Dahak wrote:
The Deputy Director for Foreign Affairs will be sent to the UTR for diplomatic negotiations.
The Ambassador considered this and nodded agreement., "I would be willing to begin basic discussion at this time if you are agreeable?"
The Deputy Director was some what surprised by this quick answer, "Right now, of course. I'm just a little surprised that your able to at this early point."
"True it is a departure from our usual methods of slow and delberate diplomatic dealing to assure stability. But at this time we feel that clear and simple dialogue is the best. In that case I see no reason to waste time"
The Deputy Director could only nod in agreement, "As a businessman I understyand ther importance of time so I'm ready to begin if you are."
"Very well. The UTR would like to establish a relationship based on mutual respect of territory and property, as well as free and equal trade between our nations. The UTR is not interesterd in the signing of any mutual defense treaty or in any trade of any military or related technology or equipment."
Director thought about what he'd heard."OK. No military trade." In his head he added the qualifier 'at this time,' So what types of imports would the UTR be interesterd in at this time."
Ambassador Dellstar considered this one for a second, "The UTRs most pressing needs in the area of import items are basic commercial and retail goods, mainly home appliances and such, as well as terra forming equipment for the recovery of worlds in the Outer Districts. We are also interested in the import of foods for the Home District as well as various exotic and luxury goods plus those retail items above."
The Director responded to this with "Interesting, you do know that I can make no promises at this time, and am here on a motly fact finding mission."
The Ambassador smiled and answered the question. "Of course, I was sent to make contact with the younger races and nations of the galaxy and determine the condition of there governments and economy. Much like what you are here to do with the UTR. Luckily our missions seem to match up very well."
"True enough, in that case then. What are the UTRs main available exports."
Ambassador Dellstar was glad to see that the Director understood the limitations of this meeting. neither one would make any binding decisions and they would share what information that they could. "The UTR's main available exports are high quality luxury goods in limited numbers as well as industrial equipment and goods, we also sell commercial passenger and freight vessels."
He watched the director think some of this over. "Now director. I've told you why you will want to open trade realtions with us. Why should we want to trade with you."