale/return/service figures for our group, and Sony laptops and desktops both have well below average failure rate, they make up a very small proportion of the support calls we recieve.