SWPIGWANG wrote:n00bie autoflame shield up, ignore annoying old timer armor activate.
Well, when you can't beat a oppenent to a pulp, find people that can.
I've been debating for a while with lesser than people at this board people and they seem to all love the idea of subjective reality. They all claim there is no objective reality and what matters is what they think.
The term for that mentality is "solipsism": an intellectually bankrupt exercise, in which they eliminate anything which is objective so that it will always be impossible for them to be wrong. Very convenient, particularly for people who aren't too bright, and are hence often wrong.
While it is true that we can only know what we can observe, taking a personal view frame and consider it is "reality" in my opinion is wrong. The primary problem is that reality is considered as truth and truth can not be contridictory therefore it is impossible to have subjective reality that disagree, only a whole reality percieved differently among people.
Subjective reality can be analyzed. However, it only produces subjective conclusions, which means that any conclusions or ideas generated from this mindset are of value only to the person who generated them. He cannot expect or demand that
you pay the slightest attention to them or assign them any validity whatsoever.
And there is the because it is subjective it doesn't exist arguements. While no one is stupid enough to apply to "reality" many have argue for the non-existance of morality because it is a social construct. What the F*** is that? It might be a social construct (<--I don't agree) but it exists for god sakes.
Laws are social constructs. They obviously exist. Governments are social constructs. They clearly exist. Morality is also a social construct. It exists. It can even be based on objective reality, in the sense that a valid system of morality does not base any of its judgements on non-objective data (ie- wishes of imaginary deities, etc).